ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 11

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A few things I have been thinking in the last 24 hours -

The knife: Just because the store manager called it a "rambo" style knife - it doesn't sound like that would be a professional police officer's description... maybe they inquired about a "Ka-bar" style or "Ka-bar" brand. We were not privy to the conversation and this could be the clerk / manager's interpretation in their own heads.

Something more like this, would be concealable, lightweight and portable enough for a woman to use and could do a lot of damage to a sleeping or passed out person and it would still be too late to react/escape. Reading reviews from knife enthusiasts, this style is the perfect "EDC" or "every-day carry" which definitely could indicate that the intruder was acting on impulse (though I do personally believe it was someone who had been in the house prior).

The house:

In some states it would not even be legal to rent this house because of the way it is constructed. It would not pass fire codes which require certain things like, 2 ways of egress from the third story to the ground level. It might even require two staircases, since it covers three levels, one to the main level, and one to the parking level. There is only one entrance/exit on each floor as well, so even if the victims could react and attempt to escape, there was truly no where for them to go once they were cornered.
Since there are no leads, I've just been reading through the police logs, for the weeks leading up to this incident. There is a report for the PiPhi house on 11/6 about an unconscious 19 yo female. PiPhi is the sorority I believe all of the roommates except for KG belonged to. Just throwing darts at this point. Completely MOO

Thanks, saralsim, for this nugget. It lets us know that it's not unusual for LE to respond to an 'unconscious' incident report.
That’s what makes me think it’s someone in those apartments back there, or someone that could physically see into the house. Perhaps they got obsessive over watching the roommates and when K moved away they lost their play thing. Seeing her back in the house made them jump at the opportunity bc clearly they’re deranged. That could explain the targeted comment.

Also, the photo of the patio doors with the chairs shoved against so they can’t be opened, is that the top floor? Is there any chance the perp entered the top floor patio doors and exited the lower patio doors?
Possibly, or the other way around. A tree close by had crime scene tape on it.
Kaylee’s dad, brother and sister have an interview to CNN last night and gave a few new pieces of info:

-Kaylee’s sister says they got home at 1:56am and she’s frustrated with the police stating 1:45am on their timeline as those extra minutes matter when it comes to video surveillance, dash cam, etc.
-Kaylee’s sister is adamant that if Kaylee had noticed that she had a stalker that she would have told them. She said Kaylee would FaceTime her for hours almost every single day. “She wasn’t scared to get us involved in her life in any capacity like that.”
-Police aren’t keeping them updated more than the public, no additional communication to them beyond what they see on the website and hear in the press conferences
-Kaylee’s dad said that there were volunteers looking around the crime scene and found different things
-Police shared with him that expanding the crime scene may have more to do with keeping the cameras out than it actually does with evidence gathering
-The host says the mother of one of the surviving roommates told a reporter that the roommates heard something that night <I don’t remember reading this in MSM, does anyone have a link?> He asked if they have heard that from any of the families. Kaylee’s sister said that they did hear those “rumors” but none of that has ever been confirmed to them.
-They have not spoken with the surviving roommates
-They confirmed the roommates were on the first floor
-Kaylee’s father has been told there was just ONE of them that was targeted; however, police have been vague with them about that (and pretty much everything else he said). The police haven’t shared who the target was.
-They don’t find it significant that Kaylee’s ex boyfriend wasn’t on the website list of people cleared - they said Maddie’s boyfriend isn’t on it, neither are any associates of Xana and Ethan, so they don’t worry about it


What the actual?
If the 911 call occurred because the callers thought one person was unconscious on the second floor were Xana and Ethan not found together? They were a couple would they have slept in different beds. The floor plan shows Xanas bed was on the second floor just trying to understand. I know it’s reported that Xana showed defensive wounds but then surely it cannot be said to be that they were “sleeping”
The coroner says the information that four were found in their beds is not accurate, see the attached file


  • Coroner.png
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Funny you say that. I’ve been on WS forever and always wonder about brand new members who start posting. Could this be the killer….(no offense since I see you’re new ).

Yeah me too. I have been on the forum many years under other names but when I change computers I sometimes forget my login info. I think Holly Bobo is the first case that brought me here, but it could've been earlier.

And yeah, the post I quoted was awfully detailed and made the hair on my neck stand up while reading it. Apparently just a vivid, detailed imagination from a well-intended member who missed their calling as a crime-fiction writer.

My opinion.
Just seeing clip of press c. The language is purposeful. I think what they said was those people have been eliminated “at this time “. That leaves the door open. To me, I’ve always thought that it would be smart for them to say that if it someone they still suspect. It still leaves open the possibility and actually, i’ve seen people on TV who are professionals. They say that they felt like they were talking about eliminating people to soon. They said in a crime this horrific and with the amount of evidence to sit through, they found it strange that they would have “eliminated” people that quickly
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If the 911 call occurred because the callers thought one person was unconscious on the second floor were Xana and Ethan not found together? They were a couple would they have slept in different beds. The floor plan shows Xanas bed was on the second floor just trying to understand. I know it’s reported that Xana showed defensive wounds but then surely it cannot be said to be that they were “sleeping”
This makes me wonder if the killer went to the third floor first. Could E have 'heard' something while sleeping and gotten up to go to the bathroom? Then when the killer came down he startled him at the bathroom door and "pushed" him back into the small bedroom during the attack? Afterwards going into the bigger bedroom and attacking X.
Okay. There were 6 people in the house. It feels incredibly risky to go into a house with that number of people in it with the risk of someone screaming , locking their door and dialing 911, or just generally being overpowered. Does this lead anyone to think this was more than 1 individual? Even if the killer didn’t know that there were 6 people , it seems that there were many cars parked outside which would indicate at least more than 1-2.
I think when someone is bent on killing someone or several people they really aren't using rational thought, like oh, there might be several people so I won't go in that house. I would imagine when someone has murder on their mind and have a plan to act NOW- nothing is going to stop them- the adrenaline is going and they will attempt to carry out their plan, regardless of the risk. I have heard so many defense attorneys, in defense of their client say something like my client wouldn't do anything that stupid- when describing some apparently dumb thing the killer did, but yes, their client did exactly that!
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It's interesting that yesterday was the first day that I noticed the police log had a current day entry. 1 call for yesterday, showed most of the day and nothing else was ever added. 1 call compared to the many made every day since this happened. As I've been looking at this log almost daily, each day's calls are added the next day - they aren't listed in real time. Makes me wonder if they got something and shut it down. JMO
That's where we differ. The parents said they were in the same room, not that they shared a room.
The parents said they were in the same room.

Technically, she didn’t say they were found in the same room or the same place in the room or that Ethan was found in the hallway. I assume they were found in the same room, but I don’t think what she said is 100% clear because she may have simply meant they were a couple and slept in the same bed.
Definitely, since all of them on 2nd and 3rd floor had windows to the back, but the surviving friends had windows to the front. I at least suspect that the killer got in from the sliding door or the window in the kitchen, to the right of the sliding door seeing the house from the outside. The forensics were very interested in that window it seems like.
This is interesting...
There are pictures attached.
I'm thinking the state attorney general or the state governor would need to make that call. I could be wrong.
IMO they take the lead but are not the "face ".
In the last 5 years in my experience they are rarely at the pressers even. I believe they are the guiding factor mostly. Years ago if involved they would generally be present and would at least have speaking role in the pressers. Now they are rarely visible.
Here’s a scary theory.

One/two or all of the roommates saw the killer(s) in the house between 1am and 3am. They just didn’t know what he was going to do. Or worse, they did know.

Meaning he was welcomed in at some point THAT night as a friend.

Now all the timing of when everyone is asleep becomes easy. He’s already there in the open without having to hide and guess.
Or like the Manson murders where people were in and out of the house all the time so Folger for instance just thought they were friends of friends stopping by for a visit.
When the authorities tell you that you're safe, be afraid... be very afraid.

LE said Seattle residents were "safe" when Ted Bundy and later The Green River Killer made their rounds.
They didn't want to cause panic, The UW didn't want students dropping out and leaving.
There's no such thing as "safe" if a killer is NOT caught.
Roommates sometimes have "house rules" they all agree to when they move in. So for instance, one rule could be everyone home before 2 am so they're not disturbed too late or something. I wonder if that could apply here.

or bars close at 2 am and they wanted to grab a ride before it was a long wait?
I agree and I don't think its owed but if it is expected and withheld when its customary then it begs the question... :)
In some states I belive by their own rules they are "supposed " to release it. I don't know about Idaho. If it has info that can compromise the investigation it can be redacted. We should get at least a transcript. The trend towards LE not releasing ANYTHING the last few years scares me. Especially with Probable Cause Affidavits, Search Warrants and SUPER ESPECIALLY with Arrest Affidavit. These can all be released and should be released even if they have to redact some info.
A little about DNA testing: I worked 26 years in a profession involving DNA testing. Mixed DNA takes time to sort out. There are advances since my technical work in this field so any WS member with updated info please correct me if my "old school" explanation needs an update. Crime scene DNA is collected, lots of it and it's labeled, (I'll leave out the highly scientific boring details). Through a series of incubation steps, with various temperature, pressure, and use of markers or tags, like fluorescence, and KNOWN DNA mixed with UNKNOWN DNA, results are interpreted after much time. KNOWN DNA is directly from a blood draw from the victims. UNKNOWN DNA is the scattered blood at the crime scene. Imagine the probably thousands of samples taken. Like attracts like, this is a natural scientific occurrence. The KNOWN DNA is split, (DNA is a double helix). KNOWN DNA is marked chemically with a tag visible usually something that illuminates and can be read microscopically or otherwise, (technical). So half of a KNOWN DNA strand is floating around in a mixture which includes an UNKNOWN sample from crime scene. A bonding will occur if there's a matching half in the mixture. The more strands that bond, the brighter the luminescence. Results without a "glow" are a negative match. There will come a point when crime scene samples won't match any victims. Then they'll look at the buccal smears collected, (or whatever method they've used to collect DNA samples from survivors. They'll test blood, skin cells, collected that doesn't match the victims. I apologize if this is confusing, it's complicated. Imagine a tray filled with same size circle shaped holes. Add a bowl of shapes; circles, squares, triangles. Rick the tray and the circles fill the holes, they match. Next tray is square holes, add the different shapes again and rock the tray. The square shapes fall and fit into the square holes. It's simplistic but not far off from DNA matching minus the positive and negative charges related to how the double helix connects.
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