Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #27

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Hi! New to websleuths. And just a few boards behind but I notice everyone is saying "he" when referring to the perp. May I ask why? Some of the post sound as if they have a profile on the perp but I havent read that anywhere. Can you provide that source?

The reason I am curious... what if "he" is a "she". Maybe I've watched way too much ID channel but..

We know the BF is not a suspect as far as LE is concerned but what if BF had a side dish that wanted to be the main course? I would suppose she would've known that Mollie would be alone. I suppose LE might already have that theory in play and are desperate to fish out anyone that can confirm that line of thinking. I.e. high reward money.

What if is was a female coworker or friend?

Or a combination of both. Mollie had a friend who was in town with BF while Mollie was away at school. Mollie comes back for the summer and it's all too much. Friend and BF secrete lover pulls a Long Island Lolita on Mollie. Women snap all the time.. apparently.

Anyone know if this Avenue has been explored?
You are right, there is always a possibility the perp could be female. But I would have to disagree with your assumption that "women snap all the time." I have been around other women all my life. I went to a girls boarding school and a women's college.( my parents were overprotective.) Since then I have been around women in my career, as a soccer mom, cub scout mom, etc. Besides the overzealous and somewhat competitive mom at a soccer game, I have NEVER seen a woman Snap. So no, I wouldn't say women snap all the time. Jmo
Anyone who knew that the BF took a job out of town...

He worked construction so his travel schedule would vary. Plus there's the brother and his fiancé to consider. Seems like a person would have to be pretty familiar with the principals to know that the BF was working out of town and the brother would be visiting his fiancé in Ames on that specific night.
WOW !!! I just bypassed 2 threads to get to this one..sure are moving fast. Ive been trying to keep up but busy with family. I think LE/FBI are doing everything they can possibly do for this case and are following every tip/lead that comes in.
I listened to DM -(the PI that worked Lucas' case) discuss this case (not sure if this is allowed here as the live video is from his SM page and not sure if I can link it.....if not, mods-please remove)** and found it very interesting on his theory, although he openly admits he has not kept up with everything pertaining to Mollie's case and will be doing more research.
I am thankful to be a part of this WS group and for the mods keeping everything in line as it is crazy out there in SM land and appreciate that it is fact based only here without all the drama.
Praying today is the day that Mollie is found !!!
While 385th Ave seems the logical exit point from Brooklyn, and it’s deservedly getting a lot of attention, I decided to tackle the southernmost point because I find it strange that the FBI have marked it on their map. It looks like that land would normally be under cultivation and there are only a few scattered farms. However, most of them fall outside the area identified by the FBI. I can’t believe anyone would notice what was going on in that area at all, but why are they drawing attention to it.

If you depart Brooklyn, you’ll pass a large truck stop just before turning onto the I-80.

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The area next to the Pilot Travel Centre also has a very large truck stop adjacent to the I-80 together with truck repair facilities on the other side. The last map encompasses the entire southern spot.

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Both routes have one thing in common – truck stops, but if Mollie left the area along one of her usual jogging routes, willingly or not, that that seems highly unlikely. I only work with facts and the ones that are known to us are only leading to endless speculation so I’ll leave it to others to go down that path.

There also is a TRUCK REPAIR BIZ along 385 Ave, just outside the city limits.

I saw where 20% of homicides that are solved... the perpetrator is not found until after 8 months

Wouldn't it be terrific to improve those stats?
He worked construction so his travel schedule would vary. Plus there's the brother and his fiancé to consider. Seems like a person would have to be pretty familiar with the principals to know that the BF was working out of town and the brother would be visiting his fiancé in Ames on that specific night.


And that Mollie was staying overnight
True...but LE did not find these women and girls.

My point was that while statistics may show that most abduction victims are murdered within hours of being taken, there are exceptions to those and as long as we have those exceptions it gives reason to hope that Mollie could also be am exception. I have two daughters close in age to Mollie and all of us run. I choose to hope and it costs me nothing.
Hello WebSleuths! Like many of you, I am concerned about MT and have found myself on these boards to try to reason what could have happened and perhaps even come up with a plausible scenario that could help lead LE to a perp. Thanks to so many of you for sharing all of these theories and ideas. The concern and prayers do make a difference in these cases, I think.

As a young (20yo) woman I escaped from a serial killer in the West and recently wrote a novel about the experience, using extensive research about his other cases/victims once I found out who the man was (the perp is now on death row in Wyoming if anyone is interested in researching him - Dale Wayne Eaton - in addition, a very similar story to mine can be found here: Robert Ben Rhoades: The Truck Stop Killer). Eaton was an always-prepared opportunist who worked in a general area for dozens of years, growing bolder and more sophisticated with each snatch. He had family, kids, friends even if he was considered a bit odd in his community. He would sometimes hold women for a period of time before disposing of their remains.

After the exhaustive work I did in researching Eaton's victims and similar crimes, I still find myself drawn to cases of young women disappearing in hopes of seeing patterns. The MT case stands out because a) she was not a drifter and she is definitely missed; b) the FBI presence for her case; and c) the gut feeling that the resolution is right in front of LE and the community but somehow but just out of reach.

At present, my (A) theory is MT was snatched by someone who knew her or was familiar with her, even having just seen her jogging before. She likely did not know him. I think she was knocked out after returning to a home - outside either her mother's or her BF's home, and then she was transported to a strange place within the city limits of Brooklyn or very nearby, some underground or secure shed or enclosure where at first the person, who I think is a younger to middle-aged disturbed male, intended to simply assault her. I think he realized he could not let her go and unfortunately continued assaulting her for days or perhaps even weeks until she either become so weak she is barely alive or has tragically perished.

My (B) theory is that the MT disappearance is somehow connected to the Lyric and Elizabeth case from nearby Evansdale (Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins) and this is why the FBI is there in such force as they may have a serial on their hands. This could tie into the (A) theory as well.

The (C) theory is a hit and run with massive injuries and then an attempt to cover this up. In my area, a person was killed on the highway and their body so badly hit (by two vehicles) that not much remained. The local authorities got involved after someone found part of a jaw at the car wash. The case took about a year to solve but they got the perp. The small-town LE, in this case, were very open with the public about the information they had.

I think the idea that there is evidence of a perp vehicle at the Truck Stop, one that was also seen in town could be valid but I'm unsure why LE would not release the make/model if so. The attempted abduction in Miner, Missouri is of interest as well, especially as desperate killers will not stop until they find a victim, but why this perp would choose such a small town with one way in/out would be in question. More likely it seems the perp was at least familiar with the Brooklyn area.

***I have a question as to why on the first page of these threads it notes that MT was last seen in denim jeans and a red t-shirt on 7/19 when official flyers note she was last seen jogging in workout clothes on 7/18? Also, was the person who saw the black SUV in town discredited? This would fit with the Miner, MO vehicle description.

Sorry for the long post. I've read almost every thread here on this case and also on Lyric and Elizabeth. As the mom of a sweet and bright daughter, I feel for the families of these disappeared girls and hope with every tragedy we can teach our kids to not just be wary and vigilant but also SPEAK UP when they notice something that makes them feel uneasy. Unfortunately, it's a predatory universe and sometimes even the best defense is of little use with a deranged individual.

Please forgive any unintentional lack of etiquette! This is my first post in the forums. Thank you.

As far as I know we are still unclear on the red shirt. There was one mentioned but then not mentioned again. Also they told us to stop mentioning the black SUV. The reason: Because apparently there was a break in that night and the SUV I think was a cop and partner (I believe--someone correct me if I am wrong) out looking for the perp who I think tried to break into a store (or something like that). So the SUV (from what I heard) had nothing to do with Mollie's disappearance. But I am for one STILL clueless about the red shirt. I think we are all trying to still figure out HOW she had a red shirt on (all speculation though) since her jogging clothes were missing (which would mean she was out jogging and would not have had her red work shirt on). I agree with you in your thinking too.
CheetosDust and Kitagrl, that's a GREAT idea. I might look into getting a ring like that, especially hearing about what happened to Mollie. I am very sick, with arthritis, chronic illness, and bad hand strength. I know I would be overpowered if a guy OR woman grabbed me. My husband told me there is a place right under the nose if you hit or kick it hard enough you can kill a person. Also if you hit or kick a person hard enough in the throat it can do some damage. I know I have weak hand strength and KNOW I couldn't probably do enough damage. I would probably try kicking them instead like in the crotch or try poking out their eyes (I am sure that could do damage too). You do what you can think to do when someone is trying to kidnap you.

I learned screaming is one of the most important things you can do in self defense class. Also fight tooth and nail to avoid being put in a vehicle even if perp has a weapon. Project air of confidence when out of home environment; kick knees and claw at eyes.
There is a reason why investigators are turning inward to focus on a very fine eyed number of areas in Brooklyn. One in particular is a very specific 'car wash'. Even before the press conference;prior to the announcement of a .gov website FBI forensics had been at work. The CSI had gone over that car wash' with a microscope all drains,catch basins,vacuum containers,surface water holding ponds/facilities,ever frame of video you name it.

The EPA is stretching to include farm areas with new requirements for water treatment plants. Investigators were not going to miss any opportunity no matter how elusive to solve MT tragic case.

There must be physical clue that was a game changer i.e. piece of her ear pod,tie wrap,a vehicle dirty then appearing washed on CCTV ( ? )that their investigation turned inward to a more focused areas of Brooklyn.

Perhaps not a single clue but enough for the probability of it being of significance in the window of opportunity between5 pm to 10pm of urgency.

My Opinion Only

Perhaps these spots are where her fitbit/phone pinged? this could be the possible route of the perp?
You misunderstood. I think it's possible the person is not a stranger to HER.
But, perhaps there was something risque about the relationship that prevented her from sharing with family and future flatmate. Especially, if they really dig the official bf.

It seemed to me the 3 hour conversation may have dropped hints to her Dad. It is his suspicion she could have left with someone and they are in over their heads now that gives it legs, in my opinion.

Not aimed at you directly but there has been so much chatter about the 3 hour phone call, my eldest daughter lives in another state and yesterday we spent nearly 3 hours on the phone, just talking about stuff.

Most of our conversations are lengthy like that and there's never any 'situation' relating to it, just talking to each other as if we were spending the afternoon together, which we don't get to do living so far apart. I don't find anything odd about Mollie and her Dad having long conversations.
I assume public transportation is all but nonexistent in Brooklyn, IA and the only bus traffic would be people long-haulers?

The only bus traffic in Brooklyn would likely be visiting high school sports teams. It's far enough off the highway that any tour buses or greyhounds probably wouldn't come any closer than the truck stop at the exit.
Not aimed at you directly but there has been so much chatter about the 3 hour phone call, my eldest daughter lives in another state and yesterday we spent nearly 3 hours on the phone, just talking about stuff.

Most of our conversations are lengthy like that and there's never any 'situation' relating to it, just talking to each other as if we were spending the afternoon together, which we don't get to do living so far apart. I don't find anything odd about Mollie and her Dad having long conversations.

I'm a girl and I talk to my dad either for 45 seconds or 3 hours. He doesn't seem to have an in-between. He's either really to the point or super chatty and he's the same way with my brother.
Honestly I feel it necessary to thank the LE proffesionalls right now. I'm glad people like them exist and for every bit of evil in this world there is a mounain of good
Exactly. The same with much-maligned truckers down I-80. The same with the good, accurate journalists not found on a site like, well, you know. And while I'm at it? Attorneys. They can rock, too. Thank you
I learned screaming is one of the most important things you can do in self defense class. Also fight tooth and nail to avoid being put in a vehicle even if perp has a weapon. Project air of confidence when out of home environment; kick knees and claw at eyes.

Screaming is NUMBER ONE. If grabbed from behind with your mouth covered... RELAX, grab the thumb with the arm from the same side that's around you and pull down in a snapping/ballistic movement, turn your body toward that same side, and yell at the top of your LUNGS. RUN! You have drawn attention to your situation and broken the attackers thumb. You can't grab someone with broken thumbs...
Jmo it would not take brains to grab someone, throw them in vehicle and drive off. Or time. Toss the phone, drive 20 miles and be home in an hour or two. Who’s to know?

Just takes intent. Mollie not yet being found yet would have me believe, as posted on threads by more experienced and knowledgeable posters, that the perp in this case had experience or a lot of planning.
Screaming is NUMBER ONE. If grabbed from behind with your mouth covered... RELAX, grab the thumb with the arm from the same side that's around you and pull down in a snapping/ballistic movement, turn your body toward that same side, and yell at the top of your LUNGS. RUN! You have drawn attention to your situation and broken the attackers thumb. You can't grab someone with broken thumbs...
Unless you are hit from behind with a crowbar and have no opportunity to scream at all....JMO
Ok, so I'm curious. Why are you expecting another missing person? I know your profile of the perp says that he's probably done it before, but why again? Increased thrill?

I agree and the missing person will be along I 80. I think that’s why there is such a large FBI involvement. If that’s correct. It’s sadly a waiting game at this point.
Hello WebSleuths! Like many of you, I am concerned about MT and have found myself on these boards to try to reason what could have happened and perhaps even come up with a plausible scenario that could help lead LE to a perp. Thanks to so many of you for sharing all of these theories and ideas. The concern and prayers do make a difference in these cases, I think.

As a young (20yo) woman I escaped from a serial killer in the West and recently wrote a novel about the experience, using extensive research about his other cases/victims once I found out who the man was (the perp is now on death row in Wyoming if anyone is interested in researching him - Dale Wayne Eaton - in addition, a very similar story to mine can be found here: Robert Ben Rhoades: The Truck Stop Killer). Eaton was an always-prepared opportunist who worked in a general area for dozens of years, growing bolder and more sophisticated with each snatch. He had family, kids, friends even if he was considered a bit odd in his community. He would sometimes hold women for a period of time before disposing of their remains.

After the exhaustive work I did in researching Eaton's victims and similar crimes, I still find myself drawn to cases of young women disappearing in hopes of seeing patterns. The MT case stands out because a) she was not a drifter and she is definitely missed; b) the FBI presence for her case; and c) the gut feeling that the resolution is right in front of LE and the community but somehow but just out of reach.

At present, my (A) theory is MT was snatched by someone who knew her or was familiar with her, even having just seen her jogging before. She likely did not know him. I think she was knocked out after returning to a home - outside either her mother's or her BF's home, and then she was transported to a strange place within the city limits of Brooklyn or very nearby, some underground or secure shed or enclosure where at first the person, who I think is a younger to middle-aged disturbed male, intended to simply assault her. I think he realized he could not let her go and unfortunately continued assaulting her for days or perhaps even weeks until she either become so weak she is barely alive or has tragically perished.

My (B) theory is that the MT disappearance is somehow connected to the Lyric and Elizabeth case from nearby Evansdale (Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins) and this is why the FBI is there in such force as they may have a serial on their hands. This could tie into the (A) theory as well.

The (C) theory is a hit and run with massive injuries and then an attempt to cover this up. In my area, a person was killed on the highway and their body so badly hit (by two vehicles) that not much remained. The local authorities got involved after someone found part of a jaw at the car wash. The case took about a year to solve but they got the perp. The small-town LE, in this case, were very open with the public about the information they had.

I think the idea that there is evidence of a perp vehicle at the Truck Stop, one that was also seen in town could be valid but I'm unsure why LE would not release the make/model if so. The attempted abduction in Miner, Missouri is of interest as well, especially as desperate killers will not stop until they find a victim, but why this perp would choose such a small town with one way in/out would be in question. More likely it seems the perp was at least familiar with the Brooklyn area.

***I have a question as to why on the first page of these threads it notes that MT was last seen in denim jeans and a red t-shirt on 7/19 when official flyers note she was last seen jogging in workout clothes on 7/18? Also, was the person who saw the black SUV in town discredited? This would fit with the Miner, MO vehicle description.

Sorry for the long post. I've read almost every thread here on this case and also on Lyric and Elizabeth. As the mom of a sweet and bright daughter, I feel for the families of these disappeared girls and hope with every tragedy we can teach our kids to not just be wary and vigilant but also SPEAK UP when they notice something that makes them feel uneasy. Unfortunately, it's a predatory universe and sometimes even the best defense is of little use with a deranged individual.

Please forgive any unintentional lack of etiquette! This is my first post in the forums. Thank you.
Welcome to WS!!!!!
hoping for a break in the case.

Also, why would there be a 5 hour timeframe if they pretty much know her locations via cameras and maybe her Fitbit? Why not give the exact times?
Hey Justice! Miss your old flashing squad car avatar but glad to see you are with us here! My take is they want to cull info on who was in tbe vicinity in the hour(s) prior, (hanging about beforehand, then MT comes onto the scene) ... and then:???
LE may want to see not only who DOES step forward affirming their presence but even moreso who (perhaps known to have been there, via cctv) does NOT admit to their's.
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