ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 11

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Obligatory, this is my own opinion and I am not representing any claims of knowing anything more that you all do.

To start, I have been sleuthing for years, just not here. Active in lots of heterogeneous places which lends itself to diverse discussions. One thing, though, that seems to be a common thread is that, in order of most likely to least likely, K, M, X, then E. Why is this? We literally have no evidence to back any claim of any target up yet. I believe it probably has to do with a number of pretty superficial factors tough there are some compelling arguments to be made (such as K just so happened to be visiting this particular weekend, among other things.

I don't know why, and I can't explain it, but I have always felt that X was the intended target. I do think that the rest were just unlucky enough to be at this place at the wrong time.

<modsnip: Sleuthing family members is a violation of TOS>

I get the rage angle, jilted lover angle, stalker angle, even serial angle. However, after about the first couple of days, I have always felt this absolutely could have been a targeted HIT. This has all the markings of a pro, including the fact LE seems to have zilch. I believe they know the extent a reasons, I believe a message was left/sent at the scene. I also think this means the case will take a very long time to solve, if ever.


Oh one last thing, that absolutely is most likely blood and not fuel oil. The floors were hard surface and I don't think many understand how a house is put together. Walls stack directly on top of subfloor and sheathing on the outside is usually not sealed at the bottom, so given enough liquid and perhaps a slight grade to the exterior wall, seepage is for sure a real possibility. As is required MOO
I have been privately wondering if perhaps some sort of message was left behind as well. It could be as simple as writing "" across a mirror or it could be a more personal message. It's weird to me that the police are comfortable declaring the attack as targeted but uncomfortable about saying who. It makes me wonder if a message was left that makes them believe the killer was there for someone specific but the message was too vague for them to be sure of which victim the message was referencing.
Kaylee’s dad, brother and sister have an interview to CNN last night and gave a few new pieces of info:

-Kaylee’s sister says they got home at 1:56am and she’s frustrated with the police stating 1:45am on their timeline as those extra minutes matter when it comes to video surveillance, dash cam, etc.
-Kaylee’s sister is adamant that if Kaylee had noticed that she had a stalker that she would have told them. She said Kaylee would FaceTime her for hours almost every single day. “She wasn’t scared to get us involved in her life in any capacity like that.”
-Police aren’t keeping them updated more than the public, no additional communication to them beyond what they see on the website and hear in the press conferences
-Kaylee’s dad said that there were volunteers looking around the crime scene and found different things
-Police shared with him that expanding the crime scene may have more to do with keeping the cameras out than it actually does with evidence gathering
-The host says the mother of one of the surviving roommates told a reporter that the roommates heard something that night <I don’t remember reading this in MSM, does anyone have a link?> He asked if they have heard that from any of the families. Kaylee’s sister said that they did hear those “rumors” but none of that has ever been confirmed to them.
-They have not spoken with the surviving roommates
-They confirmed the roommates were on the first floor
-Kaylee’s father has been told there was just ONE of them that was targeted; however, police have been vague with them about that (and pretty much everything else he said). The police haven’t shared who the target was.
-They don’t find it significant that Kaylee’s ex boyfriend wasn’t on the website list of people cleared - they said Maddie’s boyfriend isn’t on it, neither are any associates of Xana and Ethan, so they don’t worry about it

Thank you for this. There is alot of info in here.
I have been privately wondering if perhaps some sort of message was left behind as well. It could be as simple as writing "" across a mirror or it could be a more personal message. It's weird to me that the police are comfortable declaring the attack as targeted but uncomfortable about saying who. It makes me wonder if a message was left that makes them believe the killer was there for someone specific but the message was too vague for them to be sure of which victim the message was referencing.
I think the only reason that LE revealed that they believe it was targeted was to allay fears that there is a serial killer like Ted Bundy out there in the community waiting to pounce again. JMO.
Hi all- First time posting here…
I have a background in forensic psychology and I did a very quick psychological profile of the killer just based on the information that has been released so far…so here goes:
This person is probably a male given the sheer physical strength needed to commit these crimes..lives on the fringes of society in this town - possibly not a college student but interacts with the students. So not a part of the college life per se.
This person most likely had a recent major rejection of some sort - loss of a job, college rejection, break up or divorce that would have set him off.
This person has possibly done a “trial run” of this crime before…so a breaking an entering perhaps or something similar.
This person has a history of troubled relationships - with family, friends , co workers etc. I would say that he probably hides anger well , may have a Borderline personality disorder with narcissistic elements. This person would be able to control their emotions very well but could go cold or snap in the blink of an eye and change into someone else ..this person most likely has an anti social personality - not many friends and would appear aloof or quiet to others. He is probably able to hold a job to some degree and not raise any alarms ..he may have had minor run ins with the law in the past like traffic tickets.. mode of living: most likely lives in the area and is familiar with the town / streets. Probably had lived in the area for weeks or months at a time..possibly lives in one area for awhile then moves on.
As this case is still evolving I anticipate I missed some things but this is what I think so far…
For the sake of transparency, the home was originally only what we call the ground floor or the areas where the two survivors were located on the bottom floor. For many years, the small ground floor remained until one owner added the back two units, all at once, to include both rooms with the sliding doors on the 2nd and 3rd floors, respectively.

That entire two level addition built onto or rather is attached to the original home; thereby extending the King Rd home into 6 bdrms. Killer learning the layout; takes about as long as it takes us.

Shifting topics: What was the trigger for the killer? Was it bc students would soon leave for the Holiday? Who was the killer so angry at and why?

What is the benefit found in the deaths of the four students? Who gained something as a result of this brutal attack upon life itself? i remain outraged.

I don't know about that. I saw a woman on NewsNation who said a friend of her husband stayed in there, and she said the top portion was the part added. If two stories were added, where was the living room and kitchen? There's no room for either on the bottom floor. I think the part with the living room and Xena's bedroom were there before. Maybe her room was the kitchen before? IDK.
I don't know about that. I saw a woman on NewsNation who said a friend of her husband stayed in there, and she said the top portion was the part added. If two stories were added, where was the living room and kitchen? There's no room for either on the bottom floor.
Living room & kitchen are on the 2nd floor.
No the knife itself whether it’s a true kabar or any fixed blade knife wouldn’t be expensive or difficult to obtain or uncommon. its been talked about in the threads in detail but wanted to just to simply answer your question

hmmm, now I am wondering if LE thinks the knife might have been stolen by perp, that is why "what could be missing" might also be evidence.

Everyone check their knife collections...

And anyone that has watched Dexter, might have gotten a hold of a some kind of suit, coverup....and thick gloves.
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@unwitting_psychic I agree with your assessment. I may be wrong, but this looks like it was more than a random psychopath. The fact that there was no sexual assault on any of the victims is a key element here.
Hi all- First time posting here…
I have a background in forensic psychology and I did a very quick psychological profile of the killer just based on the information that has been released so far…so here goes:
This person is probably a male given the sheer physical strength needed to commit these crimes..lives on the fringes of society in this town - possibly not a college student but interacts with the students. So not a part of the college life per se.
This person most likely had a recent major rejection of some sort - loss of a job, college rejection, break up or divorce that would have set him off.
This person has possibly done a “trial run” of this crime before…so a breaking an entering perhaps or something similar.
This person has a history of troubled relationships - with family, friends , co workers etc. I would say that he probably hides anger well , may have a Borderline personality disorder with narcissistic elements. This person would be able to control their emotions very well but could go cold or snap in the blink of an eye and change into someone else ..this person most likely has an anti social personality - not many friends and would appear aloof or quiet to others. He is probably able to hold a job to some degree and not raise any alarms ..he may have had minor run ins with the law in the past like traffic tickets.. mode of living: most likely lives in the area and is familiar with the town / streets. Probably had lived in the area for weeks or months at a time..possibly lives in one area for awhile then moves on.
As this case is still evolving I anticipate I missed some things but this is what I think so far…
Very interesting. Do you think he had any interaction with any of the the victims beforehand? Like a rejection by one of the women at a bar? I assumed there was some interaction based on LE saying they think it was targeted.
I think the only reason that LE revealed that they believe it was targeted was to allay fears that there is a serial killer like Ted Bundy out there in the community waiting to pounce again. JMO.
I agree but I think they are basing it on some sort of evidence indicating someone was the specific target. I don't think they would say that unless they felt they could back it up.
Sorry if it’s been asked but has that picture of the “blood” dripping down the outside exterior wall been debunked?
In my opinion... every law enforcement agency working this case was represented at the news conference on Wednesday except for the FBI.
Whenever a crime is solved or close to being solved or a perp becomes a person of interest, the FBI is always front and center to claim their part of the credit for it.
The absence of the FBI is telling me this case is going to go on for awhile longer.
IMO the last few years FBI is not really even present at the pressers, at least visibly. I do not recall seeing the FBI representing themselves in any of the Abby and Libby pressers for instance. I mean this only with murder cases....not mass casualty events. I think the FBI has moved to the lead "brains" on cases like this but are rarely the "face" of the investigation. For instance in this Idaho case they said in the presser over 100 people from several agencies are working the case. I would bet at LEAST 25 are Federal.
Yeah me too. I have been on the forum many years under other names but when I change computers I sometimes forget my login info. I think Holly Bobo is the first case that brought me here, but it could've been earlier.

And yeah, the post I quoted was awfully detailed and made the hair on my neck stand up while reading it. Apparently just a vivid, detailed imagination from a well-intended member who missed their calling as a crime-fiction writer.

My opinion.
I think Holly is what brought me to WS as well.
I think the only reason that LE revealed that they believe it was targeted was to allay fears that there is a serial killer like Ted Bundy out there in the community waiting to pounce again. JMO.
I think they just initially assumed that the 4 victims must have been targeted since there were 2 others in the house that were untouched. At this point I think they are just trying to avoid admitting that they really don't understand what they are looking at here.
I just watched the truck video again. I noticed the cashier says “welcome back ” to K. So he obviously recognizes her. That may be significant. I wonder how often they go there. And how often they are drunk while ordering. For example - how predictable is it that they were at the truck late at night and intoxicate like that? My guess is that it was very predictable. Did the police rule out the truck employees! Having been in college myself, I would guess M and K are almost always intoxicated when out late and ordering late night food/making drunk Dario calls. I’m sure some (local) weirdos also watch that truck feed frequently, though. Who else would know there is a live feed on some random truck where a creep can find drunk vulnerable girls? It is super bizarre that they would have something like that going publicly - live - in a college town with young and naive people everywhere. For a predictor, it is like a menu of who to chose! I used to work in marketing and I feel like the dudes who own this truck should think twice! Using drink college kids as advertisement is pretty low! It also gives predictors a direct route to pray. If anything is learned from this tragedy. That fact should stand out!
In the interview he says:
'I was there, and I have a little girl, and at the end of the day a dad's going to go through Thanksgiving without a daughter and that really hurts,'
Yes, I just saw this interview. Thank you. I still have a gut feeling - but apparently it can not be shared here until police sort everything out. One thing I will say as a parent myself - Odd he has a daughter, yet he is out past 2am showing college age kids (his new neighbor) around moscow. I also feel many criminals play victim or helper to throw off their involvement in a situation.
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