ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 53

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I will respectfully disagree. the car and the phone signals data don't put him inside the house, or associate him with the likely murder weapon. The DNA does. The DNA is the only thing that puts him in the house with virtual certainty.

I agree with us here not judging the surviving roommate's actions due to shock and other factors, but that doesn't mean we can't note that a defense attorney wont go after her credibility.

And to given she said he had a mask on, she almost certainly is not going to rise to the level of a definitive eyewitness identification of Kuhberger.

The phone signals and car just could be explained say he had a crush and inappropriately obsessed, which is not even a crime. The DNA evidence is orders of magnitude more difficult for the defense to explain
Well so far, it shows he touches the sheaf of a knife found at the crime scene. Could have been planted. JMO. I thought co-mingled blood would have been the definitive proof…also wonder if he was injured and that’s why B wasn’t attacked. Jmo
It's so overwhelmingly sad, the PCA has me reeling.
The ripple affect from this crime is so utterly devasting. From the victims, victims families, friends, colleagues, LE, all the people who have anything to do with the case along with his family and friends who I imagine would be feeling sick, shocked and traumatized.
Would it be heard from an outside security camera?

From page 5…

At approximately 4:17 a"m., a security camera located at I 112 King Road, a residence irunediately to the northwest of 1122 King Road, picked up distorted audio ofwhat sounded like voices or a r,rrhimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times starting at 4:17 a-m. The security carnera is less than fifty feet from the west wall ofKernodle's bedroom.
I am not sure how big E was but I imagine you'd hear if he fell from standing or out of bed? It was the dead of night so there wouldn't be much interference. I can't imagine any louder thud? It would be ~180+ pounds falling 5-6 ft over, right?
I have a feeling that K & M were in the same bed because K had already moved out. Either there was no longer a bed in the other room or there was no bedding.

K may have come into M's room after hearing the same commotion DM heard.

My understanding is that KG's room still had a bed and a coverlet. I can't recall where I read that, though.
My mind can’t wrap around how BK’s phone was turned off/on airplane mode/in a dead zone during the crime itself but not during the previous casing efforts. So you’re telling me BK understood phones can be used to track (like, let’s hope he does with his degrees and all) and the way he chooses to get around this is to… disconnect from the network at the time of the event? What? This makes so little sense, anyone in this line of work knows it’s not just about the event but an entire pattern of life. This means data points before and after events are collected and analyzed and can often tell a story that puts the event itself in much greater context. Can’t believe his phone was on during all these drive-bys, what an absolute dunce move for someone who doesn’t have a degree in this stuff.

For contrast-
If he left his phone at home during the casing events, and then again during the event itself, this would actually establish a pattern of behavior that he is the kind of person who now and then takes drives without their phone. This would have worked in his favor at trial.

1. What a fool
2. What’s on that phone? If he knew enough to disconnect from the network, was he taking photos? Why bring the phone to the event?
Worlds dumbest criminologist…
Absolutely! During the 20s, when you're invincible and have not yet realised the true risks out there (not a bad thing, nice to feel so free!)

I think he would have become angered by it. By the sounds of reports, he's got an ego that doesn't respond well to pushback. Those kinds of people - inherently insecure people, who are so reliant on their inflated sense of self and external 'position' - you don't cross them - they will try to take you down if you see right through them.

All JMO and experience :S

Agree, all of their full human potential, thoughts, physical strength, time will be invested in a revenge that can only be quenched with full and complete destruction
It is blind hatred- that is why he screwed up

JMO too and experience, terrifying and run if you meet them
do you think he returned at 9:30am relevant to the sheath? Or because he thought there would be a massive police presence and he wanted to witness that?
Personally, I think he might have left the sheath on purpose, not realizing that his DNA was on the metal snap. And it would have been waaaaay too risky to enter that home in broad daylight to retrieve it. So I think he returned for reasons other than the sheath. I.e., to feed his insatiable narcissistic ego.
I really don’t think the PCA was that well written. An example is the above…it is unclear where exactly Xana was found. Was she found on the floor outside her room? Or was she found outside of the bathroom? Or even yet, was she found laying on the floor in her bedroom?
I don't believe it matters as to the arrest. On the floor and deceased with edged weapon wounds. Would it matter if she were in the hallway or in the bedroom when they went to arrest BK? (that isn't sarcasm, if someone knows a reason why it would matter, I am all ears) I suppose to me they were just trying to tie all four murders together, as in all by the same weapon by the same killer.
The alleged murderer showed zero emotion while in court ... where 11 family members of the murder victims were also present.

BTW ... the cell phone records also show since June 22, he had been near the murder house at least 12 times prior to the murders, and they were typically in the late evening or early morning hours.

Is it possible he responded to a roommate ad for the house and was out there in June to line up housing? And he was rejected from being a roommate? If he was NOT out there in June … someone else was using the same phone …?
Because they knew who he was and had eyes on him.

BAU probably profiled him as well. And they were right about him, as far as we know.

Well, yes and no. At the time they said "approximate time of death" was 3-4, they might already have known it was later - maybe not. Maybe that was in fact the first guess and they just let it hang out there.

We now know they had plates and DMV records on the car, but it wasn't a 2011-2013 Elantra. It was 2015. Etc. AFAIK, they did not correct that. Not that most people can tell model years on sight, but still.

IOW, when they made some original statements that the public took as facts, they later learned something else (very quickly too) but did not rescind or correct the original information. For good reasons.

And they don't have to. But some would say that's "misrepresenting," I think.

As a teacher, I don't think it would be an easy sell to today's students to try and convince them (I typically start with videos of various mammals performing these actions, as all mammalian brains have similar wiring in this regard). Flight means "run away." In fact, there are posters in my classroom outlining one's choices in case an assailant attacks us:

1) Hide/freeze under the desks
2) Run away/flight
3) Find an object and fight

These are illustrated by pictures, of course. I always add: think about using furniture in a more creative way than just hiding (such as blockading/obstructing). I also ask how many people have a weapon with them, with interesting results (they are not supposed to have guns, btw - and sometimes a person will still reveal they have one with them). Mostly it's knives, pepper spray, bear spray, and sometimes, even, hair spray (which in a pinch can be weaponized).

I also point out that several doors in my main classroom do not open without a key (which is something I've complained about over and over, and ask them to watch while I demonstrate which doors can be opened from the inside and which cannot). The ones that don't open are class and can be broken from the outside by an assailant with a gun, but they are fairly sturdy and no one anyone could break them easily with anything less than gunfire, IMO.

I then tell them that sitting nearer to an operable door is a good tactic (this changes nothing about where they sit, though - not once). All of them tend to choose their seats on first day, and with rare exceptions, do not change where they sit. They cannot give me their reasoning on this. Or won't tell me, one or the other - I think they would if they could though, as they look thoughtful during the discussion. If you have students in your family, please talk to them.

I have been shocked by all the self-reports of U of ID parents in various places saying that they have not mentioned the murders to their vacationing students, for fear of "worrying them" or '"triggering them." A little worry can be a good thing and if a student is so fragile that they cannot handle a parent's words on such matters, I have no clue how they're handling college professors and the signage and the lessons on "active shooter procedures" that most schools - even elementary schools - are practicing.

I hope everyone talks safety with their families - one more time. Cameras. Cameras are very good.
I have a Ring Peephole cam, which is great, but what gets my panties in a twist is that I have to subscribe to Ring monthly to have ANY record of what my camera sees. Without that, all I get is a notification that someone is/was at my door, but if I don't see it RIGHT THEN, I have no record of who was at my door. Grr. Wish I could assign the sightings to my comp instead of having that monthly fee, but NO. Everything nowadays is subscription...
The affadavit said she was standing in a "frozen phase" as the killer walked towards her, past her, and towards the sliding glass doors.

She wasn't standing this way the previous two times she opened the door; this time she was essentially paralyzed in place. Why might this be? It's the third time she's opened the door in a fifteen or so minute span. She just heard crying. She previously heard commotion upstairs. She previously heard someone say that someone was in the house. The dog was barking at the same time as the crying. She was scared. She was traumatized. She didn't see this as business as usual.

Now, if the affadavit said "she saw yet another random dude in her house in the middle of the night, rolled her eyes, and shut her door," then I'd say she perceived it as business as usual.
I did not read that she was scared and traumatized beyond the initial frozen shock of seeing an unexpected person. Also stated that she thought the roommate was playing with the dog. We don’t know what she was thinking or how she saw this. She heard crying and then heard someone say I am hear to help, did she think the situation was handled?
The alleged murderer showed zero emotion while in court ... where 11 family members of the murder victims were also present.

BTW ... the cell phone records also show since June 22, he had been near the murder house at least 12 times prior to the murders, and they were typically in the late evening or early morning hours.

I am just watching this for the first time. I think he looks like he is trying to contain himself. I think he wants to smile. He did show emotion. It was a smile to his PD. It just makes me ill. Bryan Kohberger Appears in Court, Hears Charges Against Him


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I really don't think him not killing DM is why they decided the killing was targeted. Just because she saw him doesn't mean he saw her--he very well didn't, so sparing her isn't inherently an intentional act.

Killers who are targeting people still also will kill witnesses, so he could just have easily have killed her even if he had other targets.

IMO there is another reason they've long called this a targeted killing, and DM has nothing to do with that.

Having read the probable cause affidavit, I now think that LE's early conclusion that the house was targeted--which a lot of people ridiculed--was actually correct.

I don't know that he really cared so much who was in that house so much as he likely realized from driving around and observing it that it offered a lot of advantages for the type of crime he wanted to commit.

In short, I don't think he found victims and then planned how to kill them. I think he wanted to kill people and found a location that he thought would be suitable for what he fantasized about doing. MOO
This might be the "fun part" for BK. He's in the spotlight, everyone is watching and analyzing his every move, and in his sick mind he thinks he can get out of this?
do people think that he will testify?
Also, I just want to give credit where credit is due. UNBELIEVABLE job by LE in this case. So proud of them for weathering the storm that was upon them this last month and a half. Flawless and Incredible. Honestly I’ve never been more impressed. They have their guy!
My mind can’t wrap around how BK’s phone was turned off/on airplane mode/in a dead zone during the crime itself but not during the previous casing efforts. So you’re telling me BK understood phones can be used to track (like, let’s hope he does with his degrees and all) and the way he chooses to get around this is to… disconnect from the network at the time of the event? What? This makes so little sense, anyone in this line of work knows it’s not just about the event but an entire pattern of life. This means data points before and after events are collected and analyzed and can often tell a story that puts the event itself in much greater context. Can’t believe his phone was on during all these drive-bys, what an absolute dunce move for someone who doesn’t have a degree in this stuff.

For contrast-
If he left his phone at home during the casing events, and then again during the event itself, this would actually establish a pattern of behavior that he is the kind of person who now and then takes drives without their phone. This would have worked in his favor at trial.

1. What a fool
2. What’s on that phone? If he knew enough to disconnect from the network, was he taking photos? Why bring the phone to the event?
If we was confident enough (falsely, it seems...) to not be identified by LE because he was not associated with the victims, he might have presumed that one approach would be to look for phones pinging in the area at the time of the murders. If his phone was off, he would be excluded from that report. For example, it's definitely possible that LE checked cell phone tower data to verify alibis. If he felt confident about not being on LE's radar, at least as part of his plan before committing the crime, it might not have mattered to him that previous cell phone data linked him to the area. JMO -- OP, you're absolutely right!
Just catching up so major apologies if this has been said. But what if DM passed out after she saw this and the other roommate woke up, saw DM passed out and not responding, so it was the other roommate calling police?

I also said very early on (before we were told the roommates slept through it) that trauma will make someone freeze in terror. IMO, she may have been frozen solid, almost catatonic, until the other roommate woke up.
Or if not passed out, paralyzed and hiding in fear. Yes, I think it’s plausible that the other roommate initiated seeking help!
If BK didn't frequent Mad Greek (current staff said they didn't recognize him), and he was a student/TA at WSU (not IU), but had begun visiting / driving by the house as soon as maybe late August (around when he most likely moved to the area)... I really wonder where he encountered one (or more) of the victims. The PCA revealed a lot about what LE has on the suspect, and it seems very incriminating, but I am curious what more they will find out to connect him to the victims. I would be very surprised if he picked the house at random and started stalking the residents from there, but that's kind of what it seems like based on the cellular data described in the PCA. Unlikely, so I'm looking forward for LE to have the opportunity to fill in the gaps + make connections, if they exist.

I wonder if he was practicing disguise, a little. If he did something as simple as wear a beanie, pulled down past his brows, he would look quite different. If he gave people a big smile in addition, no one would connect him to the man in these photos.

IMO. This is something people do, and something criminals in particular do or did in the past.
I believe they are referring to evidence to get a conviction, not to identify him. Actually, DNA evidence alone is NOT going to convict someone and it can be seen as weaker evidence when compared to a huge pile of circumstancial evidence. There are a lot of ways someone's DNA can end up on a piece of evidence but there's no way to explain 20 pieces of iron-clad circumstancial evidence

DNA is circumstantial evidence
In case anyone cares, anyone can order a Ka-Bar knife with a USMC logo sheath on Amazon or the Ka-Bar site itself. If that is what happened in this case, that information can be likely be obtained if BK bought it himself. It would not point anyone in any specific direction at all, IMO. Too easy to get one. Not easy to get one with specific DNA, though.... I'm cleaning all my Amazon purchases better.....
Cleaning purchases does not clear amazons record of purchases.
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