ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 53

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It's unbelievable how fast he killed four people. Certainly no intent to do anything other than kill these people.
I don't think it would take more than a few seconds of stabbing to kill a person. Stabbings are fast and forceful. Bam bam bam and you have killed a person. Sit in silence for 5 to 10 minutes and feel how long that is. I don't have a link, but I lost someone to a stabbing. The witnesses said it happened so fast that they thought the perp had merely punched the victim a few times. In fact, stabbing victims will often say they thought they were punched. Imo.
Why is everyone assuming DM didn't call the police or 911 till noon . Nowhere in the affidavit does it say that. I know LE may have implied it early on to press but equally they also said roommates were sleeping . Presumably all to protect safety of the eye witness
Well….they didn’t show up before then…..
Well, if she did call and they didn't respond until the next afternoon then we've got a whole new problem to investigate
Well said, I think this gap in timeline is very interesting and I’m hopeful that like with the rest of the information released in the last days, there’s a decent explanation and time will tell.
Why is everyone assuming DM didn't call the police or 911 till noon . Nowhere in the affidavit does it say that. I know LE may have implied it early on to press but equally they also said roommates were sleeping . Presumably all to protect safety of the eye witness
I could definitely believe that LE reported a different 911 call time to protect eye witnesses / keep details to themselves; but I think it's important to remember that Sunday afternoon, shortly after the 911 call and discovery of the crime scene, the university / LE issued a "shelter in place" -- presumably in response to the discovery at King road.

The shelter in place didn't last very long, and it's very possible they called off the shelter in place and announced the crime was "targeted" due to the killer ostensibly leaving the roommates alive (even after possibly seeing Dylan, although it's not confirmed he saw her when she saw him). To me, this all but confirms that the 911 call came when they originally said it did, in the early afternoon of the 13th, and they initially could not adequately assess the threat to the immediate community.
Still trying to comprehend this:

A 4:00am Doordash Delivery.

Suspect car spotted entering the area 4:04am (you have to give him a few mintues to park car and get out etc)

A security camera near the home picked up the sound of a whimper followed by a loud thud. A dog was also heard barking numerous times starting at 4.17am.

BK car spotted leaving area at 4:20am (at high rate of spead).

That gave him approx 9 mins to do what he did???

I can't fathom this???

(all moo)

I have a feeling that we are only getting exactly what is needed to justify the arrest. I think there's more. I can't link to anything so I can't discuss it. I do think he knew they were hot on his heels and their decision to go in the way they did, to arrest him, was appropriate in this situation.

I just thought of the open door seen by the neighbor at 8:30 a.m. It was the one leaving out toward the parking area. What if he did go back in, and quickly hurried out? Just my own curiosity.

Neighbor spoke to Fox News
What do you think was the “thud” that was picked up?
I think E was probably the only one of the victims with equivalent strength/stature as BK, and he found a brief opportunity to tackle BK when he realized what was happening, and punched or shoved or jumped him with enough force that BK fell down with a thump. JMOO ETA: Hopefully this and not the other way around ; {
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3. Conspicuous, Appearing as Out of the Ordinary Vehicle.
Even if an RV park was convenient and still open in Nov., seems unusual for a person driving a smallish sedan (meaning not a Class A RV, Class C RV, travel trailer, van, pick-up w. camper shell), to stay at an RV park (sleep in car?), unless it’s summer weather when such a driver might be tent camping. A person in sedan who wants to use only shower facilities, rather than making an overnight stay, would be remembered by staff as out of the ordinary.
Actually, in my travels this year, over 11k miles and 50+ campgrounds, the overwhelming majority of campers pulled "toads" tow vehicles and most campgrounds did NOT have security at the entrances so someone driving their car to the bathhouse would NOT necessarily draw attention to themselves. You would be surprised how many people (men, as well as women) use the bathhouses, even though they have bathrooms in their RV. Men often use the our family we all do unless it's at night.
it is possible that during the "casing" events, he was watching but had not actually decided exactly what he was going to do next so he was not yet thinking about hiding himself. I wonder what the Pulman Police Dept thought about his wanting to help them with a project - both with his initial proposal and now :(
Absolutely! During the 20s, when you're invincible and have not yet realised the true risks out there (not a bad thing, nice to feel so free!)

I think he would have become angered by it. By the sounds of reports, he's got an ego that doesn't respond well to pushback. Those kinds of people - inherently insecure people, who are so reliant on their inflated sense of self and external 'position' - you don't cross them - they will try to take you down if you see right through them.

All JMO and experience :S
Perfectly stated. I’m positive most of us who make it past our teens and college/Uni years in one piece remain grateful. With so much risk involved in some of the things we did, it’s a wonder more of us haven’t been lost along the way.

Yet we too believed in the kind of “safety in numbers” thing, (it wasn’t as if they were living alone). All the adults always told us to travel in groups or at least with someone else for safety’s sake. And they did just that. They followed those unwritten rules. And a young man was even present and spending the night in the home too.

This added to the natural sense of security they normally feel. That’s why they were ALL in sort of a FROZEN state of shock in that type of situation. They never saw it coming. It’s always the one you don’t see, that gets you. We’ve all been in the crosshairs once or twice in our lives, sometimes more. Most all never even know it. Be careful out there, watch your six. Never rely solely on someone else for your own security and life. It’s too big a gamble. That’s on each of us to Personally prepare and defend. Stay vigilant. Complacency kills. JMOO.
This is all so incredibly gruesome and tragic.
The roommate that saw him will be traumatized for many years. Poor girl was in shock.
My Irish mother used to say the devil is afoot in this world. 60 years ago and we would all collapse in giggles.
How true her words were.
I believe they are referring to evidence to get a conviction, not to identify him. Actually, DNA evidence alone is NOT going to convict someone and it can be seen as weaker evidence when compared to a huge pile of circumstancial evidence. There are a lot of ways someone's DNA can end up on a piece of evidence but there's no way to explain 20 pieces of iron-clad circumstancial evidence

Name one way his DNA could get on the snap of the sheath that is laying on the bed of a victim of a stabbing, by a knife that goes with the sheath…
Especially if the sheath does not belong to anyone in the house, and does not have any of their DNA on it, and the knife that goes with the sheath is not present.

How did the sheath get into the house? Where is the knife?

The next clencher would be to link the knife and sheath to BCK, does he have a picture, or receipt of it?

If I’m on the jury, that is check mate x 2
If others are on the jury it makes all the other evidence stronger

If there is any wiggle room it will be that the crime scene was contaminated by the cleaning crew. but.. the sheath was already in evidence.

I imagine he killed Ethan first, as he was the bigger threat. She had the chance to get out of bed…
That makes the most sense. With that being said, I feel like BK thinks he's ultra smart and I can't see him keeping his mouth shut for too long. jmo
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