IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #7

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If the last name of the house owner is indeed connected...I think you are in the same direction as LE. And it is an excellent display of sleuthing, regardless. :)
"Court records show Morrissey, 36, had been expected in court for a change of plea hearing in one of his drug cases the day before the kids vanished. Prosecutor BW said such hearings usually indicate a guilty plea it likely to be entered, but he declined to comment directly on Morrissey's case.

DM, a defense attorney for JS, who was arrested with Morrissey and faces the same charges, said police reports show Morrissey implicated his client in crimes after both were arrested in December. But he said JS would not have a motive to take the children because he has been offered a favorable plea deal in which he would likely avoid prison.

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/24/grandma-no-idea-how-iowa-cousins-biked-to-lake/

Above edited by me to use initials instead of full names. I just really really am having a hard time believing the dynamics in Dad's drug case and the timing of his daughter's disappearance are unrelated. MOO
I may be wrong but I thought Abben said "paddleboaters have come forward"

and if the perp could have told the girls to ride their bikes to the other side (where the bikes were found) and then get in for a ride, or he could have just come across the girls at the water's edge (near where the bikes were found) and asked them if they wanted a ride.

I believe per yesterday's press conference Abben said people have come forward as a result of asking for information (about the paddle boat/er) - but he did not say the actual paddle boater(s) came forward.

ETA: Maybe they know he was on a paddle boat and want to see if he will voluntarily come forward.
But I am feeling a bit hinky about how Misty described her last poly:

That does not sound like anything LE would have told her after the test. You passed entirely with no problems at all. Seems weird to me.

I agree. Just because she's saying that, doesn't mean it's true.
Interesting, Tammy had the "gut feeling"..yet the family feels the girls were never at the lake. They were so sure they would not be found there. Thank you for the link n~t!

Well that IMHO is telling. I remember during one of the first interviews
someone said they thought the girls were abducted. I remember looking at
the tv saying, why use that word so early in a disappearance.
IDk, I pray these little girls are found and brought home safely today.
Nobody had the decency to text me with new developments while I was out??? Seriously, though. Please tell me all vacant houses near the lake were searched. Would that be out of line to expect?
The grandmother was shocked that the girls would go that far, she said they always stay within two blocks. I don't understand the aunt's 'gut feeling' that she should go search the lake.

:what: Ok that's what I was afraid to mention.
The grandma (is a sweetie and one who should be
commended for watching the girls).

Now, grandma said
the girls usually did not go that far a distance to the lake. when they rode bikes
But the aunt put out info that the lake should be searched.....why?
WHY was the lake even mentioned at that early stage of the disappearance?
Something tells me that Ollipop might be able to help you out!

This is a great find Jules. Surely the police are at least aware of it but you never know...what do you think about calling it in? If "you-know-who" was living there that is one thing, but if he lived somewhere else, can we be sure that LE took the trouble to check out whether he had access to this house at all?

I keep thinking how quickly they announced that all of the RSO's were clear. There is just no way they could have done a thorough job of checking that many RSO's alibis so quickly. :moo:


Uhhh...I wouldn't use the word surely with any confidence ;) hahaha I mean, we have LE on the presser who almost a week after the girls disappear state he wasn't aware of a biker who swerved to miss the bikes.:banghead:

Again, I would like to believe there are credible leads but the plea stating "we know nothing more" isn't very comforting to me.

Call this in! If for nothing else, peace of mind.
:what: Ok that's what I was afraid to mention.
The grandma (is a sweetie and one who should be
commended for watching the girls).

Now, grandma said
the girls usually did not go that far a distance to the lake. when they rode bikes
But the aunt put out info that the lake should be searched.....why?
WHY was the lake even mentioned at that early stage of the disappearance?

I am thinking that because there is a park there as well. I know that "somebody" was checking parks before the news broke that 2 girls were missing because my daughters BF and some other friends were at a different park in Edale and someone came by asking if they had seen 2 little girls on bikes. I am thinking they were checking all parks including the one by the lake.
:what: Ok that's what I was afraid to mention.
The grandma (is a sweetie and one who should be
commended for watching the girls).

Now, grandma said
the girls usually did not go that far a distance to the lake. when they rode bikes
But the aunt put out info that the lake should be searched.....why?
WHY was the lake even mentioned at that early stage of the disappearance?

This is exactly what I keep wondering-----and now the video shows them going away from the lake!
Imo, the lake and the bikes being there is a diversionary tactic to distract from where the girls were really abducted. I now dont believe they ever went there nor had any intentions of doing so.

The answer is not between where they were seen on camera and the distance to the lake. Imo, it is from where they were captured on camera at 12:11pm and how far they would have gotten going in that same direction with the bikes being able to be discarded in the bike path around 12:20pm

Imo, someone in the area saw them riding there bikes heading in the same direction seen on camera and saw no one was around and took the opportunity to abduct them.

I noticed in the video no one was out in their yards and the girls seems to be the only ones out there at the time.

It reminds me of Sandra Cantu's video. One minute she was skipping across the road and the next minute she had been kidnapped by Melissa Huckaby to be molested and murdered.


Excellent comments. That's where my thoughts are going also.
Leaning towards the girls never going to the lake.
The bikes and purse....possibly displayed by a perp.
Now WHO would know that 2 little abducted girls were NOT at the yet
mentioned the girls WERE at the lake? :waitasec::what: ummmmm
I am thinking that because there is a park there as well. I know that "somebody" was checking parks before the news broke that 2 girls were missing because my daughters BF and some other friends were at a different park in Edale and someone came by asking if they had seen 2 little girls on bikes. I am thinking they were checking all parks including the one by the lake.

Thank you sweetpea33, this is my understanding of the initial search for the girls (pre LE involvment) as well. I appreciate your local confirmation of the likelihood that family members were asking around at other parks BEFORE heading over to the lake.
What bothers me the most is no one has come forth saying they saw the girls on the bike path. The bikes? Yes, but no sighting of the girls with their bikes there on the path anywhere that day.

I dont really know but predators can strike lighting fast. I just read a case where it only took a pedophile only 8 minutes to come into a home he had never been in and abduct the child in order to rape and murder her.

So if he abducted both girls he could have quickly tied them up somewhere or made them get in the trunk and then thrown the bikes out just little over a mile away. That wouldnt take anytime at all to do.

No one saw them enter the lake/parks bike path.
No one saw them riding their bikes. (Could Mr. C be mistaken about the day?)
No one saw the girls on the lake.
No one saw the girls exit the pakr/path etc. and they were not
caught on video riding home by the sec. cam.
I think I know why Aunt Tammy said, "Take me to the Lake." It is the same reason she taught the girls how to fight off an attacker just a few weeks before they disappeared. She had an icky gut feeling about someone who who recently came into their lives, who lived on the lake.
Thank you so much for providing this info!

Approximately how long is the area of the trail that is fenced. . . .and do you happen to know why it is fenced?

Thanks again!

According to Ollipop, the fenced area is over 200 feet long.

One fence is the interstate fence; to discourage deer from trying to cross the interstates, they are all fenced with 8 foot chainlink.

The other fence separates the bike trail from the lake. The area between the lake and the fence varies from several feet wide to less than three feet wide.

There is a rock jetty built out of the narrowest spot that is the drain sluice for the lake. It separates the lake from the Cedar River; the sluice gates are usually kept closed.

My guess is that the fence in this area exists to discourage people from getting onto the rock jetty and perhaps to protect bicyclists (at a certain point, a bicyclist that fell could be likely to go into the lake).

The terrain in the area dips downwards towards the rock jetty in both directions. The fences are covered with vines and weedy underbrush, plus there are trees that overhang the fences, giving it a bit of a tunnel like appearance.

The interstate is quite busy and has constant traffic, so the sound of the traffic tends to mask other sounds.

At one end of the fenced area, there is a little patch of woods, which also has a lot of underbrush. There is a hidden trail or track leading off Arbutus Avenue into the woods (and towards the interstate). According to Ollipop, there is a curve in the hidden track such that a vehicle that was pulled in (or backed in) beyond the curve would not be visible either from Arbutus Avenue or from the bike trail.

I don't think anyone knows for sure yet whether the girls actually made it that far but the position of the bicycles seems to indicate that their placement in that spot probably indicates someone with local knowledge.
Thank you sweetpea33, this is my understanding of the initial search for the girls (pre LE involvment) as well. I appreciate your local confirmation of the likelihood that family members were asking around at other parks BEFORE heading over to the lake.

Aunt T said on nancy G that she just had the feeling they were at Meyer Lake and ran there-----even though Gma said they had never gone there!
To any of the locals on here. What other places would the girls likely have gone to from where they were last seen? Places to buy a drink, candy, ice cream? Other parks? Skate parks, etc? Looking at the map it seems like there are lots of other, closer options, but that can be deceiving, so eyes on the ground and especially personal knowledge is huge!
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