IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #4

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she has also said alot of things that LE says are not correct:

off the top of my head:

1)last seen time (was reconfirmed today it was 1215)
2)clothing descriptions (LE still does not know what they were wearing)

She is also the one that is talking about the attorney.

Okay so say some members of the family have retained an attorney.. wouldn't you think that attorney would issue a statement?

We don't even have a name of an attorney or really know if one has been obtained... We only have what Aunt Tammy is saying... which in this sort of a high profile case is odd... The reporters would be swarming over that attorney for a statement but we have heard nothing.

Agreed. Aunt Tammy is concerning me with her big mouth. I'm wondering how much of what she is saying is true, vs how much is rumored within the family or community?

I've been wondering as well why police hadn't tightened up the timeline after she spoke the other day and gave the 11:30am time. I'm wondering why we've not heard from the man who saw the kids riding on the trail within a few minutes of police being called and descending the area!? If police have his details, and he has given his statement, why don't we know yet who he is exactly? And he police cleared him, I would want them to state this so we can move on already! Either there was someone who saw the kids or there wasn't, or even there COULD have been, depending on if he saw the same kids -- but so far, police are mum on this one.

Is Aunt T by chance estranged from Lyric's parents? Perhaps she is getting her info second or third hand even? Is she spouting info like on the broken telephone school room game?
Does anyone know how many interviews or hrs of interviews these parents have done with LE in the last 7 days?
I always worry about children that parents are into drugs heavily.
I think of Haleigh Cummings allot.
So many children are around wierd people that parents sell or do business
Drugs and children do not mix.
Could the little ones of gotten ahold of drugs and tried them?
and a cover up? Thinking outside the box..........
The parents cooperated so very much for so long that it's very sad to hear the way this case is going in the public eye. It's my understanding that the grandmother -- who doesn't do meth! -- took charge while the parents were having problems. Then the mother is divorcing the dad over the meth problem and the DV incident, because she wants it away from the family and their life. What else are folks supposed to do?

I think Lyric probably got fussed at by her dad over the phone, not in person.

I think the tracking dogs spotting both girls, individually, at the jetty and then the suspect trail through the woods is huge. That's right by the creepy part of the park, on a trail folks didn't even know was there. It's hidden from the other open views of the lake. I just want to scream that these girls were abducted from that spot! How much more perfect could it be? :(

I was trailed by bloodhounds one night, btw. They tracked me exactly as I went until they lost my trail. Turns out, it was where I had doubled back after changing my mind about direction, but the dogs thought they'd just lost me. They are amazing creatures, though. Those girls were in that park and left their own bikes, imho. The parents don't have a thing to do with it, imho.

Now, I do wonder if the parents could have told anyone that the girls would be out riding their bikes right then? That could bring in the parents' acquaintances. Still, since the only folks who knew that the girls went to that park lived near that park or saw them there, I'd look more to a park connection of some sort with the perp. The parents' friends would have to follow the girls or know about their rides to the park. Possible, of course, but less likely, imho.
Because they have not surfaced, I highly doubt they have drowned either. However, it's just not true that it is not credible that two kids that age would get trapped and drown or that there would be yelling, screaming and splashing involved. I think it is very important, especially in the summer, that everyone knows how easy it is to drown and how quietly it can happen:



I am stunned and the thank you button was not enough, Gitana.

I knew that most drowning people do not make noise or splash around, both from reading and from my own experience when I almost drowned in a swimming pool at age 11 (I was within 3 feet of the lifeguard's chair but it was my mom who saw from across the pool that I was in trouble and saved my life).

But I have never read anything that explained what I did and why I did it!

I have been mystified for over 40 years as to why I behaved that way. I was a strong swimmer (spent hours in the pool every week year round from the time I was four years old and had 5 years of swimming classes at that time). I was taken by surprise by a splash of water and a few drops went into my trachea. When I started coughing, I sank in the water, which was only about six inches deeper than I was tall.

I could not catch my breath, I could not raise either or both arms to wave, I couldn't tread water to catch my breath, nothing.

I have always known that I was extremely lucky that my mother saw me in that pool full of playing kids. I still marvel that I was literally within inches of touching the lifeguard's foot and he never saw me.

Oh, I wish so much I could send my mom that link and say to her "remember the time I almost drowned and you asked me why I didn't tread water or even wave my arm? This is why. And by the way, thank you again for saving my life, Mom."
I'm wondering about the "last seen" (11:30, 12:15, 12:30?)...I watched NG tonight...As far as she's concerned, the father has an alibi thru both his mother and his son, that he'd been there napping. He was there when he got the phone call about the girls having gone missing. But how can anyone confirm that the grandmother has provided the correct time as to WHEN exactly they went missing? Could it have been even earlier in the day? Who's to say it wasn't, say at 10:00, 10:30,11:00?

P.S. Gosh, I really have to retire for the evening, so I'll come back in the a.m. to read any thoughts on this aspect. Thank you and good night all! My prayers go out for Lyric and Elizabeth.
So the touch screens not working well are Misty's and Tammy's cell phones, not Misty's and Dan's:

"We've given our phones up. All of our data has been, you know, taken off of our phones. In fact, my sister and my phone is now not – our touch screens aren't working very well. So we've cooperated to the fullest, you know."

wow to come right out and say they suspect dad?
and the history!
Now why??? why?? would family do this??? money?? pay back a drug debt?
IMO, LE is worried about his past history of meth addiction, violent behavior, and apparently irrational (crazy) behavior (one of his arrests was listed with a mental health component).
Other than grandma, did anyone else see the girls that morning???
Are there witnesses?? or do we just trust grandma and her time and story about girls going on bike ride? Sorry just have to ask.
The parents cooperated so very much for so long that it's very sad to hear the way this case is going in the public eye. It's my understanding that the grandmother -- who doesn't do meth! -- took charge while the parents were having problems. Then the mother is divorcing the dad over the meth problem and the DV incident, because she wants it away from the family and their life. What else are folks supposed to do?

I think Lyric probably got fussed at by her dad over the phone, not in person.

I think the tracking dogs spotting both girls, individually, at the jetty and then the suspect trail through the woods is huge. That's right by the creepy part of the park, on a trail folks didn't even know was there. It's hidden from the other open views of the lake. I just want to scream that these girls were abducted from that spot! How much more perfect could it be? :(

I was trailed by bloodhounds one night, btw. They tracked me exactly as I went until they lost my trail. Turns out, it was where I had doubled back after changing my mind about direction, but the dogs thought they'd just lost me. They are amazing creatures, though. Those girls were in that park and left their own bikes, imho. The parents don't have a thing to do with it, imho.

Now, I do wonder if the parents could have told anyone that the girls would be out riding their bikes right then? That could bring in the parents' acquaintances. Still, since the only folks who knew that the girls went to that park lived near that park, I'd look more to a park connection of some sort with the perp. The parents' friends would have to follow the girls or know about their rides to the park. Possible, of course, but less likely, imho.

Best scenario for me is....

If dad hasn't accepted a plea deal, someone knows he was offered one, and this was an attempt to tell him to keep his trap shut.

I don't think dad is guilty of harming either girl, but I think he could have some idea who is. I'd love to know about the phone calls made from his cell.
I'm wondering about the "last seen" (11:30, 12:15, 12:30?)...I watched NG tonight...As far as she's concerned, the father has an alibi thru both his mother and his son, that he'd been there napping. He was there when he got the phone call about the girls having gone missing. But how can anyone confirm that the grandmother has provided the correct time as to WHEN exactly they went missing? Could it have been even earlier in the day? Who's to say it wasn't, say at 10:00, 10:30,11:00?

P.S. Gosh, I really have to retire for the evening, so I'll come back in the a.m. to read any thoughts on this aspect. Thank you and good night all! My prayers go out for Lyric and Elizabeth.

Welcome to WS!

I'm wondering about the "last seen" (11:30, 12:15, 12:30?)...I watched NG tonight...As far as she's concerned, the father has an alibi thru both his mother and his son, that he'd been there napping. He was there when he got the phone call about the girls having gone missing. But how can anyone confirm that the grandmother has provided the correct time as to WHEN exactly they went missing? Could it have been even earlier in the day? Who's to say it wasn't, say at 10:00, 10:30,11:00?

P.S. Gosh, I really have to retire for the evening, so I'll come back in the a.m. to read any thoughts on this aspect. Thank you and good night all! My prayers go out for Lyric and Elizabeth.

GREAT 1st post!
Were the bikes placed on the ground in a normal way or were they throw down? Was the purse disgarded towards the woods or near the bikes?
If the bikes had been moved they could contain very valuable dna evidence such as oil or paint from the back of a truck, fibers frominside an suv, fingerprints, dna of perp/perps.
I will never forget John Walsh saying "LE could ask me to stand naked in the street and I would if they thought it would help find Adam." Now to me that is what a real parent does. To me the rest is BS. MOO IMO IMOO

If the dogs tracked the girls to the lake, or jetty, why are the parents insisting they were never there?
In my case, at 8 years old, I was trying to swim to a raft as part of the test to pass my swimming class. Not only could I not make it to the raft, but I kept sinking lower and couldn't even get to the surface once. By the time the life guard realized I wasn't coming back up, jumped in and pulled me out, I was basically just laying on the bottom (still trying to get the strength to 'swim' to the surface for a breath.) I was just lucky he was paying attention because my swimming teacher and the other 10 kids in my class were standing there watching me and had no idea there was a problem.

All of these "silent drownings" have involved one child, or very young children.

The chances that TWO OLDER children silently drowned, together, at exactly the same time, are so remote as to be pretty well zero.

How deep was the lake? We have lakes around here that you can pretty much stand up in, in some parts of the year.

Isn't there a drought? That will lower the level even more.

I suspect the divers are looking for evidence, or deceased bodies, sad to say.
Were the bikes placed on the ground in a normal way or were they throw down? Was the purse disgarded towards the woods or near the bikes?
If the bikes had been moved they could contain very valuable dna evidence such as oil or paint from the back of a truck, fibers frominside an suv, fingerprints, dna of perp/perps.

so far IIRC the bikes were processed but no info released.
Different stories on how bikes were found.
1 man said that he moved them off the path because he almost ran into them when riding his bike. LE saw them against the fence when he arrived.
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