Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #6

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What's the 2012 case?

<respectfully snipped>
That would be the abduction on July 13, 2012 of the Evansdale cousins 60 miles North of Brooklyn. In that case, the girls were found in a park popular for fishing and hunting 20 miles North of Evansdale. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that the person responsible for their murders lives South of Evansdale and left the bodies North to throw police off. I also find the dates interesting. In 2012, July 13 was a Friday, and in 2018 July 13 was a Friday. It's quite possible that this is the same person but things didn't work out on July 13, 2018 so he kept looking for a victim (crime of opportunity) and found one on July 18.

Sure, this might be all coincidental, but there might also be a pattern to this - a sort of reliving the memory on the anniversary.
Billboard rent, fliers, buttons, posters, car magnets, airfare (for dad- maybe lodging too). I’m sure some expenses have been donated, but probably not all. This is why kids of poor people don’t get the media exposure/ pressure for law enforcement to assign the manpower it takes to break a case like this.
Honestly I think it's more about the size of the community.
"AND IOWA State Official - not FBI - on camera telling media that they have called more folks in to stamp down rumours. URGH." veracity

I just plucked this bolded quote out upon returning to WS this afternoon but there are so many great points in the post. This was the first new post I read and the whole frustrating dialog is very close to how many of us feel I am sure. I am not interested or feeling anxiety because I have a need to know but because I am concerned for Mollies loved ones who are actually suffering in real life! No mother or father is going to go on national television and do an interview pouring out their hearts in the belief that their child is alive "just to support LE/FBI narrative" to catch a criminal or secure a conviction. This family in interviews truly acts and believes from what it sounds like they have been told from LE (along with the community) they feel Mollie is and could be alive!
Have a press conference please! This has been the most unusual case I have followed especially concerning the FBI being brought in! All I can surmise is that they DO believe Mollie is alive and the FBI has a profiler directing the flow of information for the safety of Mollie!
Veracity, I am frustrated too for the whole community of Brooklyn, and the young people who know and love Mollie. I'm holding out hope until I am convinced otherwise. Come home Mollie~

THANKS WIDEOPEN! We both remember too many cases.... and this one is so frustrating to watch. Her dad's interview made me instantly think of Taylor's mom!!! There was a tug of war as to who would take the lead... maybe that is partly why I am asking some of the questions here. But this case is opening itself wide for the questions before her dad did that interview!

I want someone in the press to take a look from the outside and explore the DCI and bring to light just how many cases Rahn has led and now I want to know the timeline for the handling of this case - WHO held the reins when? and what sort of training is done in IOWA when it comes to missing people?
<respectfully snipped>
That would be the abduction on July 13, 2012 of the Evansdale cousins 60 miles North of Brooklyn. In that case, the girls were found in a park popular for fishing and hunting 20 miles North of Evansdale. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that the person responsible for their murders lives South of Evansdale and left the bodies North to throw police off. I also find the dates interesting. In 2012, July 13 was a Friday, and in 2018 July 13 was a Friday. It's quite possible that this is the same person but things didn't work out on July 13, 2018 so he kept looking for a victim (crime of opportunity) and found one on July 18.

Sure, this might be all coincidental, but there might also be a pattern to this - a sort of reliving the memory on the anniversary.
i cant imagine someone who killed two little girls would wait 6 years to do it again. Not to mention we dont know the nature of the crime against those two little girls.
Then this, which I think was posted in an earlier thread.

Pella Police Searching for Suspicious Man in Parked Car Seen Taking Pictures of Young Joggers

Is there a jogger serial-kidnapper in Iowa? Or is the media trying to make it look like there is? It's definitely creating public anxiety. I got a text from my mom at 11 p.m. last night telling me to be careful because people are disappearing around the state. IDK. But I'll admit my mom's text is one reason I've stopped going out for my early morning walks/jogs on the trails. I'll be working out at the fitness center in broad daylight or in the afternoons when my boyfriend is with me.

Google says Pella is about 50 miles SW from Brooklyn. Pella's population is around 10,000.
FOX News Channel had a brief story on Mollie just a few minutes ago. Recap: there is reason to believe she made it home after her jog. Her Fitbit may offer additional information. The 3 house mates were working a construction job out of town. The SC to the BF came from inside the house.

I wish this was going to be a happy resolution, but I think Mollie is no longer with us. I do not think this has anything to do Mollie being involved in some drug activity.

This is someone who knew she was there alone and she was targeted.
How do we know they have no clue who did it in the Missy Bevers case?

The fact is, they may have a great idea or strong suspicion, but maybe not enough for probable cause or perhaps not enough to sustain a conviction.

Either they have evidence of who did it, or they don't. If they have the evidence, they charge them. All indications are that the Missy Bevers case was completely cold within two weeks. That is when they cut all overtime on the case and went back to working their regular hours. They had nothing more to investigate. Fortunately this case is not that cold. Though it might get there.
What's the 2012 case?

You think they're just going to be off work for a week? I mean I hope that's the case because it means it'll be solved any minute now.

But there are other expenses if they're trying to print things and make buttons, etc.

Ugh. Makes me want to cry just thinking about it.

Welcome to websleuths!!!!

It's a great question. That's what was happening at the outset of the case. Then the FBI got involved and it immediately stopped. Or right before they announced the FBI was on the case.

Then they went to targeted searches by professional FBI searchers.

To me it indicates that they found a direction the moment the FBI analyzed electronic evidence.

It was coupled with the announcement that they got a "solid timeline" and knew her direction of travel.

I feel like they just don't think the public will be of help.

But if that was my kid I would be personally walking every damn row of corn. At least I think I would. If I wasn't paralyzed with grief and fear.

If that was my friend even. Or any family member. I would be searching and organizing.

But no one is.

That might be more telling than the lack of LE organized public searches.

What does it mean?

Great post. I haven't heard anything about using drones for the search either.
Either they have evidence of who did it, or they don't. If they have the evidence, they charge them. All indications are that the Missy Bevers case was completely cold within two weeks. That is when they cut all overtime on the case and went back to working their regular hours. They had nothing more to investigate.
You can have all the evidence you want but no suspect. Second even if you have a susepect, do you have enough evidence to convict them.
I’ve been following this case and I’m trying to put myself in her shoes. If I had to garner a guess she may have been dropped off and decided to do a bit of work on her laptop. Knowing her bf is probs very tired after a long day she doesn’t want to send a late Snapchat so she just takes a quick selfie to let him know she’s in the house. Gets dressed for her run and on the way texts her mom what’s for dinner. She’s running at this point so a quick text ok is all she could muster. This is where I think someone had a crime of opportunity and just grabbed her. A pretty girl running/waking alone and no one around. I think she left the dogs in the basement for her run, bc she didn’t want them messing up the house while she was out. IMO, I don’t think she made it back, but I could be very wrong and I hope that I am.
i cant imagine someone who killed two little girls would wait 6 years to do it again. Not to mention we dont know the nature of the crime against those two little girls.

Joran v.d. Sloot committed a murder exactly five years after the disappearance of Natalie Holloway. He may have murdered others in the interim and avoided detection. Similarly, it's quite possible that one person is responsible for the abduction/murders of two girls in 2012 and has committed more abduction/murders in the interim. Although we can imagine all sorts of reasons why girls and young women are abducted, the obvious reason is sexual assault.
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