ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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I tend to think this is the sequence, as well. IMO
Same. I think Maddie first bc of the knife sheath and then Kaylee ran into Maddie’s room and he attacked her more aggressively and tossed her on that bed while doing so. That made him forget about setting the knife sheath down as Kaylee was unplanned for him. The only part is how the dog was shut into Kaylee’s room with zero blood/evidence on him.
Forgive my ignorance but XK’s dad said she had bruises from the knife. Surely, it takes a while for bruises to form? (Correct me if wrong) so while she was bleeding out the bruises formed? Because I’ve never had a bruise from instantly before? Or is it different with knives/dying?
X did seem to live a small time longer after the initial attack on her, according to the PCA.
I think everyone is speculating that DM saw the whole thing and I think thats what makes things frustrating. All I’ve read is she saw a person with a mask and that’s all. Doesn’t that mean for all she knew, he stole a bracelet?

As I see it, all she would know was that a germophobe friend of one of her roommates came over, and then let himself out in the middle of the night.

The noises about that time may have been disturbing, but didn’t constitute a call to action, the way a scream would have. His body language may have alerted her to something ‘off,’ but nothing that she thought warranted calling 911.

Sadly, it’s very easy for me to think that her thoughts ran along the lines of: “In the morning, I’ll ask what was going on.” And that seems reasonable to me.

Interesting, KA-BAR company says the sheath was for a 7” utility knife “traditionally used as a tool”
Chopping firewood??? With a 7" knife? It must be super sharp. :(

it can be used for hunting and small tasks around a campsite ... like chopping firewood or cutting wire and rope.

I had been waiting for the thread to open to post this!

They can easily get his DNA from his apartment, or his parents house, and now that he's arrested, I'm sure they took his DNA. But I worry that he may have wiped away any DNA from the victims.

If he did try to wipe the victims, who were mostly in bed, he would have ended up with more victim blood on himself than I think he wanted to have. He chose to try and kill them while they were lying down and covered up, and if KG's manner of death as revealed by her parents is correct, he also aimed the knife in a manner so as to reduce the amount of blood spurt (Sorry for the graphic description).

If he was gloved at the scene, which I believe he was since he has been seen wearing nitrile/latex type gloves since, he would have left very little DNA on the victims. Xana would be the likely victim (last, I believe, and ended up on the floor, had defensive wounds).

By most estimates, he was only in the house for about 16-18 minutes, so I don't think he planned to or had a lot of time to try and clean anything off the victims. Would he have even thought to bring a sterile (non-DNA bearing) item to do this with? All of his own items would have his DNA on them (although it might be scant).

I just seriously doubt he brought wipes or anything like that to clean the faces of his victims or their hands. But I also don't think he'd be capable of removing any of his DNA from under fingernails, if that occurred. Fingertips, maybe. He could have used something from the house, but I think the PCA would have mentioned that and the whole thing was so quick.
I've seen that too, and I didn't get that from reading the AA. I think it leads us to believe one of KG/MM were the targets (perhaps even both) but I don't think the AA clearly gives us evidence MM was target.

My opinion of sequence of events:

4am~ doordash for Xana

4:04am he is seen parking. Leads me to believe earliest he is in the house is closer to 4:05/06am.

He heads upstairs first.

When DM is awoken "around 4" thinking she hears Kaylee playing with dogs - it's actually the attack/murders of MM/KG happening.

BK heads down stairs somewhere around or after 4:12am (probably closer to 4:17) since we know Xana was still using TikTok up until this time.

IMO Xana was up and heard something which makes her leave her room or perhaps was even just going back and forth to the kitchen to discard her doordash trash.

She sees/hears BK coming down the stairs and this is when DM hears someone say "there's someone here"

I think BK felt he had to kill her now.

I think the biggest question mark for me is the killing of X/E. Im beginning to think Ethan was probably asleep during most of this.
BK sees Xana goes to attack her and she bolts back towards the room (hence the AA making it seem like her body was more likely in the door frame or right at entrance).

In the midst of that attack Ethan wakes up and the killer obviously focuses his attention on Ethan. Kills Ethan, but Xana is still alive "whimpering/crying"

This is when BK says "don't worry I'll help you" that DM hears. I think he probably "finished her off" at this point. (As gross as that was to type).

The murders/attack of X/E happen at the 4:17am mark of when the neighbors cameras pick up the noise closest to Xana's room.

Also the direction the killer comes from in order to be able to "walk past" DM is obviously more so from the direction of Xanas room and not the upstairs.

Then at 4:20 car is seen leaving.

Nothing in the AA shows me or hints to me who exactly between M/K were targets. But I'd be interested to hear actual opinions/evidence that lead people to believe MM target.

I don't know who was the target, but maybe, his own questionnaire that has the question about the "choice of the victim" might be telling. There was some choice.

KG as I have noticed bore some resemblance to his young professor at DeSalles who referred him to WSU program, both being very attractive, so he might have targeted her, of course. On the other hand, she was mostly out of the house.

MM? Depends on her tongue. If she was humorous and funny, it could brush him off and make angry. Plus, I remember what some disgruntled souls posted after her death (these horrible accusations initiated the circle of blaming one more innocent family, that the internet now owes apology to), but I wonder if anything of that matter was published ever before MM's death? Anonymously, perhaps?

I think that BK was good with SM and anonymous posts. He might have viewed himself as "avenging sword" then.

I have already posted what I noticed in people having murderous urges. They'd often explain the urges by blaming the victims who,
in their opinion, deserved to die. MOO.
Maddie and Kaylee being best BEST friends I would say its extremely likely that Kaylee slept with her in her room, like a sleepover. Since she was visiting to show off the car, they went to the bar together etc.

Kaylees father also backs this up when he said that Kaylees bed remained untouched.

I tend to think this is the sequence, as well. IMO
I agree with this sequence. Eerie that it seems he may have been upstairs with K and M for a few minutes, while X and E were quick and then he left. Could confirm the comments made by SG that implied that one of K or M had more severe injuries than X and E. BK may have been making some sort of statement with the actual injuries inflicted on the upstairs victims.
I think everyone is speculating that DM saw the whole thing and I think thats what makes things frustrating. All I’ve read is she saw a person with a mask and that’s all. Doesn’t that mean for all she knew, he stole a bracelet?
Part 2 to this is.
As I see it, all she would know was that a germophobe friend of one of her roommates came over, and then let himself out in the middle of the night.

The noises about that time may have been disturbing, but didn’t constitute a call to action, the way a scream would have. His body language may have alerted her to something ‘off,’ but nothing that she thought warranted calling 911.

Sadly, it’s very easy for me to think that her thoughts ran along the lines of: “In the morning, I’ll ask what was going on.” And that seems reasonable to me.

The “complete shock” part makes it seem like she knew there was something bad going on.

But again, a bracelet bad or murder bad? Who knows.
Been waiting to post. As far as the doordash arriving close in time to BK....what if X ordered it and it took so long to arrive they went to bed. And the dasher left in doorstep. Maybe BK brought the order in or the roommates, or friends they called over, did the next morning. So maybe BK watched it get dropped off and nobody came to door and lights were off so he entered. Or he didn't even see it get dropped off. But this is MOO and in reply to comment in last thread where someone was contemplating how brazen he was as X must have still been awake with lights on since she just got the doordash. Maybe she didn't get it and was asleep. Maybe they ordered it at like 2.45am and gave up waiting. I have had some super long DD deliveries. Especially if tough to get a driver to pick up (middle of the night).

The photo of the burger bag by the kitchen sink seems an odd placement of the bag. Maybe just dropped there in a non thinking hurry by BK or by the roommates and friends the next day. Guessing the next day people as they called 911.

Maybe X and E were in bed with lights off and X was on her phone (tiktok) waiting for order but E was trying to sleep so lights were off. Guessing, still though, that X never went to door for the order and it was brought in the next day as the friends (roommates called) arrived.

Do we know if she even had time to open/eat any of it? It is indeed an odd placement.
I've seen that too, and I didn't get that from reading the AA. I think it leads us to believe one of KG/MM were the targets (perhaps even both) but I don't think the AA clearly gives us evidence MM was target.

My opinion of sequence of events:

4am~ doordash for Xana

4:04am he is seen parking. Leads me to believe earliest he is in the house is closer to 4:05/06am.

He heads upstairs first.

When DM is awoken "around 4" thinking she hears Kaylee playing with dogs - it's actually the attack/murders of MM/KG happening.

BK heads down stairs somewhere around or after 4:12am (probably closer to 4:17) since we know Xana was still using TikTok up until this time.

IMO Xana was up and heard something which makes her leave her room or perhaps was even just going back and forth to the kitchen to discard her doordash trash.

She sees/hears BK coming down the stairs and this is when DM hears someone say "there's someone here"

I think BK felt he had to kill her now.

I think the biggest question mark for me is the killing of X/E. Im beginning to think Ethan was probably asleep during most of this.
BK sees Xana goes to attack her and she bolts back towards the room (hence the AA making it seem like her body was more likely in the door frame or right at entrance).

In the midst of that attack Ethan wakes up and the killer obviously focuses his attention on Ethan. Kills Ethan, but Xana is still alive "whimpering/crying"

This is when BK says "don't worry I'll help you" that DM hears. I think he probably "finished her off" at this point. (As gross as that was to type).

The murders/attack of X/E happen at the 4:17am mark of when the neighbors cameras pick up the noise closest to Xana's room.

Also the direction the killer comes from in order to be able to "walk past" DM is obviously more so from the direction of Xanas room and not the upstairs.

Then at 4:20 car is seen leaving.

Nothing in the AA shows me or hints to me who exactly between M/K were targets. But I'd be interested to hear actual opinions/evidence that lead people to believe MM target.

This seems about right to me. Remember that X&E had been partying and drinking since 9 PM. Jmo, Come back around 2 AM, shower and/or make love and Ethan is ready to snooze. X decides she still awake and hungry so orders DoorDash. Food arrives at 4 AM and she is walking around the kitchen and/or going to the bathroom until 415 when she runs into a Murderer.

Struggle and stabbing back into the bedroom where Ethan starts to stir. Stabs him. X is moaning and crying out for help. As BK approaches her to quiet her, she is clawing to get away and crying out for help. He is saying it’s OK, I am going to help you and finishes her off.

This all happened within a couple of minutes while the neighbors camera at 4:17 heard crying and thumping and dog barking. I assume he rushed past DM bailing on the whole thing because a dog was barking and he never imagined killing more than one or two people. At 4:20 he was seen speeding away.

Crazy to me, we had all been imagining some type of seasoned assassin serial killer planning to kill a house full of people. When it actually seems he came to kill one for the novel experience of it…and then realized he had to kill two and then went downstairs and realized he had to kill three and chased her in the bedroom and realize he had to kill 4. I almost wonder if he saw DM but was so overwhelmed with the dog barking and the sequence of events that he was bailing ASAP rather than killing five.

Among his many dumb moves, definitely dumb to attack a party house on a Saturday night when multiple people are still awake and ordering deliveries. Maybe he could have snuck in and out successfully at 4 AM on a school night when everybody had been sleeping since 1AM.
Knowing the car could be cleaned of victim dna, why wouldn’t they stop him at this point -arrest him- and then impound the car so nothing in ir on it would be disturbed?
There was no probable cause warrant at that time. I believe they were waiting for it to be signed. Also remember, they retrieved some garbage from a neighbor's bin that the agents observed BK placing there. That could have IMO contained the evidence he cleaned from the car. I'm just wondering why he waited over a month to do this.
In what sense? IMO, SG gets to say whatever he wants. He is a victim of a terrible crime and he has the right to speak.

Now that BK is in custody, I doubt LE will be requesting his silence, although I suppose the DA might. But he doesn't have to do what they say. There's no court order against the victims speaking, it's the DA, PD and LE who must remain silent outside of court until the verdict.
I agree. Plus he's pretty much been saying whatever he wants anyway, The optics won't be very good if anyone tries to stop him. JMO
I've read the AA twice and forgive me if I'm missing something, but I've seen several people say that the AA has made it clear there's a high probability MM was the target. Why? I didn't draw that as a clear conclusion after reading through it.
I’ve been wondering this as well. I think there’s some evidence to show she MAY have been the first killed, I don’t necessarily feel like he “targeted” these people. I really believe he was just looking to kill, and wouldn’t be surprised to learn that there were other houses/people he was stalking.

Edited because I have fat fingers and haven’t had enough coffee. ‍♀️
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I think the reference was to the story that back in Pennsylvania he spent a long time meticulously cleaning the car. I still have hopes that LE could find traces of DNA—it’s very hard to clean a car thoroughly enough to eliminate all traces, I believe.

was wondreing if even his cleaning cloths contain enough to sample
"You got to remember these two girls were so upset that when they went outside after seeing this ... one passed out," he said. "And the other one was so hyperventilating that the message wasn’t clear enough for the operator."

After reading this I'm thinking DM never came out of her room on her own but rather B- second surviving roommate- was the one that eventually woke up around 12, came upstairs and encountered some extent of the scene- likely Xana and perhaps Ethan- and either started freaking out banging on DM's door or just started screaming and woke DM up, then they both ran outside. Perhaps even went upstairs to check on Maddie and Kaylee, although I don't know how much time they would have wanted to spend inside after seeing X&E and not knowing if the killer was still there or not.
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