Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #5

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I live in Iowa. It is very common to contain our dogs while we are away from home. Some people put their dogs indoor kennels. Others put them in the basement. Many basements in Iowa, especially in older homes, are unfinished. If the dogs have an accident, it’s easier to clean concrete than the living room carpet. As soon as we arrive, the dogs come out and join the family. Right before we leave home, they get a potty break and off they go until we arrive home again.
If phones ping regardless of incoming / outgoing calls or texts, then when did her phone stop pinging? What is the last ping LE would be looking at?

LE hasn't said anything about what they've found on her phone records. Actually, I don't think that they've said that they've gotten her phone records yet.
Also, the pings only tell you which tower she was nearest. They don't tell you exactly where she was obviously. If she was in her house, or outside her house or a mile away, all of these locations would ping the same, i.e., would ping the same tower.
That depends on how many towers are close by. If there are at least 3 close enough to ping, her location can be triangulated with 100 ft. (I think, but Paul can probably tell you the right distance if I'm off.)
Wait a second. Something I just thought about. Yes we know Mollie went jogging early evening but what if after she closed up her homework and sent the picture to her boyfriend she decided to go for another run? When I ran I loved running in the dark. It was so quiet and so still. Maybe.
I used to love running in the dark. Until I joined Websleuths.
Here’s an article that says it was a ride home from work the brother was texting about: Disappearance of University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts remains a mystery

Seems to be conflicting reports on this? Some say it was a ride to work and others say a ride home?

The brother could have also meant to say "work" instead of "home." Everything's confusing to me right now.

If it was truly a ride from work then yes, who was Mollie planning to get a ride from in order to get to work? Who else gave her rides besides the brother?

I feel like LE would have compiled a list of this by now and interviewed each potential person.
I agree--but I feel suspicious of this unnamed person. Why wouldn't he be on the timeline saying: "I stopped by the house, leaned on the horn and waited, tried texting her, and finally decided she'd gotten a ride with someone else."

As I said elsewhere, a plausible explanation would be that they were on a "I'll call you if I need a ride" basis. But that idea points back toward the break from normality taking place on the previous evening.

I think you are onto something on this unnamed person. I do find it interesting that nothing seems to be said about her ride to work from anyone that normally would have taken her or LE.
Here is a picture of the house and the interior. Seems really dark to me. The windows look pretty high up.

She could stand on the porch in the rain and let the dogs out. They could also run up onto the porch when they were ready to come in.

The house next door seems really close.
If there were residents in that blue house weren't elderly and deaf, they should've heard maybe screaming, dogs barking at the minimum, when Mollie was abducted.Why didn't they report anything?
How did the family know that Mollie was supposed to wear her red shirt on Thursday? Does the day camp take a field trip every Thursday?
There was a county fair the next day. I’m guessing to stand out and they don’t lose each other, the kids and staff. I used to work in summer camp. When we went on field trips and such, kids and staff dressed in shirts with camp’s logo on it.
Just a few thoughts:

Owner of house is not a concern to me. I bought my first house before my husband and I were married. Never changed the title until it was sold many years later. Just wasn't a priority, or something I worried about.

The red shirt, I don't think most young people would sleep in the clothing they plan to wear the next day to work. Thus if it's missing, it's likely on her, or was put in bag/backpack, etc to take to work with her. Was the fair to be after work? Or part of work? I can't remember.

The dogs. If you ask a hundred dog owners how they do such and such with their dog, you're likely to get 100 different answers. People do what they want, and what works for them. No set rules on what to do. People don't always walk their dogs on a leash either. Many turn them out, and the dogs don't leave the yard, or have a fenced in yard. In the country, you might even have dogs running around the neighborhood, and that's normal for their area. So dogs could have gone out that morning before she disappeared.

The transportation to and from work is an issue for me. I don't think she was planning to walk/jog all that way to work during a storm, or in perfect weather. That's an awfully long trek when you then have to work.

The contacts aren't really an issue with me either. I would have no idea how many pairs of contacts my kids have. I know they both wear them, and both have glasses. But whether they had the contacts in or not, no idea. And even though some take their contacts our each night, not everyone does. There was some brand that one of my kids wore that were designed to be OK left in.... I don't think contact wearers have just a pair or so of contacts. But, I could be wrong.

Are her work shoes missing? Are you jogging/running shoes the same as her work shoes? I mean you typically don't got for a job/run in sandles, or flipflops, but would those have been acceptable footwear at work? And some people do wear sneakers to work. I wonder what the normal was for Mollie?

I wonder what the coworkers thought when she didn't come to work? Did any of them try to contact her? Did her boss try to contact her? I don't know, but it's possible the boss didn't. Just going from memory of when I was working, I didn't call anyone if they hadn't shown up for work. I sure didn't call their family looking for them. But I don't know what the policy was normally like at her work, or what was done that morning when Mollie failed to report to work.

And lastly, for now, the dogs and whether they would be protective, would bark, would bite, etc. There was a show on that. The owners were asked what they thought their dog would do if the owner was attacked, the majority thought the dogs would help them. So a staged attack happened, very few of the dogs actually tried to protect the owner. Some ran and hid. Some were friendly towards the attacker. Some did bark, others didn't. So useless to guess what those 2 dogs would or wouldn't have done.
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