ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 21

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I think it's been said that MM had the car with the AZ plates, and one of the 2 survivors was supposed to have a car.
Yes, thank you.
XK- Blue Honda

I'm wondering why another car beyond the victims was towed. An unharmed roommate? Another "friend"? Any insight?
This has been posted elsewhere but some might not have seen it. Security camera location was the corner house. View attachment 385043
I just bought similar for where my husband works, but they are decoys to deter, not actual recording devices. I don't know for sure what it is but a week or so ago many thought it was a colored light bulb.
I’m scared too…and live 15 min away. My thoughts on posters: 1. This is on EVERYONE’S mind who lives around here already; 2. Both Pullman and Moscow are university towns (and lots of revenue comes from the student body) and LE in both make many allowances for student behaviors. For example, intoxicated/disorderly kids rarely end up in jail, they’re usually taken to the ER to sober up. I have a LE background and want to support them always, but I agree with SG’s suggestion that ‘someone’ (read: LE and school officials), do not want this deterring enrollment, or kids physically living here in town. A huge portion of the student body has not returned after leaving before the Thanksgiving break. Who knows what next semester will look like here. LE lost some community support right away when they declared no risk to the public within a hr or two of discovering the crime. And it’s gone downhill from there. Moscow is a ghost town now…I was at the mall yesterday and it was empty…should be full of students shopping for Christmas.
I know someone who lived in that house last year and am waiting to hear from them if the bedroom doors had locks and if so, what kind. I’ll post when I know.
I have been scared ever since I was 11 and went to Disneyland with my family. In August 1969. I remember the gruesome details about the Tate murders in the paper the next morning while we ate breakfast in the coffee shop at our hotel had my parents super shook up. Only to have more of the same the next morning from the LaBianca murders. Nobody had any idea who was doing it or why, but the fear was palpable. And this was in a town with a population 270 times greater than Moscow, and already plagued by abundant crime. But this was different. After that I started sleeping with a kitchen knife.

I know exactly how the people of Moscow are feeling. :(
The coroner has said the victims were likely sleeping when they were murdered. Is there reason this shouldn’t be believed? There are so many theories that have E confronting the killer; How can he do that when he is likely sleeping - or did I miss an update?

MSM source located on thread here on Webslueths. Ethan was reportedly found on the floor, the rest in bed.

IMO I am leaning toward KG as the target and the perp went straight up. Most close bedroom doors at night and especially when their boyfriend is over.

Perp comes in through slider which the lock appears in the middle or non functional. Once he kills the third floor victims KG & MM, the dog hears something and runs downstairs. This captures EC's attention and he exits to see what Murphy needed. Confronted by the killer, XK wakes but is frozen wondering if she is hearing what she thinks may be sinister and life threatening. He goes back to the bedroom and kills her. In the midst of it all, Murphy gets out and is found later outside.


ETA link ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Died in Apparent Homicide, Moscow, 13 Nov 2022 ****Media Thread**** NO DISCUSSION
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the coroner later corrected that to one or more maybe not in bed, iirc.
I took that to mean (and we eventually found out) (according to K’s dad) that K wasn’t in her bed, she was with M.

“Of the four University of Idaho students who were found stabbed to death in a rental house last Sunday, some were killed in their beds, the Latah County coroner told CBS News Friday.

Coroner Cathy Mabbutt would not provide any further details. She noted, however, that earlier media reports stating all four victims had been murdered in their beds were not accurate.”

I have always been open to the idea that there was more than one attacker, one of the main things that argued against it was the implication that there was one weapon used for all the injuries. Mind you, just an implication I got from some of the early statements by the coroner and even the singular use of the word weapon in the MPD Press Briefing.

But I did notice today that on the 20th, they specifically changed their language from "the weapon has not been found" to "no weapon has been located".
The murders were committed in 11/13. The victims bodies were probably transported late that night or early morning 11/14.
Does that seem reasonably correct??
I never saw photos of them being removed. What was the first date that news crews showed up?
I have always assumed that the autopsies weren’t done until 11/17 because the Medical Examiner/s were following laborious, precise, and elaborate identification and measurement of the wounds as well as DNA etc. then comparing them as best as possible to databases of knives or whatever else.
That said, having now had time to integrate evidence found at the scene and sophisticated analysis results are beginning to come in, it is probably easier to identify the weapon or weapons used. As well as whether or not they were also attacked by other means.
All we know officially is the succinct cause of death was stabbing. I would argue that stabbing is not the cause. Cause of death is a medical condition or injury. For example, blood loss or organ damage, asphyxiation would be the cause.
Along those lines and due to all the speculation, I have spent difficult hours reading clinical, forensic and academic studies about distinguishing between lacerations and stabbing, how to measure and identify knife wounds and injuries, what causes “tearing” and what does or not cause spatter.
Spatter is most often caused by blood being flung off the knife as it is repeatedly raised up and down or by an artery or veins being slit or slashed.
The studies are all illustrated descriptions and with jarring photos not at all appropriate for sharing here, except for the elementary but illustrative one I will link below.
I would add that SG is more painfully affected as he becomes further aware of the barbarity committed against his beloved daughters and their friends.
I fully empathize with him and each family in their immense anguish and grief.
People that may revel in rhetoric, but haven't yet done anything particularly illegal and would turn in vicious killers, just to keep focus off them.

Are you proposing that an extremist group turned into vicious killers to "keep the focus off them"?
My apologies, I misquoted this, NuttMegg said "would turn in vicious killers" NOT
"turn into vicious killers".
I took that to mean (and we eventually found out) (according to K’s dad) that K wasn’t in her bed, she was with M.

“Of the four University of Idaho students who were found stabbed to death in a rental house last Sunday, some were killed in their beds, the Latah County coroner told CBS News Friday.

Coroner Cathy Mabbutt would not provide any further details. She noted, however, that earlier media reports stating all four victims had been murdered in their beds were not accurate.”

Agree, plus E wan't in his bed either - he was in X's.
MSM source located on thread here on Webslueths. Ethan was reportedly found on the floor, the rest in bed.

IMO I am leaning toward KG as the target and the perp went straight up. Most close bedroom doors at night and especially when their boyfriend is over.

Perp comes in through slider which the lock appears in the middle or non functional. Once he kills the third floor victims KG & MM, the dog hears something and runs downstairs. This captures EC's attention and he exits to see what Murphy needed. Confronted by the killer, XK wakes but is frozen wondering if she is hearing what she thinks may be sinister and life threatening. He goes back to the bedroom and kills her. In the midst of it all, Murphy gets out and is found later outside.

I can’t find the MSM source that links Ethan to being on the floor - Can you link it please? Thank you!
I took that to mean (and we eventually found out) (according to K’s dad) that K wasn’t in her bed, she was with M.

“Of the four University of Idaho students who were found stabbed to death in a rental house last Sunday, some were killed in their beds, the Latah County coroner told CBS News Friday.

Coroner Cathy Mabbutt would not provide any further details. She noted, however, that earlier media reports stating all four victims had been murdered in their beds were not accurate.”

I never thought there was any significance to the words THEIR beds. It could have been THE beds, IN beds, etc, but THEIR just worked better. But didn't indicate possesive. E definitely was not in his bed, anyway. That's what I believe. Others may read that differently.
what does he mean by "They're mad." Who is they? This sounds a little like word salad... Any chance K&M were on the 2nd floor too? (No one has said that from the 3rd floor , you cannot hear noise on the second floor. BTW.)
IMO SG was referring to the perp when he stated” they’re mad “. Followed by, but they didn’t have to go upstairs to kill K and M
I'm confused, why not put the code in the enter? Or is Dad referring to guests, maybe no one upstairs could hear a guest knocking so those familiar visitors knew to walk up and knock on the slider? Was there a doorbell?

"The murders rocked the small town of Moscow, Idaho, which hasn’t had a murder since 2015, according to state records. “I have no idea. It doesn’t make sense,” said Kernodle. He says Xana was in constant communication with her family and nothing about that night seemed unusual. “The door locks with a number code. Every time you go, you have to go around the house because of the number code so they either knew that or went around and maybe found the slider door open,” he said."
A question I have the interview by Mr. G. with Fox, at the very beginning, did he say that the point of entry was the slider or window on the middle floor? And he said the perp didn't have to go upstairs to get in. It was not clear and I may have totally misunderstood, but I felt he said they didn't have to go upstairs, and perp killed them first. That's why he thinks they were targeted. Then he talks about the method of death not being the same for the two girls.
He also talks about alibis there a suspect? I thought it was also strange when he said at night he thinks he should just go to town himself. I thought that was a strange comment too. Why did he specifically say 'town' and not the apartment? Almost as if there is someone they suspect and have questioned and he can solve it faster than LE. This is bugging me because I was sure I heard that and as far as I know, no one else has mentioned it. Maybe I'm hallucinating. Can anyone verify or comment. If I need to I'll find the interview. It is the most current Fox one with him. Two men and a woman. It's almost as if he's dropping hints because he specifically says that he asked LE if he could talk about the differences in the wounds or manner and they told him no. I know he is about to explode not being able to share all he knows.
As I said these are questions for clarification for me. Not posting this as factual. These telephone interviews are sometimes hard to understand. TIA
I never thought there was any significance to the words THEIR beds. It could have been THE beds, IN beds, etc, but THEIR just worked better. But didn't indicate possesive. E definitely was not in his bed. That's what I believe. Others may read that differently.
You're entitled!
But if you look at how it went down, her original statement was "They were all killed in bed." When a reporter asked her the next day "They were all killed in their beds?", that's when she clarified and replied "some were killed in their beds". Unfortunately, she didn't want to go into further detail at that point or we would have about 5 less pages of posts here.
Sorry I thought a read somewhere that they had been out of town and returned around 1am. Apologies I’m new at commenting.
They could have been out of town earlier. I thought the timeline was 1 an for their return and then 3=4 am for the murders.

I could be wrong. We need a timeline keeper!
I never thought there was any significance to the words THEIR beds. It could have been THE beds, IN beds, etc, but THEIR just worked better. But didn't indicate possesive. E definitely was not in his bed. That's what I believe. Others may read that differently.
But I just realized she only changed her comment about the beds; she didn’t change or backtrack her comment about them likely being asleep.

Whoever did this was:
*Proficient with a knife
* Bold enough to kill 4 people
* Not likely someone who had issues with victims ...they had their OWN AGENDA
* Not the first time at this nor the last
Exactly. K caught his eye somewhere that night and he followed them. The 1st floor roommates were in bed and he didn't realize the layout or he would have killed them, too. He watched the 4 others through the windows and then waited for the lights to go out before going in the 2nd floor sliding door.
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