ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

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This is a rural area garbage cans are not close by, he had to walk over to someone else's property.

His car did look really dirty outside but putting garbage in neighbor trash is s sign of trying to hide something.

Remember Fotis Dulos driving down Farmington Ave in Hartford CT, stopping at different cans and pinging all the way down the road on the cell towers and caught on camera. LE got that garbage and his wife Jennifer's Blood/DNA was found in the contents... we will see what they find.

Yup, consciousness of guilt. You can be sure that will will be brought up if there is a trial. It's a huge piece of evidence.
I know it's highly unlikely, but I wonder if any of BK's relatives were at the Moscow courthouse today for the charges? Do you think any of them will be there next week? (Is that when he's supposed to enter his plea?)

Just curious and MOO.
I don't think he wants them there, at least for now. Probably sent the message through lawyer, maybe said that he would be home soon. Imagine them reading through the evidence...
Weird theory about motive to bounce off the wall here, but before I do I just want to give ENORMOUS support to Dylan, Hoodie Guy and SG. These are innocent people that WE (the general public) have turned into further victims through intense scrutiny and misaligned public outcry. There are many victims that cascade outward from this crime (including others who were villainized) but those 3 individuals in particular deserve not just slack but outward support.

Switching gears.

In reading the well-publicized accounts (such as NY Post) that BK’s mom “never” discussed her son at work (grain of salt needed), seeing the article where his mom shared his sister’s poem, and seeing the low-budget 2011 movie trailer that his sister starred in, I’m wondering out loud if his victims were maybe some type of psychological “match” to his sister(s)? As though he may have suffered a degree of littermate syndrome or whatever the human version of that is.

I don’t know that I really subscribe to that theory, but it’s just something to consider.
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Per the affidavit the plates were to expire on November 30. If he hadn't changed registration he would have been at definite risk for a traffic stop.
The whole car thing shows how foolishly arrogant BK is. He's driving around a car with an out-of-state plate, which is only on the rear of the car, traveling in two states with front-and-back plates. So when the front of the car is captured on video, the absence of a front plate is unusual. And then he has to re-register the car. He could re-register it in Pennsylvania over the internet; you can even download the registration document and print it yourself. So he's in a jam that maybe he can't find a way out of: Keep the car registered in PA and risk that the car with PA plates was captured on video after the murders. Or re-register the car in Washington, which will be a red flag once LE starts sorting out Elantras because he changed the registration and plates and THAT info just jumps off the page.

Two observations: First, the probable cause affidavit should help many here become more patient with investigations. The Moscow PD, with help from FBI experts, had this guy on the radar very quickly. But the video research, the vehicle research, the warrants for the phone records, and the analysis of the resulting information takes time. For a small city police force, what we see in this document is truly excellent, including the correlation of the phone record to the "suspect vehicle."

Second, this affidavit shows that it's not easy to get out of the range of surveillance in this country.
Re: not calling police...

Once again, it's a party house. Yeah, BK probably looked like a weirdo being there in a mask, but he was heading for the kitchen and leaving, and no one was screaming or staggering around at that point to indicate an ongoing crisis, from what we have been told. In my college days I probably would have thought he was a shady, kind of creepy guy who had delivered something and was headed out. Maybe a little annoyed that whoever he came to see just turned him loose to roam through on his way out, but whatever, it's late and everyone's quiet again, I'm not going to go yell at them right now.

And everyone had sounded more or less normal really recently. Kaylee playing with the dog upstairs, the Doordash, a roommate telling another person someone's there followed up by seeing someone leaving, a roommate crying and another person getting involved in that... none of that would have been IMO call the police or go see for myself strange.
I agree with the potential plausibility of some of this. The question I had while reading the PCA was the transition from the individual in a mask walking right past D.M.'s room and the statement that the individual was "headed to the back sliding door". Is not D.M.'s room on the bottom floor and the sliding glass door on the 2nd level? How was it ascertained the individual in question was "headed toward the back sliding door"? From what I have seen of floor plans there would be no sightline to indicate this from the doorways of the bottom floor bedrooms. Am I missing something??
OK, so from the affidavit, I note that the police say early on that the murders happened between 4:00 and 4:25 am. However, later on, they note that the Elantra was captured leaving the scene at 4:20 am. I'm going to extrapolate from this that even if DM had called the police, it wouldn't have done any good; I assume that if any of the 4 were still alive, it took 5 minutes or less for them to die, unfortunately. I feel like LE DOES need to spell this out for DM's safety (and mental health) and to get everyone off her back. I know there is probably a 99% chance that nothing she could have done could have saved them but people will fixate on the 1%.
Second, the timeline of the murders confuses me. Does BK have enough time to do 4 murders? You know the defense will be examining this as well. So at approximately 4:04 am, the car appears on camera, drives eastbound, then drives westbound, tries to park, then goes down Queen Road again. Suppose all this takes about 3 minutes. Then you have to allow another 2 minutes for him to park and get to the house and now it's 4:09. Now, at 4:20 am, the car is seen LEAVING again. Again, you have to allow time for BK to get to his car from the house and get back on camera. A murder happens at 4:17, which has to be the last one. We know X is alive at 4:12. X must be the LAST murder by this timeline.
Basically, by this timeline, BK kills 4 people in 10 minutes and must move like lightning in that house. Is that enough time for him to do 4 murders? If I was a defense attorney or giving the presumption of guilt, this is what I'd focus on. Also, how does he get in? Does he have the code to the house? If so, how does he get it? And why doesn't DM hear him come in if X or K do as no matter how he comes in, he has to pass her room to get to both rooms with the murder victims?
Mogen said he received a copy of the affidavit ahead of Kohberger’s court hearing Thursday morning. He only made it through the first few pages of the unredacted affidavit before he broke down.

Still, the document left him convinced that police zeroed in on the right suspect.

“There’s not much doubt,” Mogen said. “I think my family feels the same way.”

Mogen did not attend the hearing Thursday and doesn’t plan to attend future court hearings, saying it’s too difficult.

“It’s just so overwhelming to just even see that guy,” Mogen said. “I can’t imagine being in the same room as him.”

“I think I’d be honoring Maddie more by living my best life out here and not letting that consume me.”

I don't want to misquote or misinterpret what CNN had to say so I would appreciate if anyone else watched the show to confirm but they said that during surveillance of the parents home the FBI observed BK cleaning the inside and outside of the Elantra while wearing latex gloves. They also said that they observed BK walking over to the neighbors garbage can at 4am to dispose of a bag of garbage.
This makes me really hope the FBI pulled a covert forensic sweep on that car while it was supposedly being serviced on the 16th. Not sure they had their full surveillance unit in place by that time, though.
MOO, none of those young girls would have been remotely attracted to a 28-year-old guy with his personality and entirely outside their peer group. There are zero reports of BK ever dating anyone. They would probably have found any suggestion that they were involved with this ...person... to be ridiculous and insulting.
This is something that bothers me. Why would he leave the sheath? It is not like it fell and was out of site under the bed or under the covers. It was right there on top next to the victim. Most people I know with knives either have their sheath on their belt or clipped to a pocket - but they always put the knife in the sheath when they are done. It is a habit, especially with a big knife. Just strange to me that he would carry his knife out without it. JMO

The previously posted photo of a K Bar knife and leather sheath like the one described in the affidavit has a nice sturdy loop for attaching it to your belt with virtually zero chance of it coming off….so why didn’t he attach it to his belt if he felt the need to bring it into the house?

Perhaps it’s because it would be difficult to conceal if he might have attracted the attention of any LE whether walking or driving away and getting pulled over. A knife or even an empty sheath attached to his person would’ve been impossible to explain away.
It's hilarious how the media has portrayed him as a "genius," which is a more clickable story than the reality of this guy. He went to a community college out of high school (Northhampton Community College in PA -- not heard of that, me neither) and then Desales University (?) and finally Washington State. Until this case, I hadn't definitely heard of any of these. Don't think I'm impugning the quality of the instruction at these institutions. There are great teachers in many easy to get into schools, and bad teachers in elite ones, but the truth is, these are places average Joes and Janes go.

The U. of Pennsylvania and the U. of Maryland have top notch criminology programs. Why wasn't he there if he was very talented? Further, he apparently scoped out his victims 12 or 13 times late at night or the early morning hours, with his cellphone in tow. Yes, he had his phone with him. When you're planning a murder, it's nice to be able to listen to podcasts. Also, the night of the murders his phone pinged towers on the way until he turned it off -- not just not genius -- profoundly stupid. And then pinged back at his apartment in the early morning hours when he turned it back on. "Why, Mr. Kohberger, did your cellphone turn off half-way to Moscow from your apartment, and then turn back on only when you were back home, at 4:46am? And what were you doing driving around so early in the morning?" Also, he was seen by cameras driving around the murder house several times the night of the killings, and not only dropped his knife sheath, but then didn't retrieve (Or did he leave it on purpose, which is also incredibly inane.)

If he's a genius, and possesses a sophisticated criminal mind, he must have done this poorly on purpose, for notoriety. Congrats Bryan, you fooled us. We thought you were just stupid.
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