Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #5

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Missing Persons
This link will show the missing persons there. Mollie is listed on here. It is helpful to look at it from most recent.
Under incident type it says “other adult missing”, I wonder what that’s code for. I noticed some adults on there are listed as endangered, or at risk, under incident type. Maybe they need more evidence to be able to state that. Anyone know?
What are the characteristics of sex trafficked people? Does Mollie fit the demographic? I don’t think so
Just gotta say I'm really confused that LE announced Mollie was doing homework on her computer late at night that night. So she just missed dinner with her mom entirely and her mom didn't worry about that one bit, that was a normal thing for Mollie to do?? I find that so odd. Discussed it with my own mom and she was like, "If you said you were coming for dinner and didn't show up, I'd be calling you til you answered!!" Why didn't Mollie call her mom or vice versa?! I can't make sense of that.

Also sorry but who cares how brats is pronounced lol
And that's my point. "If" the dogs were in the basement was she headed out? We don't have verified info they were. Was it a normal habit to put them in the basement for sleep time. As much as our Labs were "busy" night time they were down and out. Free to land where they chose. I think we saw some info there was an electric fencing in place. Maybe they were in the yard and running after she got home. If only dogs could talk.

I agree! Our dogs are free to lay on the couch at night and sleep comfortably... my only other thought was if it was raining there early morning she probably would have let them in basement after letting them out to potty! I don’t let my dogs sit out in the rain and they even have a custom built overhang!
Just in one of those thoughtful kind of moods. I was helping my daughter start to make a list of things she needs in the next few weeks as she heads back to college. She'll be living in a house for the first time. She's Mollie's age. It made me teary to think that Mollie and her mom should be doing this too. If it turns out she is alive then some semblance of recovery may be possible. But if it is as most of us suspect, nothing is every going to be the same. It's easy to think of the big things that will always be difficult - birthdays, Christmas, family vacations, weddings, watching her friends graduate and have families, etc. But even things we never thing about will be difficult. I was at the grocery store today and brats were on sale. It felt like I was kicked in the stomach. Even something as simple as brats will now probably forever throw her mother right back to these days. Do any of you experience that brief second or two in the morning when you are just waking up where your brain starts to kick in and you figure out what day it is? Kind of that blur between sleep and reality. When I've had bad times in my life I find that second or two the most difficult because as I move from that hazy of sleep to reality I am smacked in the face with the reality of the bad thing that is going on that was so briefly gone while I was sleeping. I'm sure her mother isn't sleeping at all, expect with help from much needed medication, but someday she will start sleeping again at least some. Will she ever have a morning where those first few seconds of waking aren't like a knife in an open wound reminding her that Mollie still isn't here? My heart just aches for her, I guess more today than ever because of my day with my daughter. I truly hope every sign is wrong and she is still out there and will be home soon.
Would we hear of any developments, like if LE had new info, on the weekend? Or would we have to wait till Monday? Just curious

It all depends. An arrest, the discovery of a body, I'd expect a same-day press conference. If they decided to release a little more info that they already have--maybe they'd wait till Monday?
I wondered that too, if she was elsewhere doing the homework, especially with the bf saying the Snapchat was in a house but not the house. But then I remembered the laptop was still at bf’s. I wondered if she had used another computer, such as at a friend or aqauintance but I feel that can’t be it because FBI would have known the location she was doing homework from based on the internet forensics, I’d think

They know where the HW was done because there will be an IP address.
Just gotta say I'm really confused that LE announced Mollie was doing homework on her computer late at night that night. So she just missed dinner with her mom entirely and her mom didn't worry about that one bit, that was a normal thing for Mollie to do?? I find that so odd. Discussed it with my own mom and she was like, "If you said you were coming for dinner and didn't show up, I'd be calling you til you answered!!" Why didn't Mollie call her mom or vice versa?! I can't make sense of that.

Also sorry but who cares how brats is pronounced lol

I just get the impression that they weren’t an especially close family so maybe it wasn’t weird to them?

I’m a worst case scenario kind of girl and worry way too much, so I would have been afraid she got hit by a car or something if she didn’t show up, but maybe they are more sane than me.
What we know:

Molly is a student at Iowa University. During the Summer and other breaks, Mollie splits her time living between her boyfriends home and her Mom's home.

Mollie's Boy friend left for work on Tuesday July , 17th, 2018. He works approximately 100 miles away.

Mollie is the only person staying at the home at this time. The other occupants are not there at the time she disappeared.

Mollie's brother gives her a ride home from work at about 5:30 P.M. the evening of Wednesday, July 18th. The 2 of them share a car.

Mollie goes for a jog sometime after she is dropped off.

Mollie's mom invites her to her home for dinner. Mom is making Brats.

Mollie does not show up for dinner.

Mollie , at some point later in the evening, logs into her computer to school work.

She sends a snapchat to her boyfriend.

Storms go through town in the early morning hours of Thursday, July 19th, 2018.

Mollie never shows up for work.

Mollie is reported missing , and the dogs were in the basement, which is the protocol for this home when everyone is gone.

Things we don't know, things that are speculated:

The neighbor is "pretty certain" he sees Mollie out for a jog/brisk walk.

Mollie comes back to her Boyfriend's home after her jog. It seems logical , because of the snapchat and home work being done in the late evening.

Things we don't know:

Why did Mollie leave home without her wallet?

Did she disappear on Wednesday night , July 18th.. or did she disappear Thursday morning July 19th?

Was Mollie wearing the red t-shirt that cannot be found? (this t shirt was meant to be worn by staff for a fair that was in town that day) .

Does her fit bit only give a number of steps, or does it have an actual GPS that gives locations?

When was her cell phone powered off?

Where is her cell phone?

Where was her snapchat photo taken?

Was the photo a normal photo of Mollie? Did she appear to be under any sign of duress?

Was there any flooding or swift water moving at the time that Mollie would have been walking to her Mom's house to get a ride to work, or to pick up the car?

Conclusion at this point:

Reports indicate that Mollie is a responsible and vivacious young woman that does not have any mental health issues, a track record of running away , or any large health issues (at least NONE of this sort of thing has been reported.)

Her boyfriend, brothers and Mother have been cleared of any wrong doing.

Mollie has been missing for either 10 days or 11 days.

SO far, ( at least what has been offered and reported to the public) no physical evidence has been recovered.

Focusing on what we know and we do not know is imperative. The fact that Mollie didn't show up for dinner and that Mom wasn't concerned is not evidence of anything nefarious. Maybe Mollie didn't like Brats and her mom knew that?

Hoping that today is THE day that we get tangible proof of what has happened to Mollie Tibbetts!

This summary is amazing. Thank you for the time and effort it took to pull together the limited solid info we have been presented with.
Just gotta say I'm really confused that LE announced Mollie was doing homework on her computer late at night that night. So she just missed dinner with her mom entirely and her mom didn't worry about that one bit, that was a normal thing for Mollie to do?? I find that so odd. Discussed it with my own mom and she was like, "If you said you were coming for dinner and didn't show up, I'd be calling you til you answered!!" Why didn't Mollie call her mom or vice versa?! I can't make sense of that.

Also sorry but who cares how brats is pronounced lol

LE didn't announce that she was doing homework, her family did.

JULY 28: Family members told KCCI on Saturday that evidence shows she was doing homework on her computer late in the evening on July 18. Authorities declined to release a specific time, saying it could hinder the investigation. New details provide insight into night Mollie Tibbetts was last seen
Thatd be true - labradors really do need at least 2 walks a day to calm them down :)

So taking that into consideration - has there been any sighting of her walking the dogs the day she went missing? It sounds like she went for a run...but no walks...

It was posted on here that there is invisible fence so the dogs can run around the yard
Another thought - if LE really doesn’t know exactly when she disappeared, how can they clear anyone as a suspect?
So unless someone has an alibi for the whole time frame between the last time someone talked to her and when she didn’t show up for work, he might be a poi. Or, LE have a very good idea of exactly when she disappeared and are narrowing down the eligible suspects.
This was my understanding of how they cleared those they cleared.
The report of "late in the evening" and LE's focus on and squelching information of regarding MT's Fitbit (and possibly other technology) might suggest LE believes whomever abducted MT used technology to track her whereabouts or, LE simply is attempting to track MT's whereabouts on the day of and days previous to the event.

If LE does believe a perp tracked MT via technology...

• When did it begin?
• For how long?
• For what ultimate purpose?
• Will he/she stop with MT?
• From where did MT get her Fitbit? Local? Online? Did anyone help her configure the device/applications? Who else knows MT's Fitbit account password?

• If a perp did not track MT in days previous or the day of, then how (and why) did a perp focus on MT?

• Did MT ever have a jogging buddy? When?
• Are there rental properties (houses) in the area?
• Rooms for let by friends, neighbors, coworkers?
• Hotels, motels?
• Strangers in town (including RAGBRAI participants)?

• What else (crime, unusual event, community event) occurred in Brooklyn/general area the same evening (other than RAGBRAI)?

• I expect by now LE (or tech folk) have triangulated a location(s) of MT's last phone ping(s). Do the searched farm locations coincide with that information?

• If MT was indeed working on her computer "late in to the evening", what was she doing? Who/what made her leave the house?

• Were Bluetooth and NFC active on MT's phone? Who else had access (either directly or remotely) to MT's phone?

• When was the last time MT went on vacation? Beach? Local? Abroad?

• Did MT ever participate in plays, talent recitals, karaoke? Where? When? Win/lose?

• Did the Ts or friends ever have handyman work done on their houses / properties? By whom? When?
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Missing Persons
This link will show the missing persons there. Mollie is listed on here. It is helpful to look at it from most recent.
Under incident type it says “other adult missing”, I wonder what that’s code for. I noticed some adults on there are listed as endangered, or at risk, under incident type. Maybe they need more evidence to be able to state that. Anyone know?
OMG...that Iowa State official missing person site hasn't been accurately updated since 2016! Steven Ray Leasure is still listed as missing on that site and and his detached foot was found in 2016. As if he's limping around and hiding somewhere alive for 2 yeas after his foot was cut off.....gimme a break! Ridiculous!

Steven Ray Leasure
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It seems to me LE is only giving us tidbits. Tidbits which give us very little direction. Which is driving me batchit crazy. Evident in my recent posts. I in all my time here have not seen such. Typically they give you something or nothing, but the something makes sense. I cant make sense of this. These tidbits make me think they are zeroed in on somebody. I hope.
I can crop a picture and not have an identifying item in the background.

And not every wall in my house is a different color. Some rooms yes, but not individual walls.

Since the house belongs to a contractor, I wonder if they were redoing it at all.

My house would not have the same wall look as someone else’s house. So wherever she was must have the same wall look as the house she was staying in.
Missing Persons
This link will show the missing persons there. Mollie is listed on here. It is helpful to look at it from most recent.
Under incident type it says “other adult missing”, I wonder what that’s code for. I noticed some adults on there are listed as endangered, or at risk, under incident type. Maybe they need more evidence to be able to state that. Anyone know?
OMG...that missing person site hasn't been accurately updated since 2016! Steven Ray Leasure is still listed as missing on that site and and his detached foot was found in 2016. As if he's limping around alive after his foot was cut off.....gimme a break! Really stupid!
Steven Ray Leasure
What we know:

Molly is a student at Iowa University. During the Summer and other breaks, Mollie splits her time living between her boyfriends home and her Mom's home.

Mollie's Boy friend left for work on Tuesday July , 17th, 2018. He works approximately 100 miles away.

Mollie is the only person staying at the home at this time. The other occupants are not there at the time she disappeared.

Mollie's brother gives her a ride home from work at about 5:30 P.M. the evening of Wednesday, July 18th. The 2 of them share a car.

Mollie goes for a jog sometime after she is dropped off.

Mollie's mom invites her to her home for dinner. Mom is making Brats.

Mollie does not show up for dinner.

Mollie , at some point later in the evening, logs into her computer to school work.

She sends a snapchat to her boyfriend.

Storms go through town in the early morning hours of Thursday, July 19th, 2018.

Mollie never shows up for work.

Mollie is reported missing , and the dogs were in the basement, which is the protocol for this home when everyone is gone.

Things we don't know, things that are speculated:

The neighbor is "pretty certain" he sees Mollie out for a jog/brisk walk.

Mollie comes back to her Boyfriend's home after her jog. It seems logical , because of the snapchat and home work being done in the late evening.

Things we don't know:

Why did Mollie leave home without her wallet?

Did she disappear on Wednesday night , July 18th.. or did she disappear Thursday morning July 19th?

Was Mollie wearing the red t-shirt that cannot be found? (this t shirt was meant to be worn by staff for a fair that was in town that day) .

Does her fit bit only give a number of steps, or does it have an actual GPS that gives locations?

When was her cell phone powered off?

Where is her cell phone?

Where was her snapchat photo taken?

Was the photo a normal photo of Mollie? Did she appear to be under any sign of duress?

Was there any flooding or swift water moving at the time that Mollie would have been walking to her Mom's house to get a ride to work, or to pick up the car?

Conclusion at this point:

Reports indicate that Mollie is a responsible and vivacious young woman that does not have any mental health issues, a track record of running away , or any large health issues (at least NONE of this sort of thing has been reported.)

Her boyfriend, brothers and Mother have been cleared of any wrong doing.

Mollie has been missing for either 10 days or 11 days.

SO far, ( at least what has been offered and reported to the public) no physical evidence has been recovered.

Focusing on what we know and we do not know is imperative. The fact that Mollie didn't show up for dinner and that Mom wasn't concerned is not evidence of anything nefarious. Maybe Mollie didn't like Brats and her mom knew that?

Hoping that today is THE day that we get tangible proof of what has happened to Mollie Tibbetts!
Nice Synopsis TY!!!!’
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