Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #15

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Highly doubtful. I think the SUV report is just poor reporting and sensational journalism. MOO.

OK - how about this ---- what if the Black SUV WAS LE? I have family in southern OH and I was visiting some time back and I was mozying down a country road when I suddenly found myself stopped because there were two black SUVs parked in the middle of the road and LE with SWAT and DEA hats/vests on heavily armed surrounding a house no more than 5 ft from where I was stopped! I don't live where that is commonplace. When I told an Uncle about it, he said I shouldn't have gone that road things have changed and it is dangerous now.

Came home one night where I live and saw an SUV with very dark windows parked along my back yard. At first I figured they were visiting my neighbor - but it just bothered me. And I decided to call the police. They told me that car was the police and they were watching a neighbor of mine.

I don't know what was more unsettling. But with my history, a part of me was a bit thrilled they were hanging out so close!

Understand it is highly unpopular but what if the reason LE is not releasing information specific about the SUV is because they were so close that night and they know how something like that might appear in light of Mollie's disappearance? Just me thinking outloud.
I guess to me they aren’t acting like they care if it’s in the public eye. They aren’t telling anyone anything. They aren’t making pleas for information. The family is but LE is not. Many here have expressed the feeling that this means they have what they need and aren’t looking for help. They just need time to put the case together. If that’s true they don’t seem to need it in the public eye. If it’s not true and they are having PCs to keep it in the public eye so they can get more tips, it seems to me the PC should include for than ‘we are working hard’. I do believe they are working hard. Until Mollie’s mom did the interview that shared info the police hadn’t shared I was of the opinion that LE was closing in. Now I’m not as sure. If they aren’t closing in then I think they should evaluate the status quo. It isn’t achieving the desired result so it might be time to try something else.
Also, I’ve seen posts implying that claiming LE has few clues is the same as implying they aren’t working hard. I think that couldn’t be further from the truth. I have no doubt they are working themselves sick. That doesn’t mean they have the clues they need or even enough to suspect someone. I hope they have a POI. I hope it’s all starting to come together. I’m just less optimistic that is the case than I was last week.
It also seems to me that it may be past time to get decent tips from the public. At least anyone who saw something that might seem like nothing but in retrospect is something. Regular people who have those kinds of tips have already shared them. I think the black SUV is the kind of tip you get now. I doubt this woman made up what she saw. I just don’t think she saw what she thinks she saw. I’m sure everyone in that area is wracking their memories to come up with something, anything that could help. So your memory plays tricks. Suddenly a car driving by late at night becomes a circling SUV. It’s not a lie. It’s just a subconscious exaggeration in an attempt to help. I think after 3 weeks the useful tips will be from someone who has actual knowledge of a crime or someone who suspects someone they know of a crime. If the PCs are supposed to jar loose that kind of tip I think they need a different approach. Does that mean releasing info? I don’t know but the status quo isn’t working.
Do you strongly believe there would be new important tips to call in three weeks after the event? Early on, they received hundreds of tips. This case has been seen by everyone. You would have to live under a rock for people within a 100 mile radius of Brooklyn to not know about this case. They have a reward of over $200000 up for grabs. They have very good digital information(which would be better quality tips than any other source). I find it hard to believe that this case is now going to be suddenly solved by a neighbour out of the blue remembering something that happened 3 weeks ago. I believe that people are confusing their own sense of curiosity and frustration into their logic.
Having been in LE, you do not always want to release information - especially if you are building a case. If they make some of this information concerning her disappearance public, and they have a suspect in min, it might cause the suspect to run - or worse yet, do other things to ensure they will not be charged with a crime, like destroying evidence. Everyone seems to think the police do nothing and just wait for leads to come in, but the reality is that there is most likely a very, very large team of investigators from every discipline (forensics, profiling, missing persons specialists, etc) working on her case.
And also the less they say the more chance a suspect has to incriminate themselves while in questioning.
I think it’s important to remember that most complicated cases are not open and shut, these things take time. So many cases gain momentum exponentially once that one piece of the puzzle is found. I imagine they have countless hours of video to review, tons of digital data to analyze as well as countless tips to sift through. Three weeks into a case, unfortunately for all involved, feels like an eternity, however it is still early days. There are very few cases like these that are resolved by now.

I am sorry but I respectfully disagree ONLY because I am looking at this case from the perspective of FINDING MOLLIE - LE can spend as many hours.days.months as they need to build a case against someone(s) but when it comes to actually finding the missing person - I truly think we need to be better than letting it drag on for so long. It is just cruel to the family and loved ones, it is devastating for the communities involved, and it is shameful when we live in a Country where we have so much talent, tools, and time to proactively make plans and plenty of resources at all levels of LE to work a missing person case to not make it an OR situation. I think we can make it an AND - 1 - FIND Mollie & 2 -build case.
I am far behind. Has the body that was found that was not MT been identified?
This has probably already been posted but it was brought to my attention that these two are also missing. :(
+Mickeala Brady 2-16-18 Des Moines IA Age 17 6-28-18 +Taylor Foley 6-28-18 Davenport IA Age 17
Sorry if this isn't complete or up-to-date or has already been posted.
There was one more from 7-28-18. Selena Hernandez, age 20, from Council Bluff IA Someone on here started a thread for her and for Mikaela. So many missing girls, just from Iowa. Sigh...
Do you strongly believe there would be new important tips to call in three weeks after the event? Early on, they received hundreds of tips. This case has been seen by everyone. You would have to live under a rock for people within a 100 mile radius of Brooklyn to not know about this case. They have a reward of over $200000 up for grabs. They have very good digital information(which would be better quality tips than any other source). I find it hard to believe that this case is now going to be suddenly solved by a neighbour out of the blue remembering something that happened 3 weeks ago. I believe that people are confusing their own sense of curiosity and frustration into their logic.

I absolutely believe that. Nobody has put a timeframe on the tips, so it doesn't have to be from 3 weeks ago. It could have been this morning if you go out to get your mail and find a pair of white earbuds. It could be at the grocery store if you see someone open their trunk and there is a pink sports bra in it. It could be this evening when you turn off your TV and hear muffled moans or cries.

If you listen to what LE is saying, they are telling you this. Here is part of what Winker said at the first press conference: You've heard the expression for years now, if you see something, say something. If you observe suspicious activity, don't be afraid to report it. Local law enforcement is our first line of defense and they're all standing right over there for a greater part of Poweshiek County. They are not opposed to go out to suspicious activity calls whether somebody's just alone at night and they hear a noise around their house, they will respond. That's what they get paid to do...
I don’t think LE has anything more than a last ping of her Fitbit or phone in the area they are searching.

I tend to agree that this is the focal point of their investigation. The timing of the hog farm search (beginning a day or two after they said they were getting Fitbit info) suggests to me that the last location from the data they were able to gather was from the hog farm. This doesn't necessarily mean that I think she was taken to the hog farm, but I do think it is the main reason they have seemed to focus on that area. JMO
I am sorry but I respectfully disagree ONLY because I am looking at this case from the perspective of FINDING MOLLIE - LE can spend as many hours.days.months as they need to build a case against someone(s) but when it comes to actually finding the missing person - I truly think we need to be better than letting it drag on for so long. It is just cruel to the family and loved ones, it is devastating for the communities involved, and it is shameful when we live in a Country where we have so much talent, tools, and time to proactively make plans and plenty of resources at all levels of LE to work a missing person case to not make it an OR situation. I think we can make it an AND - 1 - FIND Mollie & 2 -build case.
No need for “sorry”. I hear what you are saying, but I think that it is based on an assumption that putting more info out there would find her more efficiently. If I believed that, I would agree with you. I don’t believe that is the case, so I don’t. Having different opinions and beliefs is what makes this forum so useful.
The runner who was abducted in Ca Shari Pappini(sp?) was a beautiful young mother who was abducted and branded for a sex ring. Thankfully she survived and escaped.
Does anyone think this might be the case for MT?

There is significant integrity issues with the case. I m not saying anymore but do the research.
"Let's go get her," is a very odd way of phrasing the goal here.
It sounds like retrieving a lost object. Very strange.

I have zero problem with her dad's choice of words. He had just thanked everyone for helping to find his daughter. How natural to next say - "Let's go get her!"

I heard a cheer and a battle cry all in one. Brilliant. Too bad it didn't come from LE - while a wall of big beefy maybe even scary looking LE growled in agreement or stood looking directly in the camera with steely determination in their eyes!

If your going to have a PC - make it count is my opinion.
There have been many cases where LE bends over backwards to keep the public and media in the loop. They hold pressers and say “we will let you know any new information as we get it”. Other cases, like this one, Delphi murders, missy bevers, LE has the attitude of “we can do it ourselves”. Those cases remain unsolved.
Regarding the black SUV, I'm wondering if this person spotted Mollie during her jog, took note of the house she returned to, and then came back and abducted her. However, it doesn't explain why it would be circling the neighborhood for so long. If she was abducted from her home, wouldn't the SUV be seen driving away quickly? Very strange.
Yes, this scenario is a possibility. The black SUV could have been doing a 'final reconnaissance' driving around the neighborhood for awhile to confirm no one was paying attention in that part of town (homes dark indicating neighbors had gone to bed, no one outside) nor had anyone returned unexpectedly to the house where Mollie was staying alone. From what I recall about the house, it was somewhat isolated/at the end of town, and the only close neighbor was the utility business with no one there at that hour.
I still believe she was taken on her run, and I think it's possible that happened without anyone seeing. I think back to Kelsey Smith Murder of Kelsey Smith - Wikipedia
She was abducted from a busy Target parking lot in broad daylight (7 PM in June, which is still very light out). A random crime--the guy saw her in Target, followed her, and then ambushed her by her vehicle. At first glance, they didn't even see it on CCTV until they slowed it down.

So daylight, cars around, people in the parking lot, and no one saw anything that we know of. It was solved by thankfully there being cameras at Target and at the Macy's where he ditched her vehicle. All this to say that even before dark when we think some people may be out and about, it really just takes a second to grab someone and shove them in a car. Then you are out of there in seconds. Ambushed perhaps with no chance to even scream or yell out. And of course, if it was someone she knew fairly well and went with willingly, there would be no struggle or anything odd to even see.

I also think about the poster in the last thread from IL who drove to Brooklyn yesterday. He (she? I am unsure of poster's sex) is not from the town but said driving through, most people they saw just waved at them as they went past. So I don't know that people would be all that suspicious or on the lookout for a vehicle that didn't belong as we may believe.

Kelsey's case is ever in my mind when I go to Target. I NEVER park by the cart returns anywhere after that case. And her dad was LE! Such a terrible, terrible crime. We lost a really beautiful young lady that night!
Having been in LE, you do not always want to release information - especially if you are building a case. If they make some of this information concerning her disappearance public, and they have a suspect in min, it might cause the suspect to run - or worse yet, do other things to ensure they will not be charged with a crime, like destroying evidence. Everyone seems to think the police do nothing and just wait for leads to come in, but the reality is that there is most likely a very, very large team of investigators from every discipline (forensics, profiling, missing persons specialists, etc) working on her case.

Have to agree. Nothing says the public has a right to know. And for whatever reason LE is much more comfortable witholding information.

They are simply doing a very difficult job and adhering to criteria best for resolution.

Like it or not that’s the way it is and will remain.
Do you strongly believe there would be new important tips to call in three weeks after the event? Early on, they received hundreds of tips. This case has been seen by everyone. You would have to live under a rock for people within a 100 mile radius of Brooklyn to not know about this case. They have a reward of over $200000 up for grabs. They have very good digital information(which would be better quality tips than any other source). I find it hard to believe that this case is now going to be suddenly solved by a neighbour out of the blue remembering something that happened 3 weeks ago. I believe that people are confusing their own sense of curiosity and frustration into their logic.
I think this is exactly what I said. At this point the only tips you are getting are the well meaning but probably inaccurate attempts of people in the area to remember something. That’s why I’m questioning whether the PCs are really to ‘keep it in the public eye’.
I (male) wrote the post yesterday about visiting Brooklyn; please note that I was driving reasonably - with nothing to hide and no evil intentions in mind - and I would assume I only attracted 'normal' attention.

However - if I were to try and abduct someone - I'm guessing there'd be a bit of commotion, my vehicle might be parked in a weird angle, location, etc. - and of those issues would tend to draw more attention than one just merely driving respectfully through the town???

Did you drive that 170 gravel road beside Dalton's home to HWY 6? If so does the rise block view? And were there any other houses along that road?

And how about that creek? Did you go over it?
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