IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #35

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Does anyone have a link to the farm he worked for that gave a news conference earlier?
It is very possible he will try to plea down. I think the victim’s family can work with the DA to determine if a plea is acceptable. Sometimes it saves a ton of heartache and time that a trial and appeals can bring.

It is also possible that we may never know all of the details - the how’s and the whys.

One thing is certain. This story brought many people together in the spirit of helping find Mollie. And the hope of justice for Mollie. Now that we know Mollie we can carry her with us.

Through reading these posts, I have seen some of the most open, emphatic and smart people band together to face the darkness of this tragedy - and that is not a small thing. It is a light in the dark.

These thoughts are my own opinion.
You know one of the worst mass murderers in this country - Michael Swango- was an MD. And even though he was a 'monster' he had a few people who said he was kind to them. 90% of people thought Swango was a creep, but 10% liked him. The book is 'Blind Eye'.

So this fellow could have some support. I know it sounds weird, but he might be OK with some people.

The DSM diagnosis is: Intermittent Explosive Disorder. A guy who you would not expect explodes and people get hurt or mortally injured.
It will be interesting to see how the defense works out (some defense attorney has to do it, right?) My posts here will lesson and stop altogether on this thread now there is some sort closure.

Abby and Libby (a closed post here, now) needs the same type of attention. The circles of friends, and relooking at it, and how there were some (like Kevin Bacon degrees of separation) are important to consider. Not to distract from Mollie’s case, at all.

Thanks, sleuthers.

I think any attention is good attention. Everyone (most) was so kind and helpful throughout the posts here on Mollie’s thread, while keeping thoughts going, and attention going until there was a suspect. There is a consciousness among people where the more people are looking at it, the more attention is paid.

I'll be sorry to see your posts cease on this thread Jabarn, I heard your call in to Tricia's podcast, a good, thoughtful exchange. I do agree, unsolved cases deserve much attention and continued investigation, even one cold case is too many.
Not saying you're wrong. But also saying there's a difference between being conversational in a language, and knowing/fully understanding legal jargon in a language.

The prosecutors are obviously very knowledgable and talented. Focused on insuring defendant’s confession is admissible at trial and that any verdict will be upheld on appeal. Many cases across the country have been appealed based on prosecution’s failure to provide an interpreter when questions arose re Defendant’s English fluency. Telling that the prosecution referred to translator’s professional classification during today’s hearing; that qualification will likely be reiterated throughout trial. I’m a civil attorney, however, issues related to interpreters were drilled in during law school and the bar.
He looked like a goon. Obviously there pro bono for the publicity. He even put an endearing hand on CR as he walked in the courtroom. I almost threw up.

Someone has to be the defense attorney, and this is the one the defendant agreed to, Allen Ribbets (Mollie Tibbetts’ accused killer is in Iowa legally, his lawyer says, calling Trump 'sad and sorry' for weighing in).

The Stars and Stripes tie was likely calculated, but whatever.

Everyone should have a fair trial. It’s a cornerstone of our country. All the same, it will be hard for even a seasoned and established attorney to defend the circumstantial evidence and confession.

So, I hope a guilty plea is in the works, and at the same time, criminal investigators learn from the characteristics of offenders like him.
The translator(s) will translate exactly what is being said from one language to another. They don't do interpretation. There's one appointed by the Court for everyone to use: that person will translate what's being said for the defendant, and then also translate what the defendant says into English for the Court record.

The private translator hired by the defense will be covered by the attorney-client privilege, and the attorney can explain something in English to the translator who will translate into Spanish for the defendant. It's still the attorney's job to explain and advise the client, but the translator helps overcome the language barrier. Ideally you'd have a bilingual lawyer who could more naturally explain legal concepts to the client in their primary language. You also could have a bilingual paralegal who could serve as a translator and help explain concepts as well.

Thank you. Much appreciated.
Someone has to be the defense attorney, and this is the one the defendant agreed to, Allen Ribbets (Mollie Tibbetts’ accused killer is in Iowa legally, his lawyer says, calling Trump 'sad and sorry' for weighing in).

The Stars and Stripes tie was likely calculated, but whatever.

Everyone should have a fair trial. It’s a cornerstone of our country. All the same, it will be hard for even a seasoned and established attorney to defend the circumstantial evidence and confession.

So, I hope a guilty plea is in the works, and at the same time, criminal investigstors learn from the characteristics of offenders like him.

IDK. Looked to me like he grabbed the first non-stained tie he had. Not a good choice for a murder trial. Honestly.
Nobody saw the encounter so I think it was remote enough nobody may have heard. I think what he was trying to do is hit on Mollie and he reacted to her threat to call LE.
I don’t know about this part and it’s confusing me! I saw a Google Earth image of the area where she was attacked (not dumped) and there were 2-3 houses right near there! This was on the MT Facebook group and I’m not sure if the same has been done here to confirm or deny that. If it’s true, then it makes it all the harder to understand exactly how the attack/kidnapping went down.
I keep hearing this theory, what I don't understand about it is the suspected SA motivation. If SA was the goal, would he assault her after hitting her with the car? She'd be unconscious I'd imagine. I think part of the "thrill" of a SA is the fight.

I don't know, I just feel like hitting her with the car is too easy for the hunting game he may have been playing. Hey, I could be way out in the weeds with this thought tho.

I can't get his favorite game out of my head - GrandTheftAuto. In that game you get points for running people down. I don't know what this man may have had in his head he was going to do to Mollie once he had her under his control. I can see using the car to knock her out may have been a way to silently gain control of her. Hitting her on that lonely road. Putting her in his truck.

There was something I read today about he supposedly walked her partly into the cornfield and then carried her part way. Not sure where I read it. If someone comes across it please post.

I had wondered if he hit her so hard he killed her. But now with whatever that was I read earlier I am wondering if she was dazed or injured (a concussion? broken bones? both?)

It will take time for the ME report and I am not sure it will be made public. Does it have to be made public? I almost think it might be best to just wait for the court case for the details to come to light. I keep thinking it won't bring her back and her family and the community have been through so much!!!
There are like 20 people running for Iowa State Supreme Court. Judicial elections can be something of a clown show. If he knows he doesn't have a chance to win, he probably figures this will give him publicity to build up his practice.

Despite the attorney's reported experience, he struck me as amateurish. He said to the judge he would appeal her ruling "whatever it was" before she even ruled. That's extremely disrespectful, and something you learn not to do your first day as a lawyer. You are supposed to be extremely respectful and deferential, even if you know you are going to appeal the judge's decision. He also didn't cover his mic when talking to his client, which breached his client's attorney-client privilege. I would have taken the mic off and asked to speak to my client outside. These are minor things but a good attorney would not have made these mistakes - particularly knowing the world is watching.

LOL yes and it was quite obvious, I noticed all that also. IDK to me he looked like he would do well in a Three Stooges skit.
The DA has no incentive to offer a plea.

I agree!! He admitted he took her against her will, she died, and he showed LE where he hid her body. He has nothing to offer. He's young and if he had some kind of reduced sentence, he could get out of prison someday.
Dropped in to see pages of discussion about why CR should or shouldn't have a translator/interpreter. I don't understand the debate. His language of origin is not English, no matter how well he may or may not be able to speak it. Therefore, he is provided a translator/interpreter (whom, in my own opinion, is NOT a fan of his according to her body language) so the argument cannot be made down the line that he was at a disadvantage legally. It's the BEST strategy. If he is convicted, it's one less ground for appeal. Give him an entire courtroom of translators, if that's what it takes to keep him from walking on a technicality, etc. Why would anyone who cares about Mollie NOT want that?
Thanks for the wonderful post. One question - do you see the point of pressing to keep the media out when the client has confessed to LE and led LE to the body of the victim? That is where I think this lawyer made zero sense. Add in his own use of the media product in his briefs to try and prove his client was legal makes him out to me to be hypocritical.

Then again - maybe it is on par with asking at the end of a trial for the Judge to dismiss charges because the prosecution hasn't met its burden - whether it has or not, going to enter that request into the record!

I think a defense lawyer would argue that the facts are the facts and they will be reviewed at trial. Months or years of scrutiny by the media due to the political climate disadvantages the defendant outside of the facts that will be presented. It defeats the point of the long-established rules of evidence if things that may be inadmissible at trial are paraded through the media. Even if this is not a winning argument, I think they have to try. If they didn't, they leave room for an appeal.
Trying to catch up but way behind. I saw much earlier some people say they didn't think it came off like CR said it...as innocently that he just pulled up beside her, hung back then jogged up to her. Actually, I find that totally possible. I've had dirtbags do that to me many times when I was in my teens. Today they would call them players LOL Flirting with any female hoping to have sex and move on to the next one.

I also want to point out that this guy is not some smooth and educated college kid who has learned over the years you get more flies with honey...this guy is some uneducated illegal that knows just what he knows... By that I mean there IS a cultural difference here. Today guys no longer pull up to you like they did back in the day or use the catcalls like the olden days, they have learned to be far more suave and less macho because today's girls are more aware. They are taught not to fall for this crap AND taught to think highly of themselves and not allow any guy to treat them like a piece of meat. CR probably has never gotten that memo so would not surprise me at all if he approached her this way. So immediately he would be a turn off AND she already had a boyfriend. Zero interest. I do think that is what the problem was. He thinks he is awesome and any girl should feel lucky to catch his eye. She looks at him like he just crawled out from under a rock. Guys like that can NOT handle rejection. They have no control. They are used to having their own way with women. He is insulted that she rejects him and these guys take it personally. She is looking down at him....he may even have thought she was prejudiced against him which is clearly not who she was simply by her being friends with his girlfriend....and yeah, then there is THAT, she knew his girlfriend. BIG turn off and reason to reject him. He just thinks he is so hot and has no moral center and is hoping she doesn't either. Unfortunately she did and he couldn't take it.

I do think she warned him she would call the cops. That is what we teach our daughters to do. That alone would have peed him off and he must have resented her for that. Him being an illegal alien only compounded that issue because now he is thinking this b****h is going to get me kicked out of the country and that was what turned it for him. He was making sure she was not around afterwards to identify him. I do think that he had intentions of sex with her from the start but he may have thought he was so awesome that if he approached her a couple more times she would eventually give in to his awesomeness. Her telling him she was going to call the cops resulted in him acting right on the spot. No more Mr Nice Guy (which is CERTAINLY not who he was) Not saying she brought it on herself. She did everything right. Just saying he is a loser who is here illegally therefore vulnerable and wasn't going to take any further chances "wooing" her. He got what he wanted and then murdered her. He was OK with that. His illegal status isn't jeopordized and he is good to go.
The talk here about a change of venue is fascinating. It's surprising how little the public -- even members of a forum devoted to this stuff -- knows about how this works.

Have you ever heard of O.J. Simpson? Since the O.J. case, changes of venue rarely happen. Even before that, they rarely happened.

I'm pretty sure everyone in O.J.'s community was familiar with his case, had seen media coverage of it, etc. Knowledge of a case is not enough of a reason to move a trial. Knowledge of a case isn't even enough to disqualify a juror.
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