Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #20

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“To have a complete stranger to come into a small town like this, someone would have come forward and mentioned that they’ve seen this person,” Mary Ellen O’Toole, a former FBI profiler and director of the forensic sciences program at George Mason University, told Fox News.

She was likely not kidnapped. She either got into the car of someone she knew or had a relationship with, or it was someone who had a non-threatening demeanor.”

Mollie Tibbetts likely went off in car with someone she knew, says FBI ex-profiler

I have to say I do believe Ms O'Toole misspoke. I think she meant that Mollie wasn't grabbed by a person while out jogging...that she voluntarily went with this person. It is in fact false at this point because kidnapping HAS occured. The moment she wanted to call her mom or anyone else to let them know she was ok and was prevented from doing so it is a kidnapping event. Kidnapping is not limited to someone grabbing someone off the street, from work, at the grocery store and moving them to another area and it doesn't have to be holding someone for ransom. Kidnapping occurs the moment someone is refrained from leaving. So if MT on her own came upon a person who asked her into their house for help or whatever reason, as soon as she was inside and either helped the person or realized it was a ruse and attempted to leave the home and was restrained from doing so, kidnapping HAS occurred. No matter how you slice it she has been kidnapped. If she had not surely she would have contacted her dad, mom or bf by now especially with this case so huge in the media. If she is alive there is no free will on her part and she has been kidnapped.

A great example of this is the Simpson Memorabilia case. He was able to be charged with kidnapping because his buddies would not allow the dealer to leave the hotel room. They never took him an inch from where he was when they found him. In his case he was foolish enough to even yell out to his buddies not to let the guys leave the room. That only cemented it because he could no longer use the excuse the others acted on their own. That they were armed added yet another charge to the crime.
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Imo. I don’t think it was a friend. And I don’t believe she will be found until someone happens across her. It’s sad.

The DOJ, the agency in charge of the FBI has put much stronger procedures in place to limit contact between fbi employees and the media.

It is doj reaction to the tsunami of leaks surrounding Director Comey.

Although I have read state and local procedures that indicate media release of info for help, the non information might well be a new and much more stringent relationship with the press. As a person who dealt with media, and found them useful most if the time, I can’t imagine any other reason for le to remain so silent.

I also find that interesting. If they are not sharing information is because they already checking on someone and that someone could be related. Maybe they asked the dad to give that statement of understanding so that the abductor can release MT. Also maybe all the attention towards WC was so that they can get the read abductor in a comfort zone.
(I can’t keep up! :( )

Uh, yah!
Thanks, roses for the "deep" take. I've missed it so much. Sometimes I wonder if it's wishful thinking going in that trajectory, but the dogs being settled in, not having eaten much in all that time, has me thinking this perp left nothing to chance and the dogs sensed the abduction...
I, like all of us want Mollie back alive, with our hearts out to her family, friends, the great people of Brooklyn and LE who are on this.

Beevee, welcoming you and all newcomers, but bowing to that great first or second post you shared that I'll go back to, soon...
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Well, in my opinion, the fact that mom did NOT seem alarmed would indicate that it either wasn’t unusual, or there was no “usual” for her to measure against in this unusual circumstance with Mollie staying at BFs.

Lots of discussion about this 10 threads back. This might provide some insight: IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #8

The podcast mentioned in that post can be listened to here: Tuesday Crime Stories: Missing mom Bellamy Gamboa, hear desperate 911 call
DJ said in an interview that MT was only staying at his house part time and that was because the A/C in her bedroom at her Mom's home didn't work and it was very hot. She was keeping the dogs for him and his brother while they were out of town. It is very possible he didn't know her passwords since they really were not living together.
The articles I have read say that she was living with her bf, his brother and gf. Mother of missing Iowa college student recounts last text she sent to daughter
I anticipate Dateline, 48 Hours, Ashley B, Paula Z, 20/20, etc may (hopefully) do an episode on Mollie’s case at some time, sooner than later.

ETA: I’m always grateful when any MP case gets media attention...I’m very curious how many people are here in this thread? I imagine a lot, judging from all the new members and multiple posts...hundreds? Is there any way to check this number on the new forum? Tia.
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Perhaps some people are scared, but I don’t see it. Believe it or not, some locals are nearly oblivious to it.
Your a man and sound very brave but the fact is there is a missing young lady out there. I'm married to a retired officer a woman and a Mom all I know is I would be a little freaked out if this happened in my neck of the woods. I certainly wouldn't walk freely around town with no concerns and not being cautious of my surroundings. Bad things happen everywhere even the most upscale neighborhoods.
Plus her social media posts indicate some mental instability, hinting about depression/suicide, possible lack/waning feelings towards her bf, etc. Suicide seemed possible in the beginning. Not now because they would've found her by now, but this also makes it more likely she could've sought attention from someone else

She is a Psychology major at the university. So those could have also been posts just promoting mental health awareness. As others have pointed out.
If one finds things we can’t post here due to being rumors or unconfirmed...they can still be provided to LE, just in case. I am sure experts are looking into all aspects of everyone she knows but you never know what they discover or when. Some folks here (not me) are really skilled at research...jmo
Not to be discounting the fact that some people are inevibly in fear right now, but you need to take anything coming from a Cedar Rapids newspaper with a grain of salt. Not even close to the same environment as Brooklyn.
I guess this would leave out the Des Moines Register, CNN, FOX, ABC etc., too.
I understand that if hasn’t been confirmed by LE, but can anyone tell me why a next door neighbor would tell MSM that LE informed him that Mollie returned home safely from her run? Why would he fabricate that story? I do believe they have a timeline, probably the Fitbit or iPhone data, and that she was not abducted during her run. Walking to moms house is another story. Mother of missing Iowa college student recounts last text she sent to daughter
I would hate to insult her intelligence by even thinking she would do something like this. It looks like she had been with her boyfriend for three years. That’s a pretty solid relationship. She lived in a house with multiple people in it, and had a close relationship with her parents. She didn’t have a perfect life, and I’m not a pro, but on the surface IMO she does not fit the profile of someone who would go looking to meet someone she found online.
Well I’ll tell you this. I was a 4.0 student in college and high school and graduated with honors from college with an engineering degree. Being intelligent and being naive are too way different things and I am speaking about myself here. I was very book smart but very sheltered. Someone on SM showed me a ton of attention and I liked it. This person seemed trustworthy and charming and we were “just friends”. I guess if all this makes me unintelligent then so be it, but I don’t think so. It makes me naive for trusting people I shouldn’t.
I don’t think she was looking to have a relationship with anyone else and I never said that. I think she was being nice to someone she met online and that is all. Again I’ll say this I don’t think she was doing anything wrong.

This is all JMO
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Plus her social media posts indicate some mental instability, hinting about depression/suicide, possible lack/waning feelings towards her bf, etc. Suicide seemed possible in the beginning. Not now because they would've found her by now, but this also makes it more likely she could've sought attention from someone else

I suppose "mental instability" can be most anything, but no, there is no indication of an unstable mental state or suicidal ideation, at least in her Twitter. I've not been through her FB because it's devolved into a troll atmosphere with denigration of Mollie. Some of her most recent tweets were expressions of positive feelings about her BF and their relationship. I look at her Twitter as a whole piece of information. I just didn't see anything that can remotely be considered "unstable" in her mood or content.
I know what it’s like to have a person missing in the community. People are terrified. Especially when there is no arrest and recovery. I did not need that article to figure that out. Moo.
(Not being snarky or argumentative, :wave: :), I know you said you weren’t discounting some people being fearful.)
What I’m getting today is less fear and more anger / frustration. Why are people asking if Mollie’s friend was obsessed with her? Why are people posting somebody’s DUI from 10 years ago? Why is somebody tracing my family to see who my relatives went to school with? That’s what I’m getting today.
First post on WS. I have been following this case on WS for a week now. Very interesting website. ...I also have a theory on MT's disappearance....
<*modsnip no personal information about the family is allowed to be shared unless it is in mainstream media>
*edited by Tricia
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