Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #4

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I'm thinking a trucker came down route 6 on their way into Brooklyn to make deliveries, saw Mollie running, hit/seized her near the high school, threw her in the truck, made their deliveries, then made their way down to route 80 and were on their way. I think there are 15 FBI agents because they have seen this MO before and Mollie is just the latest victim and they are hoping to get enough clues to catch a serial offender. Pure speculation on my part, but after reading everything and looking at maps closely, only scenario that makes sense to me given the disparate search areas and the large LE presence. If this scenario is true, Mollie could be anywhere...
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I hope people who are locals and beyond report their loved one acting uncharacteristicly suspicious and that person was gone on the evening and night and possibly day after Mollie went missing. They may have had noticeable scratches or injuries. The clothing they had on that day may have disappeared, be bloodied or ripped and they are likely also following the case closely for any developments.

If you suspect a loved one, friend or co-worker may be involved with good reason please say something to law enforcement.
Thanks for your post! This is the type of information LE would give out at a press conference if they suspected she was abducted by someone in the area, and were looking for more tips from the community. I might add if the person was acting suspicious, gone longer than usual the day/night of and days after from their normal routine, or had traveled out of town unexpectedly too.
Yes, you would think so, typically, but there could be evidence LE is not sharing (like the doors or windows were not all locked so someone could have gotten in without it being an obvious break-in) and they could have overpowered her, covered her mouth with a cloth with that knockout chemical on it, tasered her, etc. and taken her out of the house even unconscious and being carried out, shutting the door behind them.
Or how she was making it TO work (I had thought it meant the brother wanted to know if she needed a ride there not home) ...maybe even her BF not “remembering” the caption is something being retained from the public.
As long as it’s not an exact location or suspect I would’nt see why not? But they are pretty particular and shut down free flowing information here for any little thing whether it could actually be helpful or not so...

Rumor mill spreads more harm than good in Mollie Tibbetts' case

This link should really say "Rumor mill spreads more harm than good in Mollie Tibbetts' case"

From article:

"The search for Tibbetts has started to circulate the rumor mill, something investigators and Tibbetts’ loved ones said does more harm than help.

Lynd said the wait for answers is tougher as rumors on Tibbetts' disappearance fly around online.

"I try not to read any of those rumors or anything like that because we just
don't know,” she said.

"You can't believe everything that you see,” Goodman said. “Like, until something from the police is put out, you cannot believe what you see."

From my understanding, the protection of those who are innocent and the victims in these situations, is the reason for "shutting down free flowing information". It's not always our information to share... Not always our story to tell. We are here to help, not to simply get the "inside scoop". So, before we share what we consider to be valuable information or seek to weasel out that detail or morsel of gossip, we must first think about the face of the person we are seeking to help and those that love him or her. And sometimes, there is no one to love the victim, so here at websleuths, we take on that role.
However, Mollie has captured the nation's attention. And good for her. And I hope and pray with all I am that it is to her benefit. I pray that she is brought home alive and that her emotional scars are not greater than her physical. I pray that her friends and family have the endurance and strength to run this race. That they have every support and resource laid open and available to them. That in their time of need that they are not found wanting.
That here at websleuths we can be a community of like-minded individuals who seek to help and not to hurt. That before the search for information the desire to protect Mollie and her family is found to be of primary importance. And so, rumors don't start here, and instead of seeking merely information , plain data, the truth is sought and maintained and respected here.

Because that is how we can best love and help Mollie and her family and her friends.

And let us not forget the countless others in our very own communities who are missing, who do not garner this level of attention. Who are just as deserving of this love and respect and eagerness to seek the truth. May we use the momentum gained here and apply it to those who have fallen out of the spotlight, and perhaps were never in it at all.

Prayers and hope to Mollie and her family and friends. May she be brought safely home soon.
More fake new. lol
She didn't mention that quite a few of the kids on that missing person website had returned home and were never removed from the missing person site.
Yes a lot looked like they were runaway teens. However lesson learned to always be aware. We don’t know the circumstances yet but clearly this was not her doing. I have friends here who’s niece went missing years ago never found. It’s heart wrenching.
I hate being "that person", but has any of the information from the Ames PD been confirmed by those actively involved in the case? I'm mainly wondering about having proof that she returned to the house after her run and that she disappeared some time after 10 p.m. I have thoughts on the case, but don't know which to post because it depends on if she made it back there or not. TIA
Hi! Just a tidbit here. A story posted yesterday stated Mollie hadthe made it home safely from her jog. Family and friends expand the search for Mollie Tibbetts Since I'd not seen that before I asked the reporter if it was confirmed. She said that story was 2 days ago and then it was confirmed but now it is NOT confirmed. Rolls eyes. I echo what many of you have stated here that it seems the journalists have been jumping the gun or something... I know it's a time crunch situation. But this is a big one to fumble. Sleuths keep sleuthing!


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With such a small town I thought of something that I wonder if the FBI may be doing.

If someone abducts someone and turns off her cell phone then that same criminal may turn off his cell phone at the same time to avoid any electronic footprint.

So couldnt LE and FBI ask the cell phone carriers to provide information on any phone numbers that went dead within 2-5 minutes before or after her cell phone going dead and pinging the same tower. I would think that list would be very very small in that small town.
More fake new. lol
She didn't mention that quite a few of the kids on that missing person website had returned home and were never removed from the missing person site. She only mentioned that many of the kids were voluntarily missing aka run aways.
Fake news? Journalists work with the information they are given at any given time. I HATE seeing that term thrown around here on Websleuths.
Locals please: is there a gas station or cafe where the farmers/locals hang out drinking coffee in the morning? Also, is there a place on the highway where Mollie could have met someone for a ride to work? Many thanks.
Hi! Just a tidbit here. A story posted yesterday stated Mollie hadthe made it home safely from her jog. Family and friends expand the search for Mollie Tibbetts Since I'd not seen that before I asked the reporter if it was confirmed. She said that story was 2 days ago and then it was confirmed but now it is NOT confirmed. Rolls eyes. I echo what many of you have stated here that it seems the journalists have been jumping the gun or something... I know it's a time crunch situation. But this is a big one to fumble. Sleuths keep sleuthing!
Nice job going directly to the reporter on that!
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