ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 42

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I apologize if this has already been posted, but there is some really interesting info on Kohberger, including drugs and bullying.

"His friend said that he didn't interact with many people on campus but was friendly with her, and they talked "for hours" about his struggles with heroin addiction and his weight and kept in touch after they graduated".

Sarah Healey, who went to Pleasant Valley High School with Kohberger, said " he was shy and kept to himself and a small group of friends, but some of their classmates – especially girls – mocked Kohberger and threw things at him".

I have never understood people who bully others. I wonder what those bullies are thinking now? They know who they are.
Is it me or is it strange that a crime of this magnitude was his first act? He went from one parking ticket to this?
I'm curious about the address of the seatbelt violation? It happened on August 22, 2022 in Latah Co, Idaho.

My hunch is he was stopped for something else (something they couldn't ticket him for) and then they noticed he didn't have his seatbelt on. hmmm....What was he up to? Was he parking where he shouldn't have been?

Or was he speeding and they gave him the lesser violation as a "warning"?
Sorry if this was brought up before, am having trouble catching up:

I’m wondering about the logistics of it all:

How did he know there was no party activity going on Saturday night November 12 into Sunday the 13th? Did he know KG was back briefly? How did he know the layout of the house? How did the dog respond to him?

What made him think his vehicle wouldn’t be caught on cctv ( it was)? How was he able to return to class after the murders and remain undetected (not looking shell-shocked, no obvious cuts)?

Did he flee to Pennsylvania because word of the white Elantra had been put out? How did he feel comfortable driving the white Elantra 37 hours across country? Did his family have any suspicions, or just fail to make the connection at all ?
1. The attack happened in the middle of the night. He didn’t need prior knowledge of the occupants’ movements; he could have just seen that the lights went off when people went to bed. Had there been a party, it would have been the wrong time and place to do the crime.
2. Regarding remaining undetected in classes, it’s winter. He can wear long sleeves. Most people don’t look carefully at the people around them. Probably few grad student colleagues knew what kind of car he drove. It’s also the end of the semester and people are all stressed and busy.
2. The facts is the car was found on video. So whatever was going on in his mind (or wasn’t) was a miscalculation on his part.
3. His family is in PA. There are thousands of white Elantras. And moreover, outside of the Moscow area, this story is not on the minds of people across the country. There is no way to know WHY he went to Pa, although it would be a typical thing to do because there is usually a month between semesters. Certainly, he was less likely to be noticed driving an Elantra in PA, especially if the car was known to be a family car in the family’s neighborhood and among those who knew them.
4. We don’t know that he knew the layout of the house. In fact, the survival of the ground floor occupants suggests that he might not have known the house.

In general, LE got 20,000 tips. We don’t know if some came from his neighbors in his apartment complex or his peers in graduate school or someone who saw his car at a Starbucks. We don’t know and we won’t know for sure why he went to PA or why he drove his own car to do a mass murder. It’s good to remember that monsters don’t experience the world the way average, regular people do. The one thing for sure is that someone like BK doesn’t think or feel or make decisions in the way regular people do. The things to avoid in “sleuthing” are making assumptions (e.g., no one at school noticed he was off after the killings) and projecting normal thought and emotional patterns on someone who is aberrant.
Since he was in a graduate apartment complex not dorms, would they even do that? Isn't it usually the area of the dorms and school buildings that has limited parking available so the kids need to register for parking being those spots are limited? That's how it is on UCONN campus.
I believe you usually need permits to park on campus for class, TA work, etc even if you do not live in the dorms. WSU has 10 different colors/types of permits - I bet one of these colors is registration to park in the graduate lot where he had to park for class.
I wonder if he had been using other drugs, like meth, since moving to Washington? It could create delusions, violent activity, and exacerbate any compulsive behaviors. I've read that "Heroin" is quite difficult to come by nowadays with the influx of fentanyl, and that a lot of addicts are indulging in other substances, like meth, that are easier to come by.
I would think since he was a TA teaching assistant teachers aid people would have noticed odd behavior. his students have said he was normal. people form hs say differently but in his recent history since being in pullman all ive seen was that he was a quiet and normal guy. High functioning meth addicts arent too common as I understand it?
IMO- I’m pretty sure he did (does) have an Instagram that is still up. It’s under his full name with 1 video post. I saw a lot of there fake ones pop up too, but this one seems legit since he’s following a lot of his family members who are private. I believe this is the one Banfield referred to since she’s also following this account.


I watched the video from Oct. 8 and I’m stunned.
Sociopaths tend to be that way (neat and orderly) perhaps because they seem to have very clear and focused mental faculties and don't get easily distracted. Sociopathic killers get themselves caught because they don't feel physical anxiety, which leads them to becoming cavalier about things they know on a cerebral level that they should be concentrating on.

The earliest formal study of sociopaths (Mask of Sanity) implied that other than being completely amoral, there was no pattern to the bunch in regards to intelligence, personality or levels of emotional control.

Later studies, however, were centered on a handful of individuals that happened to be intelligent, charming, emotionally calm etc. These observed traits were then extrapolated to the entire population and were later reinforced by popular movies ala the Hannibal Lector character.

But.... It no seems to be "Back to the Future".

The most recent studies, however, determine that not surprisingly, sociopaths / psychopaths (however the terms are used) have the full range of human intelligence ranging from dimwitted to brilliant.

They also have the full range of human emotional self control from near total to near none and the full range of personality from the obviously negative to the otherwise charming.
Did he flee to Pennsylvania because word of the white Elantra had been put out? How did he feel comfortable driving the white Elantra 37 hours across country? Did his family have any suspicions, or just fail to make the connection at all ?
I was guessing that he went to his family's home in PA because it was the holidays and there were no classes. JMO.
The vegan angle got me thinking as it seems off for a vegan to own a huge hunting-type knife (if that is indeed what it is based on LE descriptions previously). I guess you could maybe cut tree bark with one of those, but really it is intended to kill, skin, and eat animal meat. So I guess we are assuming that because he doesn't eat animals it means he doesn't kill them. Is it possible he is vegan not because he wants to but because he has to? There is a tick bite that can make you allergic to meat, literally. Just a wild hypothesis.

There is also frequent comorbidity of schizophrenia and disordered eating (which this may or may not be...just here say from one person doesn't make it fact). I am NOT a mental health professional and am not attempting any type of diagnosis. MOO
K-bar type knives are NOT made for hunting / dressing wild animals. They are combat knives. They are made for exactly what happened here: stabbing humans to death. It's why filet knives are thin and razor sharp, but combat knives are thick, heavy, and pointy.
I have a lot of trouble with the super-emphasis on this PhD. It is not any huge academic accomplishment, especially since he just started?

What did this guy do after high school graduation?
He obviously had some gap years, not getting the Associates degree until 2018.
Was he working as the part-time school officer before or during the AA degree?

i dunno.... too much is missing here.

It’s always so interesting to see other takes on the info. I actually didn’t think much of the gap in edu. My thoughts were that he either didn’t know what he wanted to study and/or wanted to save some money to pay for college. I appreciate the other perspectives.
IMO - but I wonder if the seatbelt charge was really for a seatbelt. Unlikely anyone gets pulled over for just not wearing a seatbelt, hard for a cop to even see that.
A lot of times they will get you for speeding and a nice cop will downgrade it to a seatbelt charge (not a moving violation, very little $ fine). Not sure it's relevant here but curious why they pulled him over in the first place.
CNN: “…sources tell CNN.” Names of sources not provided. Many MSMs do this, but there’s so much misinformation.

For example, a woman “expert” on a CNN panel last night was stating as fact that BK followed Kaylee and Madison on social media. However, those were likely fake insta accounts. That’s one example of misinformation…and it’s not just CNN.
I don't like them, too, but I acknowledge that it is inevitable at this stage of the investigation.
I don't believe BK is a psychopath or a sociopath. I think those words enter every case discussion in a crime forum. Right behind narcissist and sanpuka eyes. I don't believe he is any of those things. I believe he has spent a good many years collecting the "injustices" he has suffered at the hands of others and he decided to show "them" by killing four young people in the dead of night. MOO IMO JMO
Deciding to "show 'them' by killing" sounds like the definition of psychopathy to me.
Good to hear that he will be headed back to Idaho quicker than later…

Kohberger was arraigned Friday morning in Pennsylvania and is being held without bail, records show.

Kohberger intends to waive his extradition hearing to expedite his transport to Idaho, Monroe County Chief Public Defender Jason LaBar said in a statement to CNN on Saturday.

“Mr. Kohberger is eager to be exonerated of these charges and looks forward to resolving these matters as promptly as possible,” LaBar said.

LaBar later told CNN that the extradition hearing is a “formality proceeding.” He said all the Commonwealth needs to prove is that his client resembles or is the person on the arrest warrant and that he was in the area at the time of the crime.

LaBar said he spoke to Kohberger for around an hour Friday evening, discussing where he was at the time of the killings. “Knowing of course that it’s likely they have location data from his cell phone already putting him on the border of Washington and Idaho,” LaBar told CNN, “it was an easy decision obviously, since he doesn’t contest that he is Bryan Kohberger.”

Since he was in a graduate apartment complex not dorms, would they even do that? Isn't it usually the area of the dorms and school buildings that has limited parking available so the kids need to register for parking being those spots are limited? That's how it is on UCONN campus.
I kind of feel like someone in the complex he lived (surrounding area) must have called in the tip that he had an Elantra parked right outside his apartment. He lived only 10 minutes away, correct?
BK's DNA inside 1122 KING ROAD?
Pasting entire content of MassGuy post from previous thread:
"True. Obviously his attorney would tell him to keep his mouth shut, but that doesn’t mean it happened. His DNA has no business being at that scene, so maybe he was smart enough to know he was done, and he wanted credit." @MassGuy
Possible defense claim --- sure LE found BK's DNA inside the house, because he was inside one night at one of those "open door" no-invite-needed parties.
Lame? Flimsy?
Yes, but conceivably could work, unless his DNA is in "wrong" place, i.e.., intermixed w victims' blood.
imo jmo moo
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