ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 12

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KG’s parents relayed some of the content of her “final messages” when asked about those calls in a televised Fox interview. Basically asking ex-bf to respond to her and to come over, but including the explanation “we have a dog together” which sounds more like a desire to connect emotionally rather than a request for emergency protection.

The parents did not indicate whether these were phone or text messages, though in my opinion, it sounded to me like the father had heard a message as he emphasized some of the phrasing in an emotive way.

It’s also not clear whether they read/heard these messages personally or whether the information was relayed by LE or the recipient of the messages. If only relayed/paraphrased by the recipient, the degree of accuracy could be all over the map, from perfectly accurate to compete fiction.
I understood them to be saying that had happened previously, not specifically the early morning of the murders. Could have been mistaken, though.
So what would lead them to believe this? One more brutally attacted? Something left behind by perp? Something taken from victim?
Styling/staging, costume or outfit put on, special attention, written note - just lots of twisted out there. If I were writing this from my imagination for high impact, I know what I'd do.
So what would lead them to believe this? One more brutally attacted? Something left behind by perp? Something taken from victim?
Could be any number of things, including statements by surviving roommates.Or, they could just be throwing ideas at the wall, seeing what sticks.
This is aimed at no one in particular, but I have seen many posts here, expressing what almost borders on indignation, that Kaylee had just purchased a Range Rover and was planning a trip to Europe.

It has been stated by many here that the car she purchased was several years old, a 2016 model, and had been pre-owned. It certainly cost no more, and probably cost considerably less than almost any new car she could have purchased. We have no idea how it was being paid for, nor is it any of our business, but to assume it was careless of her to buy it is ridiculous. She was about to graduate from college early, and already had a high-paying job offer that she had accepted from a tech firm in Texas, which may likely have included a lucrative signing bonus. She had, according to the owners, worked as a server at The Mad Greek restaurant for several years, and had apparently saved as much money as possible, while still taking what must have been full course loads, and participating in sorority activities. It is also very possible that the car or trip, or at least money towards them, was a graduation gift from family. Finally, it is likely that she already owned another car that may have been sold or traded in as a down payment on the car.

I do not begrudge her the car or the trip. I just am sorry that her life was so viciously taken before she had a chance to enjoy Europe and her well-earned Range Rover. JMO
Thank you! Beautifully put, I was struggling on how to respond to some of the outcry over her good fortune.
Been following MSM, and true crime podcasts by hosts that I respect a lot. Following discussion here as well. By profession I am a psychoanalyst (25 years ). While I claim no clairvoyant knowledge, I do trust my mind to listen and interpret data in a unique way. Just sharing my thoughts here.

MOO This is a targeted crime against all four of the victims by virtue of them being connected to an inner circle, from which the suspect has been excluded. Even the most "normal appearing people" can harbor a dark, hidden reservoir of rage. Still waters do run deep. I believe if it had been possible, he would have killed the remaining two victims as well. He is not motivated one bit by fear of consequences. He is motivated by a need to exact revenge. I would not be shocked if he ends up killing himself next. I also think he was most likely bullied as a kid, but found some relief when he felt he was a part of that inner circle. Without them, his internal world crumbles and his sense of reality is delusional. Once delusional thinking starts operating, we cannot necessarily understand the specifics of the who, why and when, although it makes perfect sense to him.

The facts of the case lead me to conclude that the killer was known by everybody. Well, not actually "known". The depths of this guy's rage was probably very well hidden. Even to people who thought they knew him for years and years.

Delusional thinking. Rejection. Crumbled internal world. Altered reality. No fear of consequences. Perhaps even beginning of more serious psychological issues such as schizo-affective disorder.
Police have him under surveillance and are collecting evidence. No current safety issue for others.
You make some very good points, @apples12. Question for you: could the target have been the man in the house, EC? If the killer is a male, he may have been bullied by boys as a youth. Could the “inner circle” you mentioned be a frat house? I wonder if anyone was thrown out of a campus fraternity lately. That would surely cut him off from the inner circle. If such an incident did happen, did he feel EC was responsible? Might he think EC and his girl friends were shunning him, being condescending to him, humiliating him? That might fuel the rage.
Just looking at all angles.
Someone was either watching them closely that week or someone had some sort of issue with one of them. However I'm beginning to think if they did have a personal grudge/incident with someone there would be rumours galore right now about said suspicious person. I know I talk about anything out of the ordinary(arguments etc) to my friends and family immediately because life is boring and when I have even an ounce of drama I get my mum or best friend to date on it haha. I bet they were like that too. If one of them had any weird experiences with a customer at work they'd probably have talked about it to someone.
This is probably OT...
But a question I have to ask...

Is there a profile of females who target males who are in the same demographics as these girls?

Flip side: young, college, attractive, male students...
are attacked by females that find themselves by perception... not being attractive enough to the males they desire...
And therefore... stalk/obsess/harm innocent males whom they have such hatred for?

I imagine there are cases such as these...
Just seems like there is a higher percentage of males committing these types of crimes...

Just putting this out there...
Everything I've ever read or watched about women who kill - it's 98% of the time the murder of a close family member (partner or children).

Once in a while, you get a Jodi Arias who kills her boyfriend - but again, someone very interpersonally related.

Very rarely there have been women who kill the lover of their (cheating) partner.

This is not counting those who kill someone in self-defense.
I would really like to know how the killer got in the house. This crime hinged on the perpetrator not being heard at any time before he was right next to his victim. Can't break glass, can't bust down a door etc, because that would cause an immediate call to 911. Whomever this was serial killer, stalker, jilted college student etc, they would have to have spent time casing out the place and knowing how to enter silently.. not quietly... silently. MOO that means the suspect was around this house often even if from a distance. Did he do a dry run where he just entered and then left to see if he could get in?

It is MOO but this tragedy will probably change the easy access to college houses and apartments. Keeping exterior doors locked needs to be the first line of protection against something like this ever happening again.
Even someone familiar with the home would have to be uncommonly bold to enter it,
unless it is someone who has previously committed break and enters, imo. speculation, rbbm
Snippets of lengthy article.

by Michael Arntfield 2018
''Conventional thinking has suggested for years that predatory offences like exhibitionism or actual sexual assaults are typically the early crimes committed by future serial sex predators.''

''The Canadian study in part validates earlier research and expert input that strongly recommended that DNA evidence from B-and-Es should be included in the National DNA Data Bank, this despite the fact that they weren't widely regarded as sex offences.''

''That's because, unlike a conventional break-in where items have been stolen, the intruder who was merely looking and took nothing is not pursued at all, even though he may have had far more sinister motives. He is free to continue experimenting and escalating in his methods. Chances are, he is described below.''

''The six sub-types''
2- Voyeuristic. Normally involves discreet entry that may appear only as tampering. The offender's objective is to conduct surveillance of the premises and collect intelligence on the lives of the occupant(s) before returning. This method is widely believed to have been the modus operandi of the still unidentified Original Night Stalker/East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer, one of the most prolific serial rapists and killers in American history.''

''3-Somnophilic. Often an escalation from Typology 2, and often known as "sleepwatcher" cases. The offender enters a specifically targeted location in the middle of the night while occupants are at home and asleep. The offender watches and/or photographs/records the occupants without their knowledge. The occupants have no knowledge or memory of the intruder being in their bedrooms. Recent cases targeting university students in London, Ont. and Halifax brought overdue national attention to this typology. In most cases, the only items stolen will be souvenirs.''
I think it is also strange that there is no information regarding the surviving girls night. Should be just as important as the deceased students, IMO.

While it hasn't been released to the public, you can be very sure that LE knows exactly where they were, what time they arrived home and anything that happened in between.

I would strongly suggest that police have strongly advised them to refrain from discussing what they know with media and anyone else associated with the case in order to prevent them from compromising the investigation.

At this point, with no suspect in custody, they must be very afraid for their own safety as well.
I understood them to be saying that had happened previously, not specifically the early morning of the murders. Could have been mistaken, though.
They were responding to a question about these calls specifically and at one point the father began to say “in one of her messages”, then backtracked and said “in one of her final messages...” The mother added that KG wanted him to come over. These assertions and the fact that they were responding to a question about the calls that were being discussed in the media lead me to believe they were speaking of the early morning calls.

In a different part of the interview, KG’s mother mentioned they (KG & her ex) were in daily contact during the recent week and half she was back home before her final weekend trip to Moscow. I see no reason KG would have been pleading for a response while in daily contact with him during her trip back home, and I also doubt she would have been asking him to come over when she was back home and away from Moscow. JMO.
You make some very good points, @apples12. Question for you: could the target have been the man in the house, EC? If the killer is a male, he may have been bullied by boys as a youth. Could the “inner circle” you mentioned be a frat house? I wonder if anyone was thrown out of a campus fraternity lately. That would surely cut him off from the inner circle. If such an incident did happen, did he feel EC was responsible? Might he think EC and his girl friends were shunning him, being condescending to him, humiliating him? That might fuel the rage.
Just looking at all angles.
I do think that is a real possibility. Someone excluded from frat life and with a delusional reason to believe that (EC) is going to pay for it. I don't think these victims were symbolic of all Greek life people. I think the suspect had it in personally for one or more of the victims. The timing seems important to me as well. Why that night? One answer is because KC was leaving the next day. Maybe there are other reasons for the timing as well. A recent altercation/rejection between the male victim and the suspect?
I think it's really interesting that of the criminal profilers interviewed on Inside Edition, the 2 males seemed to both think the perpetrator knew them and that this is more of a personal/revenge crime and the 2 females seemed to both think there's more likelihood that it's someone unknown to the victims who has practiced/done this type of killing before.

I just think it's interesting how their theories broke down by gender.

Personally, I think with the amount of time that's passed, it's less likely the perp was connected to the victims socially. I feel like LE would have some kind of strong leads on person(s) of interest or actual suspect(s) by now.
While it hasn't been released to the public, you can be very sure that LE knows exactly where they were, what time they arrived home and anything that happened in between.

I would strongly suggest that police have strongly advised them to refrain from discussing what they know with media and anyone else associated with the case in order to prevent them from compromising the investigation.

At this point, with no suspect in custody, they must be very afraid for their own safety as well.
I’m sure They’re traumatized And just want to be left alone, Sadly There been names mentioned in some of the news outlets etc.. they should be reprimanded these poor roommates need there privacy preserved
MOO....I'm leaning toward serial killer. I believe LE walked back the statement community was safe, after hearing from other LE agencies. LE noted in last presser ...other dept have reached out to us, when questioned about connections to the Washington couple. FBI brought in highly skilled professions quickly in this case.

All in small towns, young adults, all asleep, all at 3am, all on the 13th. This is a pattern, more than coincidence.

Here is another case, although 2k away, same MO...3am,13th, asleep, unsolved.

Charleston Police are searching for the person responsible for stabbing someone while they slept.
They say it happened before 3 a.m. on June 13, 2021, in the 1500 block of Edgar Drive.

It also happens to be a college town.
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