ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 29

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Fox News just released that Moscow PD just now got the video survellance from the A/W Sunset Mart on the corner, when the killer left this is literally THE intersection they would take for the fasted most direct route to Hwy 95.
wooot! I wonder if they had to pull it up from deleted files (automatic deletion).
Please share
MOO. I have thought almost from the beginning that this is related to the frat and/or drugs. E&X's time line gap continues to make me speculate about what went on in those hours. That's plenty of time for some drunken, maybe druggy, testosterone-fueled beef to brew. I'm not sure if someone was angry at E or X for some reason, or whether they were involved in some sort of argument, but I believe something happened during the evening. I don't know if they were followed to the house or if the killer(s) were invited to smooth things out, but I think either E or X was the primary target.
Good point, I think the Elantra has a range of just under 400 mi. full tank. Lets say maybe 100 miles in to Moscow from where... then 100 miles back... in any direction... still have an extra 150 mi. in reserve. In my experience when we off road and or head up to the mountains we always bring extra fuel usually more than the equivalent of the internal tank. The aux./jerry tanks are often filled perhaps weeks before the trip. If it's a white Elantra LEO is looking for the POI might not even be driving it anymore, perhaps had a secondary or stolen a "new" car to continue distancing themselves from the crime scene.

Truly hoping we get some traction on this and help bring closure to the family and community at large.
This would assume some potential planning was done for this trip. I was taught by my father that before you leave town on a trip you always fill up.. even if you have over half a tank. I was really surprised to learn that not everyone does this. To this day, I still get anxiety if hubby wants to head out of town with anything less than a full tank. But I think it's safe to say that if suspect is from out of town then they could have easily made it there and back without needing to refuel..
MOO. I have thought almost from the beginning that this is related to the frat and/or drugs. E&X's time line gap continues to make me speculate about what went on in those hours. That's plenty of time for some drunken, maybe druggy, testosterone-fueled beef to brew. I'm not sure if someone was angry at E or X for some reason, or whether they were involved in some sort of argument, but I believe something happened during the evening. I don't know if they were followed to the house or if the killer(s) were invited to smooth things out, but I think either E or X was the primary target.
But where is that car?
What I've been trying to say over and over again-
people have been using his "he didn't have to go upstairs" quote
to back up opposite sides of the argument.
Some people take it to mean that he's implying he knows more and that E and X were the targets,
Then other people turn around and say it's proof that he knows his daughter was the main target.
I can seeeee how people can get to both, but its annoying we're still doing it! lol

Annoying semantics :rolleyes:o_O
I had the impression that he was trying to discount the notion that others were targets the entire time, because LE would not confirm to him that his daughter was targeted. He wanted confirmation of his suspicion (based on K's injuries) so he could focus on his own investigation. (IMO)
My take on the tears is not pleasant.
There is a technique used to maximize damage when you stab someone. Plunge the knife in and push it toward the edge (sharpened) side while pulling it out. This tears the flesh, does more organ damage, and increases the loss of blood.

Again, according to the LE and the coroner all the victims were attacked when they were asleep. That does not fit into your theory.
To be fair, I think people are putting too much emphasis on what the coroner said.The coroner has no idea because she is not a medical examiner. She's there to basically confirm whether the victims had pulse or not. She also said the victims were "likely" found asleep and "some" (implying more than one) had defensive wounds. Both Xana and Kaylee's father suggested that something went down on the second floor and it wasn't as "clean" for the killer as the upstairs murders.

I'd also add that the FOX news footage of the living room also holds significance. The cops were looking and stepping over something there that far exceeds a simple inspection of the house to me. They also took a DNA swab of the thing they were stepping over.

I don't know, I could be entirely wrong about all of this, but it seems to me that at least something went down in that living room.
No gun expert here- would a silencer totally silence a gun? It would seem quicker and less risk of getting caught?

From everything I’ve ever heard, a ‘silenced’ gun is still EXTREMELY loud. Consider the Glock 9mm in the testing below. ‘Silenced’ still was 134-140 decibels!

So, I think that a ‘silenced’ gun would be extremely risky.

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MOO. I have thought almost from the beginning that this is related to the frat and/or drugs. E&X's time line gap continues to make me speculate about what went on in those hours. That's plenty of time for some drunken, maybe druggy, testosterone-fueled beef to brew. I'm not sure if someone was angry at E or X for some reason, or whether they were involved in some sort of argument, but I believe something happened during the evening. I don't know if they were followed to the house or if the killer(s) were invited to smooth things out, but I think either E or X was the primary target.
I wonder if his brother was there? Was he in the same fraternity? If yes to both he would be a wealth of information. Hopefully for many reasons he’s now remote learning. This is all Moo from me, but just things I’ve wondered.
I think the killings are so severe, so over the top, so violent that I have a hard time thinking it was someone who was upset or revenge. If it was one person, maybe two, maybe. It just doesn't make any sense someone would do THAT because they were mad.

This person is different IMO. They have been thinking about doing this for some time.
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I'm still leaning towards a random knife obsessed sadist... or an angry neighbor.

In their state of drunkenness, the girls may have been yelling things outside out loud and woken up a neighbor one too many times.

This would not be the first time that has ever happened.

Just praying that LE has enough evidence to narrow down the list of potential killers and solve the crime. Family needs justice on this so badly.
That would mean that the opposing team members would be in that town that evening. When I was in college, the nights after a football game we would often see the other teams players out and about, especially at the bars around the campus. This opens a whole new can of worms. Opportunity, anonymity, leaving town presumably the next day. Sounds like an interesting theory... MOO

::sorry for the repetition from your original post::
Visiting teams in college athletics typically begin the trip home immediately after the game.
MOO. I have thought almost from the beginning that this is related to the frat and/or drugs. E&X's time line gap continues to make me speculate about what went on in those hours. That's plenty of time for some drunken, maybe druggy, testosterone-fueled beef to brew. I'm not sure if someone was angry at E or X for some reason, or whether they were involved in some sort of argument, but I believe something happened during the evening. I don't know if they were followed to the house or if the killer(s) were invited to smooth things out, but I think either E or X was the primary target.
Thanks for sharing! When someone says they have a solid theory it's always nice to hear it.

I've been leaning more toward E & X being the "targets" as well. The radio silence about them speaks volumes to me. We've heard a ton about M & K in comparison, on several levels. All JMO
I think the killings are so severe, so over the top, so violent that I have a hard time thinking it was someone who was upset or revenge. If it was one person, maybe two, maybe. It just doesn't make any sense someone would do THAT because they were mad.

This person is different IMO. They have been thinking about doing this for some.
Have you ever seen a full grown man in a jealous rage? Yes, men can and do get that angry.
MOO. I have thought almost from the beginning that this is related to the frat and/or drugs. E&X's time line gap continues to make me speculate about what went on in those hours. That's plenty of time for some drunken, maybe druggy, testosterone-fueled beef to brew. I'm not sure if someone was angry at E or X for some reason, or whether they were involved in some sort of argument, but I believe something happened during the evening. I don't know if they were followed to the house or if the killer(s) were invited to smooth things out, but I think either E or X was the primary target.
That’s my feeling also. I didn’t think about drugs at the beginning, but I am beginning to wonder. I didn’t go to college, so what would happen if for instance, for instance, 50% of a sorority is taking drugs, or dealing in them? Would that particular school try to hide it or come clean or don’t schools now a days care if students are doing drugs? it would be interesting to know how many students have cooperated with the police. Just my opinion.
From today's press release

investigators continue to piece together what happened in the hours leading up to the crime in order to determine who is responsible.

This line is intriguing to me. They clearly have evidence, or tips, to the effect that something occurred earlier in the evening that led directly to the murders. I think they have a long list of "who" that they are looking at (unofficially, of course), but need to fill in the rest of the blanks in order to pick the right one(s) out.
But where is that car?
So many options, IMO. It could not even be related. Or it could be at the bottom of a lake, a different color or it was too late by the time LE started looking for it. I wonder how long the camera footage on major roads is kept, if the car is involved and took major roads.

All JMO.


Question - Talk about the first time you heard about what happened. How did you react?. What were your first steps as an investigator?.

Captain - Yeah, well, it was hard. I got called at home. It was on a Sunday afternoon, and it took me a second, I really had to think about what I had just heard. Four murders in Moscow ID. is so out of character, and at the time they were fairly certain it was college students and it was near the campus and that area is kind of the campus community.

So, once I got over the initial shock, I knew that I was coming to the station. So, I drove in and everybody just kind of fell into a role. That was an all hands on deck moment. Sunday afternoon it became fairly apparent, when I got to the scene, that we were going to need resources outside of just what the Moscow Police Department could provide. And, we have a very, very good working relationship with the Idaho State Police. We knew what their capabilities were, and so that was the first call that we made, to have their investigative team come up and help us process the scene.

The scene wasn't chaos, you know, the neighbourhood, but it was very, very sombre. Like I said, that is a community of college students that live over there. Many of them through word of mouth, knew what had happened. They were standing outside. There was a lot of crying. There were friends trying to find out who exactly was inside the house. Some family members that arrived on scene, it was incredibly hard for the community, but it was also really, really hard on our officers, some of whom were very young and that was the first real major crime scene that they had encountered. So, emotionally it was a very, very draining day.

Resources came and then the first, about, three days was just an adjustment trying to get resources in place and then get a system that worked for everybody. The FBI got involved almost immediately, and the FBI, the Idaho State Police and the Moscow Police Department all have a little bit different way of doing things and that's okay, but when you're working collectively, you have to put a system in place that starts information flowing and you can handle it in a logical manner. So, fortunately, the FBI have some experience in those areas and they were very, very good at helping us set up their virtual command post. And then once everything was in place, it became a very, very systematic method of processing the information that was coming in.

Question - Can you sum up the last month in terms of the investigation?.

Captain - Yeah, a lot of emotional highs and lows, but an incredible amount of teamwork. The general public doesn't have any idea the scope of this investigation, the number of people that are involved, not just here in Moscow, but investigating and interview teams in the northern part of Idaho, the southern part of Idaho, the eastern part of Idaho, resources from the Salt Lake City FBI Office, analysts back in Virginia, and the number of people that have flown here or driven here from great distances to just lend their specialty to this investigation. We had the FBI's command post in our parking lot, and we've hooked him up to Wi-Fi and everything that they would normally do down in Salt Lake City, they're doing right here in our parking lot. So, the team effort has been amazing. It's been overwhelming at times, but there are so many people with so much expertise. Somebody always steps up and takes the role that needs to be filled.

Question - What role has speculation/rumours and the conversations on social media played in the investigation?.

Captain - Yeah, that has been by far the most frustrating part of this. We've always closely guarded the information that we've discovered at the scene and our investigative information, because we want to protect the integrity of this investigation. And, just look at social media and the rumours that fly out there. A small piece of information that has speculation added to it just takes its own life on the internet and starts rumours. And, then we find ourselves not only tracking those rumours down and trying to quell them, but also we see our tips that come in are geared more toward the rumour, not the facts, that have been put out. And, the really unfortunate part of it is, the effect that it has had on the victims families, on the college students and friends of the victims. Some of whom have had death threats and constant harassment by various media outlets. So, it's been devastating in some ways, in many ways, it just re victimises folks who have already suffered this terrible trauma.

Question - What is next for this investigation?.

Captain - Well, this investigation is not cold. We get tips everyday that are viable. We get dozens and dozens of tips, we sort through them and we prioritise them and, for sure, some of them are not good tips, they're not even relevant to the case, but every single day we get a good amount of viable tips and those tips help us do everything from, clear people who maybe there was some speculation about, to further some of the theories that we're working on. So, the next, is just to continue on what we're doing, eliminate the information that we know is not going to be relevant to the investigation and take all the new information and eventually, and we see this coming, eventually, we're going to narrow in on exactly what happened and who did it.
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