Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #28

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Just trying to figure out how MT would have come to his attention, if it was some other way besides he happened to be driving around Brooklyn, Iowa near dusk on a random July evening then spotted her, & did a very high risk abduction.
Drug users talk and many dealers in small towns are on the police payroll as CIs. LE does drugs well, in terms of information. A jonesin' user picked up for simple possession would sell out their own grandmother to get back on the street.
Do they need her phone to do this or can they do it without your oermission in this case

At work I have the ability to remote into other people's devices. I ask them to go to a link, pick my name out of the list of people who are online to help, click on it, and then they are asked to allow me to access their device. Without permission, I can't access the device. With permission, I see their device on my computer screen and I can take control of their device remotely. I can either guide them to click here ... click there, or I just do it for them.

This cannot happen without you requesting assistance and granting permission for someone to access your device. Access is terminated at the end of the session by the person who has taken control of the device. Each session requires permission to be granted, and even though it happens once, it cannot automatically happen again.
If anyone was wondering how someone might lure MT...

beep beep ..."Hi, are you Mollie? I'm blahblah blahblahblah, I work with Dalton. He was hurt on the job this afternoon and in the hospital. He asked me to come get you! Get in, I'll take you there."

Plausible? Yes.

Likely? No. First thing MT would have attempted would be to contact DJ via phone... assuming the opportunity was permitted to her.

"His phone was damaged. I'll take you there."

That might work.
The one contact may have been that her abductor saw her jogging the night before she was abducted. Even though she changed her routes, if her destination was the same, it probably wouldn't make any difference.
Destination? Either going to her mothers or back to DJs, right? If he knew DJs was the endpoint, that would be a logical abduction site I think. Yeah, that.
So it’s even more interesting to note that the parents believe the opposite, that is, she willingly left with someone she knows.
They have to believe that though, if they are to hold on to any hope of ever seeing her again. I’d take their comments with a grain of salt. Hope is all they have.
At work I have the ability to remote into other people's devices. I ask them to go to a link, pick my name out of the list of people who are online to help, click on it, and then they are asked to allow me to access their device. Without permission, I can't access the device. With permission, I see their device on my computer screen and I can take control of their device remotely. I can either guide them to click here ... click there, or I just do it for them.

This cannot happen without you requesting assistance and granting permission for someone to access your device. Access is terminated at the end of the session by the person who has taken control of the device. Each session requires permission to be granted, and even though it happens once, it cannot automatically happen again.

Very intersting. I am familiar with that. My husband does this for work too. He has helped me many times. It is certainly plausible if she was in a study group.
So it’s even more interesting to note that the parents believe the opposite, that is, she willingly left with someone she knows.

Her parents are very afraid for her, and the easiest way to get to the next day probably requires a strong belief that she is with someone who will not harm her, someone who is a friend. That doesn't make it true. In fact, from what we know, there is nothing to suggest that she hopped into a vehicle with a friend and happily drove into the corn fields.
I’m not sure about this. I can think of numerous occasions where there was no prior contact, and the victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some do stalk their victims first (BTK), but the “contact” involves seeing them, following them, and learning about them. This type of thing is more in line with organized offenders than disorganized ones.
Not familiar with the exact stats. Sometimes they meet, sometimes they don't. If Otto's right, that first "contact" could be he saw her jogging the night before. I mean, I guess what he did turned out to be organized, right? Even though for all intents & purposes, snatching a runner off the street should not be falling under the rubric organized.
I went back and forth as to what was the first thing on the perp's agenda. Going out to the North East red area to dump the phone first seems weird. You've taken a great risk to grab someone - what's the main goal (I can't bring myself to even think along these lines)? I think even at the risk or the phone and fit bit leaving a digital footprint, his main goal was (whatever it was) superseded every thing.
Just trying to figure out how MT would have come to his attention, if it was some other way besides he happened to be driving around Brooklyn, Iowa near dusk on a random July evening then spotted her, & did a very high risk abduction.

and then take a circuitous route that, apparently based on LE's map, includes out of the way gravel roads?
To add to shared networking, she probbly would know and be familiar and trust this person. Passwords could be accessed and when she went out to jog the first night while he gathered her info.
If she is running her heart rate would be already up, doubtful anxiety would take it up any further, running in the heat, heart rate probably 150bpm
Even if her heart rate didn't go up (which I think it may), the fitbit would show a lack of movement, or at least a decrease if she was somehow bound. At the same time, her GPS would show that she was moving at a speed much faster than her running ability would allow. MOO
Similarity between Evansdale and Delphi is the fact that in both cases at least one girl may have been lured and she brought a friend along, perhaps thinking there was safety in numbers. Both sets of girls - one is slight and one is heavier. Bodies were found near a shallow river in a rural park. None of the girls were straight with their parents about where they were going and what they were doing. Evansdale girls were younger than Delphi girls. Big question is: if they were lured, why didn't police find a digital trace?
I agree with you on most of your beliefs on the cases, but I really don't believe that any of them was lured to where they were taken. There are so many similarities between the Girls in Evansdale and those in Delphi that it's hard to believe they aren't related, but there are some differences too. If all 3 abductions were done by the same person/people, I really hope that Mollie (with the help of Libby's video and audio) puts an end to his/their run. MOO
Just trying to figure out how MT would have come to his attention, if it was some other way besides he happened to be driving around Brooklyn, Iowa near dusk on a random July evening then spotted her, & did a very high risk abduction.

Maybe he stopped at Brooklyn to get something to eat and a car wash, then decided to cruise around town. Maybe he's been there on other Wednesday nights and noticed Mollie jogging a couple of weeks ago.
and then take a circuitous route that, apparently based on LE's map, includes out of the way gravel roads?
Right, he must have known those roads. Then this was far more "organized" than at first glance. He either knew the routes or scoped 'em out beforehand. I wonder, now, about Massguy's circling back to how she was in the house alone, interesting timing. I'm thinking he may have been quite familiar with MTs life. If that's the case, how did she originally come to his attention.
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