ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 18

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No different than the major corporate news pundits and talking heads, JMO MOO. I don't watch YouTubers or cable news even personally but they're all vultures in a way, MOO. They could say the same about us on this site too! ;)

I do find some of the gossip comments from local very interesting in the live stream though...
It depends.

As I just posted, looks like a media photographer has trespassed on the scene to get a shot of the kitchen sink. Those news organisations also stink but not all news organisations are equal just like all Youtubers aren't equal.

As for the ;) I doubt any WS members are making money for posting or seeking donations. some of us chat _ _ _ _ for free and not for likes either ( talking about myself)
As sickening as this sounds, there will be some media outlet that will look to pay these girls for their story. Media is going to spin it as them respecting their privacy, but make no mistake about it, there's a young hungry reporter out there looking to make a name for themselves and will offer whatever it takes to get their name in the limelight.
And even more sickening, there are some who will carve their niche by insisting the girls were culpable in the crime. And hundreds of trolls will flock to the site to group-bash them. Scum if the earth IMO.
Random thought out of nowhere. We have been told multiple stab wound and not bound and gagged when found. But we haven't been told if there might have been anything else involved. Garrote, for example. Chloroform, for example. I'm not sure where this thought came from, and not sure where, if anywhere, I am going with it. I can see how maybe there might be stabbing without much struggle if chloroform or being restrained with garrote or even anything else if untied later.

Again, not sure why this thought. Something that has come up recently sent me that direction and I don't know why.
Whoah, sounds like dad seems to know exactly who did this. And behavior of victim's afterwards?

Hmmm would Kaylee send an email to herself like if "anything ever happens to me?" I'm so confused about those last 2 quotes from dad.
If you listen to the interview… i think he was talking about the possible perp and then the victim’s behaviour footprint from
their devices which he’d alluded to earlier.
Random thought out of nowhere. We have been told multiple stab wound and not bound and gagged when found. But we haven't been told if there might have been anything else involved. Garrote, for example. Chloroform, for example. I'm not sure where this thought came from, and not sure where, if anywhere, I am going with it. I can see how maybe there might be stabbing without much struggle if chloroform or being restrained with garrote or even anything else if untied later.

Again, not sure why this thought. Something that has come up recently sent me that direction and I don't know why.
i don't believe they've stated if toxicology results were back but the coroner seemed to think once the reports are back it won't provide anything when it comes to manner of death
behavior pattern of one of the victims after the crime? makes zero sense. After the crime, these victims were not able to do much of anything. more word salad.

ETA: I realize there are more than 4 victims to this tragedy. but that makes it an even more odd comment IMO
That was interesting albeit confusing. At one point Martha asks about him getting into Kaylee's phone and what he learned. He stated there was some info which he got to LE that definitely helped. That "the behavior footprint afterwards did definitely get some more things in the works."

Later she asks him was Kaylee the target over anyone else or vice versa. He stated he has some inkling there was some behavior difference, he calls it a footprint, when you commit a crime you do different behaviors. Martha asks behavior of her, Kaylee, or someone she knew. He states behavior of the victims.

Which victims behavior is he speaking of and what was it?
I think he is talking two separate things…
- Someone has committed a crime (these killings) and he suspects someone because they have changed their behaviour afterwards
- There is evidence on the devices of a victim which evidence this behaviour change.
(This could be for example, a killer kills someone who they would usually call each morning or text, the morning after the killing, they place no calls or texts. - The perp changed their behaviour, this is evidence through the victims device.)
It depends.

As I just posted, looks like a media photographer has trespassed on the scene to get a shot of the kitchen sink. Those news organisations also stink but not all news organisations are equal just like all Youtubers aren't equal.

As for the ;) I doubt any WS members are making money for posting or seeking donations. some of us chat _ _ _ _ for free and not for likes either ( talking about myself)
I don't want to tear apart possibly a starving journalist or journalism or university student for trying to get a channel off the ground and asking donations.

I doubt she's making much, unlike corporate stations. I don't respect much any news these days, nothing is really reputable anymore. Her Amazon wish list is all media gear, so she's probably trying to get some cash to keep her channel running and do as a full-time job.

Don't get me wrong - I don't love this stuff, but it's a free country. I don't find her that exploitive from the segment I watched for the first time. Crime is exploitive in general sadly. JMO, MOO
i don't believe they've stated if toxicology results were back but the coroner seemed to think once the reports are back it won't provide anything when it comes to manner of death
Understood. It would provide something about the killer, though, should something like chloroform turn up. Not saying it will, or is even likely. just saying we are all stuck on stabbing (and maybe that was all there was), when there could be something more in addition to stabbing that points in a direction.
I think he is talking two separate things…
- Someone has committed a crime (these killings) and he suspects someone because they have changed their behaviour afterwards
- There is evidence on the devices of a victim which evidence this behaviour change.
(This could be for example, a killer kills someone who they would usually call each morning or text, the morning after the killing, they place no calls or texts. - The perp changed their behaviour, this is evidence through the victims device.)
Yes, this is how I interpreted it too. Time will tell.
I am new to this thread. Any insight why the other two house mates did not hear four people being butchered to death and fighting back.

And why the housemates phone was used to call 911 about an unconscious roommate?
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That was interesting albeit confusing. At one point Martha asks about him getting into Kaylee's phone and what he learned. He stated there was some info which he got to LE that definitely helped. That "the behavior footprint afterwards did definitely get some more things in the works."

Later she asks him was Kaylee the target over anyone else or vice versa. He stated he has some inkling there was some behavior difference, he calls it a footprint, when you commit a crime you do different behaviors. Martha asks behavior of her, Kaylee, or someone she knew. He states behavior of the victims.

Which victims behavior is he speaking of and what was it?
A behavior footprint afterwards might be something like someone called or texted after K was deceased, so K did not respond and she would have if she had not been deceased. Prior behavior might have indicated she would respond no matter what , no matter the time. That was my thought.
From the previous thread. ( ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 17 )



Indiana is not Idaho.
Gun & Weapon Law"
Boy oh boy. Is my face red.
Thank you for the correction, @North_Idaho_Nony and thank you for posting info to Idaho state source.
In following this sad case along w that of Abby and Libby in Delphi, IN, I had opened two tabs on guns laws in both states. I inadvertently pasted the url for IN, rather than ID.

Again thank you for catching that.
My apologies to you and readers here.

And FYI, wiki info for ID gun laws:

Gun laws in Idaho

Absolutely no worries! While I completely understand the zillion open tabs (happens to me daily), even without that legit reason, Idahoans are completely used to being confused with Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, etc.

I appreciate so many here sharing, and I think you should be honored newbies like me found your post worthy of digging in & digesting :)
Your “fall-back party” comment sparked a crazy thought. 2:00 am Sunday is when clocks fall back an hour, essentially creating a 25th hour in the day. Is there a reason the perp may have chosen that “ghost hour” to attack? Either symbolically or because some electronic devices might provide garbled tracking info during the “missing” hour?

I don’t really think i’m on to anything, but since there’s little new to discuss thought I’d toss the thought in for sport.
The clocks fell back on the weekend of Nov 5-6th.
I think the Fox’s photo was taken before the mail’s photo, on nov 14, everything was in the sink (and maybe the dishwasher) and later on they put everything on the table to check for what to send for analyses etc.
Or they simply gathered up dishes/cups that have been in multiple places throughout the home looking for dna? Just a guess.
I think he is talking two separate things…
- Someone has committed a crime (these killings) and he suspects someone because they have changed their behaviour afterwards
- There is evidence on the devices of a victim which evidence this behaviour change.

I won't try to interpret all of his comments but the gist I got was that he uncovered communications on the phone showing evidence of behavioral changes on someone's part leading him and the authorities in a specific direction.
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