ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 18

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MPD said that they will not say who was found in (which) bed and who not. They have stated that at the beginning of the attack "The four victims were likely asleep, some had defensive wounds, and each was stabbed multiple times".
K's dad suddenly said at the vigil that they were in the same bed. If it's true or not, where did he get that idea from and for what reason did he say it in his speech, is unkown.
My opinion is that someone associated with the investigation might have told him that in the beginning, as I would think he or another family member would automatically ask "where was she found?". It is also MOO that this was 1 piece of info that LE did not want made public & wanted to reserve for the 'killer's own knowledge'; which could be why LE still refuses to confirm or deny it. JMO
I'm not really following this case, but I notice that the thread moves very quickly. I would never be able to keep up :oops:
Those of you who are keeping up with the case might like to read this. No mention of Websleuths.

As authorities on Wednesday walked back a prior statement on the killings of four University of Idaho students, mounting questions around the case have fueled frustration toward police and given rise to amateur detectives determined to crack it.

Mourners had gathered at the University of Idaho for a vigil Wednesday evening, the same night the Moscow Police Department said a past statement from the Latah County Prosecutor’s Office saying the “suspect(s) specifically looked at this residence” and “one or more of the occupants were undoubtedly targeted" had been a "miscommunication." The department had also described the homicides as a "targeted attack" following the incident.

With limited details on the case available to the public, many have taken it upon themselves to search for answers...
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Did not 2 of the victims walk home from where ever they spent the evening? Perhaps they ran into someone on there walk home and invited them over to party. Something drunk 20 something year old college students would do. Then when everyone fell asleep he attacked and killed them. Leaves a big question as to motive however. Thoughts?

So is everyone leaning towards some random stranger psycho killer unknown to them or someone close to them with a much more personal motive? If its someone close to them I would assume the police are taking DNA samples from everyone close to them so that should in theory lead to the killer or killers
See, the thing is, the statement put out by MPD says that this is an “internal miscommunication” between themselves and the prosecutor… but within the same breath of that statement, they go on to say that they can’t say one way or the other if it was targeted or not… So there’s nothing “internal” about the miscommunication… MPD has been repeating the exact same words, with steadfast conviction, since day one… We have every reason to believe that this was targeted, the evidence leads us to believe that this was targeted… and on and on and on… they believed this with such confidence, to point that in the early hours and days of the investigation, they told the community there was no threat to anyone… because it was targeted! But now there is an about face and they’re no longer certain (essentially)? I’m sorry, I really really want to give the benefit of the doubt, but after watching this and seeing Ashleigh become so unreservedly (for her personality, at least) exasperated… I have to agree… this is absurd.
yes a WS member put forward a very plausible explanation regarding the initial statement that ' individuals were targeted' based on pressure from the university, it was on thread 15 or 16.

sorry I can't recall the members' name now, they were from the state or from Moscow. Maybe they can post it again if they see your post.
Not all found in their beds could easily indicate that one (or more) rolled/fell out of bed while trying to fend off their attacker. Given the initial inconsistent answers as to whether they were in bed, I'd say this is more likely than someone being in the hallway.
Which would make perfect sense as to why the two roommates on the 1st floor were in a room together. One heard the thump of a struggle (rolling off the bed) that awoken her and scared her enough to go across the hallway and lock that door. They were probably somewhat used to odd noises since it was a party house but I know when something awakens me in the middle of the night, it's a pit in the stomach kind of feeling until I drift back off. (although, I would normally investigate but I don't live in a party house)
If police didn't tell him that - and it is doubtful that they did - then how does it compromise their investigation? Because if a parent decides to hope that that's what happened, even if he was merely rationalizing from past experiences or was told that by a roommate or 'witness', then it doesn't make it fact in terms of the actual investigation.

LIkewise, that they were sleeping in the same bed does not provide the kind of 'gotcha' data that a suspect might know and no one else would, because it is a common thing for platonic 20-something females to sleep in the same bed together. Particularly ones who have been friends all of their lives. So a suspect knowing that wouldn't be that compelling in court. An average attorney would dismiss that notion fairly easily, because it is reasonable to assume that they were.

My opinion.
But it definitely rules out the false confessor who says, “I snuck into each separate room and killed them.” It is important to move on from false confessors so that you can continue with the work of finding the actual perpetrator.
Also, as much as a parent wants to believe that the death of their child was less horrifying than it actually was, I don’t think they would stand up in front of a live audience and state for a fact how their child died if it had not been relayed to them by the authorities.
It may be a “common thing for platonic 20-something females to sleep in the same bed together”, but not all males intent on killing may realize that.
I agree with you. It just find the public is constantly complaining about no press conferences.
They are not satisfied with a single PIO or an informational press release. They liken it to WH press briefings with prepared sound bites. They figure if they can get the individual LE officers to comment, they have a better chance of getting a juicy tidbit. And, they don’t want to hear, “We can’t comment on that at this time.”
A lot of people want to know, but very few people have the right to know.

it's an industry
who makes the majority of the money from it?

The post I was replying to has gone poof, but I just wanted to note that I appreciate LE's clarity on their focus on "investigation not activities" here, obvious as it might seem in a college town. In the context of a quadruple murder, underage drinking / smoking pot seems very much a minor concern, and knowing that they're not going to get in trouble for it should help substantially with number and quality of tips.

I've often wished that LE had done the same early on in Delphi, for example, though who knows if it would have made a difference there.
LIstening to all the parents speak at the vigil made me more and more frustrated with the MSM folks who in interviews with the family of KG keep asking him about the investigation and what he can share vs. "tell us about Kaylee". It has become abundantly clear what their focus is and it's not on the victims which is sickening. They want to be the first ones to report "never before released facts!" to generate clickbait.

MM's Dad's speech about broke me. As the father of a teen girl, I know exactly what he's talking about because I'm just as proud of my little girl and I can't even imagine what he's going through. Even if it will be hard to get through, I highly suggest everyone listen to the vigil speeches. You'll probably get teary eyed like I did, but it's a beautiful tribute to who these kids were in life.
Media works for the public good, not individual citizens. Solving this case helps safeguard the public, celebrating a victim does not.
I think it is likely that the police would tell the families where their loved ones Bodies were found though (just my opinion I have no idea really)

LE discusses very little abou ongoing investigations with family. When my family member was murdered, the only information provided by LE and the the coroner's office was information that would become public information which was basically, cause of death and a time or estimated time of death and they do let you know generally what efforts are being made to solve the murder.

They will provide general updates that are painfully frustrating because it's much the same as what the public gets, 'investigation is ongoing and we're doing everything we can.' Victims families do tend to know sooner that the public when an arrest has been made.

Based on the fact that he had family calling him before before LE did, there is a strong chance that a certain amount of information he has comes from external sources. I don't feel he's disclosed anything that's going to harm and investigation and at this point, I would suggest that if the small bit of information he has has given him some small bit of comfort, it's well worth it, regardless how he found out.
But it definitely rules out the false confessor who says, “I snuck into each separate room and killed them.” It is important to move on from false confessors so that you can continue with the work of finding the actual perpetrator.


I agree, but that fact would be a general fact that virtually anyone could assume to be true (or guess at). It wouldn't be a good rule out question. I would have been more concerned if the father released details of the knife or how they were stabbed, etc, because those would be more discernible, intimate facts.

In my opinion.
Which would make perfect sense as to why the two roommates on the 1st floor were in a room together. One heard the thump of a struggle (rolling off the bed) that awoken her and scared her enough to go across the hallway and lock that door. They were probably somewhat used to odd noises since it was a party house but I know when something awakens me in the middle of the night, it's a pit in the stomach kind of feeling until I drift back off. (although, I would normally investigate but I don't live in a party house)
not sure about the hallway location but that pooling of blood on the floor of the bedroom ( floor 2) gives the impression that at least one of the pair ended up on the bedroom floor or against a wall close to the bed ( The blood runs and drips which were photographed outside by a reporter first on the scene)

a fall onto that floor does make me think, like you, that one of the survivors heard something but dismissed it as partying etc. Anyway, to get to the point - a survivor telling LE of loud noises might have also informed the tight 3-4am ToDeath
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Hmm. Food for thought. 4 stealthy, successful murders single-handedly with only a knife indicates some expertise.
IMO, not necessarily. If most were in bed sleeping, a sharp knife to the throat works in the killers favor for several reasons. It's a relatively quick death; 30-60 seconds by some estimates. Secondly, it's also relatively quiet if the cut is deep enough to sever vocal chords, trachea, and jugulars. This doesn't necessarily take expertise, only a rudimentary understanding of anatomy, high level of commitment (motivation), a sharp knife, and a little bit of strength.
So to continue from my last post: Everything MPD or parents have stated says all 4 killings or initial stabbings, happened in 2 beds. Yes?

It might have been simpler. Someone local called the tip line and said, “I remember this creepy guy stopping in our (insert the name of the most popular bar in town). Strong. And he mentioned how pretty girls in our Uni are”.
After that, the possibility of a nonlocal creepy guy/non-targeted attack is included into the list of options and LE has to say, we are sorry, maybe, non-targeted.

(I also think, a local and targeted are more likely but can’t play sleuths with the University I don’t know at all).
Reasons why they may believe it’s targeted: two people there that aren’t residents. One was in for the weekend. Multiple cars parked out front. Generally, we leave a car parked outside of our home. While it may welcome car theft…it alerts them that someone is home. Idaho is pretty right leaning and no one had a gun. Did the killer know that? That large of a home with that many people the killer was very brave. The basement girls could have easily dialed 911. In college I had a very bad incident happen. We all think we’re being safe. My apartment manager saved my life by foiling their plot, only she was nearly killed. This happened within a 3 hour window and was all cleaned up before I returned to my apartment. This scene is too personal. This person knew they were drunk and would pass out…or did he. Has anyone stated that the boyfriend and girlfriend were drunk? There’s some things that don’t add up. I’ve rented a basement apartment. You hear everything!
I agree, that's why I think he was not alone. Just can't believe that nobody can hear anything, only rooms have doors, between floors there is an open space. I live in Croatia, EU and it is very normal in our country, and neighbouring ones, that people build houses like separate apartments even though is normally just one house (so one day, if you have kids, they can have separate flats to live in). So for example, my father built his house three floors/three apartments. And just to point out we have brick houses. So sometimes when I stay at his place I normally sleep on the third floor. I have room door, and another one is on the foot of the stairs. then there is a second floor, so again every room has doors and the other one is before second flight of stairs. Then the first floor, again front door... So, here is normal that someone on the first floor wouldn't hear me from the third, but if someone is on the second floor he could. At 3am, 4am without a doubt, because everyone is sleeping and it is quiet. Something happening in the room above mine, you can hear commotion, footsteps...
The family of KG has been through an unspeakable tragedy. I don't even know how they are functioning. However, MOO is it might be time for them to either A) - Stop talking to the media entirely or B) - Do interviews but make it clear the only questions they'll answer are about who their daughter was in life. Her vibrance, her kindness, her hobbies, etc.

I have a pit of my stomach feeling that many media outlets are using the family to pump them for info they know that LE hasn't released publicly. Listening to the last few interviews from KG's Dad and sister, virtually the only questions asked are about the investigation. This makes me sick because it shows me that the interviewers - and there have been multiple ones - only care about sensationalistic aspects and getting clickbait headlines about "never before released" details of the crime and IMO they are taking advantage of a family in shock, grief and despair.

I have noticed that the initial interviews from EC's parents all focused on who he was. He was funny, loved football which is Mom didn't but watched NFL scores anyway so she could talk to him about them, kind, a triplet, etc. They painted such a beautiful picture of their son. However, either they've gone silent or press won't talk to them anymore because they tried to pump them for info and the family wouldn't budge.

Kaylee seemed like an amazing person and I really wish the interviews with her family would only focus on that. I'd ask the media to stop trying to take advantage of this family but I know that's an exercise in futility. I had a low opinion of most MSM coming into this case, and IMO this exploitation has done nothing but solidify those thoughts.

I heard KG's speech at the vigil and I hope that any further interviews with media can focus on that because the man clearly loves his little girl.

I'm not a huge fan of how the media treats victims and their families but I do understand why the family keeps doing interviews.

Having a family member murdered is nothing I would wish on my worst enemy but the fear of the public losing interest and it becoming a cold case or unsolved is so much worse. I'm sure they feel that as long as they keep speaking, it might trigger someone to report something seemingly insignificant that may result in an arrest.
A) random thrill kill for a psychopath
B) felt spurned by one of the girls
C) bigoted toward Greek life
F) other?

I'd go with, from most to least likely, D B A C E F
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