ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 14

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Being a true crime fan for a long long time it's always been something we are told that its really hard to stab someone without hurting yourself also, and that It would be near impossible to stab 4 people to death without doing some noticeable damage to yourself also. Do we have any doctors/pathologist/corner or forensic experts that know if this is actually true or just something you hear on TV shows.

If this is true then I wonder why they are not asking people about 'do you know anyone that suddenly turned up with injuries to their hands' etc. seems like something I would be doing if the above is true. if it is not and it is possible for a skilled person who is careful to stab 4 ppl to death without injuring themselves then nvm.
I think he caught 3 by surprise who gave up no resistance but the room w 2 people is alarming. if K and M are ur targets why kill X and E on floor 2. Feels
I agree that X & E were attacked first for the reason you state. Unless they were targeted then there's no reason to kill them if the killer's real target was on the top floor. Plus it's a much riskier attack with two in the bed, one being a strong male. Then again, the perp didn't seem much concerned with risk. What a bizarre, horrible crime!
I think if the killer entered on the 2nd FL he was there for everyone. If he enters on the 3rd floor I think X and E are the targets. I just can't make sense of him entering FL2 and killing X and E before heading upstairs. How does he keep X quiet while struggling w E? Why would he kill them at all if K or M were the target? Noise doesn't make sense cuz X and E's room is over another BR but K and Ms rooms aren't.
The father is grieving, so I imagine that he would prefer to think that any defensive bruising and lacerations were a result of her fighting back both consciously and ferociously. I would too. That doesn't appear to be the case, however, at least according to the coroner.

My opinion.
The coroner hasn't commented on X as far as I have seen. The most that was said is the victims were "likely asleep" when attacked. Do you have a source for the coroner saying anything contrary to X's father?
I think he caught 3 by surprise who gave up no resistance but the room w 2 people is alarming. if K and M are ur targets why kill X and E on floor 2. Feels

I think if the killer entered on the 2nd FL he was there for everyone. If he enters on the 3rd floor I think X and E are the targets. I just can't make sense of him entering FL2 and killing X and E before heading upstairs. How does he keep X quiet while struggling w E? Why would he kill them at all if K or M were the target? Noise doesn't make sense cuz X and E's room is over another BR but K and Ms rooms aren't.
Moo, if the killer entered the third floor first, and killed 3rd floor occupants first, he is probably targeting X and E. I think X were the last person killed as it was reported by her father that she has defensive wounds which is more likely that she was awake or purposely awaken before she was killed.
I only mention that because my impression from the Fox interview is that K’s Dad had some information not previously released…maybe developed after the CNN interview, or maybe from what they can see in K’s phone. IIRC he says he asked permission to share…specifically saying something about this reporter treating them with respect or something…but was told no.
I don’t know how much longer the family will hold their tongue.
My primary thought about "berries vs. blood" is that if it were indeed blood, the investigators would have gathered it up as forensic evidence and not leave it to get contaminated by the elements outdoors.

Hence, IMO they are just berries which have fallen from the branches above them.

I do like the observation noted by @Sillybilly regarding the absence of snow on the crucial part of the railing. That seems germane to me.

I would have also thought that the garbage outside the sliding glass door would have been collected and processed too, but it sat there for days. And the kitchen stools were upright at first, then were on their sides by the door. I imagine that investigators know exactly how to handle the scene, and here I am Monday morning quarterbacking something that I have zero experience in.
IMHO there is a good reason that information is coming out like it is. Rumors, speculation, and unverified opinions from any source could interfere with solving this horrific crime. It is a large case with many moving parts and apparently a tremendous amount of evidence to gather and test in order to point LE in the right direction. The pressure from the families' (and rightly so), the community, the school, the media, and public opinion is likely overwhelming for all of LE tirelessly working to solve this tragic crime. I hope they can get this right and that they know more than all of us currently know.

Whoever did this HAD to have LEFT some type of evidence behind. My hope is that is can be found. So sad for the victims and their families.
Do we know for sure that the formal dance was on Saturday? I wonder if it was on Friday night when E chaperoned his triplet sister, M, to the dance at her sorority.
Per this, his mother said he spent his last day at the formal. Doesn't say whether the formal was during the day or the evening.
He mentioned a private detective in the FOX interview. So am I taking this to mean he has hired a PI? This is who he said he asked LE if he could share the info he knew and they said no.

The father mentioned that private detectives have been contacted him with information that they supposedly have on the case. Subsequently, the father asked LE if he could release some of that information in an interview with MSM, and LE asked the father not to.

So private detectives are contacting him, and not the other way around, it appears.
Interview with Kaylee's dad.

26th November.

Reporter - Sir, thank you so much for joining me. Tonight, we continue to grieve with you and your family, and we're hoping to get answers for you.
Sir, when was the last time you talked with law enforcement about the case?.

Dad - Well, we just had a vacation. Law enforcement told me that they were gonna drop off a little bit and not to expect the same type of communication that I had gotten before. They pass it onto another person. So basically, long story short, it was Wednesday, 5:00 pm. was the last time they reached out to me. So, yeah, that's rough.

Reporter - What are they telling you?

Dad - They're kinda just telling me that they can't tell me much. Which is frustrating to me because I've been very trustworthy. I do know things. I haven't shared things. We're the same family that found the original timeline. We're the same family that broke into the phones. We tried everything in our ability to try to get into this system because a court order is not the fastest thing. So, we broke in and we did what we did. We know that we have some family passwords that we all share. So, we broke in and we helped them. So it's hard for me to give up, as a father, my protective ability, to other men.

Reporter - They have shared with us that it was a targeted attack. Can you give us any information about that?. Have they told you who the target was, or given you more insight than they have the public?.

Dad - I don't wanna talk bad about them because these are some hard working individuals and I'm doomed without them. We're all doomed without them. This police is just a terrible idea. The fact that we're finding out that there's more than just my daughter and these children that have suffered. It's terrible to think that we can these guys. It's an absolute atrocity. That's not something that is.. it's not political, this is just facts guys. We can't allow these people to just run free. So, beyond that, they haven't shared a lot. We have some private detectives that have reached out to us and given us information. We take that with a grain of salt and we try to be careful. Just today, I reached out to the officers and said 'hey, this guy's treated me with respect on the show, I'd like to share some things with him, that I found out on my own' and they asked me to not do that. So, we're holding our tongue, we're waiting patiently, but we're definitely concerned.

Reporter - So, sir, I had the opportunity to speak with those same law enforcement officials today and was able to get some information out from them as well. We want to do everything that we can do to get you answers and to solicit more information for the timeline. But there's gaps in that timeline. Is there anything that you can share with us that may put people in that direction, where they would feel willing to share about that timeline?.

Dad - I've heard a little bit of feedback on this, that people are nervous about the timeline. I'm gonna tell you guys that there's so much attention on this, if you can share your information, if you can post it.. I mean, it's the Internet, you can do these things anonymously, go forward. For those people who are afraid, like maybe, 'I was intoxicated and I'm underage'. That's not what they care about guys, they're not looking at that. That is not going to happen. So, give out that picture, that image, that video, that selfie, whatever it is, give it out and know that there is zero chance that they're coming to you for, you know, ruining your career or.. anything along those lines. They're just looking for data right now and you could be the key. You might be something that has been overlooked. So, I guess, I implore people to come forward, especially when you know you're even close to that timeline, because technology is the only thing that doesn't lie, really. It's just data and then we can analyse it as a society and determine what it is. But it doesn't lie, it's just simply data. So, it's better than an eyewitness, it's better than anything that we can produce. It's right up there with DNA. I just implore you.. sometimes, even if you think that selfie has nothing in the background, maybe there's a car that should be there. That somebody said in their alibi, I parked right here next to this tree. And then there's that tree, and your car's not there.

Reporter - Steve, we're gonna put that number on the screen for people to call, give any information. Sir, thank you so much for coming on the programme. Keep us posted on what's going on in this investigation. We'll continue to follow. Thanks again.
BBM Above -
Thank you for transcribing this again!

This statement stood out to me. Do you think he is alluding to related homicides? Or just other homicides w/out answers.
"The fact that we're finding out that there's more than just my daughter and these children that have suffered. "
What do you all make of the fact that we don’t know where X and E were from 9 PM until they were home at 1 AM? That leaves me to think, do you think that LE would have released the information about the food truck video and those calls from K&M’s phones had K’s sister not talked all about it? Is that normally some thing they would keep under wraps, or does it mean that perhaps X/E might have been the target?
The father mentioned that private detectives have been contacted him with information that they supposedly have on the case. Subsequently, the father asked LE if he could release some of that information in an interview with MSM, and LE asked the father not to.

So private detectives are contacting him, and not the other way around, it appears.
Private detectives should just let the police do their job and not hinder the investigation themselves or cause undue stress or hope for the families. Unless for some reason, police have asked for their help. Families should be very careful engaging with one. IMHO
Do we know for sure that the formal dance was on Saturday? I wonder if it was on Friday night when E chaperoned his triplet sister, M, to the dance at her sorority.
According to EC’s mom it was the same night:
The three 20-year-old siblings attended a dance hosted by Ethan’s sister Maizie’s sorority earlier on the night Ethan was killed.
Yes, thank you for clarifying that. And it's a worthy idea about locked doors, however, I feel like if the surviving roommate was worried about the second floor person being unconscious behind a locked door, that roommate would tell the other first floor roommate, then go upstairs and tell the third floor roommates (or go to third floor first). I assume she didn't do that because the 911 call did not reflect concern for the third floor people.

The only way it makes sense to me is if the roommate saw a body, maybe blood, wasn't sure what she was seeing, and it scared her enough to not want to go up to the third floor. Instead, she opted to go back downstairs to the other surviving roommate, and neither one of them wanted to go to the third floor, so they started contacting friends to come help. JMO.
Im sure there was blood all over the 2nd fl. They prolly woke up
Moo, if the killer entered the third floor first, and killed 3rd floor occupants first, he is probably targeting X and E. I think X were the last person killed as it was reported by her father that she has defensive wounds which is more likely that she was awake or purposely awaken before she was killed.
yes I agree w that X being last. I think her background is the key and her father made interesting comments
"If you really are sleeping, how do you prove it?"
"How do you prove with your phone where you were?"

That is something on my mind a lot with this horrid case. In addition to leaving a cell phone at home so it won't ping and track the killers movements, roommates/parents who live with him, might very well believe he was at home asleep. But that isn't a credible alibi because the killer can clearly sneak out in the middle of the night without anyone noticing.

Which makes me wonder if the FBI is administering, or close to administering, polygraphs. (Which appear to be admissible in criminal courts of Idaho). I wouldn't be shocked if lawyering up will happen soon. IMO/MOO

It's three weeks today on this Sunday morning. The families and loved ones are in a world of hurt. Really no words but praying for justice soon.

Yes. People even sleeping next to their spouse can sneak out, much less if it’s a roommate in their own room who could leave unnoticed at that time of night. Also, if the killer lives alone, how do you substantiate you were sleeping? That gets to digital data.
The issue on giving LEO pictures to me could be a grey area. Let's say, you have some stupid selfies, done that night, with any of the victims in the background. Or at a party where any of them were that night, and people were doing more than underage drinking...smoking marijuana is still illegal in Idaho...

It may seem stupid, to withhold potential information, but no one wants to get into trouble to try to help out...
BBM Above -
Thank you for transcribing this again!

This statement stood out to me. Do you think he is alluding to related homicides? Or just other homicides w/out answers.
"The fact that we're finding out that there's more than just my daughter and these children that have suffered. "
Do you think he's referring to LE? I remember an official saying he was concerned for the investigators having to deal with this.
Private detectives should just let the police do their job and not hinder the investigation themselves or cause undue stress or hope for the families. Unless for some reason, police have asked for their help. Families should be very careful engaging with one. IMHO
Very troubling indeed. No doubt people who can be looking to get information from that family more than they will give any. It could even be the killer trying to get information. How does he know who he’s talking to?
Interview with Kaylee's dad.

26th November.

Reporter - Sir, thank you so much for joining me. Tonight, we continue to grieve with you and your family, and we're hoping to get answers for you.
Sir, when was the last time you talked with law enforcement about the case?.

Dad - Well, we just had a vacation. Law enforcement told me that they were gonna drop off a little bit and not to expect the same type of communication that I had gotten before. They pass it onto another person. So basically, long story short, it was Wednesday, 5:00 pm. was the last time they reached out to me. So, yeah, that's rough.

Reporter - What are they telling you?

Dad - They're kinda just telling me that they can't tell me much. Which is frustrating to me because I've been very trustworthy. I do know things. I haven't shared things. We're the same family that found the original timeline. We're the same family that broke into the phones. We tried everything in our ability to try to get into this system because a court order is not the fastest thing. So, we broke in and we did what we did. We know that we have some family passwords that we all share. So, we broke in and we helped them. So it's hard for me to give up, as a father, my protective ability, to other men.

Reporter - They have shared with us that it was a targeted attack. Can you give us any information about that?. Have they told you who the target was, or given you more insight than they have the public?.

Dad - I don't wanna talk bad about them because these are some hard working individuals and I'm doomed without them. We're all doomed without them. This police is just a terrible idea. The fact that we're finding out that there's more than just my daughter and these children that have suffered. It's terrible to think that we can these guys. It's an absolute atrocity. That's not something that is.. it's not political, this is just facts guys. We can't allow these people to just run free. So, beyond that, they haven't shared a lot. We have some private detectives that have reached out to us and given us information. We take that with a grain of salt and we try to be careful. Just today, I reached out to the officers and said 'hey, this guy's treated me with respect on the show, I'd like to share some things with him, that I found out on my own' and they asked me to not do that. So, we're holding our tongue, we're waiting patiently, but we're definitely concerned.

Reporter - So, sir, I had the opportunity to speak with those same law enforcement officials today and was able to get some information out from them as well. We want to do everything that we can do to get you answers and to solicit more information for the timeline. But there's gaps in that timeline. Is there anything that you can share with us that may put people in that direction, where they would feel willing to share about that timeline?.

Dad - I've heard a little bit of feedback on this, that people are nervous about the timeline. I'm gonna tell you guys that there's so much attention on this, if you can share your information, if you can post it.. I mean, it's the Internet, you can do these things anonymously, go forward. For those people who are afraid, like maybe, 'I was intoxicated and I'm underage'. That's not what they care about guys, they're not looking at that. That is not going to happen. So, give out that picture, that image, that video, that selfie, whatever it is, give it out and know that there is zero chance that they're coming to you for, you know, ruining your career or.. anything along those lines. They're just looking for data right now and you could be the key. You might be something that has been overlooked. So, I guess, I implore people to come forward, especially when you know you're even close to that timeline, because technology is the only thing that doesn't lie, really. It's just data and then we can analyse it as a society and determine what it is. But it doesn't lie, it's just simply data. So, it's better than an eyewitness, it's better than anything that we can produce. It's right up there with DNA. I just implore you.. sometimes, even if you think that selfie has nothing in the background, maybe there's a car that should be there. That somebody said in their alibi, I parked right here next to this tree. And then there's that tree, and your car's not there.

Reporter - Steve, we're gonna put that number on the screen for people to call, give any information. Sir, thank you so much for coming on the programme. Keep us posted on what's going on in this investigation. We'll continue to follow. Thanks again.
What I got from this and I wholly agree:

LE should come out and tell these students that they will not be charged for underage drinking or for doing illegal drugs that night and that they’re safe to come out with information about this case. LE should have done this in the beginning and they can still do this now.

I can see these student being afraid of talking to cops if they were doing something they shouldn’t be doing (underage drinking or recreational weeds or illegal drugs)
I've found one small discrepancy.

Xana's dad says Ethan and Xana were living together:

“Her and Ethan were together about a year, give or take. And she, really, when I went up there she, I saw her just a week before that and she changed a lot. She had a life. She got to see what it was like to have a boyfriend you live with. And she really turned around. She was really responsible. Helping him out with his studies and stuff. I was really impressed,” he said."

Then this says Ethan and Xana didn't live together:

"Mogen and Goncalves, both 21 and friends since 6th grade, were last seen at a downtown bar and a food truck outside, before returning home at 1:45am.

The other two, Xana Kernodle, 20, and her boyfriend Ethan Chapin - who did not live at the house - were at a party on campus on Saturday night."

Ethan was a freshman:
"Ethan Chapin was raised in Conway, Washington. He was a freshman student majoring in recreation, sport and tourism management."

So maybe no big deal. Maybe they said Ethan wasn't living with Xana because freshmen are required to live in campus housing. Maybe Xana's dad said they lived together because they spent every minute they could together.

OR: was Ethan staying overnight with Xana because they were worried about her being alone? All speculation on my part based on one small discrepancy. ;)

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