Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #22

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It certainly could be in the realm of possibility.

This reminds me of what happened to my mother years ago. Also, Admin if this is not allowed then please delete and my apologies.

In the late 1970s when I was about 6 years old my parents purchased a house in a brand new neighborhood. So, there were new homes under construction around the area. My father always left for work around 8:00 a.m. during the work week.

One morning after my dad left for work a man who looked like a construction worker came to the door. He rang the doorbell and banged on the door. My mother asked through the door, “who is it and what do you want?” He said he thought my mom was pretty and knew her husband was not home. He matter of fact told her to open this door now or he was going to break a window and get her!

So my pretty, tough and quick thinking mother ran to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. She went to the window closest to the front door where he could see her. She told him that if he broke into our house she would most certainly try and fight till she killed him!

When he heard her and saw the look on her face he took off running. Afterward my shaken mother immediately called the sheriffs dept.

The Sheriff dept. came out and confirmed that a man had been stalking young women in the area. An assault had already been linked to a man fitting his description. They had also agreed that the area construction is likely where he came from.

After all this happened, my parents had a home alarm installed and mom would often bring this story up through the years.

My point of this story? This supposed worker had obviously been stalking my mother by watching her and my father’s habits. He made direct threats and demands for her to open the door like he was not new to this kind of thing. But, my parents never knew of him till that morning.

This was a middle class neighborhood and the area was known to be safe. But, possibly due to workers in the area? Out of the blue this stalker guy came out of nowhere and with motive to harm.

It’s 2018 and please, always be aware of your surroundings.
I think it’s a valid point. Whenever you have an influx of workers in an area, you run the risk of one of them being a threat. Construction is one of those jobs where you generally don’t see concern about background checks, and you have people cycling through at a significant rate. I make this point not to knock construction workers in any way, it’s just the nature of the profession lends itself to some undesirable people being employed from time to time.
I saw it in 1984 at a drive in movie theater with A Nightmare on Elm Street as the first movie. By the time it came on I was so freaked from the first movie that all I did was laugh at the Children of the Corn one. It was cheesy compared to the other one. I absolutely hate horror movies. Those two were my first and last ones.

Corn can be intimidating. I am born and raised in New Orleans, so did not grow up with Midwest cornfields...sugar cane, come to think of it can be pretty intimidating too! But I digress. In the 80's I would commute, a few times a year, between Davenport and New Orleans. One summer I took a "short cut" between Interstate highways, and found myself on two lane blacktop, between mile after mile of 8 to 10 feet corn stalks... nothing but mile after mile of green walls. My paper map told me where I needed to head North, but in this sea of corn, I wasn't sure that I would know where to turn. You can picture my relief when I came to a crossroad, with the same sky high corn stalks on all sides, but with a simple steel pole and a road sign for the two lane highway I was looking for, the most incongruous looking darn thing in the literal middle of nowhere! If riding a 1200cc motorcycle between cornfields which are so thick that you can not look into them is that unsettling, hot and humid, I don't want to know what it is like between the rows. Stay out of the corn, there may be stuff in there (and I will say the same for cane fields which are thicker and much more nasty, but which don't go on as far as the corn seas of the midwest).
If Googlemaps is to be believed, her mother's house is just outside city limits. The red line marks city limits; the house is on Bear Drive just to the north. I tried to put in a marker but that made the red line disappear :p

Not that I can see how it matters in this case...

Google Maps
Yes, because you are quoting someone who quoted me after I quoted yet someone else. The OP was rainbowman, who said Mollie is not a resident of Brooklyn, her family lives in a larger nearby town, and there were people in her hometown who knew she was staying at her BF's in Brooklyn. I was asking what they meant, because I thought one part of her family lives in CA, and the other in Brooklyn on the other side of town. What part of her family lives in a larger town nearby?
I'm not yet convinced it's a male. Maybe due to some personal speculation, but I'm leaning toward a possible female being responsible.
It’s far more likely that the perpetrator is a male vs being a female. The issue here is motive, and it’s more likely to be a sexual one as opposed to revenge or something else. That would point to a male.
THIS!!!! I do not wish to get OT but this is a safety issue for ALL people who have SM. My son has been in the military since 9/11. Last year he was deployed to Europe for 6.5 months. While he was away the base sent out an alert to all spouses that they need to be aware of their surroundings because several spouses had reported having had encounters with middle eastern men which were rather frightening. I am NOT singling out or attacking such people, let that be clear!!! Apparently these men were using FB especially to find family members of active and reserve service people. How did they know who was family and who was not you ask. There was an app that allowed people to send you a relationship request. All you had to do was accept it and then on their FB it would say you were that person's mom, dad, brother, cousin etc. I had all my relatives sending them to me but it was so out of hand I only accepted my closest family members.

Long story short my DIL had several encounters as well which scared ALL of us. The first incident was innocent enough. She was selling something she made at a friends barn. She was using FB somehow to sell these things. The person was to meet her at the barn. No one was in the farmhouse she was using so it was just her and my two young granddaughters when a car of 4 middle eastern men showed up and were just laughing at her. She asked if one was this person who wanted the item and he said yeah, I contacted you but I don't want your BLEEP BLEEP... She paniced as I did when she relayed this to me. They did nothing to her and the police and homeland security which got involved said it was an intimidation ruse to let her know they were watching her. She left and went to her parents.

That same week she gets out of work and waiting there is that same bunch of guys. It is late summer after 9:00 PM she worked late with a client and no one else was in the parking lot but the client and this car that was parked RIGHT NEXT to hers. She flew into the car and was calling 911 to report it. Come to find out thank God the police told her that they had a car ON the scene and two officers were already aware of what was happening and watching her. They told her to drive directly to the police station which she did. The car started to follow her but as soon as they saw the lights come on of the cops that were in fact parked in a dirt alleyway across the street, the car turned into a different direction and sped off.

This was all unbeknownst to me. While this was going on with my DIL I had a problem with FB. I got an email stating that my account had been temporarily closed due to what they believed to be a security breech. Someone from Moracco had been attempting to get into my FB account. I was thinking what the heck why would anyone do this. So a day or two later I was speaking with my DIL to ask if she had heard from my son and I told her what happened. She said uhoh. I need to talk to you about something. She asked me to come to her house which I did. She told me the story and said that the base was aware of these things as was homeland security and they had been asked not to speak about it. Well you better believe I freaked out. I went home and wanted to delete my FB account but with numerous emails back and forth to FB they would not allow me access back into the account so I could delete it. I was furious I wanted it gone. The page still was showing up I just couldn't access it and they would not take it down. From that moment on I deleted the rest of my SM accounts except for twitter.

Things DO go on behind the scenes that we have no knowledge of which is probably for the best because we would end up being paranoid 24/7 if we knew everything going on. This particular incident was a direct result of our military people being targeted by possible enemies. The families were being targeted directly due to something that was going on at that time that I don't feel comfortable sharing. But just say something as simple as that app singled us all out as close relatives of my son therefore open targets.

But I suggest to any of you if you have such apps on your SM you get rid of them and NEVER use your real name even with FB if it is just being used to keep in contact with family. This was a lesson I did learn well.
I like FB because it allows me to keep in touch with wonderful people who I don't get to see every day.
However, I am very strict with my permissions and I don't friend anyone I don't personally know.
Since MT failed to show up for work, Im wondering how long it took them before they called MT mom inquiring about her whereabouts? Immediately? 1-2 hours?? How long before they thought she was missing vs. Overslept/sick day ? Did her phone go straight to vm when work tried calling her? Did someone drive over to her house to check on her before calling mom? How did they deliver the news to MT mom? Did they say MT was missing or late for work?

I have a co worker who is late most of the time and irresponsible ... if we couldn’t reach her , I wouldn’t call her parents immediately. I don’t even have their would probably be like a few hours, possibly even 24 hours before I assumed foul play had happened and brought others into her business.
Someone from work realized she was late and when they couldn't get a response from her called her boyfriend. I think it was around 11:00. The boyfriend then called around to see if anyone had heard from her. They hadn't. I think the missing persons report was filled out around 5:00, but dont quote me on that. It was sometime late afternoon to early evening
Corn can be intimidating. I am born and raised in New Orleans, so did not grow up with Midwest cornfields...sugar cane, come to think of it can be pretty intimidating too! But I digress. In the 80's I would commute, a few times a year, between Davenport and New Orleans. One summer I took a "short cut" between Interstate highways, and found myself on two lane blacktop, between mile after mile of 8 to 10 feet corn stalks... nothing but mile after mile of green walls. My paper map told me where I needed to head North, but in this sea of corn, I wasn't sure that I would know where to turn. You can picture my relief when I came to a crossroad, with the same sky high corn stalks on all sides, but with a simple steel pole and a road sign for the two lane highway I was looking for, the most incongruous looking darn thing in the literal middle of nowhere! If riding a 1200cc motorcycle between cornfields which are so thick that you can not look into them is that unsettling, hot and humid, I don't want to know what it is like between the rows. Stay out of the corn, there may be stuff in there (and I will say the same for cane fields which are thicker and much more nasty, but which don't go on as far as the corn seas of the midwest).

That would absolutely panic me. If feel totally trapped.
I like FB because it allows me to keep in touch with wonderful people who I don't get to see every day.
However, I am very strict with my permissions and I don't friend anyone I don't personally know.

With your Facebook screen name people can get your real name, phone number, and address... That's why I got off social media...
I think it’s a valid point. Whenever you have an influx of workers in an area, you run the risk of one of them being a threat. Construction is one of those jobs where you generally don’t see concern about background checks, and you have people cycling through at a significant rate. I make this point not to knock construction workers in any way, it’s just the nature of the profession lends itself to some undesirable people being employed from time to time.

There was a recent case of transient workers up in N Dakota who kidnapped a woman. In the shale belt.

The transient construction workers are not anchored to the area. No emotional commitment, nor sense of community. Crime boomed up in the Balkan shale area.
I do say this, despite the nature of the forum: Everyday we wake up, relatively healthy and safe, with a family healthy and safe is great. You never know. You just never know.

I guess I am an existentialist.

It's been said to never leave work things on your desk, and to never go to bed angry with someone.

And to tell your loved ones that you love them. You never know, it may be the last time you'll get the chance.
O/T, but just to lighten the mood momentarily...all you folks referencing Children of the Corn need to watch better corn movies...might I suggest Field of Dreams....
Was anything removed from WC's home?
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