ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 52

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Since the "redacted" page is completely blank it may have been a photo/scanned image of the autopsy report, since it is being referenced at that moment. Just easier to blank it out completely.
I believe some of the pages were two sided. the word redacted is backwards on the blank sheet so I took it as that being the back of a page that had the ME's name redacted. I don't think we are missing any pages or that a full page was redacted. JMO
I don't think she was the target. My theory today is that there was a single target, but multiple problems arose with his plan, once inside the home. He'd done his surveillance work. IF he did study former murderers' techniques, he may have forgotten that the technology that has appeared to have caught him, redhanded, no pun intended, was either not in place, nor advanced enough, during some of the time that those he may have studied were active.
That could be, it’s hard for me to try and get in his head, thankfully.. Maybe someone like Elliott Roger?
Snipped by me.

I can think of an explanation. Maybe the knife was already in the car and yes it appears he was stalking the victim's but it doesn't mean he intended to kill them that night or ever. Obviously, when he entered the home it seems his intent was to kill but it doesn't mean it was planned.

As for leaving the sheaf. In his frenzied state he could have easily left it there unintentionally. Unless he's killed before then the act of killing, I imagine, is FAR removed from what he's been studying.
He turned off his phone before the attack but not on other occasions. That indicates he planned it. Also, the knife didn't just stick to his hand. He took it with an intent.
There aren't stairs to the balcony.
But there is a hill on the side of the house. I thought I saw somewhere that the hill (ground) was fairly close to the 3rd floor balcony. Now I need to see if I can find that view from the other side of the house.
Okay, but all they can prove is that the knife was his and his car was in the area often, and D claims to have seen him in the house with a mask on. He can claim the knife was stolen and that he liked to drive around a lot and that D saw someone else, someone who is 5'10, not 6 feet tall like he is. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
But he cannot explain away his car being in route, caught on video, to Kings Avenue from his home in Pullman, WA and vice versa at the precise time of before and after these murders were committed. Not to mention circling the area in between. The affidavit also says that there was not much other traffic on those routes other than HIS vehicle over and over again.

I really fear what that could mean when a forensic crime history is established on this man. When he went from chubby to thin & vegan, did possible homicidal ideation turn into reality?
I don't know.
There was a 12 year interval.
Maybe her purse and phone was left in another area of the house? Something simple like going to bed leaving it in the kitchen? Not knowing where she left her phone and too frozen in terror to function?
True- i hadn't considered her phone may have not been anywhere near her too. Whole situation is just so sad but at least the evidence is so overwhelming that this guy should hopefully fry.
I don't think he was conscious of this desire to get caught, but it was an unconscious drive IMO. We will likely never know for sure and I doubt he will admit it in his upcoming memoir (published by a criminologist, with himself speaking in his own words for 80% of it or more).

He will go to his grave thinking he planned a really great crime, but had bad luck/was cheated out of his perfect crime.

These are really good questions. There was no party at the Party House. I need to check moonrise time, etc.

Did he attempt to suss out others in the same neighborhood? Or did he participate in the U of ID party scene just enough to get the lay of the land, so to speak, and knew that the "fishbowl" (as LE once called that house) was often left unlocked or had all women living there? (He might not have known Ethan was there).

We'll eventually learn why LE has said that he was in the same vicinity as some of the victims several times over the previous 3 weeks.
I keep going back to the interaction BK had with Staff at Seven Sirens Brewery in Pa., and how Staff documented his comments and direct behavior, and think it is possible he may have crossed paths either direct/indirect with them at the Greek restaurant or a local bar. Just a possibility, and then from there stalked them back to place of residence. I don't know too much about greek food and vegan diets but going to a bar alone is a known. AMOO
I apologize if I missed this somewhere…trying to keep up!

Is there any time space for BK to have entered the house before 4am - attack the girls on the 3rd floor (asleep, don’t make noise), then wait until Door Dash has gone before coming down stairs - then attacking X and E? As he’s moving down the stairs or making a move towards their door that would be when X makes a comment about someone being in the house?

I wasn't able to copy, but page 7 of the PCA states that a camera shows the suspect car was seen passing the victims house for the fourth time at 4:04. I had long suspected he was hiding in the house prior to the victims returning home, but it doesn't appear that happened.
Apologies if this has been asked but per the affidavit what happened first, the dog barking and the thud then the male voice and DM seeing him? Just wondering if that maybe confirms he went upstairs to the 3rd floor first?
Snipped by me.

I can think of an explanation. Maybe the knife was already in the car and yes it appears he was stalking the victim's but it doesn't mean he intended to kill them that night or ever. Obviously, when he entered the home it seems his intent was to kill but it doesn't mean it was planned.

As for leaving the sheaf. In his frenzied state he could have easily left it there unintentionally. Unless he's killed before then the act of killing, I imagine, is FAR removed from what he's been studying.
I aagree with you. I think that many forum members have concluded that he intended to murder, and that he planned it. His "mistakes" (as we see them, and as alleged in the PCA) could demonstrate that he did not in fact premediate murder. Indeed, perhaps he took the knife "by mistake" because he did not think he would need it except to threaten violence - so I do go further and think he may not have entered the property with the intention to kill. MOO
Pretty risky IMO to drive back by the scene of where you murdered four people hours later. I’m guessing BK realized he left the sheath and wanted to swing back by to see if it happened to be on the ground or possibly working up the guts to go back in the house and then decided it was too risky and left. MOO
IMO I think he drove by to see if police were there yet
I am considering her a surviving victim, I haven't implied she's not a victim in any way. But I am also questioning why she would do what she did. She saw someone in a ski mask prowling through her house at 4AM and didn't call 911 until the morning...

I always assumed they slept through it or heard some stuff but didn't get out of bed. But now I'm just perplexed because it is very very bizarre to me that, after all that, 911 doesn't get called until almost noon.
Nowhere have i read that the perp was wearing a ski mask. I believe the affidavit says a mask was covering his nose and mouth and that she saw bushy eyebrows which would not indicate a ski mask to me.
I'm not sure it's blaming. Rather just confusion and curiosity as to why someone wouldn't call for help straightaway. At least for me it is.
It’s not very helpful though is it? Plenty of perfectly legitimate explanations have been outlined. LE will have ruled out any sinister motivation. D is a victim, it’s hard to imagine the pain she has gone through, speculating about her actions helps nobody and potentially harms the mental health of an already traumatised innocent teenage victim. People focusing so intently on D rather than the person who committed this horrific crime really need to think long and hard about what on earth they want to or think they’re achieving. It’s just heartless.
Snipped by me.

I can think of an explanation. Maybe the knife was already in the car and yes it appears he was stalking the victim's but it doesn't mean he intended to kill them that night or ever. Obviously, when he entered the home it seems his intent was to kill but it doesn't mean it was planned.

As for leaving the sheaf. In his frenzied state he could have easily left it there unintentionally. Unless he's killed before then the act of killing, I imagine, is FAR removed from what he's been studying.

Unfortunately, entering someone's house without their permission is already a crime, and entering the house with even a vague plan of committing a crime is also a crime (burglary). The moment he crossed the threshold of the house with a large knife, he entered the zone of premeditation.

Premeditation includes inflicting wounds on just one person beyond what it takes for self-defense. He has no reasonable way to claim that he was using the knife in self defense. Even if he claimed it, one stab would have been enough (then he should have backed down and fled - as he was now way into illegal territory).

Even if he did not plan to kill anyone at all, once he killed one person, he had the option to not kill any more. Instead, he sent instructions to his body to kill another person, walk somewhere else, and kill two more.

TOTALLY premeditation. People are convicted for strangling murders as premeditated because at any moment during the several minutes it took to render death, they could have stopped.

In this case, I think his frequent trips to the neighborhood, his circling of that particular house (4X?) that night, his parking near it, going inside (illegally) and killing FOUR people can only be premeditated (which does not mean planned, but I think he did some planning - as he TURNED OFF HIS PHONE as he left Pullman).

I believe the PCA also says that he didn't do this at any other time for the period they are mentioning. Just that one time, during which time, he committed 4 murders. This has premeditation all over it.
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