ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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I still think Ethan was killed in the bed, and that’s his blood was that was dripping on the outside of the house.
Has it been determined that was actually blood? I can't believe it was. I don't understand how blood spilled inside a room of a house can find its way past moisture barriers to the outside. If true that's a very poorly maintained house, IMO, and probably in bad need of repair. Also any opening allowing blood spilled inside to exit to the house's exterior would be an inviting ingress for any animal (rat, mouse, etc.) IMO

ITA. From my first reading of the PCA I felt this was the case. She was trying to pull together everything from her memory that may have been the killer coming in, yet while it was happening, that was the furthest thing on your mind.

Here is an example. I have 3 grown kids, a dog, two cats and a rabbit. I'll wake up in the middle of the night to strange noises all the time, and I am a fairly paranoid person. So I might think - oh a robber is in the house! Then I remember, oh it's probably the rabbit hopping around her crate. Or one of my grown kids is here. Or maybe my daughter is fighting with her boyfriend.

Now, if I was living in a house that was a big party house, and heard noises, I'd think, oh, someone is playing with the dog. Oh, I guess maybe someone just ordered DoorDash and it's here. Not think much of it, other than maybe being annoyed I was awoken. Then, when I surprisingly saw the man leaving and was startled, I wasn't about to say HEY-who are YOU??? I wouldn't be apt to just start questioning some rando in the middle of the night and embarrass them or a roommate. I'd think, oh, maybe one of the girls brought a guy home? Maybe that was one of E's buddies. And even being as paranoid as I am, I wouldn't have gone to - oh - that guy probably just killed all of my roommates. How could she?
Exactly. I think she was scared there was a strange dude in the house, shocking, probably a reason to talk to roommates about, but without screams how could she think what happened happened?
I had an extremely traumatic childhood and have so many DSM disorders I can barely keep track (mostly pattern stuff which is why I puzzle on WS so much!) BUT I've never killed anybody and actually quite the opposite. I save bugs/ living things and was even sensitive to inanimate objects for a long time as a child/teenager. So- it's something inside a person that science hadn't figured out yet that makes a killer IMO. Definity nature- not nuture. Experienced IMO, JMO, MOO
I’m sorry to hear about the trauma you experienced. I had a traumatic childhood as well, and I also ended up being extremely empathetic and sensitive, sometimes to my own detriment.

I’ve always wondered if it’s a choice made along the way while in survival mode, because I also know people who were abused who later turned into abusers.
ITA. From my first reading of the PCA I felt this was the case. She was trying to pull together everything from her memory that may have been the killer coming in, yet while it was happening, that was the furthest thing on your mind.

Here is an example. I have 3 grown kids, a dog, two cats and a rabbit. I'll wake up in the middle of the night to strange noises all the time, and I am a fairly paranoid person. So I might think - oh a robber is in the house! Then I remember, oh it's probably the rabbit hopping around her crate. Or one of my grown kids is here. Or maybe my daughter is fighting with her boyfriend.

Now, if I was living in a house that was a big party house, and heard noises, I'd think, oh, someone is playing with the dog. Oh, I guess maybe someone just ordered DoorDash and it's here. Not think much of it, other than maybe being annoyed I was awoken. Then, when I surprisingly saw the man leaving and was startled, I wasn't about to say HEY-who are YOU??? I wouldn't be apt to just start questioning some rando in the middle of the night and embarrass them or a roommate. I'd think, oh, maybe one of the girls brought a guy home? Maybe that was one of E's buddies. And even being as paranoid as I am, I wouldn't have gone to - oh - that guy probably just killed all of my roommates. How could she?
Exactly, especially if she was intoxicated. I know people who smoke marijuana, and it can create difficulties when processing situations and make you question what you’re seeing. Alcohol can certainly do the same. I feel for her and I hope she doesn’t blame herself in any way. She was just being a normal college kid-no one else has liability here except BK.
He may have gotten help. I suspect he did IF BK was indeed the 17yr old making those posts. If at 17 he was hearing “blood screams” and literally had demons, he was likely already wrestling with urges to commit violent acts on innocent people. He was likely fantasizing about it, thus calling himself a criminal. I imagine if you find pleasure in such thoughts you could come to the conclusion you’re a criminal??

I have to assume due to those posts being 11 years ago that he would have snapped b4 late 2022 had he not received help.

I also have to assume that since his sisters and his mother are all in some sort of career under the blanket of the field of psychology, all 3 would have picked up on his needing help and gotten him some. Accounts of his mother paint her as a loving caring woman.

again, we don’t KNOW if he got help, but I’m assuming he did based on his family and the amount of time that went by between his mind being possessed and him NOT killing anyone
The reality is that it would be totally legit if anyone in her situation would lick herself in the room because she was terrified he would come to her. I wouldn’t want to open my door ever. Only if I got ahold of someone first or heard someone else like other roommate. It makes me feel so bad for her. She could have been there for hours horrified afraid to call police. I have no idea what I would fo
Imo, it is possible that she knew a crime had been committed and locked herself in her room out of fear until the next morning. Maybe we will find out eventually that this is indeed what happened. I really feel she didn't have the info to suspect a crime had happened. And that is the true reason she didn't call 911. From the PCA, there were no blood curdling screams. No cries for help. And a random dude walking through a house that is known to have people coming and going. While some people can be paralyzed in fear, I think most people would call 911, even fearful ones do. So it only make sense to me that she didn't call 911 because she didn't know a crime had been committed and went back to bed. Imo.
Bothers me too. Seeing the post above showing X&E room and knowing where camera/audio is considering the time, 4:17am with hardened snow on the ground it was probably very quiet so any sound would probably be picked up.

1/3 area lots here, neighbor 3 houses down across the street has a dog medium size I can hear barking in the house when I’m on my porch.

There was no snow on the ground the night of the murders. MOO, cause I don't have time to lino.
If BK truly did have Visual Snow Syndrome was he formally diagnosed with this chronic disease or did he self diagnose?

If BK has VSS and the reported heroin use in High School is also true, it sounds as if he may have been self medicating. Now some stories from his past start making more sense. Using heroin, losing weight, diet to eradicate a medical condition. Things are starting to come together.

One would wonder how BK was able to secure a Driver’s License as VSS would cause visual impairment and typically you can’t drive if your vision is severely impacted. Also a lot of late night activity which, if he has VSS makes it harder see in the dark. Why was he out and about in the wee hours of the morning when he risked more impairment? His vision challenges didn’t seem to cause him schooling difficulties. He was able to study, take part in class, teach etc., somewhat effectively.

Now it makes perfect sense for his father to fly out to help him drive cross country. BK wouldn’t be able to drive that great a distance safely without assistance.

VSS is a neurological disease NOT a mental health disease however, it has been linked to the mental health conditions such as schizophrenia.

Be interesting to see if this condition comes into play.

Has there been an indication somewhere that he had VSS? I’m sorry if it’s been mentioned-I took a mental break and I’m trying to catch up.
I don’t think she just shut down - she was peeking through a cracked door in the dark probably after looking at her for which takes awhile for your eyes to readjust - all while trying to understand what she was seeing. I honestly can absolutely see myself doing what she did if I rationalized what I saw based on likelihood, being tired, under any influence etc

The human brain will align unusual situations with events it rationally comprehends and it's my understanding that shifts as we have more life experiences.

I would suggest that at her age, it would be most common for her brain to interpret someone crying as a relationship issue and I doubt if it would be the first time tears had been shed.

She seems to have interpreted activity to the dog playing and that would be familiar sounds to her but likely wouldn't have considered the dog may have been agitated, having never seen the dog agitated.

At her age, 'someone is in the house' would have simply caused me to wonder which one of my roommates invited somebody over for an after party.

She knew her rooommate had ordered food, 'someone in the house' may have simply registered to her as 'your food is here'.

I live quite rural and it's always amazed me how quickly young people adapted to covid masks and again to personal choice for masks and I suspect it didn't fully register as being as unusua. If it were a balaklava (as some have suggested), the weather was cool and her mind would have connected it winter attire.

Our minds don't necessarily play trick on is but they do interpret based on things we understand. I have ranched for 50+ years and only a couple years ago, I found my father's horse in a situation that defied description. I absolutely did not see the ugly gaping wound and was convinced that some fool had drawn a thick red marker line on a horse and it wasn't until he refused to move that I started to understand he was gravely wounded.
The reality is that it would be totally legit if anyone in her situation would lick herself in the room because she was terrified he would come to her. I wouldn’t want to open my door ever. Only if I got ahold of someone first or heard someone else like other roommate. It makes me feel so bad for her. She could have been there for hours horrified afraid to call police. I have no idea what I would fo
This was exactly my point earlier. I certainly wasn't passing judgment on her for anything she did that night, but think this is a perfectly valid and reasonable explanation for what happened. Maybe that's not how it happened, but it's certainly a reasonable theory at this point based on the information we know.
Exactly. I think she was scared there was a strange dude in the house, shocking, probably a reason to talk to roommates about, but without screams how could she think what happened happened?
The 'without screams' bit makes me think it's worth looking at other knife murders that went unsolved over the past 10 years. Maybe close to where he lived in PA?
Maybe he started with a single knife crime, then a double followed by a treble?
Unlikely he did it that way, probably but he had the skill to avoid screams- throat?
Originally, I wondered if he might be wearing night vision goggles, but he would have had to pull them down as he left since his eyebrows were so visible.

I don't think he'd chance turning on a light and perhaps being seen by someone outside, but who knows? Unless there was some sort of light in the rooms, nightlight or light through a window, how in the world did he see what he was doing in the dark?

That's a very important question in my opinion.
I think it's very likely X's light was on as she was still awake and had just gotten food. Also, it appears there were Christmas lights, as well as other lights in the house (the neon sign) that would have provided light
Random thought of the day. SG said something about the killer didn't have to go upstairs. I don't know why he said that, but one thought I had was maybe if KG said "there's someone here" right after he came in, and he heard it just like DM did, that's why he went upstairs...

IDK. I'm just perplexed at who said that and when.
I am still trying to reconcile in my mind why the PCA says he drove by the house 12 times starting in June. Or did I misunderstand?
My recollection of the article is that the phone account began in June, but that the times his phone was located near the residence was since September. They requested records back to June.
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