Found Deceased Iceland - Birna Brjánsdóttir, 20, Reykjavík, 14 Jan 2017 *Arrests*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
New Search for Clues in Murder Case

Rescue workers searched in vain yesterday afternoon for clues near the site where Birna Brjánsdóttir’s body was found. They covered an area from Herdísarvík creek and Hlíðarvatn lake to Selvogsviti lighthouse, where the body was discovered, partly to find out where her body might have been thrown into the ocean. The search was conducted at the request of the police, based on a tip received over the weekend.

The suspect in custody has not been interrogated since Thursday, and it has not been decided when to resume the interrogation.

Results from biological samples from items confiscated onboard the trawler Polar Nanoq, of which the suspect was a crew member, are still being awaited.

Birna was still alive inside the red Kia Rio rental car when it arrived at Hafnarfjörður harbor shortly after 6 am on January 14. She was not harmed until the second suspect, who now has been released, had left the car and gone onboard Polar Nanoq. Birna was inflicted the most harm in the harbor area between 6:10 and 7 am while the suspect in custody was alone with her in the car.

Security cameras near the harbor show the two men get out of the car shortly after 6 am and talk for a while before one of them boards the ship. The suspect then drives to the end of the pier, where he stays for about 50 minutes. The car is then driven away from the area, but it remains to be found out where it was driven between then and 11:30 am.
Birna's cause of death was drowning. She was alive when she was dumped into the sea. There are also marks of strangulation around her neck. Haven't found a link in English yet, will post when I find one.

Here's a poem written in her memory.

Alone, you our daughter you dwelled

in the sound of thundering waves

The ocean, full of grief, brought you home again

The country folded you back into its arms

through the long night

We grieve for you, sister to us all

Sleep in peace
Birna's cause of death was drowning. She was alive when she was dumped into the sea. There are also marks of strangulation around her neck. Haven't found a link in English yet, will post when I find one.

Here's a poem written in her memory.

Alone, you our daughter you dwelled

in the sound of thundering waves

The ocean, full of grief, brought you home again

The country folded you back into its arms

through the long night

We grieve for you, sister to us all

Sleep in peace

This poem is lovely, and heartwrenching :/

I am confounded over the blood found in the car. There must be more to it.

I am horrified that she was alive when she went into the water. I hope that is grounds for death, if Iceland has such a sentence. Make him walk the plank like a true sailor.
"We didn't find any of Birna's things or anything else which could be connected to the case. But we have now eliminated the areas, and we don't need to search them again," Ásgeir Þór told Fréttablaðið. Ásgeir Þór told Fréttablaðið that Police now believes that Birna's body was most likely dumped into the ocean at Vogsós estuary. "Based on the weather conditions at the time we think it is more likely that she was put in the water to the west rather than to the east of where she was found.


The area Birna's body was found near Selvogsviti lighthouse on the south coast of Reykjanes peninsula. Vogsós estuary is 6 km (3.7 m) to the west of Selvogsviti. Photo/Loftmyndir


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So terribly tragic. My heart goes out to this family and community. I wonder if when he dumped her in the icy water if he thought she had already passed. May justice be served ...harshly .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Police believe that Birna Brjánsdóttir died from drowning. This was revealed on RÚV evening news. Birna's autopsy further reeals that Birna was still alive when she was dumped into the ocean.

The autopsy also shows that Birna's body showed evidence that she was choked. RÚV, who cite nameless sources also say that Birna was naked when she was ound on the beach and that water was in her lungs.
Hi everyone...

Just a few thoughts, please offer suggestions-

Looking at the security footage, it does vaguely look like there is a person, sitting upright in the rear, right-hand passenger seat... since the car was coming in the opposite direction of Birna, that would've logically been the side she would've gotten in to (willfully or otherwise)... If that's the case... if the men at the harbor were having conversations outside of the car, if she felt like she was in danger, would she have tried to get out of the car? Would it have been busy at that time? It's been implied she was harmed after the conversations were had, but I find it odd that she would've turned her phone off by her own accord, even if she didn't feel threatened at that point. I'm trying to figure out what that other guy knew about the situation...

I went to Iceland last summer and I cannot say enough wonderful things about the kindness, good nature, and good humor of the Icelandic people. I'm from the US where unfortunately, these cases happen quite often... but Birna's case hit me right in the feels because of how wonderful the people are. I hope her family, friends, and the whole country can sense our love from around the world.
Here' what I believe to be true!
from what I know at least one young girl was drugged that night. When you see Birna walking home she is not to me her " normal " self. I know that Birna is not a big drinker!!!!! I believe her phone was taken from her and disposed of, I've looed at that picture too ( 100's of times ) I believe that is Bina in the back seat. This PIG has taken advantage of other young ladies before, I do believe with All My Heat she was set up!

Our Sweet Birna, May you Rest a Peace! <3
I agree, I think it's very possible she was drugged. what he did is truly unforgivable and disgusting. She just was trying to have a fun night w her friends.
Brjansdottir&#8217;s former boyfriend, Andrew Morgan, an industrial design student from Salt Lake City, Utah, met her on a vacation last summer. He recalled in a phone interview that she mingled effortlessly with strangers. &#8220;She said she wanted to know someone from every nation and then visit them all,&#8221; he said. After he returned to Utah, he said she came to visit him, and the two decided a long-distance relationship would be too difficult.

While in Iceland, he said, the two had often walked late at night on Laugavegur, and he had scolded her for sometimes walking alone. &#8220;She insisted that it was fine to walk home alone, but coming from the United States I disagreed,&#8221; he said. He said he could barely bring himself to watch the surveillance video. &#8220;I&#8217;ve only taken a look once.&#8221;
[h=1]Extension of Police Custody Requested[/h]
Police custody of the suspect expires at 4 pm today, but altogether, he has been in isolation for four weeks, or ever since he was arrested, suspected of murder.
No confession has been made, and Chief Superintendent Grímur Grímsson has declined to comment on recent interrogations of the suspect. Results of the analysis of biological samples sent to Sweden more than three weeks ago are still being awaited.
Police believe Thomas Møller Olsen tried to influence Nicolaj Olsen, by lying to him what happened that night. Thomas said Nicolaj that two girls had been in the car. While Nicolaj is deemed authentic questioning, the police have not ruled out that he has been involved. Thomas will remain in custody.

Nicolaj has always had the memory loss due to high intoxication. Witnesses have confirmed the drunk Nicolaj was clearly visible on the video from the port.

Nicolaj reported in the first interrogation that he thought two girls had been in the car. After some time in custody he said he realized that he could not remember having seen two girls and told police that the information he had from Thomas.

Police believe that one or both of the crew had violated Birna before she was murdered. It is unknown whether it occurred before Nicolaj Thomas left the car. While Thomas is suspected of having engaged her death can not be excluded that Nicolaj has been in the car and even helped. Nicolaj is not entirely a free agent, though he is no longer in custody. It is believed that Nicolaj can provide additional information that shed light on the action.
The 24-year-old man who was released has since seen a psychologist and dreams of returning to sea onboard Polar Nanoq because &#8220;he loves his job.&#8221;

The man&#8217;s defense lawyer said that his family and girlfriend always were convinced of his innocence.

His lawyer stated that finding out Icelandic media had published his name and photo caused his client great distress.
I hope he can find some solace in that anyone paying attention could tell he probably wasn't involved, and compared to US or UK media, the reporting of this case has been very well done and respectful IMO. They never accused him or implied he is guilty, though I'm sure a lot of people will be asking him about it for some time.
Suspect in Birna murder case moved to new prison

The man suspected of killing Birna Brjánsdóttir has admitted to attempting to smuggle 20 kilos of hash to Greenland on the Polar Nanoq. He has not admitted to having had anything to do with Birna's death.

Forensic evidence however shows, without a doubt, a connection between the suspect and Birna Brjánsdóttir.

The suspect has now been transferred from isolation custody to the new Hólmsheiði prison in Reykjavik to await a trial in the case.

Investigation of the case should be completed soon upon which the case will be sent to the District Attorney who will make the official charges in the case.
The investigation should close by mid-March. They are still awaiting final forensic results from abroad. Following that, the district attorney will be handed the matter and decide whether the suspect will be charged for murder.

The suspect has not been interrogated since last week. "We will probably be interrogating him again but it's not certain when that will be."

In other (related) news....
Specialists from the Reykjavik Police and from the City of Reykjavik met with Alþingi (the Icelandic parliament) General and Educational Committee this morning to talk over increased security in Reykjavik Centre. Earlier this year Sigríður Björk Guðjónsdóttir, police commissioner had promised 30 new security cameras would be put up in Reykjavik centre before 1 May. Sigurbjörnsdóttir added that with these actions, peoples should be even safer in the centre of Reykjavik.

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