ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 26

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YouTube video of MPD Police Chief speaking...

2 areas of interest I found are:
(1) tips about the white car have been coming in from "around the nation". Those are going to take forEVER to go thru. I'm trusting they have a good system in place for that.
(2)threats are occurring towards "possible parties involved in the case". I vaguely recall hearing something about this but never saw any viable source on this, until now. Who are threats being made against?? LE officers and/or Detectives? Family members? I'm not understanding this. Any help y'all can offer would be appreciated.
Unfortunately there are innocent people who have been flagged as a POI by crazies via other sites on the internet - many of the people having this problem are on the list that Moscow PD has said they believe were not involved and there are others as well. We DO NOT discuss these people here.
It's worth reiterating this bit of info from MPD:

Who & what information can I trust?

There is speculation without factual backing, stoking community fears and spreading false facts. We encourage referencing official releases for accurate information and updated progress.
If you see something that conflicts with MPD's statements, it is likely to be incorrect, or missing context. I've noticed a recurring pattern that often leads to confusion - maybe others would find it helpful to be aware?
  1. MPD publishes a news release, holds a press conference, etc.
  2. Someone misstates what MPD actually said (frequently media uses imprecise language, other times it's a post here or elsewhere). The difference is often subtle.
  3. The inaccurate version gets repeated over and over until widely accepted as fact.
Yep. And a random killer wouldn’t know if they had alcohol in their systems. A killer that was watching them, knew their movements, knew they had been drinking would know they were easy targets.


IMO and vast experience, drunk people are unpredictable, volatile, noisy, erratic and can be unusually violent. It would be a strange type of criminal who a) wouldn’t implicitly know that and b) would assume his targets are all 100% dead drunk fast asleep. I don’t think anyone could rely on that as a basis for successful murder plan. Unless of course it was never planned and the murderer happened to find everyone in deep drunken sleep but then how would they know that as opposed to regular sleep?
I think it was blood too. Doesn't really matter much to the case except it's just a testament to the scene inside the room that it emanated from (if in fact it is blood). It's not heating oil as the house is heated by electric as shown on the property tax information (attached), and if you zoom in really close you can see an area where the red liquid runs over top the pipe and drips farther down the side of the house. I know people have said houses won't leak like that based on their construction, but this is a photo of a dorm at our local university where someone pulled the sprinkler system and there was some puddling of water on the floor just below the top floor. It went right through and down the outside of the building (photo attached).
I’m not sure why people don’t think blood can leak through to the outside. Houses aren’t hermetically sealed units.
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Agreed. I keep wondering what this person actually wore. I'm going with the mask/ski mask theory, but I wonder if he also had some kind of visor or helmet?

And my big curiosity is what light source he had? Were the lights still on in the kitchen so that light would have spilled into X's room? Or was it dark? Surely it was dark up on the 3rd floor? My visor theory doesn't work if he didn't have a light source.

Could've used a DIY 3-in-1 mask, visor, and light source hybrid, IMO. One can buy military-grade night vision goggles on Amazon for a few hundred bucks and a balaclava for $30 at a Bass Pro Shops. Add a $20 Tyvek suit with footies and you have a recipe for crime scene efficiency.

My opinion.
If these crimes were other than random, which do you think, given what you know of the circumstances, is a more realistic motive force: murder because of love (or lack thereof); or because of money; or because of some other factor?
Good question. Just my opinion, but I think it was because of some other factor. If it had been for love, why kill four people when it is one you are upset with. Money, again, same reason. This seems like some sort of hit to me, or, just some crazed psychopath who went on an awful killing spree.
Every rental I've had had the same plate as the state I was in at that time. It is possible. I just don't think it's too likely. Thus is JMO though.
The last vehicle I rented was in Palm Springs, CA- it had Florida plates ...I think it's very common.
I live in the Yukon territory and Uhaul rentals up here have plates from all-over north America.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has been cleared by LE. Several individuals who have been the basis of wild speculation, gossip, and rumors have been looked into by investigators and ”At this time in the investigation, detectives do not believe the following are involved in this crime”
They are saying that right now they don’t have anything that implicates them, but that could change if new information is developed.
OldCop, in your experience, is this ever done as a strategy? Letting someone have a sigh of relief that no one's on to them while behind the scenes, they're being watched quite intensely?
It has been posted a couple of times :)

Not sure if it’s true or statistically proven but its been a long-standing tale that LE, hospital casualty, psychiatrists, and paramedics are ran off their feet on full moons due to higher incidence of everything going mad ie ‘lunatics’ plus other things such as more babies being born. Perhaps someone with facts could verify? It could be that burglars and housebreakers are well served or encouraged by the extra night light?
This is exactly what I was thinking, with one small exception. Let’s *pretend* that X is target (humor me here). It could be that killer

- enters home
- goes upstairs for K and M to kill them first for reasons TBD. One sleeping on side, one sleeping on stomach. Perp acts accordingly, delivering different debilitating wounds depending on how victim is sleeping. Continues until satisfied damage is done/death imminent. Takes 5 min tops.
- goes back to floor 2. Starts delivering wounds to E. Either waits for X to awaken in the meantime, or awakens her after a sufficient period of time. Says some ugly things (I killed your friends, I killed your BF and now I’m going to kill you). Why? She’s the target and wants her to suffer during her final moments. So she is awake when the final crime begins, but fights back thus her defensive wounds but still powerless to stop attack. Takes 10 min tops.
- exits home as he entered and disappears into the night

One additional thought: if you lived in a “communal” house like this where several people live, and assuming you were awake - would you think anything was out of the ordinary if you heard footsteps (or even a thud) on the floor above you at any given time of the day? Even at 4am? I sure wouldn’t. I’d think of a million other reasons before “someone is murdering my housemate” even entered my mind.

Just playing devils advocate: If the killer kills K & M to taunt X, why not kill the other two roommates as well. If they weren’t killed because their doors were locked, then I think this is a good theory. But I can’t see a killer with that much rage towards X who is willing to kill her, her boyfriend and two good friends just stopping there if he can easily get all of X’s roommates.

I believe the stool was actually placed there by LE after the first day of the 1st day of investigating the crime scene. Just to secure the sliding door for when LE was not there since there was no functioning lock on the sliding door.
Does anyone know how long the sliding door lock was broken? Wondering if the killer might’ve been stalking for awhile and did that on an earlier date as part of his plan.
In cold regions, houses are often sealed with a barrier.

I thought this was disproved as blood? :) i'm not sure it has relevance? :) There are a few comments about it :)

Its not been disproven as blood and might be as it hasn’t been declared other. My query would be why is one drop of blood splashed / run down the outer side of the pipe? ie appears not to have run from inside the house. Did the perpetrator perhaps stash a blood drenched item here, resting or stuffed on top of the pipe, or were they bleeding profusely and leaned on the area for a minute?
I’m very late but was watching videos on this… Whatever happened to the guy they interacted with at a food truck or whatever and he seemingly followed them? Or was this a fake video?
you might want to check out the first page of this thread where that and many other rules and items are mentioned.
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