ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

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I have a Labradoodle... now she is spoiled but I should struggle to find any of her hair in my house unless right after her grooming, even then hardly any. They just dont shed like a lot of doggos

Yep...we went over this several pages back...I had no idea about car registrations and Bday, so weird

Oh Im sure they went and collected the contents of the garbage and the contents of the vacuum as soon as he pull away from the car wash, he did they hard part for the FBI in a way
BBM for context.
I agree with you they do not shed as much as other dogs. they are recommended dogs for people who have allergies, AFAIK.
But they are still living, moving, biological animals. Who drip their saliva, shed dead skin cells, eyelashes, and so on and so forth.
Any of those things from Murphy, if found within BK car, his apartment, or his parent's home would be the icing on the cake, in terms of prosecution. Of course, JMO. about this? It has been reported in various media outlets that when he was arrested he allegedly asked if others had been arrested as well.

It is also known he had an interest in what a criminal's indset is before, during and after a crime. Such was the nature of his online survey/research study and request that criminals reach out to him about. And one of his neighbors indicated BK had an interest in how criminals think.

Plus his defender in PA stated that BK believes he will be exonerated.

Plus the affidavit was written prior to his apartment/car/parents house being searched. We don't yet know what, if any, incriminating DNA was found in those locations.

I wonder...perhaps HE did not commit the murders. Perhaps it is even sicker than that. Perhaps he was "studying" the actual murderer - maybe a criminal who responded to one of his queries. Perhaps he accompanied the criminal on various stalking trips to the victims' house. Perhaps the criminal was inside the house earlier than the timeframe described in the affidavit. Perhaps BK helped drive the murderer away on the premise that DNA at the murder scene wouldn't be tied to him - not realizing it was on the sheath which he assumed wouldn't have been left there. Or maybe the murderer left the scene separately and BK was there just to observe from afar - and returned the next day for the same reason.

Perhaps that is why he supposedly thinks he will be exonerated and why he asked if he was the only one arrested. If that were the case he WOULD be exonerated - from the murders themselves. But he would still spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Of course I have zero proof or confidence any of this is correct. It is something I just made up. But it is one way I can think of that could explain how his dna could have been on the sheath without having been in the house and still explain the cell phone data and his car being captured on video in corresponding locations

If something like that were true, he would be just as sick in the head - perhaps even more so - than if he did the killings himself. His fascination for criminals' mindsets and "studying" a murderer in real time would be a way to vicariously live out a fantasy he might be too afraid to carry out on his own - and perhaps justify it to himself in a sicko sort of way as he was doing it in the name of science. He doesn't kill people - he just "studies" those who do.

If they end up not finding any DNA from the victims in his car or apartment - then maybe such a line of thought would be worth looking into. My guess is they have much more solid evidence on him than has been made known and they probably found even more in his car and apartment
Since he made the remark about others being arrested, I’ve wondered if he had already outlined a plan for his defense which involves him neing present and someone else committing the crime, explaining that he was caught up in all of it due to his research. That being said, I think he’s 100% guilty, and you may have guessed his legal strategy.
If the shirt is hiding the weapon it isn't open, it's concealed.
Gotcha. I edited my last point was he didn't have to hide the knife or sheath in an open carry state. Although I don't know how many people open carry near a campus, I did see one person in the photos I have scanned that was open carrying with a long sleeve shirt not covering it. JMO

edit:spelling and changed campus to near a campus
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There has been a lot of speculation about the knife being K-bar military etc. and was BK in ROTC or have family in the military. I found this pic, (see it in the link below). In it, BK has his arm around someone who appears to be wearing a military uniform. Don't want to stretch things out of the realm of possibility, but IMO could be a connection.

I'm not commenting on the alleged drug use or anything else, just noticed the picture.

Bryan Kohberger's 'shocked' ex-classmate claims Idaho murder suspect used heroin in high school | MEAWW
According to his high school yearbook he wanted to be an Army Ranger. I don't know if he ever signed up but instead ended working as a security guard for a school district.

At WSU he reportedly applied for a Fall Internship with the local Police Department. I wonder if he wasn't accepted or if he changed his mind. Was the Professor's Assistant his second choice? According to some students it appeared he didn't want to be there.

He reportedly told the mechanic at the garage they took the car to in PA that he wanted to be a professor.

When did he give up his plans to join the military or become a police officer?
I just can’t get over now calm BK (and dare I say well mannered) appeared to be in the two times we’ve seen him go before a judge. It’s unsettling. / jmo

Since he seems to have academic interest in crime, my guess is that he's dissociating somewhat and enjoying the "academic/intellectual" pursuit of the legal process.


(I totally agree that it's unsettling.)
Question: Didn’t LE say they found epithelial cells in the sink drain, once they took it apart? Maybe Bryan was in that bathroom there by Dylan’s room, cleaning up real quick, before she spotted him. He may not have even realized she was there, still riding an adrenaline rush and thinking he was “done”.
My take exactly. That type of tunnel vision is akin to a track horse wearing blinders. He never ever saw her standing there in her freaked out frozen state. That primal reaction (think of a fawn in tall grass standing frozen as a predator walks right past it) most likely saved her life. If she’d have moved or spoken, things could be even worse. JMOO
According to his high school yearbook he wanted to be an Army Ranger. I don't know if he ever signed up but instead ended working as a security guard for a school district.

At WSU he reportedly applied for a Fall Internship with the local Police Department. I wonder if he wasn't accepted or if he changed his mind. Was the Professor's Assistant his second choice? According to some students it appeared he didn't want to be there.

He reportedly told the mechanic at the garage they took the car to in PA that he wanted to be a professor.

When did he give up his plans to join the military or become a police officer?
When did he give up alll the plans and decide to be a murderer?
I'm torn between thinking he went back to retrieve the sheath or to see how big the LE reaction was to his deadly acts.

I guess it doesn't matter which one it is. What does matter is that it's incriminating evidence that can be used by the State at trial. JMO.

Do we know if LE is sure it was BK's car as opposed to a car that looks like his? Did LE see BK in the car?

If LE can prove BK was seen at 9:00am at the scene of the murders then yes, this is very incriminating evidence. Any time you can place a suspect/defendant at a crime scene the same day the crime took place, it really makes an impression on the jurors hearing the Case.
I’m trying to clear something up in my head hoping someone can help…

So we now know DM’s bedroom was located on the 2nd floor also and not the 1st floor that was initially reported - is that correct?

If so, from the affidavit I would assume M and K were killed after E and X because of the following:

“The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen shock phase." The male walked towards the back sliding glass door. D.M. locked herself in her room after seeing the male. D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. This leads investigators to believe that the murderer left the scene.”

Reading this and looking at the floor plan, I’m assuming BK walked past DM as he was coming down the stairs from the 3rd floor and walked past her straight out the sliding door located on the 2nd floor.

Does that sound right? Sorry if it’s already been discussed.

Edit: I realise now after looking at the floor plan again that BK could’ve killed X and E last and have been cutting across the living room towards DM when she saw him right before he exited.
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I wouldn’t rule anything out at this point. This whole thing is so crazy! And also, we have seen BK have this fascination with law enforcement and the military - but for whatever reason(s) not getting in/joining/entering that line of work directly himself. So, to your point OP, IMO he could have taken the same fascinated approach towards criminals once he was unable to fulfill his LE fetish.

I wouldn't be surprised if an army recruiter or the police simply rejected him as the potential candidate. After all, both employ people who are armed, so something that raises concerns would be an immediate no.

Science? Well, this is the area that accepts lots and lots of mad geniuses. And the traits necessary for "adhering to social norms" are not necessarily the same that are required for writing brilliant grant applications.
Bringing this forward from another poster earlier. This give a very good view of the house inside 360 actual view of inside the house, not a recreation. It definitely gave me a better idea of the inside. Moo
Thank you for sharing this!
Preponderance of evidence is fine for civil trials. Criminal convictions require proof beyond a reasonable doubt and I'm just not convinced we're there yet. Bear in mind we haven't seen all of the prosecution's cards. But we haven't seen any of the defense's cards. As far as this witness, she will do far more for the establishment of timeline than identity. And so far there has been no attempt to provide a motive. But motive and direct evidence are not required to get a conviction, just proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Like I said, I'm just not convinced we're there yet. YMMV
If he is not guilty, then he was certainly in the immediate area of the crimes (as evidenced by not only his cell phone but by video.) That said, IMO he should be able to exonerate himself as he most likely would have seen another "suspect vehicle" in the area or another "suspect male lurking around. As far as we know, he has said nothing of the kind to help further the investigation, so it all comes to him. IMO
Thank you for this!

What does the last sentence mean in the 5:32 pm - 5:36 pm entry:

~5:32 p.m. - 5:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to Johnson, ID. The 8458 Phone then stops reporting to the network from approximately 5:36 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. That is consistent with the 8458 Phone being in the area that the 8458 Phone traveled in the hours immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.

Are they saying that at 5:36 pm, his phone turns off but they know he’s in the same area that he drove to immediately after the homicides? For 3 hours??

Sounds like he was disposing evidence, or going back to move whatever evidence he had dropped off earlier that morning to a better spot (and trying to find that knife sheath).
I’ve read-read the 5:36 phone ping information so many times and I still don’t get what they are trying to say…
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