ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 63

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I personally dont believe being rejected is bullying.

Kohberger, then a chubby, awkward misfit, would become relentless in his pursuit, repeatedly leaving love letters in her locker and telling her he liked her, according to the mom.

'He would always say, "Oh Kim, I think you're very pretty." Just like weird comments. And she'd say, "Oh my God, leave me alone."

Kenely would eventually tell Kohberger to buzz off, breaking his heart.

The anecdote above shows that Bryan did not respect boundaries. Being awkward isn't an excuse for pursuing someone "relentlessly" after being told "no".
This girl Kim is not responsible for how Bryan "feels". She did not "break his heart". How Bryan copes with his emotions is his own responsibility, no matter how upset he gets at the world. His "impulse control" is his own responsibility.

I also saw an account that Bryan was bullied. This is certainly possible, but I haven't seen a source that expounds upon that. Being rejected by Kim was not a bullying event in itself, IMHO.

Sixth grade?! Honestly, I feel sorry for BK, the child.

"I guess it was for the character purpose"--- Whose? Hers, or his, in 6th grade?
Love the mother’s quote that kids are mean. What BS, most kids are not mean, and if yours is being mean, do something to change that. Bullying can create monsters, we see it time and time again, and imo, there is still a lot of work left to do to eliminate it in schools.
whether BK will write his experiences down for later publication has come up, and perhaps this answer has been posted before. If that's the case I apologize for the repetition.

BK won't profit from any kind of publication of his story if the state enforces its "Son of Sam" statute, section 19-5301, which states:


(1) Every person, firm, corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity contracting with any person or the representative or assignee of any person, accused of a crime in this state, with respect to the reenactment of such crime, by way of a movie, book, magazine article, radio or television presentation, live entertainment of any kind, or from the expression of such person’s thoughts, feelings, opinions or emotions regarding such crime, shall pay over to the state treasurer any moneys which would otherwise, by terms of such contract, be owing to the person so convicted or his representatives. The state treasurer shall deposit such moneys in an escrow account for the benefit of and payable to any victim of crimes committed by such person, provided that such person is eventually convicted of the crime or is acquitted on the ground of mental disease or defect excluding responsibility and provided further that such victim, or his personal representative, within five (5) years of the date the escrow account has been established, brings a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction and recovers a money judgment against such person or his representatives.

(2) The state treasurer, at least once every six (6) months for five (5) years from the date it receives such moneys, shall cause to have published a legal notice in newspapers of general circulation in the county of the state where the crime was committed advising such victims that such escrow moneys are available to satisfy money judgments pursuant to this section.

(3) Upon disposition of charges favorable to any person accused of committing a crime, or upon a showing by such person that five (5) years have elapsed from the establishment of such escrow account and further that no actions are pending against such person, pursuant to this section the board shall immediately pay over any moneys in the escrow account to such person.

(4) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section the state treasurer shall make payments from an escrow account to any person accused of crime upon the order of a court of competent jurisdiction after a showing by such person that such moneys shall be used for the exclusive purpose of retaining legal representation at any stage of the proceedings against such person, including the appeals process.

(5) Any action taken by any person convicted of a crime, whether by way of execution of a power of attorney, creation of corporate entities or otherwise, to defeat the purpose of this section shall be null and void as against the public policy of this state.

(6) The state treasurer may invest the moneys in any escrow account hereunder in any United States government notes or securities.

(7) The attorney general or any other person may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to require the deposit of moneys in an escrow account as provided in this section."

Some of these laws have been challenged on First Amendment grounds, but I don't think Idaho's is one of them. I think BTK and Professor Ramsland leveraged the First Amendment issue and worked out a deal directly with the victims' attorney to share revenue from Ramsland's book voluntarily and circumvent the Kansas Son of Sam statute. MOO.

If he does write a book, I have doubts that his true end goal will be monetary.


Totally agree that if he does write a book, his end goal will not be about the money. Guessing his goal would be more about fame and being seen as "important". Also, guessing he'd want to show people his intellect and the depths of his evil, criminal mind and his distorted thinking.

My fear is that if he writes a book, somebody might buy movie rights to it and I can't fathom the families of the victims having to be be tortured by such a movie. MOO
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I think the FBI took the interview with his old classmate because they suspect it was part of his motive. Why he was so mad and targeted women he didnt know.

I wouldnt be surprised if we find online writings or journals he spouting some kind of entitlement and anger when things are not just given to him.

Thats just my guess and opinion.
Definitely resentment in the mix. Anger. Frustration. He possibly even fantasized more about the killings than he ever did about sex.

It also seems so ill-planned for a person with his background and self-professed skills. He thought he prepared sufficiently - until that moment when he realized he hadn’t. Something unexpected occurred and the plans went south along with the mythical “illusion” of control. It instantaneously morphed into a full blown rampage in his attempt to “contain” things.

He had to keep things UNDER his control. Assess, adapt, overcome. To be in charge, to dominate and feel empowered over these four vulnerable victims in the very place they should have felt most comfortable and safe. Sleeping inside of their home. JMOO
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Love the mother’s quote that kids are mean. What BS, most kids are not mean, and if yours is being mean, do something to change that. Bullying can create monsters, we see it time and time again, and imo, there is still a lot of work left to do to eliminate it in schools.
I teach middle school and I can confirm, all kids can be mean. I frequently tear up after school thinking about some of the things I heard kids say about each other, even the "good ones"
Ah, okay. Thank you so much. I am not completely misremembering.

On the TAT pages he does mention going on a thyroid medication. He'd also been on Topomax (sp?) and had a bad experience. He was looking for medication and diets and anything at all that could help with his VSS (a neurological condition).
I can definitely attest to thyroid medication requiring quarterly checkups.
Definitely resentment in the mix. Anger. Frustration. He possibly even fantasized more about the killings than he ever did about sex.

It also seems so ill-planned for a person with his background. He thought he prepared sufficiently - until that moment when he realized he hadn’t. Something unexpected occurred and the plans went south along with the mythical “illusion” of control. It instantaneously morphed into a full blown rampage in his attempt to “contain” things.

He had to keep things UNDER his control. To be in charge, to dominate and feel empowered over these four vulnerable victims in the very place they should have felt most comfortable and safe. Sleeping inside of their home. JMOO
I think he wanted to hurt ALL women with these people representing all women to him.
In my opinion, Terrorism was his goal, he wanted women as a whole to hurt. He hated women because they wouldnt bow to his demands.
Surely prisoners can still receive prescribed medications. I assume they are administered under strict supervision, but I don't think they can deny a prisoner medical care. MOO
Surely not. Not Ambien or any sleeping pills. Not Adderall or any amphetamines. Nothing that can be abused or bartered. There are many medications that prisoners are not allowed. Got ADHD? Too bad if you're behind bars. Prison/jails are not country clubs. Maybe federal prisons are an exception, not sure about that. MOO
whether BK will write his experiences down for later publication has come up, and perhaps this answer has been posted before. If that's the case I apologize for the repetition.

BK won't profit from any kind of publication of his story if the state enforces its "Son of Sam" statute, section 19-5301, which states:


(1) Every person, firm, corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity contracting with any person or the representative or assignee of any person, accused of a crime in this state, with respect to the reenactment of such crime, by way of a movie, book, magazine article, radio or television presentation, live entertainment of any kind, or from the expression of such person’s thoughts, feelings, opinions or emotions regarding such crime, shall pay over to the state treasurer any moneys which would otherwise, by terms of such contract, be owing to the person so convicted or his representatives. The state treasurer shall deposit such moneys in an escrow account for the benefit of and payable to any victim of crimes committed by such person, provided that such person is eventually convicted of the crime or is acquitted on the ground of mental disease or defect excluding responsibility and provided further that such victim, or his personal representative, within five (5) years of the date the escrow account has been established, brings a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction and recovers a money judgment against such person or his representatives.

(2) The state treasurer, at least once every six (6) months for five (5) years from the date it receives such moneys, shall cause to have published a legal notice in newspapers of general circulation in the county of the state where the crime was committed advising such victims that such escrow moneys are available to satisfy money judgments pursuant to this section.

(3) Upon disposition of charges favorable to any person accused of committing a crime, or upon a showing by such person that five (5) years have elapsed from the establishment of such escrow account and further that no actions are pending against such person, pursuant to this section the board shall immediately pay over any moneys in the escrow account to such person.

(4) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section the state treasurer shall make payments from an escrow account to any person accused of crime upon the order of a court of competent jurisdiction after a showing by such person that such moneys shall be used for the exclusive purpose of retaining legal representation at any stage of the proceedings against such person, including the appeals process.

(5) Any action taken by any person convicted of a crime, whether by way of execution of a power of attorney, creation of corporate entities or otherwise, to defeat the purpose of this section shall be null and void as against the public policy of this state.

(6) The state treasurer may invest the moneys in any escrow account hereunder in any United States government notes or securities.

(7) The attorney general or any other person may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to require the deposit of moneys in an escrow account as provided in this section."

Some of these laws have been challenged on First Amendment grounds, but I don't think Idaho's is one of them. I think BTK and Professor Ramsland leveraged the First Amendment issue and worked out a deal directly with the victims' attorney to share revenue from Ramsland's book voluntarily and circumvent the Kansas Son of Sam statute. MOO.

If he does write a book, I have doubts that his true end goal will be monetary.


Totally agree that if he does write a book, his end goal will not be about the money. Guessing his goal would be more about fame and being seen as "important". Also, guessing he'd want to show people his intellect and the depths of his evil, criminal mind and his distorted thinking.

My fear is that if he writes a book, somebody might buy movie rights to it and I can't fathom the families of the victims having to be be tortured by such a movie. MOO

There was an article about a movie already posted somewhere in this thread. (The potential and possibility of one). It’s a very real thing though. The families of Dahmer expressed a lot of outrage about the newest Netflix show and Evan Peter’s just won a golden globe for his (brilliantly scary) portrayal.
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The anecdote above shows that Bryan did not respect boundaries. Being awkward isn't an excuse for pursuing someone "relentlessly" after being told "no".
This girl Kim is not responsible for how Bryan "feels". She did not "break his heart". How Bryan copes with his emotions is his own responsibility, no matter how upset he gets at the world. His "impulse control" is his own responsibility.

I also saw an account that Bryan was bullied. This is certainly possible, but I haven't seen a source that expounds upon that. Being rejected by Kim was not a bullying event in itself, IMHO.
Agree, while I understand the FBI wants as comprehensive picture as possible, seems a little attention seeking to reach out to the FBI to recount a 6th grade experiences.
I teach middle school and I can confirm, all kids can be mean. I frequently tear up after school thinking about some of the things I heard kids say about each other, even the "good ones"
I work in the school system as well and middle school is particularly a cruel age, but I’ve seen the severity of “mean girls” and mean kids really escalate early. 4th grade seems to be a new turning point I see. It’s really sad.
Ya grabs yourself up under your chin with your left hand, roughly, while scraping at your face with your right hand?

Actually, works better if he grabs himself with his right hand (leaving a thumb print on his neck) to roughly position his face while shaving with the left. Who knows. I assume he was not happy at the time or with the results.

Perhaps he wasn't used to shaving with a cheap razor, or maybe he shaved with an electric razor. JMO
But this went beyond that, the receptionist apparently contacted the media, they didn't respond to a request for information, and she gave more than location and general health status.
I don’t see anything that says she contacted the media. To me, it’s more likely that the media contacted the Pullman medical office (student health center maybe?) to see if he came in for any injuries.

If the receptionist didn’t access his medical record to provide information to the media, then I don’t think there’s a HIPAA violation, i.e. she is just recalling his general demeanor and a comment from her boss, which is not a violation. If she accessed his medical record to look up when his appointment was and that he made another appointment for spring semester and then told the media, then it’s possibly a violation.

If he signed a form waiving his HIPAA rights then there’s no violation. MOO + professional experience.
Definitely resentment in the mix. Anger. Frustration. He possibly even fantasized more about the killings than he ever did about sex.

It also seems so ill-planned for a person with his background. He thought he prepared sufficiently - until that moment when he realized he hadn’t. Something unexpected occurred and the plans went south along with the mythical “illusion” of control. It instantaneously morphed into a full blown rampage in his attempt to “contain” things.

He had to keep things UNDER his control. To be in charge, to dominate and feel empowered over these four vulnerable victims in the very place they should have felt most comfortable and safe. Sleeping inside of their home. JMOO
Totally agree. He likely fantasized far more about the thrill of murdering women in monstrous ways than he did about sex.
Surely not. Not Ambien or any sleeping pills. Not Adderall or any amphetamines. Nothing that can be abused or bartered. There are many medications that prisoners are not allowed. Got ADHD? Too bad if you're behind bars. Prison/jails are not country clubs. Maybe federal prisons are an exception, not sure about that. MOO
Yes I can see why they wouldn't want those types of medications in the prison system.
I apologize if this has been posted. Screenshot (from the police bodycam when they came to speak with Kaylee about the noise complaint) of the side corner of the house where people thought drips of blood may have been. This was about 3 mos earlier…

I'm sorry my eyes don't work well, is there anything there or is it clean?
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