Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #20

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“To have a complete stranger to come into a small town like this, someone would have come forward and mentioned that they’ve seen this person,” Mary Ellen O’Toole, a former FBI profiler and director of the forensic sciences program at George Mason University, told Fox News.

She was likely not kidnapped. She either got into the car of someone she knew or had a relationship with, or it was someone who had a non-threatening demeanor.”

Mollie Tibbetts likely went off in car with someone she knew, says FBI ex-profiler

I have to say I do believe Ms O'Toole misspoke. I think she meant that Mollie wasn't grabbed by a person while out jogging...that she voluntarily went with this person. It is in fact false at this point because kidnapping HAS occured. The moment she wanted to call her mom or anyone else to let them know she was ok and was prevented from doing so it is a kidnapping event. Kidnapping is not limited to someone grabbing someone off the street, from work, at the grocery store and moving them to another area and it doesn't have to be holding someone for ransom. Kidnapping occurs the moment someone is refrained from leaving. So if MT on her own came upon a person who asked her into their house for help or whatever reason, as soon as she was inside and either helped the person or realized it was a ruse and attempted to leave the home and was restrained from doing so, kidnapping HAS occurred. No matter how you slice it she has been kidnapped. If she had not surely she would have contacted her dad, mom or bf by now especially with this case so huge in the media. If she is alive there is no free will on her part and she has been kidnapped.

A great example of this is the Simpson Memorabilia case. He was able to be charged with kidnapping because his buddies would not allow the dealer to leave the hotel room. They never took him an inch from where he was when they found him. In his case he was foolish enough to even yell out to his buddies not to let the guys leave the room. That only cemented it because he could no longer use the excuse the others acted on their own. That they were armed added yet another charge to the crime.
These days I take everything FBI says with a grain of salt. Sadly I have lost complete trust and confidence in the organization. That's all I'm going to say about it period.
JMO The "dinner" issue is a nothingburger......I think MT did plan to jog to moms, eat brats, or nuke em if everyone else had eaten....probably on the run.....not sitting at a table with grace and linen...., pick up the cake ingredients and drive the car back to D's house, let the dogs out, study a bit (or bake the cake?) and go to bed. Someone abducted her before she got to mom's.........JMO
I always wonder how long is too long? How much time goes by before LE throws everything out on the table and asks for public help. Do they ever? The cases I follow, they never do, and literally years go by. Does it become more important to get a conviction, or find a body? Hmmmmm
They never have in the Faith Hedgepeth case, although they have thrown out some crumbs. But even most of that was done long after most witnesses’ memories would be clear from the time she was murdered. And, too, many potential witnesses may have been in college and thus do not even live here in the area any longer. Sigh.

The longer this goes on, the more I think they’ve got nothing in Mollie’s case
Your a man and sound very brave but the fact is there is a missing young lady out there. I'm married to a retired officer a woman and a Mom all I know is I would be a little freaked out if this happened in my neck of the woods. I certainly wouldn't walk freely around town with no concerns and not being cautious of my surroundings. Bad things happen everywhere even the most upscale neighborhoods.
True. I am certain that there are women on here reading this who live nowhere near the area and are feeling more apprehensive than usual!
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Just an aside re: "dinner". I live in an area where they call lunch dinner, and what to me is dinner is called supper. Where I grew up we called supper either that or dinner, but we called lunch lunch and never dinner. I still forget and say dinner when I mean supper, and it really confuses people here. I know people who think dinner/supper is around 7-8, and some who think it's 5-6:30. I don't know what time normal dinner/supper time is there, or if there even is one for her family?
Well I’ll tell you this. I was a 4.0 student in college and high school and graduated with honors from college with an engineering degree. Being intelligent and being naive are too way different things and I am speaking about myself here. I was very book smart but very sheltered. Someone on SM showed me a ton of attention and I liked it. This person seemed trustworthy and charming and we were “just friends”. I guess if all this makes be unintelligent then so be it, but I don’t think so. It makes me naive for trusting people I shouldn’t have.

Ditto this. I understand completely.
First post on WS. I have been following this case on WS for a week now. Very interesting website. The shear size of the reward surprised me until I researched where RT is an executive in San Francisco area and sits on SF Chamber of Comm. IMOO i think colleagues of his are uping the ante...I also have a theory on MT's disappearance....
Welcome :) :)
Listen to the audio: Man fears he was last person to see missing college student

"Jogged down the street and up the hill..."

What hill? Maybe he was talking on and on or fuzzy memory?

But, I thought someone said she was spied from inside a house looking out a window. So one would not see anyone jogging for any distance. Was it someone else who reported her sighting?

And why would authorities search the house of a 'observer'. That's odd. Might discourage people from phoning in.

Prolly nothing....
I understand that if hasn’t been confirmed by LE, but can anyone tell me why a next door neighbor would tell MSM that LE informed him that Mollie returned home safely from her run? Why would he fabricate that story? I do believe they have a timeline, probably the Fitbit or iPhone data, and that she was not abducted during her run. Walking to moms house is another story. Mother of missing Iowa college student recounts last text she sent to daughter
I don't have an answer to your question but it has struck me as odd. As tight lipped as LE has been on this case it seems unlikely that they would divulge this much info to him, unless it was a tactic to get info. I still feel she was taken on the run, it just makes the most sense to me. But time will tell. Hopefully there will be more details released at the PC on Monday.
I have seen that also in many articles. However, this was an in person interview with DJ, I believe on one of the local tv stations and it was this week. He said exactly what I stated and I will go see if I can find it. Btw, how do I post a link? Never did it before. Thank you
I just copy and paste the article
The articles I have read say that she was living with her bf, his brother and gf. Mother of missing Iowa college student recounts last text she sent to daughter

Mother of missing Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts says she does not believe she returned home | Daily Mail Online

Mollie sometimes changed for work at her mom’s house before taking the Pontiac but also kept clothes and possessions at DJ’s house.

"She sort of lived across both houses, she had her stuff in both places," he told
First post on WS. I have been following this case on WS for a week now. Very interesting website. The shear size of the reward surprised me until I researched where RT is an executive in San Francisco area and sits on SF Chamber of Comm. IMOO i think colleagues of his are uping the ante...I also have a theory on MT's disappearance....
Hi Jake. Welcome to WS!!
I understand that if hasn’t been confirmed by LE, but can anyone tell me why a next door neighbor would tell MSM that LE informed him that Mollie returned home safely from her run? Why would he fabricate that story? I do believe they have a timeline, probably the Fitbit or iPhone data, and that she was not abducted during her run. Walking to moms house is another story. Mother of missing Iowa college student recounts last text she sent to daughter
I don't believe he fabricated it at all. I believe that is what he was told by the LEO interviewing (or speaking to) him. And this is why, IMO, local LE isn't being kept quite in the loop. People know each other, they speak casually. LE or not, they're human.

there could even be a ransom demand that we don't know about and shouldn't know about if it causes more danger to her or the case. just speculation but we don't know. this would also be good cause to not put a limit on reward amount at least not until it reached a demanded amount. LE could see it differently than family, maybe LE is absolute no to paying ransom but if it was my family member I would pay it if there was any hope even if LE didn't want me to. could be a way out there thought but no more than anything else at this point and level of fact knowledge about case.
A few things.

On LE investigation forms.. there is: the person to last to see the victim alive and the person last to verbally speak to the victim alive. Who are these 2 people and what time/dates? This is normally how LE creates their own timeline.

Remember, these two questions do not take into consideration: text messages sent/received or social media communications i.e. Snapchat pictures/messages, Fitbit route, Instagram DM messages etc.

Also, I do not believe she willingly went with anyone she knows but left her ID, purse, wallet, credit cards etc. behind but was able to take her cell phone/Fitbit with her. That doesn't make any sense to take something along for the ride and not others if you are going somewhere with someone, not necessarily disappearing. I believe it's just the family keeping hope alive.

Finally, according to FB, MT was a cross-country runner, not just track/field which means she was capable of long-distance running not just 1 mile or 2 around the block. I'm not saying she went on a run to Canada, but something to take into consideration.

These days I take everything FBI says with a grain of salt. Sadly I have lost complete trust and confidence in the organization. That's all I'm going to say about it period.

While I respect the FBI and have the utmost confidence in them as a whole, it is very frustrating when ex FBI or retired FBI go on national television and give their input on cases that they have no direct knowledge or involvement in. They are forming opinions based on expertise, just as many do here on WS, but they are often being mistaken for having inside knowledge of the case. The "FBI' speaking out on fox news and the like do not have any inside info. MOO.
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