ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 63

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DNA Solves
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This guy was the lone killer IMO and he better not get off because he is a danger to society! Don’t these people know how DNA works? So annoying!
I'm not convinced he had an accomplice- I'm prob more like 70/30 that he didn't. But there are a lot of ways to be an accomplice to a crime that don't involve actually getting your hands dirty.
Now, I understand why the PCA is so thorough, which many Attorneys have noted that an 18 page PCA is rare. It’s to ensure that BK didn’t get bail while waiting for the preliminary hearing… 28 weeks, 4 days, 10 hours, 33 minutes, 28 seconds, but who’s counting? ;)

The bottom line is that ANYONE working at a provider's office by law is not allowed to discuss patient information. This receptionist could be in big legal trouble right now. The fact she basically confirmed BK was a patient by talking about him is a huge no-no.

EXAMPLE: Imagine if there was a clinic that only treated people w/schizophrenia. The receptionist wouldn't even have to discuss a person's diagnosis because if she simply confirmed that a certain person was a patient, the media (or whoever) would automatically know the person's diagnosis because the provider specializes in schizophrenia. Does that make sense?


THANK YOU!!! I am a legal assistant and understand this 100%. I'm trying to explain it here on WS as I see the question asked. Confidentiality is key! Everyone (yes, even BK) has a right to privacy.
<modsnip: snarky> If you have a link with any new information regarding HIPAA, could you share that? Anyway, the receptionist stating that "so and so was nice", is not sharing personal or medical information, HIPAA is about medical information, not about a person's demeanor. When I worked at the hospital, we were able to say "yes or no" whether or not someone was a patient there, but if a patient specifically asked that we do not do that, then we did not give out that information.

Being a legal assistant, you may have some recent information if HIPAA has been updated, would you be able to share a link to that HIPAA site?
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All my opinion:

I find it hard to believe that BK was the only ‘chubby’ boy in his school and that he was singled out and picked on by girls ( my wording ). I do know for a fact from personal experience of working with students ranging in grades k-12 that there are indeed ‘mean girls’ however, believe it or not they are more likely to pick on other GIRLS rather than boys. I also know from same experience that there are different types of bullies. There are also individuals who are are EXCELLENT manipulators. Where I work we refer to them as instigators. They are sneaky and will deny what they are doing even when caught. This is what it looks like from the outside:
Student ‘A’ ( boy or girl) yells at another student ‘B’ or student ‘A’ reaches over and hits said student ‘B’they are seen or heard by an adult and get reprimanded, and student ‘B’ is automatically labeled victim.
Here is what really happened: student ‘B’ has been quietly making faces at student ‘A’ or poking them with pencil, or whispering ugly words at them. Student ‘A’ has tried very hard to ignore student ‘B’ hoping that they wound eventually stop. When student ‘A’ has finally put up with enough of it and lashes out. Then it looks like poor innocent student ‘ B’ is being bullied. Or they run leaving the real innocent student’A’ looking guilty. After awhile most students realize who these instigators are and don’t want anything to do with them therefore creating the illusion that the instigator is being left out or bullied even more. They then seek out new unaware victims.
I see this happening more often than you might think. I am in no way saying there is not real bullying happening in schools because it is.
What my opinion is based on is the fact that BK made comments to women at the bar in PA making them so uncomfortable that they made documentation about it. To me, MY OPINION, there is a pattern of something HE does or says is what triggers the behavior(s) of the girls, both when younger and as an adult.
Strictly my opinion and I know we all have our own and that’s ok.
Okay I have an entirely new theory now. This is all MOO, etc.

Since we found out about his Reddit survey, I've questioned whether he might have been looking for people like him. Did he ultimately want to create a community or a partnership?

So then we find out the search warrant is sealed. I believe BK is guilty but I have also racked my brain trying to figure out what could be a threat to LEO and public safety other than another involved party.

I still wasn't ready to really consider an accomplice until I saw this today.

Yes, BK could be playing games. I truly do feel like this has been the culmination of a game for him.

But then I consider how fast everything happened. We don't even know what time the car was parked. It was still moving at 0404.

What if there were two people and one was circling around watching for the other to come out of the house?
Respectfully, please don't drink the Kool-aid! This guy having a partner in this crime is about as likely as him obtaining a PhD in his favorite topic.

Another disturbing possibility... What if he knows something we don't?

That is disturbing. He would likely feel smug and powerful if he knew something important that LE didn't know. Awful. MOO

IMO there is a 100% chance that BK knows a great deal that we do not.

Such as why he killed them, did he ever meet any of them before, has he stalked any of them, did he choose the house for convenience only, when did he begin to plan this, where is the knife, was it his intent to kill one or more than one, and maybe a thousand other things that he knows, but the public doesn’t.

That goes for him also knowing much that LE doesn’t know, but I’m confident they will learn more and more in time.

It may end up though with BK going to the grave and never telling anyone. No matter whether he gets life in prison, the death penalty, or God forbid not convicted.

Time will tell.

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I wonder. It sounds a lot like method acting classes.
I usually end up doing it on a prolonged case here..
Problem with this one is that I don't have a single entrance to his mind and anecdotal is not cutting it for me.
Some I will not, I did try with Christensen, dark web, his books, all of it and it was all horrible though I'm not afraid to go to dark places.
when I watched his first interview though my body started to shake..

My own thoughts when I read about his exercises were whether it could form the basis of a civil action by his family against his educators..
..he went too far..
speculating, of course while wondering if it's something his defense might use.
Why does DM have to supply address/telephone number etc - can't all liasons be through legal channels and not directly between DM and BK's representatives. Is this actually a mandate that she has to follow??? It seems really a unsafe proceedure involving witnesses etc. MOO
<modsnip: quoted post removed/snipped>

Also, I do not know how many men are here, but, for any who are, if you have ever shaved with a blade that should have been discarded at least a week sooner, and I think most of us have, you know what razor burn looks like, and the "bruising" seen on BK sure looks like razor burn to me, and he probably had just shaved minutes before going into court. Also, he may have not had shaving gel and had to use soap to shave with. The "bruises" are probably not even visible this evening. And yes, the cuts look like shaving cuts. JMO
I expect that shaving in jail you have limited time, a bad mirror, not sure how they keep you from trying to steal the blade...? does a guard shave the inmates? I just expect it is not the most comfortable. IMO
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