ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 29

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I think SG meant that if E was the target, the perp would not have to go to the 3rd floor to kill K and M. SG assumes that the killer entered the house through the sliding door on the 2nd floor.

What I've been trying to say over and over again-
people have been using his "he didn't have to go upstairs" quote
to back up opposite sides of the argument.
Some people take it to mean that he's implying he knows more and that E and X were the targets,
Then other people turn around and say it's proof that he knows his daughter was the main target.
I can seeeee how people can get to both, but its annoying we're still doing it! lol

Annoying semantics :rolleyes:o_O
Would a woman stabbing four adults to death in a single event be unprecedented?
I wonder what the mileage is on an Elantra? If this was an out of town perp and they had more than 100 miles or so to drive they would maybe need to gas up somewhere even if you assume a full tank on leaving.. and getting gas will leave a trail...this is a bit like following Hansel and Gretel through the forest...MOO
answering my own post...a 2012 Elantra can get 410 miles on a tank of gas... so possible to drive to Moscow and leave on one tank...
Would a woman stabbing four adults to death in a single event be unprecedented?
Rare, but.. (okay, she stabbed 3 not 4)

fwiw I 100% do not think a woman did this, but a woman is certainly capable. moo
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Not just football players. A couple of guys in the frat are of the physical type you describe. Some are even bigger than Ethan.

Who might have had motive, temperament, and accessibility to the girls' house?
I did check the University of Idaho football schedule and they played at home that weekend. They played on Saturday 11/12, at 4PM losing to UC Davis. So they were in town. I just think it had to have been someone with a massive amount of strength and endurance to stab 4 people in this manner and not be intimidated by the presence of another male or the others in the house. They should interview the frat guys too.
I did check the University of Idaho football schedule and they played at home that weekend. They played on Saturday 11/12, at 4PM losing to UC Davis. So they were in town. I just think it had to have been someone with a massive amount of strength and endurance to stab 4 people in this manner and not be intimidated by the presence of another male or the others in the house. They should interview the frat guys too.
That would mean that the opposing team members would be in that town that evening. When I was in college, the nights after a football game we would often see the other teams players out and about, especially at the bars around the campus. This opens a whole new can of worms. Opportunity, anonymity, leaving town presumably the next day. Sounds like an interesting theory... MOO

::sorry for the repetition from your original post::
Is there a thread of approved media websites? I cannot find it anywhere if so.
To me the fact that even if you are targeting the Girls upstairs you still have to come to the second floor to go in and/or out. There is no reason to go to the third floor unless its to interact/attack the people up there. This suggests the target was one of the upstairs girls. Its is far from certain just my current thinking.
IMO the killer went upstairs first because he was watching and those were the last lights turned off. Kill those first as they would be the most awake and likely to be the most mobile. Descend the stairs and proceed to the next bedroom where he had seen the lights go out.
This is my opinion and subject to change at any moment!!
The viciousness of the crime could indicate a crime of passion but with the lack of knowing exactly what happened is subject to discussion. IMO the perp probably knew the victims or knew of them. The collateral damage victims were a solution for the perp to make certain no one lived to identify (him or her but probably a male).
LE seems to still think there is no real elevated threat to the public which indicates a targeted victim or victims.
One thing that puzzles me is the perp has to have experienced some wounds in such a violent fight. IMO the perp had to remain out of sight for several days for the wounds to heal that were possibly inflicted by the victims. (perp may still be out of sight healing his wounds) Someone knows something that will break this case but until then it may take a long time to solve.
I'm just rambling now so have to go feed cattle. All the above is opinion only.
I am so stuck on this

Press release from Nov 14: (day after murders)
The Moscow Police does not believe there is an ongoing community risk based on information gathered during the preliminary investigation.

Press release from December 12:
Regarding the safety of the public, police recommendations for safety measures are good reminders in general, and in light of what has happened in this community. These reminders are not an indication of a specific or elevated risk to the community.

What information could they have learned so quickly after the murders that could justify staying this?
There were a few things the police said that have interested me.
1) Targeted attack- confusedly said to be toward one specific victim, then the house, then walked back to?
2) No danger to greater community - this walked back a few days later, reiterated a month later
3) Crime of passion - this walked back a few days later and not heard again
4) Definitely not related to drugs - I can only find the prosecutor saying this
5) The scene was so horrific many members of LE have sought counseling and/or taken time off to deal with it.

My latest theory is that it is possibly drug related. There are multiple cases throughout the US of fraternities and sororities running drugs through their houses. U of Santa Cruz, Duke, Chapel Hill, University of Washington... In fact, just a couple of years ago, there was a sorority sister who was caught dealing coke behind her sorority house in Pullman.

I'm not accusing the victims of these activities. They may have been caught in the crossfires, and were used as examples to whoever is involved. Maybe they got involved where they shouldn't or saw something they shouldn't (X and E).

The horror show of the house and the reaction of the police makes me wonder about who is behind the murders and it may be why so few people in the victim's orbit want to come forward with a full story of what happened.
This photo is of the window to the right of the slider in the kitchen. If you look in the upper left corner, you will see part of the cabinet above the fridge and there is something seeping from the sheet rock above the cabinet and running down the cabinet door and wall to the right. This area is directly under what has been identified on the layout diagrams as Kaylee's room. I don't know what that substance is but I have a suspicion. This leads me to think that something happened in that room.

Maybe Murphy was in there and had an accident.
"This investigation has not gone cold. We get tips every day"
Doesn't leave me inspired.
It leaves me far more inspired than if he had said they are no longer getting tips. Even if LE pretty much knows who did these murders, and I believe they do, it is well known that it isn't just what you know, but what you can prove. As a long-time, respected poster here, @Foxfire, used to say, "Before you can connect the dots, you must first collect the dots". I think LE needs these tips to finish collecting the dots. And yes, I still believe there will be an arrest before Christmas. JMO
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