ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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I think the reference was to the story that back in Pennsylvania he spent a long time meticulously cleaning the car. I still have hopes that LE could find traces of DNA—it’s very hard to clean a car thoroughly enough to eliminate all traces, I believe.

Did he clean it at a carwash or at his parents home? If he did it at a carwash, the FBI would have had no problem getting everything that came out of the car. JMO
I seem to remember that dog's barking was registered by another house's camera at 4.17 am.

And the perp was seen driving quickly at 4.20.

Does it mean that dog saved the roommates?

Oh Murphy, you are the bravest good boy!!!!

I don't even think K & M would have locked their doors, at least on this night. They were on the 3rd floor (probably the safest floor in the house) and the night was pretty much over. JMO

And I can totally picture X's door being unlocked, because she had just gotten done eating her DD delivery.

All my opinion
All IMHO and speculation, but I was imagining that X had received her order and was eating it in the livingroom/kitchen area, while browsing Tiktok, when BK entered. She wouldn't have locked her bedroom behind her, in all likelihood, if she was going to be steps away. She may have made a break for her room when she saw BK in the hopes that she could get in and lock the door behind her, which would explain why she was on the floor when found. All JMO.
But she just got her car, a week or so prior to the murders, or so I thought. Moo

Exactly. But between June and November he had been to the home area at least 12 times when she was driving her old vehicle. He may have seen any and all of the various house residents get into their vehicles or driving them during that time.
What an idiot!! Bringing his cell phone and turning it off and on during critical moments in the murder left a trail back to him. What’s worse (or good) cell phone was with him during all the hours of the house Being stalked weeks ago. But the icing on the cake is coming back to the crime scene at 9:00 a.m. same day with his cell phone on. LOL.
I think my query should be OK, I am not quoting specifically or taking about details. I just learned from watching interviews with various court people and apparently 'Motive' is not used at trials, and I could have sworn the opposite. Being a non-court employee, I really have no idea. I would like to understand why, is it because several can technically have motive, but you need evidence for one? I'm so confused on this!! I thought motive was like the first things looked at. MOO
New here, this is my first post. All of this is MOO.

I think BK has probably had this urge to commit murder and started stalking various girls since he arrived in WA in August. One thing is that the house where the murders happened is close to a sorority house (I think Alpha Phi, which 2 housemates were members of, IIRC). I feel like if BK is gearing up to murder, he’s obviously a criminology student and has probably studied Ted Bundy. So maybe he started considering committing the murders at a sorority house but as he was watching it/the members, he was led to the Kings Road house and figured it may be easier to do it there, a more controlled environment with less occupants. And with his stalking of the house, with the 12 visits over the last few months, he probably was fairly sure of who lived there but was thrown for a loop by Ethan and possibly Kaylee since she was just visiting. I feel like Maddie was his target, since the sheath was found in her room and I believe she was his first victim. I hope LE is able to get a much broader sense of his online stalking/behavior when they start going through his phone and computer. That will probably lead them to a pretty clear motive/target. Again, all MOO.
Exactly. But between June and November he had been to the home area at least 12 times when she was driving her old vehicle. He may have seen any and all of the various house residents get into their vehicles or driving them during that time.
Ohhhhh, ok. I see what you're saying. Did she have another vehicle that she maybe traded in? I thought the one she had at the time was her first one. Not sure why I think that.
Yes I think there was some confusion about the phone - I believe this just came from the fact the affidavit refers to the account being opened on 23 June 2022, as you mention. My interpretation was that didn’t necessarily mean he was in the area on this date. (Edited to add: according to affidavit, plan was linked to address in PA so seems likely BK was still there at this stage).

Agree - it does seem strange to get a new plan so recently. Maybe he got a new phone in anticipation of the move (I can imagine students might be sorting a number of administrative things such as bank accounts etc around this time) and/or maybe he had already started thinking about what he was going to try and attempt once he arrived and decided a new phone would more effectively cover his tracks. MOO

I don't know what phone plans are available in many states since I live in Ontario. The big three here are Telus, Rogers and Bell but there are a lot of local providers like Fido that are really cheap as long as you stay in your area; they aren't meant to utilize nationally. So I presume BK lived with his parents and may have been on his parents plan. I checked some of the local providers in PA and a couple of names came up like Wirefly and WhistleOut. Maybe that's why he got a new phone. IMO
Or maybe BK didn't see her at all? Imo.
That is my theory as well. The room may have been dimly lit, DM was probably standing stock still, Kohberger was probably fatigued, his vision could have been obscured by the mask he was wearing, his mind was probably racing, etc.

If he had seen her, I don't think that she'd still be among the living.
I think they should not have stated anything about not believing the phone was in the area at that time in the PCA. I think they should have shared just the info, minus the opinion, and let it be dealt with a trial. I'm sure the defense will be working in putting together alibis for every time the phone pinged close to the Victim's house and if they presented an alibi for that particular ping, then so be it.

I believe the purpose was to show he did not return to the area he had frequented after the day of the murders. It shows his behavior was likely surveilling the residence and not part of normal travel that could otherwise be explained.
Been waiting to post. As far as the doordash arriving close in time to BK....what if X ordered it and it took so long to arrive they went to bed. And the dasher left in doorstep. Maybe BK brought the order in or the roommates, or friends they called over, did the next morning. So maybe BK watched it get dropped off and nobody came to door and lights were off so he entered. Or he didn't even see it get dropped off. But this is MOO and in reply to comment in last thread where someone was contemplating how brazen he was as X must have still been awake with lights on since she just got the doordash. Maybe she didn't get it and was asleep. Maybe they ordered it at like 2.45am and gave up waiting. I have had some super long DD deliveries. Especially if tough to get a driver to pick up (middle of the night).

The photo of the burger bag by the kitchen sink seems an odd placement of the bag. Maybe just dropped there in a non thinking hurry by BK or by the roommates and friends the next day. Guessing the next day people as they called 911.

Maybe X and E were in bed with lights off and X was on her phone (tiktok) waiting for order but E was trying to sleep so lights were off. Guessing, still though, that X never went to door for the order and it was brought in the next day as the friends (roommates called) arrived.

Do we know if she even had time to open/eat any of it? It is indeed an odd placement.
the fact that the cell phone was on for part of the ride to and from the crime is damning-he won't be able to stay he was home asleep or anywhere else for that matter. You would think he would have turned it off at his residence and turned it back on once he got back (or left the phone at home)
I know many have mixed feelings about Kaylee's dad and some of the things he's said, but this quote from the above article really struck me.

'If our daughters could switch places with him. And I'm saying Maddie, as my daughter would do it in a heartbeat if they could sit there and have three squares, a place to live and we could call them we could write them letters.

'They could watch TV they could get educated. I would love if Maddie and Kaylee were doing life in prison right now.

'At least we could talk to them. They'd be breathing, that's not a punishment equivalent to being killed.'

That really puts things in perspective. Of course, BK's parents will suffer if he gets life in prison, but considering that K's father would trade places with them in a heartbeat shows the depth of his grief. that you ask. Maybe it's not that I think she was necessarily the target, but I do think she was first. I would assume she was the target if she was first, but maybe not.

I said KG's old room because she had moved out. She was only visiting that weekend to show MM her new car.
I don’t think it’s confirmed she actually moved and her stuff was no longer there. Think it’s an assumption?
Forgive my ignorance but XK’s dad said she had bruises from the knife. Surely, it takes a while for bruises to form? (Correct me if wrong) so while she was bleeding out the bruises formed? Because I’ve never had a bruise form instantly before? Or is it different with knives/dying?
Yes, a bruise can show up post mortem. My first homicide was a 6 month who was held under the sink faucet and drowned the imprint of the drain showed up on the babies back.
I don't think BK "knew" any of the victims. I feel like he just wanted to murder. I believe he was "hunting" for target since he got there in August. He could have followed and stalked a few potential targets before, after watching, decided on them. I think this was no more then a thrill kill. I commend LE for their quick work in locating him because I have no doubt he would have done it again. MOO

I've wondered about that, too. And if that was behind these murders, it makes me feel as though they may not be his first murders.
I think they should not have stated anything about not believing the phone was in the area at that time in the PCA. I think they should have shared just the info, minus the opinion, and let it be dealt with a trial. I'm sure the defense will be working in putting together alibis for every time the phone pinged close to the Victim's house and if they presented an alibi for that particular ping, then so be it.


I wonder if LE’s theory is that he went over there on a regular basis, between August 21 and Nov 13. After that, nothing. What changed? Well, he’s no longer attracted to the area. Why? We can guess.

all MOO
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