Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #12

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I do agree about not sleeping in the jogging clothes, unless she got back and fell asleep on the sofa? But I'd think even if that happened she'd wake up in an hour or so and later get a shower and go to bed properly.

Dear Amonet,

This is just one quote I copied from your post because it is intriguing to me.

Whether she was sleeping on the sofa (still wearing the jogging clothes) or coming back into the livingroom to continue her homework (after putting the dogs in the basement because it was late and she planned to go to bed after her homework), an intruder may have already been in the house or knocked on the door.

Did an intruder/perp appear (we know the doors weren't usually locked) either where Mollie was in the house, or at the door.

It's been stated that Mollie listened to music from her cell with her earbuds. She usually had the arm cellphone holder. Maybe she didn't hear someone come in.

If she was listening to music while doing homework and was interrupted, she would have taken the earbuds off but they would still be attached to the cellphone in her armband.

Your post does account for her earbuds being missing, along with the cellphone, and especially her jogging clothes. This would also include her homework being done "late in the evening."

If Mollie was resting on the sofa, as in your post, she would just take the earbuds out but would still have them attached to the phone in her armband.

Same scenario if someone came to the door while she was listening to music and doing her homework.

Just some thoughts and questions that are rattling around in my mind.
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I don't know how often this happens, but I think there's a chance investigators feed a theory to some people (as if it is true) to see how they will react. So they say something like "we know she came back home safely" to see how the person they're talking to will react. Will the person start throwing out theories, insisting they don't think she did get back safely? Will the person add more info they didn't yet share? Will they claim it's impossible she was on her computer at home because they would've seen her return as they were sitting in their front yard?

I don't know whether police are doing this or not, but they may be just trying to get a read on anyone who may have seen or had access to Mollie that night to see who gets nervous.
The neighbor told police that he did not see her jog by that night .
Because her running gear was not found at home, I really feel like she was taken while not at home. The FitBit I could write off as her always wearing. The phone, I could say many people always have it on them. The running clothes--maybe she was going to wear them until bedtime.

But the earbuds and mostly the armband make me think she was not at home when something happened. I run with an armband for my phone. It works fine but is not that comfortable. I would absolutely not do HW or just hang out at home with that thing on; in fact, it is the first thing I remove when my run is over. I have a hard time seeing her doing HW with it on or going out to meet someone with it on. This leads me to believe something happened while she was out walking/jogging. JMO

Just commenting to second about the armband part. I know I take my armband off first thing when I am done working, often even while at the gym. That is a good point.
Does anyone know if they looked into her potentially ordering an Uber or something similar?

RSBM. Welcome! What we discovered the other day was that there is no Uber or similar in Brooklyn. I think the closest was in one of the bigger towns but far enough that it would likely be pretty difficult to get one to pick you up in Brooklyn. I'll see if I can find the details. Also no taxi service in town.
Just commenting to second about the armband part. I know I take my armband off first thing when I am done working, often even while at the gym. That is a good point.
Me, too - I take those types of accessories off right away once I'm done because once you start to cool down they become uncomfortable, especially if they're sweaty.
Hey everyone! This is my first post, so please bear with me and let me know if I need to change something/I posted something that violates the rules (even though I read the rules and hopefully nothing does!)/this has already been posted.
My first thoughts when originally reading about this case two weeks ago was that something happened to her en route to work, given she did not have a car. Now I know she was (probably) supposed to walk to her moms house in the morning and get the car from her brother after her brother dropped her off at night. I also know it was raining a lot during that time, making visibility difficult. Does anyone know if they looked into her potentially ordering an Uber or something similar? I know she was an avid jogger, but I know I personally would not want to walk a mile in the rain early in the morning. If not, I also vaguely remember reading something about tire marks, but I can not remember what exactly it was. I'm sure the LEO have already been over every possible explanation, but does anyone know if the road itself has been looked at for abnormal tire marks such as sudden braking or something? In such a sparsely populated town, it would not seem that many people would drive down that way, and any abnormal tire marks could be a potential clue.
I am mostly wondering this info because I have a degree in criminology, and had to read about and analyze many, many, police investigations and I was just wondering if this came into play in this investigation. Basically, it could potentially give the police some hints if a car accident was involved (though it does not seem likely given the searches the LE/FBI are performing).

Also, with all these questions, I have one more general question for those who have been around longer than I have. In my classes, I do not remember reading about a case with so little details/no motive/no suspect/no clues, nothing. However, these cases happened in the past so it is easy to make it seem that way. Obviously LE are keeping details private due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, but does anyone have any experience with such a tight-lipped case or insight/guesses why it is this way? I know of some cases with little info given to the public, but I really feel like this case seems to live up to the phrase "vanished without a trace".

With all that being said, my heart goes out to Mollie, her family, her friends, and all those looking for her. I hope for Mollie's safe return!

I think we determined early on that Uber or Lyft didn't routinely work in Brooklyn - and also that her mom's house was close enough to walk to if needed.

As to the lack of information from LE, this case is more buttoned up than others I've followed but they are all different.
Dear Amonet,

This is just one quote I copied from your post because it is intriguing to me.

Whether she was sleeping on the sofa (still wearing the jogging clothes) or coming back into the livingroom to continue her homework (after putting the dogs in the basement because it was late and she planned to go to bed after her homework), an intruder may have already been in the house or knocked on the door.

Did an intruder/perp appear (we know the doors weren't locked) either where Mollie was in the house, or at the door.

It's been stated that Mollie listened to music from her cell with her earbuds. She usually had the arm cellphone holder. Maybe she didn't hear someone come in.

If she was listening to music while doing homework and was interrupted, she would have taken the earbuds off but they would still be attached to the cellphone in her armband.

This could account for her earbuds being missing, along with the cellphone, her jogging clothes.

If Mollie was resting on the sofa, as in your post, she would just take the earbuds out but would still have them attached to the phone in her armband.

Same scenario if someone came to the door while she was listening to music and doing her homework.

Just some thoughts and questions that are rattling around in my mind.

I tend to think if someone had bad intentions, they'd nab her on the run. But if someone just appeared unexpectedly at the door or in the house, which is a possibility too, I would then believe it was someone known to her who did not immediately inspire her to struggle.

I know each of us respond differently to fear and confrontation, but take this for example, if Mollie believed she was in jeopardy, she could've fought and verbally told Siri to call 911 (unless the intruder got to her phone first or surprised her and overpowered her/drugged her so throughly that she couldn't fight). But in my mind, if there's an intruder/interrupter, it's a known one that she doesn't immediately fear.
I just don’t think a fling makes sense. Mollie had gotten her first passport and they were all going to DR in a week for a wedding. She was home for the summer and living with her bf and the soon-to-be married couple. Fun and exciting times! :-(
I just don’t think a fling makes sense. Mollie had gotten her first passport and they were all going to DR in a week for a wedding. She was home for the summer and living with her bf and the soon-to-be married couple. Fun and exciting times! :-(
I agree. I don't think it's a fling. If there is another male somehow involved, I would look more to the possibility that he could be a former high school friend or even ex-boyfriend who she now sees as just a friend but has maintained contact with due to growing up together/family connections.
Thank you for everyone who replied about the Uber thoughts! I had searched it and saw there were no cab services, but was unsure about the Uber situation.

Another question I have is about the dogs. I know they were in the basement, and I read somewhere that they were 'unstressed' (not sure what this means or the validity of this statement). But does anyone know if their water bowls were full/if they had gone to the bathroom in the house? Not sure what time someone got to her boyfriends house to check on them, but if she went missing in the morning there would be a good chance the dogs would still have water and have not gone to the bathroom inside, versus if she went missing at night, when the dogs would be acting hungry/thirsty and would have more than likely had an accident or too.
Here are some details regarding ride sharing and taxi services.
I looked, the closest cab company (in Newton) is 38 miles away. That city is in another county and is about 10x bigger than Brooklyn.

Getting taxis to rural areas can be a pain and would also be very expensive since MT would have to pay for the taxis to drive all the way out to Brooklyn.

FWIW, I just used the Uber app to attempt to request a pick up in Brooklyn, and as I expected, the service is not available there.

2 Amtrak stations, 2 Greyhound terminals, 2 large interstates (35 and 80) and Des Moines Airport are all within 100+/- radius. I also checked and it is possible to schedule an Uber From Des Moines to Brooklyn for $82. If you can get an outbound Uber you may be able to get one to come out. There are at least 27 cab companies serving the Des Moines area per a google search.<snip>
The law enforcement thing is absolutely due diligence... They have to do exactly what they have been doing, if not, and it turned out that she has been abducted, law enforcement would be in an absolute mess.
I'm not standing firm on the theory that she left by her choice, I'm floating that it has to be taken seriously, especially with the total lack of physical evidence, or any real person of interest.
I respectfully disagree with this being “due diligence”. I believe it is above and beyond. I also don’t agree that we can assume that there is a “total lack” of evidence or even no POI, as I believe that what we “know” and what LE knows, are entirely different things.
Just a thought.. I’m new to this discussion so this may have been mentioned. Has anyone thought about the possibility of Mollie seeing someone else while her BF was out of town? Maybe she tried to break it off and he didn’t want to. I’m assuming LE has requested/viewed her cell records so they would be able to find out if she was in contact with someone other than her BF, family, girl friends, etc.

I think you have to take the BF saying he received a Snapchat from her at 10PM for what it’s worth because she may not have been the one to send it.
Unless she communicated with someone via phone call, anyone that had her phone could have texted/sent snapchats.

I wish there was a more clear timeline because I’ve read so many different ones.
It’s hard to imagine that LE would be putting so much time/money/presence into this case if they had even an inkling that MT left of her own accord. I feel like that must have already been ruled out or at least highly unlikely as a possibility. I can’t think of any similar cases that I have followed that have resulted in a runaway situation.

It is because it wouldn't follow protocol. Keep in mind that she is an adult - a very young adult but legally an adult. If LE didn't believe that foul play is involved, they wouldn't expend the resource, as an adult may disappear without a trace if one so chooses.
I tend to think if someone had bad intentions, they'd nab her on the run. But if someone just appeared unexpectedly at the door or in the house, which is a possibility too, I would then believe it was someone known to her who did not immediately inspire her to struggle.

I know each of us respond differently to fear and confrontation, but take this for example, if Mollie believed she was in jeopardy, she could've fought and verbally told Siri to call 911 (unless the intruder got to her phone first or surprised her and overpowered her/drugged her so throughly that she couldn't fight). But in my mind, if there's an intruder/interrupter, it's a known one that she doesn't immediately fear.

Dear BessDrew,

Thanks for your post. I'm just stretching out to see if other scenarios work. So many are possible but those darn little details keep getting in my way!

But the details tell a story or at least inform a story/scenario/theory.

I'm still stuck on my initial theory - that she was walking to her Mom's early the next morning and when the rain got heavier - a car slowed down - someone she knew but not well - and had no reason not to trust them - and she got in the car.

This could have occurred very early - say 6:15 a.m. or so. Before her brother contacted her to see whether she needed the car. I think she was long gone by then.
Thank you for everyone who replied about the Uber thoughts! I had searched it and saw there were no cab services, but was unsure about the Uber situation.

Another question I have is about the dogs. I know they were in the basement, and I read somewhere that they were 'unstressed'. But does anyone know if their water bowls were full/if they had gone to the bathroom in the house? Not sure what time someone got to her boyfriends house to check on them, but if she went missing in the morning there would be a good chance the dogs would still have water and have not gone to the bathroom inside, versus if she went missing at night, when the dogs would be acting hungry/thirsty and would have more than likely had an accident or too.

I don't think we know about the dogs, so any variable is possible there. Having grown up in a small town, and still living in another one to this day, I would say that Ubers aren't even needed. Small towns are just a few miles wide and it'd be easy to get a ride with an acquaintance who is going near your way. If we think she got into a car, or needed transportation, I'd look for acquaintances she had contact with over Uber drivers.
I just don’t think a fling makes sense. Mollie had gotten her first passport and they were all going to DR in a week for a wedding. She was home for the summer and living with her bf and the soon-to-be married couple. Fun and exciting times! :-(

I went to college in the midwest myself and can attest first hand that many girls just like Mollie (small town, sheltered life, good, responsible, in a long relationship with a high school sweetheart, ect.) absolutely and very frequently explore other romantic options. Maybe this person knew about the upcoming trip to DR and didn't want it to happen for fear of losing Mollie forever.
Dear BessDrew,

Thanks for your post. I'm just stretching out to see if other scenarios work.

I'm still stuck on my initial theory - that she was walking to her Mom's early the next morning and when the rain got heavier - a car slowed down - someone she knew but not well - and had no reason not to trust them - and she got in the car.

This could have occurred very early - say 6:15 a.m. or so. Before her brother contacted her to see whether she needed the car. I think she was long gone by then.
Thanks, Zen. I appreciate exploring all angles and I agree with your take. My most likely scenario is also that she came into trouble on an evening walk/jog, and I myself would be most likely to go with a ride with an acquaintance if I was tired, had to work the next morning, it was dark, and weather was threatening rain. Unless some new info comes out, that seems the most probable explanation to me.
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