ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 63

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Also, I do not know how many men are here, but, for any who are, if you have ever shaved with a blade that should have been discarded at least a week sooner, and I think most of us have, you know what razor burn looks like, and the "bruising" seen on BK sure looks like razor burn to me, and he probably had just shaved minutes before going into court. Also, he may have not had shaving gel and had to use soap to shave with. The "bruises" are probably not even visible this evening. And yes, the cuts look like shaving cuts. JMO
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Well, I am bummed that there is no preliminary hearing. Feels like more concrete information will be spare. Looking forward to search warrant from apartment documents to be unsealed. Other than that, I am personally not too interested in his middle school crushes or a whatever else the media will try to feed us in the absence of something definitive. June 26 feels like a long way away!!!!
Do you all think that some the cameras can tell if there is just 1 person in the car vs 2 people in the car?
I think it's pretty likely but who knows.

I do know that if they do, that info wouldn't be officially released but it's hard to believe that rumor wouldn't be circulating if a private citizen had found it on their camera.

If you look at the picture journalist John Webb posted, open it in a new tab (if you are on a desktop/laptop) and enlarge it slightly, you can see (IMHO) that what some think is a bruise is more likely the shadow caused by a bad shave job on his neck. I even downloaded it and enlarged it on my Macbook. I see a fringe of stubble where he didn't get all the way to the edge of the hair growth on his neck. I see some stubble still remaining around where he cut himself on the side jaw (and probably started having to avoid going back over the spot to prevent further injury). Given the thickness on the hair growing on the back of his neck, it's easy to see how his neck stubble can extend that far down and out. His hair looks like it's still wet, so I suspect he was in a rush to shave a week or two of stubble and possibly ran out of shave lotion/foam by the end (the supplies websites show tiny tubes).

As for bruising and cuts from shaving on the neck--just this morning my husband hurried and shaved something like 5 weeks of neck and cheek hair off because he had to go on site for the first time in over a month. He now has nicks, scrapes, and razor burn that looks like bruising. I texted him to ask if I could take a picture of his neck and post it here when he gets home--strangely enough he said "h*ll no!" :)

ETA to add: I also see a nick on his Adam's apple.
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After the hearing this morning. It left me wondering similar to your thoughts. Thinking back to when he asked if anyone else had been arrested or words to that affect. His willingness to get back so he would be exonerated. It seems to lean toward a game of defense. It’s something to think on.
Agree....he did not say "I am innocent" or "I did not do it."
If he's on a stimulant medication, some states requires that doctors, PAs and NPs see the patient quarterly to assess how they are doing prior to prescribing the stimulant again.

Could be a medical thing, too, but it's puzzling given his age. MOO
He could be on any 'scheduled' drug such as anti-anxiety (benzodiazepines) sleep aid (Ambien etc) or even Suboxone for his heroin addiction. Frequent follow-ups are usually required.
Moving on from BK's Tinder date and the receptionist at his doctor's office, we now have an interview with his 6th grade crush. Photo included! /s

FBI agents have interviewed Bryan Kohberger's middle school crush in hopes of piecing together the psyche of the man they believe is responsible for the gruesome murders of four Idaho college students.

Kim Kenely, 27, contacted the bureau shortly after learning her former classmate had been arrested for allegedly knifing four housemates to death at a university just 15 minutes from where he was studying in November.

The two were sixth-grade students at Pleasant Valley Intermediate School in Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania, when Kohberger, 28, developed a crush and began romantically pursuing the girl who would go on to be a high school cheerleader.

'She told the FBI whatever she could tell them,' Kenely's mother Sandra confirmed to on Wednesday.

'It was so long ago. I couldn't imagine what she had to tell the FBI. I guess it was for the character purpose.'

View attachment 394905
I'm with her mom,
'It was so long ago. I couldn't imagine what she had to tell the FBI." Another name, another few minutes of fame. Finally we get to see picture of a chubby, BK. His picture looks like a grown man compared to hers.
Sorry, but I do not know what she said that was bad... she said he was charming, nothing wrong with that and 100% legal.
Do you work in HIM?

"Covered hospitals and other covered health care providers can use a facility directory to inform visitors or callers about a patient’s location in the facility and general condition".

I’m a healthcare worker and I think releasing information that tells the entire world that someone is a patient of yours is a violation of HIPAA. She wasn’t responding to a single person or direct inquiry. She went to the media with that information and broadcast it to everyone.

Also, I do not know how many men are here, but, for any who are, if you have ever shaved with a blade that should have been discarded at least a week sooner, and I think most of us have, you know what razor burn looks like, and the "bruising" seen on BK sure looks like razor burn to me, and he probably had just shaved minutes before going into court. The "bruises" are probably not even visible this evening. And yes, the cuts look like shaving cuts. JMO

I know men who have forgotten to shave before going into oilfield sites, which is required for a proper seal on their masks. They are handed a cheap disposible razor and a small bar of cheap soap, those in camps are much better than those that on a work site because at least they have access to water.

I've been told that razor burn is unpleasant but a dry shave is worse.
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"Stalking is the hunting of humans. It is an extremely deviant behavior."

Thanks for sharing your story of being a victim of stalking. I know it's not easy to share. I agree it is extremely deviant and dangerous behavior and I wish our society took it far more seriously than it does.
I'm sorry you experienced it. I hope they have stopped by now.
I do feel the girls knew or felt they may have been stalked or being watched.
SG Kaylee's father mentioned it.
I haven't met a woman that wasn't stalked at one time or another NOT on your level maybe but most women are stalked, but not all end up killed.
I experienced something almost as bad as your stalking. Prison slowed the stalker down only for 6 months then upon release started right back up again.
Some states have stalking laws now—California for one—but it took an actress getting killed for it to become law. Need a federal law. IMO
There are about 15 million high school students in the US in an average year. Let's say half are boys: 7.5 million. Let's say 10% of them were bullied like that by the popular pretty girls. That's 750,000 bullied high school boys. Stats say there are about 25-50 serial killers in the US at any given time. That would mean, even if we had 25-50 new serial killers every year (which clearly we do not), 749,950 bullied boys do not go on to become killers. It's not the bullying. Bullying is awful, but it is not "the cause" or "the reason" people go on to kill.
I agree. I believe it is something they are born with—something missing? A throwback to hunter gatherer days? I really have no idea but there’s an answer somewhere. There isn’t the “normal” safety trigger in their brain that says “stop—this isn’t acceptable behavior.” JMO. Btw, I don’t think the community is any more, or any less, safe than it was before.
Myabe BK blabbed something to another prisoner or jail employee during his short stay in PA or perhaps even already in ID. Sounds kind of boilerplate info request from the Defense to me. IDK

I think DM paid the inmate that said he was yelling etc when he was first arrested. Could be wrong but that info was pure fiction. Doubt any of the real sources were paid. JMO
@passionflower it was a pretty quick hearing, didn’t miss much. Defense doesn’t want to have the preliminary hearing until June, prosecution spoke with defense earlier and didn’t object. Due to everyone’s calendar, the prelim is set for June 26…judge allowing that full week on the calendar if needed.

Hope your eye is doing well!

Oh, BK apparently cut himself shaving and had a couple marks on his face.
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I’m gonna guess that jail razors aren’t exactly top of the line complete with 6 blades and moisturizing strips….plus I’m also guessing the time one would be given to perform grooming is not equal to the time one takes when at home.
Not exactly sure how all that works.
I thought someone may have attacked him but I guess not. JMO
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