Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #16

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Mollie apparently jogged every day and was a "creature of habit". I assume that means she usually took the same route at around the same time of day. Who was regularly around her route at that time?
I believe she liked to run later in the day (at least during the summer) when it had cooled off but before dark.
Yes they absolutely have. But the circumstances in this case are no way indicative of someone wanting to leave and start anew. Not with all these positive things going on in her life. “I’m going to go on a run, do my homework, and then disappear off the face of the earth,” doesn’t hold water for me.

It doesn't work for me at all, either. Obviously, some people do abandon their lives, families, etc. It happens. It's rare, but it does happen. It's pretty clear (to me at least) that isn't the scenario we're looking at here in this case...unless MT's dream was to run off to a hog farm 15 miles away and start a new life.
A predator, who knows the area might:
1. Use a fast flowing river. Sometimes evidence never surfaces. It is harder to bury someone. You could find some remote woods. However if these methods were suspected, by now some trunks would be searched and taken apart. Burning would produce some residue.
2. Keep someone in an abandoned barn, corn crib, basement, house. There are plenty of these around Iowa, unfortunately.

I hope no one ever looks at my internet search history btw. Do others worry about that? Would look bad.
My history would look so crazy I can’t even tell you. Talk about weird, dark and disturbing rabbit holes. Scares me to think about.
If Mollie is still alive and being held prevalent are storm cellars in this area? Although I would lean towards a hidden or covered up and maybe forgotten storm cellar. Obviously it would be somewhat difficult to hold somebody in a house shared with other people.
It doesn't work for me at all, either. Obviously, some people do abandon their lives, families, etc. It happens. It's rare, but it does happen. It's pretty clear (to me at least) that isn't the scenario we're looking at here in this case...unless MT's dream was to run off to a hog farm 15 miles away and start a new life.
Haaaa. Well said. You can find examples of, or an exception to, every scenario you chose. I like to focus on what is more likely, and I think it’s clear what happened here, and that is foul play.
I think I’ve said this several times by now but I’ll repeat here. The family is absolutely compelled to believe that their daughter is still alive. They know she didn’t run away, so their only hope is that she is being held by an acquaintance, “who is over his head.” The only other viable option is that she was kidnapped and murdered, and they do not want to believe that. Hence all these optimistic public statements, likely based on hope and not evidence.

Exactly. And the family needs to be careful about selling that theory. Because it is what it is, whatever that is. The public and the media might lose interest and maybe turn on Mollie. Thinking she's just off somewhere "taking a break." I'm already seeing it. Which is really sad if she's passed on and a murderer needs to be taken off the streets. And Mollie still needs to be brought home.
"It's totally speculation," Rob Tibbetts told ABC News, "but I do believe that Mollie is with someone who she knows, probably someone who cares about her. But that relationship was misguided, misinterpreted and went wrong, and I think they're in a place with Mollie and don't know how to get themselves out of this horrible situation." Mollie Tibbetts' father: 'We can get her home'

After reading the fathers latest interviews a thought popped into my head. This is in no way accusing anyone but to change our lines of thought. Mollie worked at a holiday program. I'm in Australia so I'm guessing this is a kids holiday day camp for the summer. Mollie has worked at this program for the last couple of summers. Is it possible that a parent/family member or caretaker of a child could of had a infatuated (yet innocent ) interest in Mollie? It could of been growing over the years and for some reason they decided to act on it. Mollie knowing the connection with the child didn't feel threatened around them, this person could of even offered her a lift to work. In following that it's possible the child was in the car when she was picked up but said child was asleep or drugged so doesn't realise that Mollie was with them. The person could of taken Mollie to a place that was planned for keeping her, then had time to take the child to the summer camp without suspicion being had.

I don't know if I believe what my mind has thought up as it seems like a movie plot and I don't want to come across as being insensitive. I am also not sure if this has been brought up before. I have been a long time member but rarely post, I hope I haven't broken any rules and only hope we can have a answer to Mollies whereabouts soon. MOO
There have not been details of the camp connection released as of today or specific targets of the investigation. They moved the next conference to Friday in the U.S.
The opioid epidemic is in this area as well. I don't know how heavy it is in Brooklyn but an hour a way in all directions it is prevalent.

This is a great article about one IA doctor addressing the problem - look at the locations referred to in the article in relationship to Brooklyn
When an Iowa Family Doctor Takes On the Opioid Epidemic

Methamphetamine In Iowa | Iowa Department of Public Health

I found these when looking at traffic on I80.

Go to page 13 in this report.

The best map to show the Drug Corridors goes back to 2006 but I have included the more current one too.

Drug Transportation Corridors - National Drug Threat Assessment 2006

"Corridor B, a west-east corridor, begins in southern California and extends through the Southwest, Pacific, West Central, Great Lakes, and Northeast Regions. The primary routes along this corridor are Interstates 15, 40, 70, and 80. Interstate 15 extends from San Diego (CA) to the Montana-Canada border and intersects with I-40 in Barstow (CA), I-70 in west central Utah, and I-80 in Salt Lake City (UT). Interstate 40 intersects with I-44 in Oklahoma City (OK), which intersects with I-55 in St. Louis (MO), which terminates in Chicago (IL). Interstate 55 provides access to I-80/I-90 in Chicago (IL), which continues to the Northeast Region. Interstate 70 extends to the Northeast Region. Interstate 80 begins in the San Francisco (CA) Bay area, extends east, and terminates in New Jersey."

Brooklyn IA is part of Corridor B and Corridor F, apparently.
They are free to speak to the media as they please. Law enforcement would certainly have advised them however, you are right about that. In many cases like this you see these optimistic comments from the family, it’s not at all unusual.

Magical thinking. I pray to God to never be in that position. And pray for Mollie's family.
Exactly. And the family needs to be careful about selling that theory. Because it is what it is, whatever that is. The public and the media might lose interest and maybe turn on Mollie. Thinking she's just off somewhere "taking a break." I'm already seeing it. Which is really sad if she's passed on and a murderer needs to be taken off the streets. And Mollie still needs to be brought home.
Absolutely agree. The comments by the family could certainly backfire. They are motivated by hope, but if people take these comments at face value, they may determine that Mollie isn’t really in danger, and focus and attention by the public could potentially wane. It’s a fine line they are walking, obviously in a horrific situation that no human should ever experience.
RT’s comments are extremely interesting, especially when he qualified them as “respecting the investigate process”. It leads me to believe he is privy to info we aren’t and has legit reason to think that someone has his daughter...alive.

Every odd and statistic in cases such as these suggest the exact opposite though. Also if he was told by LE they think someone has MT, you have to wonder if his interview was a planned effort in conjunction with them, as in he can legit help get her home safely by speaking directly to the kidnapper(s). It also would fit with the reward money jumping so drastically.

I’m a logical person by nature and logic tells me not to think this way, but hope is piercing through that. Amanda Berry beat the odds. So did Elizabeth Smart. Why not MT?
I believe the family has to remain optimistic to keep the search ongoing vs. closure/cold case... also I don’t think they are speaking to the press without any thought put into it. As a parent, my words and actions would probably be the same... except I couldn’t imagine myself as strong and composed... I would need a statement read for me.. nothing wrong with the way they are handling in my opinion.. there isn’t any right or wrong way.
If Mollie is still alive and being held prevalent are storm cellars in this area? Although I would lean towards a hidden or covered up and maybe forgotten storm cellar. Obviously it would be somewhat difficult to hold somebody in a house shared with other people.
Many if not most do, because they serve as shelters for tornadoes. My grandparents lived near Sigourney. Grandpa installed a shower down there, and that's where the laundry was done and the canned and jarred garden vegetables - tomatoes, pickles - were stored for winter. Grandpa made a horseradish so powerful it made your head spin.
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