ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 10

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Seems unlikely since LE was going around stores trying to discover who purchased such a knife recently.

It's possible that somewhere along the way some authority said "a KA-BAR type knife" which was morphed into "a KA-BAR knife". Unless there is proof we are as yet unaware of, I'd guess they are looking for a partially serrated edge knife with a blade stout enough to pierce or break bone, as opposed to say a kitchen/chef's knife which might instead be deflected by bone.

Unless one of the victims was a dedicated outdoors-type, the likelihood of one possessing a stout (thick bladed) knife is low.

So, IMO, it's then likely that the killer brought and left with the knife. Moo.

Hopefully there is undisclosed evidence that greatly narrows some unique characteristics of the weapon.

As a general resource, a noted author of several highly regarded books on knives, maintains a section of Bladeforums dedicated to identifying knives. His c.v. is at the link: Bernard Levine's Knife Collecting & Identification

Bladeforums is one of the best known forum on knives. The knowledge base is phenomenal. IMO.
.I would like to know for how long these people rented the house, and who lived there before them. Sadly, good knowledge of the layout might mean not only "people might have visited" one of the victims before, but in fact, includes the people who visited the prior tenants. Probably specifically the ones who lived on the top floor. It could have been a connection with one of prior tenants, or maybe if those people had a lot of parties, here is the knowledge of the house.

I have a question. Given that there were several calls made to J, did he answer? Several calls means, a problem. The girls probably had two phones, was only one person called? How strange. Why not call 911 if there is a commotion next door?

Lastly, while I think the house was observed for quite a while, I can't exclude the situation when someone made a conscious decision to part before going to different colleges and then, in the opinion of the other person, found a girlfriend/boyfriend too soon.

Sincerely hope that the killer hurt himself/herself too, and there is some DNA left in the house. I have read that it often happens, and the more bloody the scene is, the more chance that there is the perp's blood there, too. The problem is to separate that tiny amount from the other blood around. Or maybe someone slightly bled on getting back? Very hopeful.

RIP, all victims. Such a mean murder.
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Just my opinion:
I think jealousy.
Not "Man, I wish that I had that pair of jeans " jealousy.
The type of jealousy that happens over time.
The type that builds.
The type that sees someone succeeding, living their best life, and moving upward on onward while the "other" person is stuck- has a lack of support, can't finish the things that they started , sees no silver lining.
Maybe even a person that feels that someone else has "stolen" their opportunity/ies.


EBM to adda thought
Perhaps they entered through the sliding glass door in the kitchen on the 2nd floor, went to Ethan & Xanas room then went up the steps to Kaylee & Madison’s bedrooms not realizing that there was downstairs bedrooms or he was startled by the dog or 1 or more of the victims fighting back and went out the same sliding door not realizing that there were downstairs bedrooms or he just said I’m outta here. That’s saying he didn’t know the house layout. If he did then it would have to be a targeted attack against those 4 skipping the other 2 housemates or perhaps he was to startled to finish them all off. It’s also plausible that Ethan & Xana were killed first bc they got home earlier then Kayla & Madison it would explain why those 2 were not awakened by the commotion above them in the girls 3rd floor bedrooms & the 2 girls on the 1st floor would not hear anything on the 3rd floor & they probably would not have heard anything from Ethan & Xanas room bc their room sits in the back of the house while the first floor bedrooms are in the front of the house. I also think that the killer lock the doors behind him so there could be no entry gained from the outside of the bedroom to delay them being found slain, because why else would you call friends instead of 911 to come help? Probably because they were locked out and that’s why it was reported as an unconscious person and not a bloodbath.
How would the killer know what rooms each person was in? Why wouldn't he look downstairs to check unless he knows already?

For me, if he went into Xana's room, then there's no reason not to go downstairs. The stairs are RIGHT THERE off her room. Unless he knew exactly who he was there to kill. Xana and the upstairs roommates.
I agree with the posters who are reminded of Danny Rolling. Seems the most likely type of scenario to me, if not a stalker.
Yes in some ways, and I would consider DR a stalker/ murderer
To know if this is like Gainesville we need to know more about the crime scenes.
Rolling took his time at the scenes, he did not just stab them to death.
If this perp did what DR did, law enforcement and the coroner have not let on such.

Moscow and Gainesville a similar in the feeling of fear, intensity, pressure on law enforcement. Nearby wooded areas where someone could hide, and a knife.
UofI is reacting in a much more empathetic way than Gainesville, encouraging students to go home and continue school from home. That is a tough decision because a university town needs students, businesses of Moscow will suffer financially If this continues to drag on.

At least so far it seems there is no repeat offense, DR‘s rampage gets so much attention because it was five woman over three days.

As hard as it is to be patient for justice, we don’t want a patsy, such as Humphrey was in Gainesville, that leads to another injustice and slowed true justice.
Thank goodness DR received the Death Penalty

Prayers for the families, friends, school and community
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I wonder if the two roommates downstairs came home alone or not. I wonder if maybe there were other people there that we don't know about when the victims all got home. I wonder if the two roommates went to sleep, leaving their "Friends" upstairs when the victims did come home....

This might be a stretch, but I wonder if the "unconscious person" was one of those friends and not one of the victims and that unconscious person could be the killer?

Just me speculating.
Very angry man. Angry at women, angry at seemingly “have it all” college kids and angry at a social status he seems to never be able to join. These were targets of opportunity representing that social world and killed in rage for what they represented. Not for who they were
Makes sense, but don’t these types generally use guns?
I wonder if that assumption/theory is circulating because of E's parents initially saying he'd been found in the hallway, and I suppose naturally then assuming that whatever alerted E also alerted X, so she was awake to fight back when the killet went into her room. It's chilling to even contemplate.
I have seen this same reference before, but never with a source IMO (I do think it's probably out there). Should you know where to find it, it would be nice to have it linked to the thread! But I kinda hope some things like that will be either cleared or bluntly told that "we cannot elaborate on that, could be either" during the PC today.
Officials said that they are "aware" of several phone calls that Mogen and Goncalves made to a male, and added that it's part of the investigation.
I’m curious As To what was said on The voicemails, Hey J We just got Home And The Dog Is missing… This might tell investigators that the person (s) responsible Were already inside The House lying In wait..
It is interesting in the Napa Valley killer case that the killer killed the women and eventually married one of the victim’s best friend and no one was the wiser,

He apparently exhibited no signs of stress and went on with his life because he killed the woman he thought was taking his love away from him because he was jealous of their relationship as friends.

often, a killer inserts himself into the case with a lot of fake sympathy and interest.

i wonder if there is anyone like that in this situation?
reading about this case (Napa) made me think that at this age, the group of people living in the house and their friends might have more complex relationships-maybe two of the girls dated one guy at one time or someone in their close circle had a relationship with some one else- people's friends and love interests are pretty fluid in college and there might be connections we just do not know about that cause friction.
What about the guys? Don't you think EVERYONE should get one? If someone attacks you with a knife, whether you are male or female having an alarm if you can get to it could make the attacker stop and flee
Moscow PD has a webpage dedicated to the murders. It provides the most up to date information and facts: King Street Homicide | Moscow, ID
Kind of interesting reading the Moscow, PD web page. Some of the things listed aren't verifiable facts. For instance, the time Xana and Ethan arrived at 1122 King Rd. It says detectives "believe." It is a fact they believe and it is a fact are two different things.
It's possible that somewhere along the way some authority said "a KA-BAR type knife" which was morphed into "a KA-BAR knife". Unless there is proof we are as yet unaware of, I'd guess they are looking for a partially serrated edge knife with a blade stout enough to pierce or break bone, as opposed to say a kitchen/chef's knife which might instead be deflected by bone.

Unless one of the victims was a dedicated outdoors-type, the likelihood of one possessing a stout (thick bladed) knife is low.

So, IMO, it's then likely that the killer brought and left with the knife. Moo.

Hopefully there is undisclosed evidence that greatly narrows some unique characteristics of the weapon.

As a general resource, a noted author of several highly regarded books on knives, maintains a section of Bladeforums dedicated to identifying knives. His c.v. is at the link: Bernard Levine's Knife Collecting & Identification

Bladeforums is one of the best known forum on knives. The knowledge base is phenomenal. IMO.
Until they recover the murder weapon, it isn't a fact what it was.
I have to give credit to my sister (also a WS member) for this one. Her idea makes sense, though.

Could all of this be a "murder for hire" scheme? The messy crime scene clearly points to an amateur...perhaps a young outdoorsman in need of some quick cash. I say outdoorsman because in that part of the country, lots of people hunt and commune with nature. The killer could be a survivalist, accustomed to living "off the grid" for extended periods, which could explain why there has so far been no sighting of a potential suspect. You have Washington to the west, Canada to the north and rural Montana to the east.

All of this just my opinion.

I am amazed, though, how little verified information has been released about this case so far, especially considering the expanded law enforcement corps now involved in the investigation.
Doubtful, this was a very violent and personal murder. Murder for hire would maybe cut their throats. This personal overkilled and acted with an intense amount of rage. IMO
It could be something as simple as a neighbor (whether it was a young student or adult) telling these four students, “ can you please keep the noise down” I have to study, work on my term paper etc. or for an adult perhaps, “ hey guys keep the noise down-it’s Sunday night and I have to work tomorrow”
Seems a bit of "overkill" for some simple dispute like playing to loud of music to get to the point of a cold blooded murder with a knife of 4 people. People are killed for less but it is usually a heat of the moment situation. Like we get in a verbal arguement and a person pulls out a gun and shoot you.
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