Seems many of the folks in this thread will obviously NEVER move to the rural south.
Around here virtually everyone has guns in their home, car, and many carry. In addition they are not shy about firing them. During hunting season hearing gun shots is the norm. Small arms fire is also common as most folks target practice in their yards.
We also have a very low crime rate. No one is "intimidated" by firearms because most everyone has them. Folks don't think "Oh my god that person has a gun, they could suddenly kill me".
Guess we just aren't "paranoid" in that way.
I live in the rural south. I grew up in a house full of guns. My father collects them. He also repairs them restores them and has even built a couple. He reloads bullets, etc. Life long NRA member. He has a beautiful antique bear gun that I hope to own someday, but that's about the extent of my interest in his hobby. Much to his delight my 9 year old daughter has inherited his interst in guns. He has been taking her target shooting and teaching her gun safety. I have zero problem with this. I trust him implictly and know that he will also teach her a healthy respect for guns. He doesn't hunt so I've no idea if her interest will also include hunting (her career goal is "hog hunter" and she dresses every year for career day at school (what young girl doesn't, lol). Again, I have no problem with her pursuing this, as long as she conducts herself as a responsible hunter. So I'm not someone who anti-gun. I am someone, however, who is 'OMG, that person has a gun, they coulod suddenly kill me" but only in certain circumstances.
Because the last person I saw enter a public building with a gun DID try to kill everyone in the building. I'm going to make this part as vague as possible because there are threads about it here on WS, I'm not going to answer any questions and it's difficult for me to even discuss now. They walked in and began shooting, not wildly firing, deliberately taking aim and walking to the next target. Do you the sound a high powered rifle makes fired in a office or a hallway? Have you ever seen a body torn in two after a being shot at close range by a a high powered rifle? Do you know what if feels like being stuck in a building where you are unable to reach an exit while someone walks, calmly takes aim and shoots? Do you know what that sounds like, smells like, feels like? One police officer arrived in less than five minutes. The gunman shot him. The officer returned fire and that was the end of shooting.
I can't go into a building if I can't see an exit. I haven't been to the movies in years because if someone did enter and began shooting I would have to run past him to get to the exit. It takes everything I have to go see my doctor because her office has long hallways that remind me of the other building. Sometimes I get short of breathe simply walking down that hallway, but that's also getting alot better. I can go into the grocery because I can see exits, but I still feel panicky if I go deep into the store where I can't see the windows and I'm too far away from the exits, but I can do. If someone walked past me with a gun I know that I would have to leave. Hopefully I could leave without throwing up or having a freaking panic attack, but I doubt it. So that's the "big whoop." I don't care if you volunteer 7 days a week at the salvation army, have adopted 37 rescue dogs, teach illerate adults to read or whatever other wonderful things you do. I DON'T KNOW YOU. The person who shot up the building (with his very legal, properly registered firearms) I mentioned was wonderful person....until the day he wasn't. Again, that's the big whoop for me.
Am I paranoid? About firearms, no. About seeing firearms being carried thru grocery stores or Best Buy or some restaurant by someone I know nothing about? You bet.
I understand this MY problem. I'm under no illusion that what I've just related will change anyone's mind about their right to carry anytime, anywhere, nor was that my reason for posting. But I did want to say that it does affect other people around you. To some people it IS a big whoop. I would also guess that the next argument will be that if trouble did go down, I would be grateful that someone was there to neutrilize the bad guy. That would be a wonderful thing. But I do have to wonder how much training you've had specifically for that situation. Not target shooting, but engaging with an active shooter in an enclosed area with other people around who may or may not also be armed. Forgive me if I doubt your walking around with Chris Kyle level skills.
I've seen the south mentioned in this thread. That's where I am too and I do think "OMG, that person has a gun, they could suddenly kill me." I AM paranoid that way in the circumstances I described. I am not paranoid seeing someone use a firearm to hunt (although I did go through a time when EVERY gun shot scared the hades out of me) or seeing a my daughter target shoot. It's not an all or nothing proposition for everyone in the south.
ETA: My apologies to Sonya610. I did use your post to leap off of, but upon review I realize I also discussed things that had nothing to do with your post. While the majority of my post was for all posters in general, I specifically and incorrectly used the word "yourself", esp. regarding training. I should have been more clear and I apologize to you.