GUILTY IA - Evelyn Miller, 5, Charles City, 1 July 2005

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I think that she knows too. I wasn't impressed with either of them when they did an interview on a program. They seemed more concerned about themselves then they did about the murder of Evelyn. For all we know they both watched the children sex videos and both downloaded that garbage. She really doesn't seem to swift to me. I'm sure that she is still hanging in there waiting for him to get out of jail.

I just hope that LE can prove that Casey is guilty. No one should get away with such a horrible crime. When they did the autopsy I wonder if they could tell if there had been sexual abuse or if she had been in the water to long for them to be able to tell. So sad what this little girl had to live through.

I believe that any time a parent believes their child is being neglected or abused they should step in and try to take them away from the other parent.
So many children die because no one takes them out of the invironment they are living in. Just calling Child Protective Services doesn't always work as we have seen over and over. It may cost a lot of money and it may take a lot of time but your child is worth it. Even if Evelyn's father didn't gain custody it may have straightened out her mother. If she really loved her daughter just the fear of having her taken away from her may have made her a better mother. I don't just seems to me that a lot of people failed little Evelyn when they knew that her situation wasn't good.

I believe that it complicated things because Evelyn's dad and Casey were good friends. The dad's brother spent time at Evelyn's house with Casey and the mother. He testified at the Grand Jury. Maybe the dad didn't want to make waves with his friend.
From what I understand they were not friends at all. The father had ruffled all the feathers he could, calling DHS, trying to get custody, ect.

One question - What determines how many counts of child *advertiser censored* someone is charged with? I know it is odviously not per picture, but how is that figured out? Thanks
Fredrickson has been asked to provide any alibis he might want to give for the dates and times that any criminal activity took place on his computer.
*advertiser censored* trial set for April 3 in US district court.

Amom, as far as I know it is one charge for each criminal act that they think they can prove. In other words, if he downloads a slide show with 12 pictures- that would be 1 charge. But if he downloaded 12 individual pictures, then that would be 12 charges- provided they can show they were all with children and that they weren't computer generated images. 1 movie would be one charge, no matter how many times he may have watched it. At least that is my understanding of how they decide the charges.
amom said:
From what I understand they were not friends at all. The father had ruffled all the feathers he could, calling DHS, trying to get custody, ect.

One question - What determines how many counts of child *advertiser censored* someone is charged with? I know it is odviously not per picture, but how is that figured out? Thanks

I would swear that the two guys were friends. I know that the brother testified at the Grand Jury and that he had spent time at Evelyn's home. In the web site that Evelyn's grandfather has set up it sounds to me like he also knows Casey and doesn't want to believe that he had anything to do with Evelyn's death. I'm going to go back and see what I can find about a friendship between the two guys. I have to prove to myself that I'm not losing it ;)

I see that your question about "counts" was answered. I had no idea how that works. Has Casey gone to court yet on the *advertiser censored*?

He goes April 3rd.
SewingDeb said:

He goes April 3rd.

Thanks. It sure has taken a long time to get him to trial for the *advertiser censored*. Maybe that is a good thing though. While he is in jail LE can keep on looking for evidence.

This case makes me think of the Ricky Holland case. Those parents denied any wrong doing from day one. I think LE went back to their home with 3 different warrents. There was a lot going on behind the scenes that we had not a clue about until the Hollands were arrested.

LE on this case have been through Evelyn's old house, garage, new house and it is hard to say what they have come up with that we are unaware of. Something kept sending LE back to Evelyn's homes. Just like at Ricky's home.
I just think it is highly unlikely that Evelyn got up and left the house in the middle of the night....that someone else came to their house after the first set of guys showed up there at 2:00 or so in the morning. Although with Casey selling drugs who knows. I'm sure that is what the 2 guys were doing
there at that time in the morning. I wonder if LE found any DNA inside of Evelyn? Anything under her findernails. I just wish they would figure out who did this.
THIS CANNOT BE RIGHT!!!??? LOOK AT THE TITLE OF THE STORY!! But it doesn't say anything about it in the body..??...

Frederiksen Set To Plead Guilty In Child's Death

POSTED: 3:55 pm CST February 22, 2006
UPDATED: 3:56 pm CST February 22, 2006

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DES MOINES, Iowa -- The live-in fiancé of Evelyn Miller's mother has entered into a plea agreement.

Casey Frederiksen, of Charles City, is scheduled to plead guilty Thursday morning to federal charges of receiving and possessing child *advertiser censored*.

According a plea agreement filed Wednesday with the Northern District court, Frederiksen admits to two counts of possessing more than 600 images of child *advertiser censored*, and one count of receiving *advertiser censored* from July 17, 2003 to July 2005.
Well that sure is strange. It won't surprise me when he does plead guilty. Maybe they are going to make a deal with him....plead guilty to Evelyn's murder and they will drop the *advertiser censored* charges. Interesting.
amom said:
From what I understand they were not friends at all. The father had ruffled all the feathers he could, calling DHS, trying to get custody, ect.

I found a post writtens by Evelyn's grandfather over on CTV and I copied it but when I went to paste it here it wasn't there!!!! It is on Evelyn's thread there near the end.

He said that they...the family...have always thought of Casey as one of their own. He said that Casey and Evelyn's father had run around together since they were in their teens. That is why they are having a difficult time believing that Casey had anything to do with Evelyn's murder. He talks about the *advertiser censored* on Casey and Nicole's computer.

I wonder if the family knew that Casey had molested a child when he was in his teens and that he was kinky?
I about jumped out of my chair when I saw the thread title, unfortunatly it wasn't related to Evelyn. Anyone know who the current BF is??
amom said:
I about jumped out of my chair when I saw the thread title, unfortunatly it wasn't related to Evelyn. Anyone know who the current BF is??

I about jumped out of my chair too. I thought for sure that she had been arrested for Evelyn's murder. I think her and Casey will both be arrested for that sooner or later. I believe at least one of them if not both did something to Evelyn. I think it all goes back to the child *advertiser censored* and probably Casey sexually abusing Evelyn.

I would say that Jamie Griffin that was in the car with her is probably the current boyfriend. Unless Jamie turns out to be a girl :rolleyes: She didn't let much grass grow under her feet before she found a new fellow did she. And one that beats her up too. Sounds like they are just living the good life drugging and driving around. Wonder what Casey thinks about that.
Your welcome Sewing Deb. I thought it was a good refresher article, but it seemed to me there were things in there that I didn't remember reading before. Also the updates on the kids was nice. Though it seems as though the families are splitting.
Thanks for the article, myst. I hadn't realized that there were so many problems with the parents. The whole thing is very, very sad.
What a sad story all around. From the article it seems that this little girl was in a very unsafe home and it's a good thing the 2 younger children were removed before it was to late for them. I hope an arrest can be made one day.

Old Broad
I thought the grandfather did have a good point about Fredrickson. If Nicole was at work, and had the car.....if Casey was at home with Evelyn, and if he killed did Evely end up in the river?
Wasn't the story to police that Nicole was the one who found her missing after she came in from work? So if she came home and the girl was dead, was there enough time for a run to be made to the river, before calling police?
This is a very informative article about Evelyn's past. The poor baby.

** SNIP**

Charles City, Ia. — A child abuse assessment report written about 5-year-old Evelyn Miller in April 2005 shows a social worker believed the girl's family was "functioning well."

Three months later, Evelyn was dead.


March 26, 2001: Someone claimed Noel Miller, 17, her mother, Diane Miller, 45, and Diane’s boyfriend were using drugs in the presence of 20-month-old Evelyn, who could have drugs in her system.
April 23, 2001: All three adamantly denied using drugs. Noel Miller refused to let a worker take a sample of Evelyn’s hair for a drug test. A judge chose not to order the test, but said seeking Child In Need of Assistance status for Evelyn was appropriate. Social worker Bonnie Frerichs said Evelyn was not in imminent danger but “at some risk for her safety due to her mother’s actions.”

Jan. 6, 2003 and Jan. 24, 2003: Someone claimed there were drugs in the home. Foil with residue was supposedly found in a bedroom. And the house, according to one of the callers, was filthy.
Evelyn Miller, 3, was not in imminent danger and no abuse was confirmed. Evelyn was neat and clean with no visible injuries, and going to preschool daily, Frerichs wrote in her report. Noel, 19, who was pregnant with her son, Gabriel, seemed “strong-minded and determined to make it on her own with her daughter.” Frerichs didn’t recommend any services because “the family is very knowledgable of how to access services.”

March 29, 2005: Someone claimed Evelyn, 5, had bruises on her back from her mother spanking her.
CONCLUSION: No abuse confirmed. Social worker Jenna Haglund saw one dime-sized, yellow, healing bruise and a scratch on Evelyn’s lower back. Noel Miller, 21, told Haglund the scratch was from picking up Evelyn from underneath a baby walker.


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