Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #13

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Thanks for the post. Glad to see local press out doing some legwork and old fashioned reporting!

Here's the Twitter feed of an on-the-ground reporter (he's legit, works for Fox News and has published articles on this and has done some solid interviewing/ reporting), in case anyone is interested: Andrew on Twitter (this particular thread is a short update from this morning)
I agree it is more likely, by far, to be an acquaintance instead of a SK.

While the wedding could raise stress levels for many involved, the terms of service in this forum don't allow us to speculate about the roommates bc LE has said they are not POIs. And honestly, if the stress levels were high amongst the roommates, I think one of them (an innocent party) would have (and may have) revealed this in LE interviews. I myself am not leaning toward any of them.

I do agree that, if they have all her social media and phone communications, they can start to narrow down who has been in contact or has regularly liked/commented on her posts. But it's also possible a known acquaintance has been quietly watching her on social media without any visible interactions.

This case is getting a lot of support from the FBI and LE... that is good to see. As WS'rs know, there are far too many of these cases and we aren't doing enough to solve them.
In this case my insights lead me to favor the following theories:

1) Perp is someone close to her(personally or proximal geographically) or connected to someone close to her. It is somewhat of a movie type fantasy to think that a serial type killer just suddenly appears out of nowhere, with no one seeing anything to abduct a random girl in a very small town in a rural area. Odds are highly against it. It is most likely that this is someone she knew directly or peripherally, or at least they knew who she was. I think the timeline has some value to possibly rule out some people if their alibis are iron-clad. So far I haven't seen anything released that actually rules anyone out. The window of her disappearance seems fairly wide, by at least 9 hrs. Because of her relationship, where she lived, shared vehicle arrangement, etc... she would have been in frequent contact with multiple people. LE should reasonably be able to establish a much narrower time of her actual disappearance. In this day, even in such a town, someone of her age is going to be using phone, social media, etc... a lot and so if there were some other guy involved there would be traces of that there. <modsnipped> It's not unusual for such a thing to occur. It's in fact, quite common. Rapes occur far more in this type of scenario than total strangers, and that is one reason they are far less reported. IF I were LE, I would really be looking at this closely. What would the motive be to kill her? <modsnipped random accusation>
2) If it's not someone directly close to her or someone she was communicating with, then the theories that it's someone connected to someone close to her make sense. That should be able to be deduced through a lot of legwork. Other possibilities exist for transient contact. For example, was there a Fair or Carnival nearby around that time? Summer is a time for Fairs and Carnivals and it's no secret that people that do that kind of work often come with criminal histories. If she caught someone's eye, they might have pursued that... however we have a similar problem here as with a random act or a serial professional(which are extremely unlikely) - someone should have saw something. To get to her, where she was living, to know where she was and be watching... that would be pretty obvious to her neighbors and locals. Out of town door to door sales people, delivery people, etc... people that would know she was there and could get close enough without raising suspicion.
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My latest thoughts are these, and sadly they are grim. I think Mollie was abducted on her jog. I don't think it was random. I think she knew the person. They may not have even needed a car. I think there are several people in town who have their suspicions and I don't think anyone suspects WC, I just don't see it being him. He's a convenient scape goat. I also think that LE is feeding people false information to get them to slip up. There was a neighbor interviewed who says he was told by LE that Molly returned home safely from her jog which directly contradicts what Molly's mom thinks. All the purposeful misinformation makes it close to impossible to sleuth this case but LE doesn't really care about that, they want to find Mollie. I'm also not sure that they will ever find her.

I live in a smallish, rural town in the midwest and one thing you have to understand is the culture here. IMOO it's applicable to the Delphi case as well. Unless you have lived it you can't possibly understand the way towns like these close ranks to protect and promote their own when push comes to shove. Money won't change that. Honestly it may be easier to solve this case if it does turn out to be a random SK type abduction. First, the ties that bind people together in these towns go back several generations and they don't like outsiders. What's an outsider? anyone who wasn't born there, even if you've personally lived there twenty years. I grew up on the East coast and am still astounded by the open nepotism that occurs here and how common the question " You're not from here are you?" comes up. IMOO that reward could be 1.000,000 and nobody would make a peep. Sorry to be such a debbie downer.
A little late to MT's threads but have been following the last 5 or so rather diligently but stood no chance of catching up the earlier threads. Has anyone suggested maybe this a mistaken identity thing and someone may have thought the other girlfriend was home alone? (the fiance of MT's bf's brother) Like possibly they new the 2 brothers were out of town but thought she was home (I'm honestly not sure she lives there but I think so?) Anyway, just something that crossed my mind trying to catch up this morning. In no way trying to sleuth anyone, just occurred to me that maybe they expected someone else to be there.
I'm new. I believe LE is making a major mistake in not sharing any investigative findings. Unfortunately the family of Mollie is in a bind; they don't want to step on the toes of LE by criticizing LE's handling of the case. It seems to me the family of Mollie needs to become more openly questioning and possibly even critical of LE's handling of this case. LE has had over 2 weeks to solve the case...and nothing! This is a shame. LE should share their findings with the public and then the "public" will assist them in solving Mollie's case much more quickly.
Even though I think she was most probably picked up on the run, the drop box is an interesting element to explore. Maybe the dogs barked often when people drove up to drop off payments...and they were doing so, so she put them in the basement simply bc she didn't want to be annoyed.

The dogs' placement to me doesn't prove or disprove anything now until we have more information. But, if we knew there was a camera on the building next door, and it picked up people dropping off things, that helps build other possibilities for sure.

OK for #2 - My opinion, at the moment - I initially thought she had been hit by a car or truck. I honestly thought it might have been an accident and the person panicked. However, as more time as passed if she was struck it seems more reasonable to me now - only because they have not come forward- that it was intentional.

Since we don't have a map with three separate highlighted routes so we can talk more specifics I opened google maps and of course her run began when she left the house. Which way did she run? There are three options - run toward town immediately past the Electrical Coop bldg, run past her neighbor's across the street along the gravel road leading to Historic Hwy 6 and then turn left there and run back toward town, or run out the front or back door and take off along that gravel road 170 that leads to HWY 6. I see two different neighbors (not sure if anyone lives along those corn fields - over the hill closer to Hwy 6 is a particular curiosity) on that route she would pass right. Mainly there are corn fields with ditches on either side of that road and the road has a definite rise (hill which might be something she wanted to include in her run) so she would not be able to see a car parked on the other side as she ran, first as she ran toward Hwy 6 and then again when she turned around and ran toward Dalton's house. If someone had been watching her, he could have simply waited for this creature of habit to come over that rise.

Here is something else I have mulled over in my mind - who should have been on that street and would Mollie have any reason to be concerned or relaxed about an unknown car/truck close to Dalton's home? She did get there after 5 PM.

When I looked at the map google video mapped the street as concrete was being poured for a drive next to their property. I initially thought it was foundation work. Wondered if perhaps a garage or storage bldg went up blocking Mollie's view. But it appears to be a drive of some sort. As we have talked it seems this may be the drive for folks to drop off their payments or it is a drive where folks may think they should use to pay their bill. And the Co-Op has a drop so folks can show up at any hour of the day or night. So it makes perfect sense if Mollie saw any vehicle she could simply think it was someone who got off of work and was dropping off their payment! And since this area was known to her, she would not be on alert if a car or vehicle showed up at any hour most likely. The thing that struck me was the CO OP is on the same side of the street so it draws increased traffic to this road - relevant to the tiny population of the area of course, and more importantly close to Dalton's home. That biz has drives or parking places on either side. So someone could actually park on one side, even along the street itself and possibly walk a payment to the drop box.

We have a weird drop box for water bills here. It is on the front of a building next to the main doors. The normal hours of operation are limited and one has to get out and walk to reach the box. However the parking lot is behind the building. There is a way to park along the street too which is closer but you still have to get out of your car to reach the box. I can't tell you the number of times I have seen folks who park behind the building realize the box is not there and walk around the whole building to get to the drop box! We have a portico they could use but there also is a side entrance which helps to confuse. So on foot they go. They usually sneak through the portico/breezeway to get back to their car. In Brooklyn, the Co-op appears to be a solid building so folks may park and then have to walk around from either side, depending on where the box is, and then walk back to reach their vehicle. It would be so much easier to put drop boxes along the street like they did generations ago but sadly there are thieves who might just grab the drop box. So again, what we live with not so much designed with public safety in the foreground or apparently part of zoning regulations.

Also W DesMoines Street is a way for folks to get to Historic 6 or by turning up 170 to Hwy 6. So for me HWY 6 may be relevant - which one? Not sure.

Right now the public is stuck - on the run route, at the house - how about a combination?

I think the focal point is element of SURPRISE. That is what criminals use to gain the upper hand in my opinion.

That could come from being hit, confronted face to face, or at any point after making initial contact with someone she allowed close to her.

We often read or hear about conversational space - that point where we feel it is OK to safely interact with others. The more familiar we are with someone the shorter the distance. When it comes to safety I recall a class we all had to take during HS before we left for college. That distance had never been on my mind until that class. Then for the first time I learned why inches may matter. I believe that class helped to save my life.

I wonder if Mollie's school required such a class before she headed off to college?

Just my thoughts...
I have been thinking about this from the very beginning. At the first press conference, someone asked if the community was at risk. He answered after a lengthy silence, "I cannot tell you why Mollie is missing."
There was a case here on WS in the city where I live, a while back. LE had their eyes on someone in the victim's neighborhood from the beginning -- which proved to be correct -- and they announced at the beginning that there was not a threat to the community.
It seems to me, especially if LE has no idea, that they would ask residents to be watchful and alert. Why haven't they done this? This is not to imply that they are suspicious of someone close to her, but to say for people to be careful and watchful for anyone for their own safety and for anyone looking suspicious or, if near to the area, out of their regular routine. Beats me.
Hello and thank you, Trisha, for the welcome. I have read all rules and absolutely respect the regulations. I will use only initials and will not post the website I am referencing. In adhering to this, I am hoping my comment meets your criteria of discretion and will be posted.
I have never in my life posted on any social media forum, but I have read all threads on this particular missing person and just felt so compelled to weigh in. So, I bit the bullet, registered and hope that my input is appropriate and we’ll receive.
Anyway, I feel I should begin by plainly stating that I have zero personal knowledge of those involved; thus, my input is by no way based on any inside information. However, I would still like to point out three specifics about this case that I’m sure have probably already been explored. None-the-less, I have the need to get it off my chest if by rare chance it could be of some importance. For this initial post, I’ll simply stick to my first area of interest.
<modsnipped - sorry this type of sleuthing is not allowed>
Anyway, I’m sure since this is public online knowledge, law enforcement is well aware, and it most likely not of any significance. But, I feel better having thrown my observation (probably an obvious one) out there. I have two other thought I’d like to eventually point out. But I thought it best to start with one point. Thank you.
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Linda Massengale is the store manager at Casey's General Store near Mollie's boyfriend Dalton Jack's home. In her interview, she watched the security video from the store, didn't see anything unusual. Gave it to LE. She also says that hundreds walked the corn fields, row by row, looking for Mollie on that Friday.

Mollie Tibbetts' family, friends and community speak about the on-going search
Having read through several comments with hypothetical explanations for Mollie's disappearance, I get the impression that there's a hope that Mollie encountered a gentleman abductor. If we look at a known home-invader, abductor and murderer, like Israel Keyes, we know there is often nothing soft in the attack. No one wants to truly peer into the mind of someone who abducts young women and girls, but my guess is that regardless of whether she was taken during her run or from the home, this was a violent attack that left Mollie unable to help herself. That is, I'm doubtful that she was gently lured to accompany an abductor.

Mollie's mom seems perplexed by Mollie's homework activity in the evening and the point that Mollie's running clothes and devices are missing. I understand that she expected Mollie to drop by later in the evening to collect the car, so I'm curious why she doesn't fill in the perplexing gap with the assumption that Mollie was abducted after doing some homework and before she collected the car.
FoxNews just ran some videos of Mollie I had not seen before. What a vibrant young lady.
Hope today is the day she comes home. This case is sounding more and more familiar. I never changed my pic from Mickey Shunick. she was nabbed riding her bike I’m sure y’all recall. Praying hard!!
What I can't reconcile is that LE isn't telling the public that they are in danger etc. If she was abducted, they'd at least have a duty to warn then to be vigilant and careful etc? Lock doors etc? Even if they didn't know who?
Does that mean if abducted, it's someone she personally knew and this was targeted and specific? I can't reconcile this aspect. Anyone?

It's simple. At this point it seems to be an isolated incident, at least in that immediate area. So there is no unusual danger to other residents. If a second person gets kidnapped in the area, then they might reevaluate the threat to others. If the police warned nearby residents every time a single crime was committed, everybody would be under constant warnings. Because crimes happen everyday, even in small towns.
There was a case here on WS in the city where I live, a while back. LE had their eyes on someone in the victim's neighborhood from the beginning -- which proved to be correct -- and they announced at the beginning that there was not a threat to the community.
It seems to me, especially if LE has no idea, that they would ask residents to be watchful and alert. Why haven't they done this? This is not to imply that they are suspicious of someone close to her, but to say for people to be careful and watchful for anyone for their own safety and for anyone looking suspicious or, if near to the area, out of their regular routine. Beats me.

I have wondered the same thing. Has LEvsaid anything about the rest of the public being in any danger? I’m surprised the press haven’t asked or perhaps I just missed it.
Two more thoughts:

Someone said earlier that Mollie wouldn't have any reason to associate with, say, the pig farm...implying we can infer that her presence there was suspicious. I agree, that if she was there, it does raise my suspicions. But I also realize that we cannot be sure she would NOT have any reason to associate with someone related to the farm. If she indeed grew up in this small town, it stands to reason she might know someone who is related to a property owner in the area (their now grown children, for example) or someone who works there.

Someone also said that small town dynamics in Delphi and places like this may cause people to close up and not share information in an effort to protect their own. I do think that could be true of the family and close friends of a POI who people feel is wrongly being suspected by LE. So it could result in helpful information remaining concealed.

But I'd also say that in the small town of 1,200 I was raised in, if 10 people were protecting their local buddy who is a POI, it's very likely that 300 other people in the town would be speaking up out of loyalty to Mollie. They'd line up behind her, since she is clearly vulnerable, just as much or more than they'd align with any local POI. She grew up there too so small town loyalty is available to her too.
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