ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 11

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I just wonder how seriously they are looking at the Salem Oregon case as a possible connection. I can't find a whole lot of info on that case but I think there were 2 victims there and one survived after being stabbed multiple times. If they turned out to be connected that would change my theories on the type of perpetrator.
It does bring up the question of outdoor lighting too

They didn’t have cameras but maybe they had lights?
Did they have motion sensor lighting on the balcony and back porch?
Was there a street light on the parking lot above them on the hill?

I’ve been imagining all of these places as being dark- were they?
There does not appear to be street lights.

There is night pic taken after the murders. I can't source it though, but I found it by googling the address. It's in a YouTube video. The house appears to have had standard porch lights. In the crime scene photos the patios/balconies appear to have porch lights. I don't know if the residence also has flood lights.

It appears to be on the darkish side. However, the lighting was the way LE left the residence. It looks like LE did not turn the patio lights back on after the processing the crime scene.

There is a possibility that the residence has flood lights and LE just didn't turn them on. Or the residence only had porch lights and the lighting is on the darker side.
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I thought the stains on the outside were blood initially...yet I've changed my mind about that for a simple reason: No evidence marker.

MOO: Had that been blood, the PD would not have missed it. If they have missed it, I'd throw my hands up in frustration and chalk this case up to "never going to get solved". If it was blood, it would have been swabbed, most likely covered to preserve it until testing came back, and there would have been an evidence marker there. I've not seen any pictures where it's been covered or markers set.
You can almost see that based on body morphology as well. That was another creepy, creepy case. Weird, really weird
I just wonder how seriously they are looking at the Salem Oregon case as a possible connection. I can't find a whole lot of info on that case but I think there were 2 victims there and one survived after being stabbed multiple times. If they turned out to be connected that would change my theories on the type of perpetrator.

Regarding the Salem, Oregon case, there's a bit of info on and
I have been paying attention to news reports regarding this quadruple murder, as well as reading this forum when I have a chance - (am way behind with no time to catch up completely here on websleuths because of the number of great posts by committed sleuths here.)

As much as everyone, I have been waiting for it to be announced who the suspect is "any minute now". The horrendous murder of 4 beautiful young people is hard to accept and everyone wants answers. There is such frustration and criticism of how the investigation has been handled etc. because it is hard to fathom that the perpetrator may get away with this, but the perpetrator may.

I know one poster above said this case reminded them of BTK, and to a degree, it does me also, but without the sexual component. But then I think of Jayme Closs. Jake Patterson blazed into that home and took out, murdered, two adults, and then made Jayme captive in a flurry of in and out. He planned and pulled this off by simply following a school bus one day and seeing Jayme exit and decided that she was his target. He was not on anyone's radar. Had she not escaped captivity, I do not believe her case would have been solved, not for years or ever maybe.

The police say this was "targeted", of course, it was, but they say that to give hope to us that they know something, they do not and they are scrambling. But, IMO, I agree it was targeted and planned, if not an hour or day or month in advance but the perpetrator knew when to strike and probably what he/she would be up against. (I personally have no doubt the killer is a male but that is just my opinion). To say it was not targeted would mean some random person on a whim, with a thirst for blood, just randomly and spontaneously, picked some unknown residence and gambled, with their Rambo knife in hand, that they could enter and easily kill as many as they wanted. I personally doubt that was the case. There is definitely a killer on the loose.

Think about Israel Keyes and what he got away with, and Joseph Duncan. Scary people and horrible crimes. Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer. It took months, years actually, and a lot of dead victims before those cold blooded killers were brought to justice. I pray not, but at the end of the day, I believe that is where these murders are headed, to a dead end. I would love to be wrong. Time will tell, but I think these murders way surpass tying a supposed dog skinner or stalker or random person at the food truck to what happened that fateful day for these four beautiful young people that were brutally murdered. May they rest in peace.
If I could like this post 1000 times I would. You and I think a lot alike.
When LE said this at the presser -
"what you don't see being as important as what you do see"

I wonder if some of us are reading too much into that statement when we think that could mean the perp took something from the home. When he said that, he was asking everyone to check their home security cameras, etc. I took it to mean that a neighbor may look at their security camera feed and think they don't see anything of importance, but there may be something important on it that police would be able to spot.
-The host says the mother of one of the surviving roommates told a reporter that the roommates heard something that night <I don’t remember reading this in MSM, does anyone have a link?> He asked if they have heard that from any of the families. Kaylee’s sister said that they did hear those “rumors” but none of that has ever been confirmed to them.
-They have not spoken with the surviving roommates
Does anyone find it odd that the surviving roommates have not spoken with the families of the victims?
I had a stalker for about four months in college. There were 3 occasions where he was in my apartment parking lot just standing, 1 occasion he was seen by neighbors peering into my bedroom window, and the final straw when I looked over at my sliding glass does and he was standing on my patio. I was 21 at the time. When he was seen or I saw him, I called my upstairs neighbor or another neighbor called me. We called the police on the last two occasions. As an adult (now 56) I can’t believe I didn’t realize the seriousness of it. Until he was on my patio, I stayed there and slept with a bat. After that event I moved out the next day. I realize with social media and so much crazy crime these days, such a situation would be probably taken more seriously. My whole point is that at that age, even though I was very careful and aware of safety, I still just didn’t see the situation for what is was at the time.

Can someone clarify some facts again for me…
1.) Do we know that both bedrooms were awful crime scenes? I realize the both bedrooms were a crime scenes, but could one have been visibly gory and the other not? Do we happen to know the both or a gory from any of the facts we have I understand it is highly likely. But have we heard it as a fact?
2.) Four of the girls look sooo much alike, a distant stalker would have trouble telling them apart sleeping in the dark. Unless he personally knew them, he would’ve had to watch them from a distance for a long time.
3.) It makes total sense that the hoodie guy was just helping them stay safe if they were drunk. It is my understanding that they walked from the bar to the food truck. I hope I’m not mistaken on that, but it has been hard to keep up with the speed of the posts He either came with them or saw them in parking lot and kept an eye on them until they walked back to the Uber. Then he left. If that is the case, what a great guy. Wish more people were like him.
4.) I think the timing was planned. What better time to commit a crime like that than right before half the town goes home for thanksgiving. Perfect explanation of why you are leaving town, taking time off work, etc. Gives plenty of time to take evidence home with you, destroy it (a Bon fire or fire pit would not seem abnormal at all), and not be suddenly questioned.
I have a theory that the perp placed a pillow (or something else) over each victim's face, which would silence or eliminate any screaming. This would allow the perp to move from room to room without alerting the next victim. This could also be why the surviving victims could sleep through the attack. MOO.
Agree. I wasn't trying to imply otherwise. I was only addressing why they would release that info but not release who they think was the target.

Excuse my graphic depiction but say for example both girls were found in the same room with a message that said "now we are even for what you did"

They would know one of them was the target but not necessarily which of them was the target.
Kaylee’s dad, brother and sister have an interview to CNN last night and gave a few new pieces of info:

-Kaylee’s sister says they got home at 1:56am and she’s frustrated with the police stating 1:45am on their timeline as those extra minutes matter when it comes to video surveillance, dash cam, etc.
-Kaylee’s sister is adamant that if Kaylee had noticed that she had a stalker that she would have told them. She said Kaylee would FaceTime her for hours almost every single day. “She wasn’t scared to get us involved in her life in any capacity like that.”
-Police aren’t keeping them updated more than the public, no additional communication to them beyond what they see on the website and hear in the press conferences
-Kaylee’s dad said that there were volunteers looking around the crime scene and found different things
-Police shared with him that expanding the crime scene may have more to do with keeping the cameras out than it actually does with evidence gathering
-The host says the mother of one of the surviving roommates told a reporter that the roommates heard something that night <I don’t remember reading this in MSM, does anyone have a link?> He asked if they have heard that from any of the families. Kaylee’s sister said that they did hear those “rumors” but none of that has ever been confirmed to them.
-They have not spoken with the surviving roommates
-They confirmed the roommates were on the first floor
-Kaylee’s father has been told there was just ONE of them that was targeted; however, police have been vague with them about that (and pretty much everything else he said). The police haven’t shared who the target was.
-They don’t find it significant that Kaylee’s ex boyfriend wasn’t on the website list of people cleared - they said Maddie’s boyfriend isn’t on it, neither are any associates of Xana and Ethan, so they don’t worry about it

So, NO one in K’s family have spoken to either of the surviving roommates? I’m going to assume if that’s the case NO one from M’s family has spoken to the surviving roommates either. Do we know if E or Z’s family have spoken to surviving roommates, say a condolence call with either of them? I can’t see how the surviving roommates or their families connecting and reaching out to E,Z,K and M’s families would tamper the investigation? I’m assuming the two surviving roommates have already lawyered up?
Been reviewing some of the interviews with Kaylee's Mother and Sister. Kaylee's last call that night was to her ex at 2:52 am. The coroner determined the time of death between 3-4 am. Also, hope the police are spending time nailing down X&E's whereabouts between 9 pm and 1:45 am. Did they go from the frat house to the apartment or other places? Who were they around at the other places? Also, who did Kaylee and Maddie talk to at the bar? You would almost believe the murderer had to be surveilling one group or the other, or was he only watching the house?
I do. I would think the family members would want to speak to the roommates.

Also found it interesting Kaylees parents hadn’t spoken with Ethan or Xana’s parents.
I would imagine police have advised the roommates and any other people over not to speak out to anyone else about what they saw/heard.They wouldn't want it out in public details only the killer would know.
When LE said this at the presser -
"what you don't see being as important as what you do see"

I wonder if some of us are reading too much into that statement when we think that could mean the perp took something from the home. When he said that, he was asking everyone to check their home security cameras, etc. I took it to mean that a neighbor may look at their security camera feed and think they don't see anything of importance, but there may be something important on it that police would be able to spot.

I do think people are reading too much into this. I think he is simply repeating what must be a basic tenant of crime scene investigation.
Being not american, can anyone answer a knife question for me. Would it have to be a pretty quality expensive knife? After seeing the coroner say the wounds were chest area it made me think, a mid range knife would surely break? Is it common for people to have decent level knives or just hunters etc. Where i live its illegal to have any kind of bladed weapon on you in public so its baffling for me
It varies state to state. I'm in Kentucky and many people carry pocket knives as a tool. I don't know the exact lengths of blades and types of knives that are considered weapons. It can get complicated because all my life I have had a gun for self protection and recently got a conceal carry permit for deadly weapons including knives etc. The last Governor and or state Congress passed a law that conceal carry no longer requires a license! The bad thing about that is it dropped the educational requirements for gun safety. Just go buy one and stick it in your pocket. You're good to go as long as you don't have a record. I won't go into our problem with violence other than to say as long as hate filled rhetoric flourishes people will struggle with it and respond in different ways.

Be kind out there.
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