Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #8

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MOO. The press conference obviously was not called to provide any information. It was not tinged with a dramatic family appeal to elicit information. Instead, LE glad handed themselves on their interviewing skills and professional collegiality. It was comforting to learn that the agents are receiving bountiful trays of donated food. I got no sense of urgency at all. To each his own.
I respectfully disagree. I think THEY think that though they respect the public's wants, they have a job to do and for the rest of us to rightly stand aside and let them do it.
With the “getting to know Mollie” comment, I am leaning toward her being involved with someone or something that her friends and family were unaware of.

(I started thinking of this today after I saw someone's post about maybe she was using other social media type apps. When I went to quote them to reply, the thread was closed. )

Her boyfriend last saw her on Monday, the 16th, so let's say she started staying there that night...what did she do after work earlier in the week? Maybe she went out and/or met up with new/old friends or friends of friends (from school?)...then they "revisited her/came by" on Wednesday knowing she was still going to be alone at the home that day.

"Mortvedt did confirm to PEOPLE that investigators are interviewing a number of people Tibbetts knows or seems to “have a connection to,” including University of Iowa students and her co-workers."

"He said he last saw Tibbetts on July 16 before traveling some two hours away for a construction job."

Boyfriend Ruled Out as Suspect in Iowa Student's Disappearance — as Police Search Pig Farm
I discovered another way to "ignore" a poster who is testing your patience.
In the field next to one of their recent posts you see their username and it is highlighted in blue/purple (on my screen). Click on the username and it brings up a profile box with their picture, name, and other data. If you run your cursor across the highlighted profile fields you will see the place where you can place the user on "ignore".

I have only ever placed one user on ignore but on this extremely busy and new forum it might help me better keep up and follow only posters who I feel are contributing the best content. Ignore is like a "filter".
That was a weird answer to me. All media requests would go through a spokesman anyway so I can't imagine any media questions are effecting the case or wasting investigators time or anything.

And they didn't answer any media questions in the press conference either, lol. Except for saying they can't comment.

The reporting has been so bad anyway.
I don’t think it’s all the reporters’ fault. LE is being weird with information.
Stop taking that ONE sentence out of context, fgs. The dad doesn't think Mollie ran away or he wouldn't be crying and 30 FBI and IDPS agents wouldn't be looking for her.
I’m not sure you’re intending your comment toward me. I tried to assist the original poster in finding the link. The bolding and caps were copied from posted media link. I must have missed posters asserting the dad implied his daughter ran away. I’m sorry the sentence is sensitive to you.
The cruel reporter asked crying Mollie's dad what he wanted to say to Mollie. He had to respond with something positive. He couldn't say, "Gee, Mollie, we hope you're not dead and rotting in a weed-filled ditch."

Please stop taking this ONE sentence out of context to try to make it appear that she ran away.

I thought it was very cruel to ask this too. The reporters need to consider the emotional turmoil Mollie’s loved ones are going through and ask questions with sensitivity as they are likely struggling to cope with everything.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Mollie has left by her own choice.
I had mentioned the pink sports bra because I had read it somewhere, though I have no idea where at this point as I've read numerous articles. If they, or possibly I, got it mixed up and it was actually a pink TOP not a bra, then my apologies.
No worries, but I am amazed at how much people notice in a small community.Bet they see almost everything, but jmo

OK, I re-read that article, and this is what it says about their phone conversation:

"Mollie’s father Rob said when he last spoke to his daughter on the phone on (Sunday) July 15, nothing was out of the ordinary."

Nothing about three hours, though.
Le does not know whether she is missing, left or was their job is to find out what, if anything happened to her. That is what they are trying to do. They have said they do not know what happened, I believe them. Jmo
The Des Moines Register (Iowa's biggest newspaper) has an interview with the Jack boys. In it, Blake says he had suggested to Dalton the idea of proposing to Mollie during the wedding trip.

I though that was interesting. The article mentions it in passing and doesn't indicate anything about whether Dalton considered the idea or not. But for me it slightly raises the (still-unlikely) possibility of Mollie needing a break and disappearing on her own. She's so young, and anticipation of a potential proposal is a lot of pressure at age 20.

i remember seeing someone here posting this theory early on. Kind of reminds me of that runaway bride case, Jennifer Wilbanks however many years ago. I believe she took buses from her home in GA to end up in NM. Does anyone remember if people had reported seeing her on those buses? I would think there would have been some reported sightings if Mollie had gotten on a bus. Or I suppose she could've hitchhiked and then something went wrong. I don't really lean towards this theory but anything is possible at this point since we just don't know.

OK, I re-read that article, and this is what it says about their phone conversation:

"Mollie’s father Rob said when he last spoke to his daughter on the phone on (Sunday) July 15, nothing was out of the ordinary."

Nothing about three hours, though.
The three hours was in an interview he did with a Fox News reporter. Link is probably in previous thread.
Seattk1 maybe you can post the official transcript from Kriegels interview on the 25th
The transcript is easy to find I just read it but don't know how to post it here
This is the interview the timeline refers too regarding suspects

People can read exactly what he says in the interview and make their own conclusion

I'm just a newbie or I would find a way to do it

BTW, I too heard the guy in the presser today describe her sports-bra as a "sports top". That struck me as curious. However, I think he chose that phrase because he was uncomfortable saying "bra," as if to do so would sexualize her in some way. Every other report has had her in a sports-bra when she goes running, and this is a very popular look with young women these days. So I think that's what she was wearing & that is what she normally wore when running. As I said earlier, I think this is important because it might be what drew the perp's attention to her.
I am conflicted in my hypothesis now, I feel like the message from LE is that they believe she was taken, but I feel like the message from the family is that she left with someone (dad says come home, it will be okay, mom says just come home, etc). I agree with others whom have said the "getting to know Mollie" comment could elude to her being involved in something she hid from her everyday life (drugs perhaps?). But if that is the case, I still don't understand why the nationwide FBI search with major media coverage, as she is an adult after all, she would not be considered a runaway. I feel like the comment from the brother about joking that the boyfriend should propose to her at his wedding could have been the trigger for her to leave (maybe this was the topic of the 3hr convo with her dad), or if she was taken by some admirer whom felt she was with the wrong guy it could have been the trigger to take her to prevent the possible proposal. LE would not be so tight lipped about the timeline they are confident in if they didn't suspect foul play (as a previous poster said, they are probably trying to protect against a fake alibi). I also felt like the comment in the PC about "who was in Brooklyn that night" was giving away the fact that she either left with someone from out of town or was taken by someone from out of town. This is probably why they are not doing much searching locally.
Le does not know whether she is missing, left or was their job is to find out what, if anything happened to her. That is what they are trying to do. They have said they do not know what happened, I believe them. Jmo

I believe that they do not know where she is. They have confirmed they have a good timeline and refused to say yes or no about a POI. They have refused to release the timeline because they do not feel it would help to locate Mollie. IMO, that could be because they already have an idea of what happened and who and the general public wouldn't be helpful.

That said, these same theories are brought up in nearly every case and the info as well as lack of info from LE is scrutinized and interpreted. Most of the time the cases go unsolved. It may be true that a desire for her to be found clouds realistic judgment. Hoping they have info and we will understand their method soon.
I'm curious if anyone changed their minds after the press conference about what they think happened to Mollie. Did you add any possibilities to your list? Strike out an idea? Become more convinced of your top idea?
With the “getting to know Mollie” comment, I am leaning toward her being involved with someone or something that her friends and family were unaware of.
Yes - although the only thing I've felt strongly about from the beginning was the involvement of foul play. In all of the years I've followed missing persons cases on this forum I always felt like the oddmama out because especially with the children I was just so hopeful they were just sitting tight waiting to be found. Wandered off innocently type of thing. Sometimes I'll come across a crime in the news and head over to see what's what. But Mollie is different. The press conference just makes me think if there is foul play then the person responsible is close to her. I'm very curious as to what her college roommate has been able to provide investigators. The past few days I've been wondering if Mollie was relieved to have the place to herself that night. Seems reasonable when normally you share space with others.
I very much so want her to be safe, though. I'll high five everyone that'll indulge me if that's the case.
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