ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 14

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Does anyone know when Rush is at the University of Idaho? At my daughter’s college, they do it in the spring. But most universities do it in the fall. I wonder if this is somebody who tried to rush either of the sororities the victims belonged to, but was rejected.
Is everyone assuming the killer is a "he"? Jealousy and early morning phone calls to your crush/new love interest/guy your stalking can drive a girl to murder. Wait until everyone is asleep then kill whoever you despise for getting in between you and the man you want to be with. When your done change into your victim's clothes and walk out unoticed by neighbors.
would some women be able to do it? i’m sure! but is it very likely? i think it’s much more likely the perp is a man

“as with general homicide, women are underrepresented in serial murder, defined by some as more than two victims, by others as more than three. According to data from Radford University and Florida Gulf Coast University, they account for just over 11 percent of all cases in the past century. In more recent decades, it's between 5 and 7 percent. Their prevalence is also far more stable, with only a few dozen operating in any given decade, even as numbers for male serial killers soared above 700 people internationally in the 1980s.”

source: Female Serial Killers Do Exist And Are Known As 'Quiet' Killers

the article also notes that women serial killers often are more “subtle” - not butchering their victims, commiting murders that could go under the radar. i would say this case is far from that.

MOO, it’s not impossible but not likely
3 weeks later and still SO many questions here. It may have been discussed but what about the possibility that the 4 may have somehow been drugged prior to the attack? It just baffles me that this was pulled off with that many people in the house, 2 surviving roommates & not discovered until almost noon. I know toxicology takes a bit but I haven’t seen this mentioned as a possibility? Trying to find anything that might put these pieces together.
Three weeks? It's been two... but absolutely still many many questions, I wish we knew more.

I was baffled at first as to how there could possibly have not been screams and noise, but I think many potential scenarios discussed in this forum could play out without the need for any of them to have been drugged to make it add up. Them being asleep, the element of surprise, the particular way the killer attacked them, the layout of the house etc.. I think it's possible but unlikely that someone could have drugged each of them, waited for whatever substance to take effect, and then killed them.

I would really like to know more about the comment made suggesting the roommates did actually hear something, and presumably passed it off as nothing. I know that hasn't been verified or elaborated on by LE at any point but it's stuck in my mind.
The barstools placed to block the sliding door are a HUGE piece of the puzzle. This means they were actively in fear and trying to keep someone out, OR was it standard practice for some other reason?

There are pics of the barstools upright as well as placed by the door. I believe it's assumed the investigators moved the barstools in front of the slider.
There are pics of the barstools upright as well as placed by the door. I believe it's assumed the investigators moved the barstools in front of the slider.

Okay. Seems like an odd way to move them. But if that's true then it removes a big clue. Oh well.
I would have said sexual. Even though they've said there were no signs of sexual assault, I don't think it necessarily means it wasn't sexually motivated. Maybe the others in the house spooked the perp? Maybe the unexpected confrontation with the male victim caught him off gaurd? Something might not have gone to plan and he just fled ASAP before sexual interference. But he would have most definitely got a kick out of it afterwards. He's probably got off on it since. Sorry to be abit gross.
What if the person had haemotolangia, hematolagnia? Just the sight of the scene would of been sexually satisfying. Do you think that’s a fetish that prior girlfriends or parents / friends would notice?
I have read what the coroner have said and what had LE have have relayed to the public. There’s a reason their language is strategically worded. They didn’t say this for a “fact” coroner said they were “likely” asleep. She didn’t say it as 100% factual. Same with LE, their words always contains “we believe” “we do not believe” vague and not 100% certainty.

Agree, but the defense attorney would still be able to challenge that: "How is it that you indicated in your official statement that they were all likely asleep, but have now changed your narrative to 'we feel they were up and fought like hell'?"

There better be a good evidentiary reason for said change, and 'to draw a suspect out' isn't evidentiary. In fact, the jury would then deduce that law enforcement lied to the public with a killer on the loose. Not that they lied to the public for a good reason or bad reason, but that they lied at all. And if they lie about that then who is to say that they aren't lying about everything else? Enter, reasonable doubt.
The barstools placed to block the sliding door are a HUGE piece of the puzzle. This means they were actively in fear and trying to keep someone out, OR was it standard practice for some other reason?
I'll have to research that more, but my current understanding is that the chairs were not there in earlier pictures of the investigation and only appeared there (possibly days) later. Leading me to think that the cops placed them there to help secure the crime scene.

And if that's the case, it makes me suspect that the lock on that sliding glass door may have been non-functional.
The barstools placed to block the sliding door are a HUGE piece of the puzzle. This means they were actively in fear and trying to keep someone out, OR was it standard practice for some other reason?
My recollection was that the first images of the slider we saw had the stools standing up and away from the door. Later in the investigation, the images show the slider blocked with the stools. It seemed to me as if LE put the stools there to keep investigators from going in and out that door. JMO, though. If you go back and check pictures you might see something different than I did.
Idaho Student murders update: Police say why key details are being withheld from the public

…according to Aaron Snell of the Idaho State Police…investigators "don't currently have a suspect" but that keeping certain information "from view is going to be critical into trying to develop that."

…former NYPD Inspector Paul Mauro, who similarly confirmed that information from criminal profilers and evidence collected at the scene was being withheld.

Mauro said Saturday evening that in addition to protecting the integrity of the investigation, the scarcity of key details that have been released to the public could lead investigators to swiftly find a suspect.

"‘If and when they get a suspect, and are able to question them, then the police can ask them questions and see if they know details that have not been released to the public," Mauro said.

…When Snell was asked "who was targeted or were there multiple people that were targeted doing that, that incident," he said the information was "pertinent to the investigation" but "ultimately will come out."
Would police be concerned with false confessors if they had DNA from the killer?

Thoughts about who was potentially targeted:

If a "type" of person was the target, rather than a specific person, Ethan is the one who would not fit here, imo. Perhaps encountering Ethan caused the other two girls to be spared...
Agree, but the defense attorney would still be able to challenge that: "How is it that you indicated in your official statement that they were all likely asleep, but have now changed your narrative to 'we feel they were up and fought like hell'?"

There better be a good evidentiary reason for said change, and 'to draw a suspect out' isn't evidentiary. In fact, the jury would then deduce that law enforcement lied to the public with a killer on the loose. Not that they lied to the public for a good reason or bad reason, but that they lied at all. And if they lie about that then who is to say that they aren't lying about everything else? Enter, reasonable doubt.
I'm not sure where you got the information that anything released during an investigation has any bearing on a court case. It doesn't. What matters is what is testified to in court.
Agree, but the defense attorney would still be able to challenge that: "How is it that you indicated in your official statement that they were all likely asleep, but have now changed your narrative to 'we feel they were up and fought like hell'?"

There better be a good evidentiary reason for said change, and 'to draw a suspect out' isn't evidentiary. In fact, the jury would then deduce that law enforcement lied to the public with a killer on the loose. Not that they lied to the public for a good reason or bad reason, but that they lied at all. And if they lie about that then who is to say that they aren't lying about everything else? Enter, reasonable doubt.

I believe LE can lie. Especially when interrogating POI. And as for the public, I would think as more evidence is found, briefs might change, or stay vague.
Agree, but the defense attorney would still be able to challenge that: "How is it that you indicated in your official statement that they were all likely asleep, but have now changed your narrative to 'we feel they were up and fought like hell'?"

There better be a good evidentiary reason for said change, and 'to draw a suspect out' isn't evidentiary. In fact, the jury would then deduce that law enforcement lied to the public with a killer on the loose. Not that they lied to the public for a good reason or bad reason, but that they lied at all. And if they lie about that then who is to say that they aren't lying about everything else? Enter, reasonable doubt.
We’ll, we shall see. Moo we will know the real truth once the killer has been captured.

Law enforcement didn’t lie to the public. They are talking to the killer for all we know, not specially us. They are under no obligation to release information that could jeopardize their investigation, they owe it to the family of the victims. If giving out information thats not factual and vague, and if we take that as gospel truth, then that’s on us. We have to give LE the benefit of the doubt and let them do their work the way the see fit. Moo.

I still believe that not everything they have said were factual and some are. If they were likely asleep or awake- we don’t really know. LE and the coroner for sure have a real answer to this but they won’t tell us and they don’t have to. Moo
I do kind of wish that more emphasis had been placed on possible injuries to the murderer in the press conferences. They are asking for specific footage, and things that aren’t there that may provide clues, but injuries are a biggie. I understand that it’s a balancing act, because there is the possibility that there were no cuts, and you don’t want people not coming forward because the person they suspect had no injuries. Somebody knows this person-a neighbor, a roommate, a coworker, a family member. I do think they need the public’s help to put it together.
I think that the killer knew who lived there and was familiar with which bedrooms were occupied. Killer HAD to wait until he/she KNEW that all house occupants were home and sleeping so that no one would see him/her committing the slaughter. This doesn.t explain who the main target was, though . Killer had to kill everyone on 2nd and 3rd floors to escape. Maybe?
“Her and Ethan were together about a year, give or take. And she, really, when I went up there she, I saw her just a week before that and she changed a lot. She had a life. She got to see what it was like to have a boyfriend you live with. And she really turned around. She was really responsible. Helping him out with his studies and stuff. I was really impressed,” he said."

From father of X. It makes me wonder what was in his mind to make that comparison. What may have happened in her life previously to make him say " that she had a life" and "to have a boyfriend you live with" I'm no prude as to what young college students can and will do once they get away from home or out on their own, but it struck me as odd that he referenced the boyfriend situation as " she really turned around"

If it has been mentioned, I missed it, so what is known about X previously? Was she shy? Was she opinionated? Was she independent and mature or sheltered and immature? Had her behavior previously been considered risky?? Was she a leader or a follower? I'm surprised there haven't been comments, interviews or impressions from friends or acquaintances who knew her in high school or area that she came from. Is her family intact or is she from a broken home? What is known about her??
How could they have been together for a year when he is a freshman and she is a junior? He just started school this fall semester.
Since it seems from that interview that Kaylee‘s dad was inferring that maybe someone‘s alibi gave a detail that actually wasn’t there, it made me think that it was even smarter, not just because you catch your victims by surprise, for the killer to do it that time of night. You would say that everyone is asleep at that time so if you’re trying to make an alibi, how do you prove that you were in your bed asleep? I mean if you wake up and can’t sleep, you can go online and then there will be some digital footprint, but otherwise, if you really are sleeping, how do you prove it? And that also to me then made me think how do you prove with your phone where you were. I don’t know if it’s because it’s such a small town that maybe the cell phone towers or the networks out there aren’t as prevalent so it’s harder? I don’t know. And maybe the killer was really smart as hell and left his phone at home anyway.

That then makes me also think that if the killer lived across the street in the apartment complex, maybe it would leave the same digital footprint since it’s literally a few yards away. My point is I’m not sure how they can use the digital footprints in this particular situation. I hope they really help.
Isn't it a tipoff to LE whenever someone gives an overly detailed account to an investigator?
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