GUILTY IA - Evelyn Miller, 5, Charles City, 1 July 2005

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Charles City Press

... family members ... remember Evelyn as a smart, caring and brave child who loved all the frills of being a girl.

“She was a very girly girl...”

Relatives said Evelyn liked rainbows and butterflies and playing with her Barbies and My Little Ponies

“She could sit down for hours and hours playing Barbies,” said Evelyn’s stepmother Lindsey Christie of Waterloo...

Evelyn especially loved playing dress up...

The day held happy memories for Linda Christie as well.

“Her and my other granddaughter were sitting on the table eating icing off the table cloth,” she recalled. “I remember that and how beautiful she looked that day...”

“She loved to cuddle, and to take naps with her grandpa,” said Richard Christie. “And her grandpa likes to take naps whenever he can...”

(So many sweet recollections of Evelyn in this article.)
Slightly off topic but I just read one of the earlier reports on this case. In it, the reporter stated that Noel and Casey were not permitted to help in the search for Evelyn. Why is that? If my child, God forbid, went missing, I don't think I could remain out of the search without someone drugging me and binding me to keep me at home. In my way of thinking, nobody knows my children the way I do. I can finish my kids' sentences and know what they are thinking just by the look on their faces. Wouldn't, then, a parent be the obvious choice to help look for a child, knowing their kids' best friends, favorite hangouts, etc? I know this girl was only 5 but still......
kidzndogznme said:
Slightly off topic but I just read one of the earlier reports on this case. In it, the reporter stated that Noel and Casey were not permitted to help in the search for Evelyn. Why is that? If my child, God forbid, went missing, I don't think I could remain out of the search without someone drugging me and binding me to keep me at home. In my way of thinking, nobody knows my children the way I do. I can finish my kids' sentences and know what they are thinking just by the look on their faces. Wouldn't, then, a parent be the obvious choice to help look for a child, knowing their kids' best friends, favorite hangouts, etc? I know this girl was only 5 but still......
..I would be just like you but LE be scared to death i know a lot of them and they know what type of a gun and pistol shooter iam..they have to disarm me then handcuff me.....Only thing I can see on the reason why you couldn't look be trace evidence.. that's a very good question more i think about it the more Iam questioning my own thought's on the matter..DNA should be same on mother's side..trace evidence well you both go to the same place's stay same place...I just can't give you a honset answer on this...Most every person on here is very nice LET"S HEAR FROM SOMEBODY!!! kidzndogznme Got I Very Good Question??????
JerseyGirl said: | The Waterloo Cedar-Falls Courier Online!

Danny Slick, one of the two men who admitted to being the last people to see Evelyn Miller alive, faces a federal indictment for making false statements to a federal agency...

"Although Danny Slick's federal indictment is directly related to Evelyn Miller murder investigation, it is a distinctively separate case," said Dettmer in a press release issued this morning.

Dettmer said state, local and federal authorities have partnered in the Miller case and often been frustrated by untruths and efforts to conceal relevant information.

"We feel the investigation has turned an important corner today by Slick's arrest," Dettmer said.

Other subjects, also associated with the investigation, who have not been truthful, may also be looking at federal charges...

They arrest Slick because he lied about his roommate leaving the apt. the night that Evelyn went missing. What about Petrie....he is the one that left the apt. and he also lied about leaving. Why in the world hasn't he been arrested yet? This makes no sense at all.

In a article where Marilyn Dettmer is explaining why the investigation has taken so long she says that at first there were two issues that they had to deal with which made it difficult....the first issue was "is Evelyn missing" and the second issue was " is she hurt." Now first of all...if parents call and say that their child is missing and she can't be found anywhere after they have looked everywhere that should tell LE that the child is missing. A no brainer.
The next issue..."is she hurt?" Well common sense would tell you that until you find the child you aren't going to know if she is hurt or not. If she just went for a walk...wandered away maybe she isn't hurt. If someone took her then 9 chances out of 10 she is probably hurt unless LE finds her before that happens. I just thought what Dettmer said was pure bullchit. Excuses for why they didn't make any headway right away. What did they do...sit and ponder if she was really missing and if she was hurt.

I think this police department needs to call in the FBI to help them with this case. When two people have lied to them from day one but it takes them a year to decide to bring one in that lied but didn't leave home yet they don't bring in the other one that lied and did leave home that night for a few hours...something is wrong with their thinking. Why didn't they haul both of them in...put them in seperate rooms and play their usual cop games with them. Tell the one that left home that his buddy is squealing on him and telling them the whole story. Tell the one that didn't leave home that his buddy that has told them that he is the one that actually left home. Get them to turn on each other. The one that didn't leave home probably knows a lot more then he is telling. I can't believe how dense these police who are handling this case are.
welder 79 said:
..I would be just like you but LE be scared to death i know a lot of them and they know what type of a gun and pistol shooter iam..they have to disarm me then handcuff me.....Only thing I can see on the reason why you couldn't look be trace evidence.. that's a very good question more i think about it the more Iam questioning my own thought's on the matter..DNA should be same on mother's side..trace evidence well you both go to the same place's stay same place...I just can't give you a honset answer on this...Most every person on here is very nice LET"S HEAR FROM SOMEBODY!!! kidzndogznme Got I Very Good Question??????

I think the reason that LE didn't want Nicole and Casey looking for Evelyn had something to do with thinking that they might be involved with her disappearance. They might have figured that they wouldn't go anywhere near where Evelyn might actually be so they wouldn't be much help.

I don't see how LE could have stopped them from doing searches on their own though. This LE works like none I've ever heard of though so it is hard telling what their reasoning was. Their entire logic escapes me.
JerseyGirl said:
Charles City Press

Frederiksen said ... ‘‘She was like my daughter. I was with Noel when she was still pregnant with her. I basically raised her since she was a baby, all the way up. I was working more so Noel had more time with her,’’ Frederiksen said.

He said he knows people suspect he was involved in the girl’s death.

‘‘But there’s nothing I can really do about (what) people think,’’ he said. ‘‘They’ll think what they will, and the people I think count knows the truth.

‘‘I didn’t have a single thing to do with it. My only fault was that I didn’t wake up when she needed me,’’ he said.

He said he’d like to be able to see memorials that have been put up for Evelyn. ‘‘That’s probably one of the first things I’ll do when I get out...’’

Gee Casey, maybe people think you are involved in Evelyn's death because of all of the child/adult *advertiser censored* that you had on your computer and the same type of videos that you had in your home. Only twisted people like to look at that type of stuff. That is the stuff that is found in child sexual predators homes when they are busted for rape of a little child or murder of the same.

I also think Casey should carry a little more guilt then "my only fault was that I didn't wake up when she needed me." That isn't your only fault Casey...if you hadn't been dealing pot out of the home that 3 little kids lived in those two guys wouldn't have even stopped by there at 2:30 am. If that is your idea of making a living to help support the family...your way of making a living was illegal and it got a 5 yr old little girl murdered.

Whether Casey was physically involved in Evelyn's death or not he was still involved but in a way that he won't go to prison for. His dope dealing brought those guys to his door and right to Evelyn. He may as well have handed her to them or at least to the one guy. That's my opinion anyway.
I wonder ... did Casey ever admit to the child *advertiser censored*? Is it possible that it was one of the low-lives that would stop by that surfed the net for that garbage on Casey's computer?
Bobbisangel said:
Excuses for why they didn't make any headway right away. What did they do...sit and ponder if she was really missing and if she was hurt.
What I read from the issue of her being missing was that initially, they weren't looking for a suspect because they needed to focus all of their resources on finding Evelyn. It wasn't until after they found her body that they concerned themselves with a suspect.

I do believe that the lies have hindered this investigation. If there are no forensics pointing to a particular person then all LE has to go on is circumstantial evidence, including witness testimonies. Since the loser that has since been arrested was providing an alibi for the other guy, and no one else could refute that, what else could they do really? I'm thankful that they somehow got to the bottom of the lies and were able to arrest him. I truly believe that it's only the beginning and that this case will break soon.
JerseyGirl said:
I wonder ... did Casey ever admit to the child *advertiser censored*? Is it possible that it was one of the low-lives that would stop by that surfed the net for that garbage on Casey's computer?

Remember that Noel took the hard drive over the the neighbors so LE wouldn't get it. The neighbor gave it to LE and the neighbor and Noel got into a verbal fight outside over it.

They also had videos of little girls and adults. There was tons of that chit on his computer. I don't think anyone else was involved but Casey and possibly Noel.
JerseyGirl said:
What I read from the issue of her being missing was that initially, they weren't looking for a suspect because they needed to focus all of their resources on finding Evelyn. It wasn't until after they found her body that they concerned themselves with a suspect.

I do believe that the lies have hindered this investigation. If there are no forensics pointing to a particular person then all LE has to go on is circumstantial evidence, including witness testimonies. Since the loser that has since been arrested was providing an alibi for the other guy, and no one else could refute that, what else could they do really? I'm thankful that they somehow got to the bottom of the lies and were able to arrest him. I truly believe that it's only the beginning and that this case will break soon.

But why didn't they also arrest the other guy? He lied too and he is the one who was supposed to have left for a time. I wonder if they believe that they have the right guy and he still isn't being honest?
Bobbisangel said:
Remember that Noel took the hard drive over the the neighbors so LE wouldn't get it. The neighbor gave it to LE and the neighbor and Noel got into a verbal fight outside over it.
Oddly, I don't remember that at all. LOL. :confused: Thanks for the info, Bobbisangel. :)
Bobbisangel said:
But why didn't they also arrest the other guy? He lied too and he is the one who was supposed to have left for a time. I wonder if they believe that they have the right guy and he still isn't being honest?
That's an interesting possibility that I hadn't thought of. Maybe they think that they can get good evidence in the form of testimony out of him before arresting the other guy. Maybe they believe that even if they arrest the other guy, they can never get a charge that will get him behind bars for good so they need to build a case first by getting as much testimony against him as possible first. Perhaps there are others that might get frightened by this arrest, and will come forward with information as well. I don't know but I hope they get Evelyn's killer off the street as soon as possible. We all know that the pig that did this to her will do it again.
It doesn't matter to me who murdered Evelyn....I just want the person who is responsible to be arrested and sent to prison forever or worse. This beautiful little girl has waited to long for justice.

You are probably right about why they just arrested the one guy. I hope he knows a lot and he tells it all. If he was with his roommate then he needs to say so. After all, they did both stop at Casey's to get dope...who is to say that they didn't go back there together that night and take Evelyn. I was thinking that if they had arrested both of them for lying maybe they could turn them against each other during interrigations.

... A sentencing hearing for Frederiksen, (Evelyn's step-father), 27, was set for Aug. 10 in U.S. District Court in Cedar Rapids.

Frederiksen pleaded guilty in February to three felony child *advertiser censored* counts, admitting that he downloaded more than 600 photographs and video clips off the Internet that featured sex with children who were 12 and younger...

The judge said she would take into account the man's past, including an alleged 1992 sexual assault on a minor when he was 13.

Frederiksen will spend at least five years in prison, and possibly 40 or more. When he gets out of prison ... he will be under supervised release. He must give a DNA sample and register as a sex offender.

In February, Frederiksen told the judge that he has had behavior problems since childhood, and that he had entered the psychiatric wing of a hospital several times.

"I intentionally downloaded to the hard drive," the man had told Reade when asked about the *advertiser censored*...
Charles City Press

Noel Miller is asking for a change of venue in her trial for allegedly driving a car belonging to her former fiance’s father without his consent.

Miller’s public defender, Leslie Dalen, filed a motion earlier this month stating that Miller’s case has been highly publicized by radio, television, Internet and newspaper media...

Dalen said “extensive media coverage, gossip, rumors and speculation” revolve around both investigations. As a result, she said Miller cannot receive a fair trial in Floyd County on the charge of operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent...
I had a thought regarding the arrest of Slick - could it be that LE believes he is the one responsible for Evelyn's death? By not admitting RP left the apartment for hours, it also negates his own alabi and possibly leaves him to be the one who went back for Evelyn.
JerseyGirl said:
Charles City Press

Noel Miller is asking for a change of venue in her trial for allegedly driving a car belonging to her former fiance’s father without his consent.

Miller’s public defender, Leslie Dalen, filed a motion earlier this month stating that Miller’s case has been highly publicized by radio, television, Internet and newspaper media...

Dalen said “extensive media coverage, gossip, rumors and speculation” revolve around both investigations. As a result, she said Miller cannot receive a fair trial in Floyd County on the charge of operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent...

Why doesn't she just cut the crap and plead guilty and she won't have to worry about a jury trial. If she got caught driving the car she should step up to the plate and take her punishment. Why waste taxpayers money by having a trial? Never heard of a trial being moved except for a murder trial. I hope the judge says "no."
JerseyGirl said:

... A sentencing hearing for Frederiksen, (Evelyn's step-father), 27, was set for Aug. 10 in U.S. District Court in Cedar Rapids.

Frederiksen pleaded guilty in February to three felony child *advertiser censored* counts, admitting that he downloaded more than 600 photographs and video clips off the Internet that featured sex with children who were 12 and younger...

The judge said she would take into account the man's past, including an alleged 1992 sexual assault on a minor when he was 13.

Frederiksen will spend at least five years in prison, and possibly 40 or more. When he gets out of prison ... he will be under supervised release. He must give a DNA sample and register as a sex offender.

In February, Frederiksen told the judge that he has had behavior problems since childhood, and that he had entered the psychiatric wing of a hospital several times.

"I intentionally downloaded to the hard drive," the man had told Reade when asked about the *advertiser censored*...

Interesting that Casey has admitted that he has had behavior problems since childhood. I would imagine sexual stuff has been one of his problems. He got caught when he was a teen but probably just hadn't gotten caught since.

I will always believe that he molested Evelyn. There is no way that he could have been into child *advertiser censored* that heavily and not molested that little girl. There she was with him every night while her mother worked. The little boys were to young to even know what was happening.

I can't believe that he hasn't been sentenced yet. I hope he gets the max sentence. I still wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have something to do with Evelyn's death. His doper buddy had a car which would have been a way for them to get rid of her body. If he had anything to do with it I hope it comes out when one of those guys finally tell the truth. Who is to say that Casey was actually asleep when those two guys stopped by.
annapoleis said:
I had a thought regarding the arrest of Slick - could it be that LE believes he is the one responsible for Evelyn's death? By not admitting RP left the apartment for hours, it also negates his own alabi and possibly leaves him to be the one who went back for Evelyn.

I think they must have something up their sleeves. They arrested one instead of both of them for some reason. I hope someone finally admits who did this to that beautiful little girl.

We just have their word that Evelyn came to the door when they went there. And just their word and Casey's that he was asleep when they stopped by. For all we know all three of them could be responsible for her death. It could have happened when they stopped by that first time. They had a car so they could have disposed of her body after they left. I have a hard time believing that Casey wasn't involved just knowing the way he was into the child *advertiser censored*. Maybe they all watched child *advertiser censored* together and then raped and murdered Evelyn and then disposed of her in that water. I just wish we would find out the truth and someone or all of them pay for what happened to that little girl.
KWWL Television Waterloo Cedar Rapids Dubuque Iowa City Decorah News Channel Weather Plus Sports Health Corridor Cedar Valley...

A judge sentences 27-year-old Casey Frederiksen of Charles City to 14 years in prison for possession of child *advertiser censored*. Frederiksen is the ex-fiance of Noel Miller...the mother of five year old murder victim Evelyn Miller...

In a plea agreement Fredericksen agreed to not to appeal the ruling. The judge decided to sentence Frederiksen to 14 years in prison followed by 10 years of supervised release...

Several family members were in the courtroom for the sentencing. "We do love him and will continue to support him in every way we can."

Family members say they will also be there for Casey when he gets out of prison. The judge requested that Frederiksen be transferred to the prison in north Carolina for sex offender treatment. Following the course she requested he be placed in a prison near family.

Casey Frederiksen, 27, received the longest sentence allowed as part of a plea agreement he signed with federal prosecutors.

U.S. District Judge Linda Reade said during a hearing Thursday in Cedar Rapids that she imposed the 14-year term because of a 1992 incident in which Frederiksen, then 13, assaulted a 6-year-old girl and because Frederiksen tried to hide his computer hard drive from investigators.

"I will sentence this defendant at the high end of the range, given the reasons laid out," Reade said. "Specifically, the very serious prior history."

... Assistant U.S. Attorney Sean Berry said Frederiksen's computer held 1,600 images of child *advertiser censored*, including a 13-minute video showing a child being sexually abused.

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