IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #35

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I agree, the more I think about it, he probably used his car to hit her, then stopped and threw her in the trunk. I don't believe his words either, why would we.
I think it more likely he had a gun and shot her. He "blacked out" because he disposed of the weapon which no doubt also was illegal.
If he assaulted other young girls they might not have reported him scared of being deported!

That’s exactly what I was thinking. They would be easy victims for him with potentially no repercussions. Makes me sick. He seemed very brazen to have done this to mollie and confident he wouldn’t get caught considering he stayed in town. Confidence from past attacks going unreported + drugs maybe?

Another thought I had was his gf or ex gf was friends with mollie on social media and followed the find mollie groups. Maybe he was looking at stuff on her phone.
This senseless murder has gotten me on edge, and I am only going to post one last thing because I still don't understand what is allowed to be discussed.
1. This person is probably a psychopath/sociopath. He probably has no more control or choice over it than any other predator. A lion needs to chase a gazelle, and will do it even if not hungry. We can't keep looking at human predators as being normal people with regular feelings who just decide one day to harm other people. It could happen if the person's brain experienced some kind of physiological change. Most of the people who are lacking basic feelings and can't resist pursuing and harming others were born that way. This person had no more choice over his behavior than the lion chasing the gazelle.

Does that idea feel uncomfortable and scary? Yes, because we want to believe everyone can be rehabbed, that this can be prevented, that you can prepare yourself and avoid it.

Does this mean I think he therefor has an excuse for his behavior and should be able to use this as a defense? No way in heck. The courts, the laboratories that process evidence, the time the LE spends on policing, the prisons all need to be used to find, process and keep this kind of person out of society. Either until they die, or until there is a treatment that can "fix" whatever is wrong with them permanently.

And these predators are all unique individuals, from all corners of the earth. I include in this definition anyone who has a compulsion, who has shown they can't stop themselves, who repeatedly return to dangerous behavior towards others. In other words, the serial predators and serial criminals who commit atrocities for their own physical desire. There is no reason to allow them to be in general society. Unfortunately, with the lack of understanding of the neurological and psychological makeup of each one, we currently would only be able to take them out of society once they show aberrant behavior.

But if all human beings everywhere would just become aware of the predatory personalities around them, and instead of allowing them access to our lives, and for sure not giving them celebrity status, the chances of what has happened here would be greatly decreased. JMHO, and I am signing off Mollie's discussion because I think she deserves to rest in peace. I just felt I had to say this on her thread because someone, somewhere, might think there is some value to what I am saying and be in a position to implement changes.

Thank you for being here for Mollie. Be well. We will see you down the road.
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One translator is from the court - IA taxpayers are paying for her. The other one who was between attorney and CR could have been an attorney in one of his offices, a paralegal who speaks Spanish, or an interpreter he hired to assist him.

Anyone know - she was not identified by the Magistrate Judge.

Taxpayers pay for these things. It is part of a society.

I remember reading some literature in church once that the poor, the unfortunate, and yes the criminal have always been with us. And it is a burden that a civilized society pays. Overall paying for law and order, education, social welfare etc etc benefits everyone. Even if it involves a heinous crime.
Potential Jurors can be familiar with a case. What is important is are they willing to put aside what they have heard/read. Base their verdict on what has been presented in Court.

Given the intense publicity and interest in the case, I can see a change of venue. Expect as I mentioned earlier -- to where? Mongolia?
i havent had time to read through every single one of these threads yet, but i have been keeping up with this case, and what really angers me is that this man not only ruined the Tibbetts' family lives, but he also ruined his very own daughters life...
Do you speak a foreign language? Understanding "I'm going to call the police" is not quite the same as understanding words/terms like "prosecution" "abscond" "omission" "ex parte" "appellant" etc etc etc. I could "easily" learn some basic stuff in another language, if I lived there a few years, I could graduate to having actual conversations with people and make friends. But then throw me into a foreign court with complicated legal jargon? No way.

Absolutely. I find myself saying all the time, "I don't speak legalese." Lol

I think we may be confusing "translator" and "interpreter." @Alethea, would you mind clarifying this for us? One was named as an interpreter, and it was reported that he was using a translator.
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I mean that instead of going with a public defender, someone has stepped in to make sure he gets the best representation possible, and that's not cheap.

I for one am not overly impressed with Mr Richard. But I am very curious how he came to represent CR.

I truly hope some investigative reporters do some digging to determine who the gal was between CR and Mr Richard today during the initial hearing, who the folks were in the gallery, AND what brought Mr. Richard to the case?

I could be this defense is FREE as far as CR goes. The court costs and the cost of the prosecution is also on the IA and US taxpayers. I believe the guilty should have to pay all court costs if found guilty, at the very least.

Is there any state that actually does it?
Potential Jurors can be familiar with a case. What is important is are they willing to put aside what they have heard/read. Base their verdict on what has been presented in Court.
I always wonder just how realistic that is. But we can hope, right?
I think it more likely he had a gun and shot her. He "blacked out" because he disposed of the weapon which no doubt also was illegal.

If anyone's local, do you think locals would have heard gunshots? Would it have been unusual, or do people shoot in any of the fields? I live in a rural area and people are always target shooting where I don't think I would pay particular attention to a gun shot anymore.
No, I believe, the poster was referring to the defense lawyer. You can't miss it - very loud stars & stripes tie.

Honestly, that lawyer was not impressive. Almost 'My Cousin Vinnyish'. Not to derogate him, he took on an enormously unpopular case. But he sure didn't look like a corporate lawyer most people are used to seeing.
i was hoping to find a video of the Yarrabee Farms co-owners press conference, but no luck yet. From the Iowa Secretary of State, it doesn't appear E-Verify is mandatory. I think the Farm co-owner may have misspoken (or we misunderstood what he said today) when he said they used it to verify his documents at hiring. If they didn't, then his documents probably did match a person in Social Security with whatever name/address/birthdate the suspect used, so he "passed". I wonder whose identity he used to get the job .... faked documents, or real?


What is E-Verify
E-Verify is an Internet-based system that allows an employer, using information reported on an employee's Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to determine the eligibility of that employee to work in the United States. The program was authorized by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA). For most employers, the use of E-Verify is voluntary and limited to determining the employment eligibility of new hires only. E-Verify is fast, free and easy to use – and it’s the best way employers can ensure a legal workforce. The E-Verify system is operated by the Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the Social Security Administration.

Nationally, more than 238,000 employers are enrolled in the program, with over 16 million queries run through the system in fiscal year 2010. There have been over 3 million cases run through the system in fiscal year 2011 (as of December 11, 2010).

Here in Iowa, we have over 1,600 employers representing 7,330 worksites currently enrolled in E-Verify. In FY 2011, Iowa employers ran 129,000 E-Verify queries.
If you received this already, disregard. Watch Replay: Yarrabee Farms holds press conference on Cristhian Rivera employment
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