Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #15

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Perhaps her family has the right to know those things, unless they suspect that someone in her family was in some way involved, but the public has no right to know anything of the details of the investigation. Wanting to know does not give anyone the RIGHT to know. JMO
I don't even know if they would tell the family because of it getting leaked.
Yet, LE has indicated they only received 200 tips.
No, at one point they said they have received over 200 tips and they've said they continue to receive tips every day. So many in fact, that Crimestoppers could no longer keep up with them by phone and have issued notice to report tips via the website recently posted here.

ETA: Post# 142
So how much longer before this case starts to fade from the national media spotlight? We know the shelf life of attention for most of the viewing public in America is extremely short. Unless some new details are released or surface, maybe a week or two? I really hope that's not the case but we've seen it all before I'm sure.

It will be cold by September 1.
Stupid post alert:

First of all, let me be clear in stating that I DO think that foul play is most likely in the cause of Mollie's disappearance. But with so little information, my mind is all over the place, so I wanted to absolutely rule out any possibility of a non-foul play scenario. I suspect that these discussions took place in much earlier threads, so forgive me for bringing up any old and outdated discussion. From those who know the area that Mollie ran, like @Mr. Obvious who just drove through the area, or anyone who knows more about the local searches... Is there ANY possible way that Mollie could have gotten "stuck" somewhere? For example: I know that it rained at some point that night. Is there any possibility that there was a pop up shower that occurred during Mollie's run? A quick downpour that made her seek cover to protect her phone? You are going to roll your eyes at this one...but in one of the last episodes of Grey's Anatomy this season, a couple went into an old shed, and got locked in. So, I guess this is what made me wonder about Mollie seeking shelter, but getting locked in and for whatever reason could not get out, or injured (stumbled into an animal trap). Of course, this kind of scenario is already very far fetched, and would only make sense if Mollie's phone died or did not have a signal when she got into trouble leaving LE unaware of the location. So, basically, for those more familiar with the early searches and the area she runs, I just want to know that this is TOTALLY impossible. Someone chimed in yesterday about a case of a missing runner who was ultimately found locked in a portable toilet, where he'd had a medical emergency (heart related) ending in death. Since there were so few sightings, I don't know if it's possible that she ended up running in a much more desolate area, where there might be odd type shelters in which one might fall into, or get trapped somehow. Obviously, what little LE has divulged does not suggest that they think anything like this could be possible, but as I said, with so little to go on, I guess I just want peace of mind that Mollie isn't being overlooked in an accident type situation pretty close to home. I hate it when I can't resist posting something that I know I will regret posting later. Ugh. I know how ridiculous this post must sound.

Edited to add: Also, in an unrelated way this makes me wonder why LE hasn't made announcements asking locals to check less frequented storage facilities/outhouses on their property like they did in the Hannah Graham case. But maybe they have, and I just haven't heard the reports since I am far from local.
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I am new here after following a link to WS last week from SM. I stayed around because getting info on this case solely from SM was a frustrating endeavor. I can really appreciate the rules regarding presumably innocent parties. If were up to the Twitter detectives, a lot of innocents would be hanging from a noose at the town square by now. Also, a bunch of poor hogs would be gutted in an attempt to find human remains. I am also bothered by the sheer number of people with no involvement in the case feeling entitled to every single detail that LE has. I have never presumed to be smarter than those directly involved in finding Mollie but not everyone feels the same. Regardless, glad to be here.

This site has done a great job on exploring all the facts so I have nothing to add there. I do have a question regarding WC and his involvement with LE. I don’t know if they believe he was involved or if they believe he at least has some info on who was. Another suggestion I’ve seen is LE may be using him as a decoy to throw off the actual culprit. Are there any ethics guidelines applied in this final scenario? What I am saying is if he is innocent and LE knows it are they not creating a second victim so to speak? This guy will always be known as “pig farmer associated with missing 20 yo” based on google searches alone. Additionally, My hometown is small. Located in the Deep South no less. At some point, a group of good ol boys would’ve determined that vigilante justice is the only justice three weeks out in a case like this. It seems like he could be unfairly targeted for this type of activity if he is indeed innocent and no arrests are made in the near future.

To be clear, if this were my child, any “collateral damage” would seem to be a necessary evil if it meant finding her. I know that sounds terrible but it’s the truth.
@allboys Impossible for two reasons, IMO:

(1) The sheriff was quoted as being confident that all such buildings and properties in the immediate area were thoroughly searched

(2) It didn't rain Wednesday evening, it rained Thursday
In case this has not been posted:
Suspicious black SUV circled neighborhood on night Mollie Tibbetts vanished, neighbor says
Suspicious black SUV circled neighborhood on night Mollie Tibbetts vanished, neighbor says

There is some information 'out there' which offers an explanation on this black SUV sighting. Can't link sorry, but it appears this is an overzealous reporter who has unfortunately created a buzz about nothing. Keep in mind this is also the same station which keeps putting WC on blast, despite LE not naming him a POI. I know we all have differing opinions about him, but just like the rules we observe here at WS. Media needs to do the same thing ...
OK - how about this ---- what if the Black SUV WAS LE?
Understand it is highly unpopular but what if the reason LE is not releasing information specific about the SUV is because they were so close that night and they know how something like that might appear in light of Mollie's disappearance? Just me thinking outloud.

I believe someone posted that the local LE vehicles were white. But it could have been a private vehicle being used by local LE that was black that was seen by the person making the report? I also wonder if the person reporting got the date wrong and the SUV was federal or state vehicle going over the route based on digital data that had been received at a different date? At one of the hog farm searches the other day there were a number of black SUVs but there was also white sheriff truck and what looked to be personal vehicles at the site. We have no ability to identify unmarked vehicles and the only one that had ID was the sheriff truck.
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It will be cold by September 1.
Unfortunately, this could be the case. There is never a guarantee that anything will come to a conclusive end, no matter how competent/inept the people on the case are. Crime isn’t governed by protocol, evidence is not a guarantee. It sucks, but unless incompetence in the investigation is proven, it is only the perpetrator’s fault.
OK - how about this ---- what if the Black SUV WAS LE? I have family in southern OH and I was visiting some time back and I was mozying down a country road when I suddenly found myself stopped because there were two black SUVs parked in the middle of the road and LE with SWAT and DEA hats/vests on heavily armed surrounding a house no more than 5 ft from where I was stopped! I don't live where that is commonplace. When I told an Uncle about it, he said I shouldn't have gone that road things have changed and it is dangerous now.

Came home one night where I live and saw an SUV with very dark windows parked along my back yard. At first I figured they were visiting my neighbor - but it just bothered me. And I decided to call the police. They told me that car was the police and they were watching a neighbor of mine.

I don't know what was more unsettling. But with my history, a part of me was a bit thrilled they were hanging out so close!

Understand it is highly unpopular but what if the reason LE is not releasing information specific about the SUV is because they were so close that night and they know how something like that might appear in light of Mollie's disappearance? Just me thinking outloud.

I wondered this initially. I've approached a black SUV in our work parking lot who had been there a few days in a row. It was an undercover officer investigating some illegal activity at the motel behind us.

But in this case, I think it is just very poor reporting and irrelevant. Jmo.
In Delphi, even after they did come up with that sketch...they told us not to think about that silly hat...which was a huge part of the sketch.

Seems like when FBI comes in early, info is minimum. Makes me think it is policy rather than what might work best in each case...jmo
I also took the friendly wave to say, “Welcome to Brooklyn. We’re friendly here, but we see you, so don’t do anything stupid.” Also, you may have raised more suspicion had you not waved back.

btw, thanks for doing the drive-thru

You're welcome - and thank you for reading that lengthy post that took a decent amount of time to put together!

Your remarks about the intention behind the wave - agree - and it reminds me of a story about a rich man circa 1900 who throws a gold coin towards a vagrant, hits him in the temple and he dies - was the "intention" to kill the vagrant or to truly donate to help him out?

The answer, of course, is that only the rich man that threw the coin knew his true intention.......and the same goes for the people who waved - me included!
Why not call police on a strange black suv - at the time - when you see it crushing your neighborhood for 1.5 hours in a town of 1,400??? Baffling to me!

I live in a town of 40,000+; in a very safe and quiet part of town - if I witnessed a strange black suv (or any vehicle/person) for 1.5 hours; especially from 11:30P to 1:00A - I'd definitely be letting the authorities know!

Completely agree with this statement, but outside of people on here and a handful of others in each town, most don't even pay that much attention to their own family, yet alone a strange vehicle.
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