ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

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Help me out here... why a long tail shirt? I can see that for concealed carry, but why for open carry?
So you don't scare sensitive people. And in the case of a criminal, not wanting others to see it.

My point was he didn't really have to hide the knife or sheath in an open carry state. Although I am not sure how many people near a campus would open carry, I did see one person with a open carry knife in the photos I have scanned since following this. And he was wearing a long sleeve shirt not covering it. JMO

edit. grammar spelling
edit added second paragraph
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Yes, and.... the paragraph before the FBI denial says that a source said LE in IN was asked. Who knows? Yet, it is odd that he was stopped twice and never had his license run, didn't get a warning or ticket, and had two very friendly cops who chatted them up. When I have been pulled over, I never get the chat. And, I know not a single person who was pulled over twice in a short space of time who was not being followed for some reason-- drugs, suspicious behavior or custody issues in the cases I know of.

You make some excellent points. I think my problem might be that I want to believe so-called official sources.

Even though I know that it is legal and sometimes proper for them to lie to the public.
Oh, the senselessness of it all…

I can’t stop thinking about this: For those who loved Xana, Ethan, Maddie and Kaylee, life is forever changed into before and after. I lost my brother to a four-year valiant and heart-wrenching fight with leukemia when he was 17 and I was 16. Almost 50 years later, my world is still divided into when Paul was with us and after. For me, his death meant the loss of pure optimism and unfettered hope, the realization that life isn’t “fair,” and the crushing grief of knowing we would not have the joy of growing up and growing old together.

And my brother wasn’t taken through the violent, senseless actions of another person. I don’t know how these parents and their siblings will find a way to live with the knowledge of what happened and that it can’t be changed. Of course, it seems impossible to even imagine ever finding peace of mind again.

I wish for the families the immense courage and support they will need to find a way through this and the fortitude to keep putting one foot in front of the other in the days and years to come.
I'm sorry for your loss!
I just can’t get over now calm BK (and dare I say well mannered) appeared to be in the two times we’ve seen him go before a judge. It’s unsettling. / jmo
Most of the reports of him being combative and/or creepy came from peers. In fact, I'm pretty sure the handful of teachers he's had who have commented thought he was a good student and didn't seem to have any trouble with him.

He certainly wouldn't be the first person who behaved very differently publicly around authority figures versus privately with others.
I am unsurprised that BK would own this knife, particularly due to its military branding. His intense interest in criminology, law enforcement, security/policing may indicate a fetish of the field. A lot of fetishists collect or covet military and police style items, even if they themselves are not members of the military and/or LE. Huge, bizarre red flag.

I work in this field, and when I come across people who are extremely interested (literal hobbyists) without any service background themselves — you have to wonder why.

They either didn’t make the cut, or wouldn’t, or couldn’t… or (strangest, I think) want to be attached to the industry for the power, control, fetish and/or other wrong reasons.
They have no real power or respect in their lives, not knowing it needs to be earned, so they love tacticool stuff to FORCE people to respect them. IMO.
I thought it was weird too.

My interpretation was that maybe his phone battery died and maybe he went home to sleep. Three hours is a long time.
However, it's worded strangely and that was what I came up with. It doesn't mean I'm correct at all. As a matter of fact, I'm probably 99.9% wrong. It's just that it was worded so strangely, I couldn't think of anything else.
It seems like they're saying he was in the same general area that his (alleged) Pullman to Moscow route took him (see map in this article), but as you say, the time gap is significant. How Idaho cops linked Kohberger to scene where students were murdered
Question: Didn’t LE say they found epithelial cells in the sink drain, once they took it apart? Maybe Bryan was in that bathroom there by Dylan’s room, cleaning up real quick, before she spotted him. He may not have even realized she was there, still riding an adrenaline rush and thinking he was “done”.
I’ve not seen or heard one mention of sink drains ever in this case. about this? It has been reported in various media outlets that when he was arrested he allegedly asked if others had been arrested as well.

It is also known he had an interest in what a criminal's indset is before, during and after a crime. Such was the nature of his online survey/research study and request that criminals reach out to him about. And one of his neighbors indicated BK had an interest in how criminals think.

Plus his defender in PA stated that BK believes he will be exonerated.

Plus the affidavit was written prior to his apartment/car/parents house being searched. We don't yet know what, if any, incriminating DNA was found in those locations.

I wonder...perhaps HE did not commit the murders. Perhaps it is even sicker than that. Perhaps he was "studying" the actual murderer - maybe a criminal who responded to one of his queries. Perhaps he accompanied the criminal on various stalking trips to the victims' house. Perhaps the criminal was inside the house earlier than the timeframe described in the affidavit. Perhaps BK helped drive the murderer away on the premise that DNA at the murder scene wouldn't be tied to him - not realizing it was on the sheath which he assumed wouldn't have been left there. Or maybe the murderer left the scene separately and BK was there just to observe from afar - and returned the next day for the same reason.

Perhaps that is why he supposedly thinks he will be exonerated and why he asked if he was the only one arrested. If that were the case he WOULD be exonerated - from the murders themselves. But he would still spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Of course I have zero proof or confidence any of this is correct. It is something I just made up. But it is one way I can think of that could explain how his dna could have been on the sheath without having been in the house and still explain the cell phone data and his car being captured on video in corresponding locations

If something like that were true, he would be just as sick in the head - perhaps even more so - than if he did the killings himself. His fascination for criminals' mindsets and "studying" a murderer in real time would be a way to vicariously live out a fantasy he might be too afraid to carry out on his own - and perhaps justify it to himself in a sicko sort of way as he was doing it in the name of science. He doesn't kill people - he just "studies" those who do.

If they end up not finding any DNA from the victims in his car or apartment - then maybe such a line of thought would be worth looking into. My guess is they have much more solid evidence on him than has been made known and they probably found even more in his car and apartment
That fascinating, but I don't think he's really smart enough to coordinate all of that.
I was wrong on a few things at the beginning. I thought LE knew that it was somebody close to the victims and therefore it must have been a crime of passion hence the no threat to the community message conveyed to the public.

I also thought it was somebody in the neighborhood since LE would have revealed a photo of the car if somebody drove in to commit the murders.

One thing I was spot on about though was that the killer stalked the victims previously and had record of their phone pinging on the towers during those times which would have been a tell tale sign. He made a mistake of not turning off the phone during those periods of stalking.

I still can't believe the amount of mistakes this guy made. Now, I have an interest in true crime however I have an interest in a lot of things so therefore I can't devote a bunch of hours to following just True Crime. There are many people even on here that know a heck of a lot more than I do about forensics. So it's crazy to me that I know all these forensic don't do's and this guy who studied criminology overlooked these don't do's. I know he wasn't necessarily knee deep in forensics regarding his study but still, a guy having education in criminology would at least have some basic knowledge.
There was a post in probably the first, second, or third thread on this case where someone proposed the killer was wearing PPE. I thought it was crazy -- but reading the PCA, a mask "covering the nose and mouth" sounds a lot like a surgical mask.
To me, it sounds like the same masks most of us wore every time we left the house, for about a year, during the height of Covid, and the same masks which I still see people wearing every day even now, though admittedly, far fewer. Nothing approaching PPE planning. JMO
If suspect when back at 9 am was it for the sheath? Then why not go back in the house for it? You don’t see police etc. Maybe he didn’t realize it was there and just went back to see if police were there…
I honestly wondered about that too. He had to have realized he left it, but almost seems he just wanted to see what was happening at the house. If he was going back for it, wouldn’t he have walked in?

Very bizarre. And STUPID about this? It has been reported in various media outlets that when he was arrested he allegedly asked if others had been arrested as well.

It is also known he had an interest in what a criminal's indset is before, during and after a crime. Such was the nature of his online survey/research study and request that criminals reach out to him about. And one of his neighbors indicated BK had an interest in how criminals think.

Plus his defender in PA stated that BK believes he will be exonerated.

Plus the affidavit was written prior to his apartment/car/parents house being searched. We don't yet know what, if any, incriminating DNA was found in those locations.

I wonder...perhaps HE did not commit the murders. Perhaps it is even sicker than that. Perhaps he was "studying" the actual murderer - maybe a criminal who responded to one of his queries. Perhaps he accompanied the criminal on various stalking trips to the victims' house. Perhaps the criminal was inside the house earlier than the timeframe described in the affidavit. Perhaps BK helped drive the murderer away on the premise that DNA at the murder scene wouldn't be tied to him - not realizing it was on the sheath which he assumed wouldn't have been left there. Or maybe the murderer left the scene separately and BK was there just to observe from afar - and returned the next day for the same reason.

Perhaps that is why he supposedly thinks he will be exonerated and why he asked if he was the only one arrested. If that were the case he WOULD be exonerated - from the murders themselves. But he would still spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Of course I have zero proof or confidence any of this is correct. It is something I just made up. But it is one way I can think of that could explain how his dna could have been on the sheath without having been in the house and still explain the cell phone data and his car being captured on video in corresponding locations

If something like that were true, he would be just as sick in the head - perhaps even more so - than if he did the killings himself. His fascination for criminals' mindsets and "studying" a murderer in real time would be a way to vicariously live out a fantasy he might be too afraid to carry out on his own - and perhaps justify it to himself in a sicko sort of way as he was doing it in the name of science. He doesn't kill people - he just "studies" those who do.

If they end up not finding any DNA from the victims in his car or apartment - then maybe such a line of thought would be worth looking into. My guess is they have much more solid evidence on him than has been made known and they probably found even more in his car and apartment
I wouldn’t rule anything out at this point. This whole thing is so crazy! And also, we have seen BK have this fascination with law enforcement and the military - but for whatever reason(s) not getting in/joining/entering that line of work directly himself. So, to your point OP, IMO he could have taken the same fascinated approach towards criminals once he was unable to fulfill his LE fetish.
Do you have a link for that? Because I’ve never heard of anyone ever training anyone to not call 911 or get help in an emergency.

This crime wasn’t an active shooter so again I don’t see how any of this is relevant at all except continuing to spread the extremely dangerous advice that young people shouldn’t get professional help as soon as possible in a crisis.

Just as with all that we found out today from the affidavit, I don't think we have the whole story about what was happening for this young person in that house at that time. We have no context. We certainly don't have access to her whole interview. We can surmise lots from what we have pieced together but it is an incomplete story.

In my work in schools (from pre-Sandy-Hook to present day), the training with students has changed-- hide and wait to run if you can but fight like hell if you can't run. One thing that has absolutely changed in my work with young people, more and more of them will begin filming an incident, they will run away if the situation is too hot AND they will call 911/campus police/trusted adults faster than I might have at their age. Again, context is key. I work in a large urban setting where crime is currently rampant. Would it be different in a small college town? Probably. But, this college town has kids from lots of places so who knows.

This young woman will need all the care and love she can get because there are many who will make her life miserable without the full knowledge of her experience and the reality that this man butchered his victims so their survival was not an option. JMHO.
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Just wanted to point out that IMHO his schooling means nothing.
My brother’s IQ is 147 and he didn’t go to college until mid-life. And he got his Masters from a university that offers online courses and just flew to receive his masters in person at that university. He’s 40.
My sisters IQ is 135 and she obtained one of her degrees, the first one, at a community college.
I on the other hand have no idea what my IQ is but I have an eidetic memory and I’m great at math or so I’m told (human calculator). And I never went to college. (Actually all of us are great at math.)

Anyway, IMMostHO, schooling doesn’t equate to how smart someone is.

m[][] ymmv JMVHAspieO
So true! My son is a genius and does not plan on attending a university! My brother on the other hand went to Columbia
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