ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow #3

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I have always heard that the police start with the inner circle and work outwards.

And if they had parties at the house the suspect pool will be enormous.
Where do the police start ?

A random stranger seems more dangerous, only b/c if it was a revenge or grudge attack, then there most likely wouldn't be any other people on the murderer's 'list'.
"Speaking in an exclusive interview with, Thompson said..."

Does it seem weird to anyone else that a Prosecutor would give an exclusive interview? And more weird that the exclusive interview would not be with one of the local media outlets but to the DailyMail?
Like, IMO maybe the Prosecutor is giving the interview to DM strategically? Maybe to place disinformation in a bigger media source with farther reach etc? I might be reading too much 'three-dimensional chess' into this but it just seems odd to me that he'd go Exclusive to DM without there being a specific reason related to the investigation.
I'm not very familiar with blood spatter patterns, but if the victims were murdered in their sleep, how would "lots of blood" get on the wall?

Aya Elamroussi and Veronica Miracle, "‘We’re leaving as fast as we can’: University of Idaho reels with unease days after killing of 4 students and no suspect identified," CNN, 18 November 2022.
<snipped & BBM>
The victims were found on the second and third floors of the home, Idaho State Police Communications Director Aaron Snell told CNN Friday.

Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told CNN she saw “lots of blood on the wall” when she arrived at the scene. She confirmed there were multiple stab wounds on each body – likely from the same weapon – but would not disclose how many wounds nor where most were located.
Arterial cuts would spray - stab wounds that caught a main artery could cause blood to reach walls and ceilings, it would spray out with each heart beat
Really really sorry for typing that.

Rebecca Rosenberg, "University of Idaho murders: police can't say if survivors are witnesses or suspects," FOX News, 18 November 2022.
<snipped & BBM>
The female roommates who were home when four Idaho college students were savagely stabbed to death Sunday in a house near campus haven't been ruled out as suspects, an official told Fox News Digital.

"These are people who may have seen the crime but on the flip side may have committed the crime," said Aaron Snell, communications director for the Idaho State Police. "We don’t know if they are witnesses, victims or suspects, so until we do a thorough investigation, naming them would be inappropriate."

Snell added that the roommates had been "fully cooperative."
Strong words coming from LE at this time, but they are doing this to be as thorough as possible.
It's also been stated that they're cooperating, so LE are just covering all bases.

I'd imagine LE have utilized a search warrant to check their clothing and the houses' laundry facilities to see if any wash was done ?

Start inwards and work outwards.
I wouldn't think much of it unless LE say more.
Interesting how there is a big gap in E and X's timeline from 2100-0145. JMO.
That is odd. It's unclear if they returned home then and law enforcement is just saying they know they were home at 1:45 when the others arrived, or if there is a period of time they were at another location, and just happened to return home around then.

Hopefully a reporter clears this up.
I'm no expert, but this is what my gut says:

Someone unknown to any of the victims (or the other 2 housemates who were not physically harmed) was stalking at least one of them, unbeknownst to any/all of the victims.

I think this person has killed before, likely with the same weapon that was used. This is not the kind of weapon an inexperienced or opportunist killer chooses at random - and is successful with! - to commit their first (4) murder (2). They successfully killed 4 young adults (i.e. prime physical condition) with a knife. IMO, they knew exactly what they were doing, how it would feel to do it, how much pressure to use, how much time it would take, etc.

Also possible they've used that knife to cut food (or other bodies - sorry! - after prior murders). I think this knife is the perpetrator's companion!

Either this is their weapon of choice (my main theory) OR the perp is barred from purchasing a firearm and that's why they chose the knife. If the latter, this, to me, indicates the perpetrator is likely a loner - because if they had other nefarious friends who might have guns, someone could give/loan them a gun or they'd steal/borrow it.)

Knives are more difficult to trace than guns because there are no bullet casings left behind. The killer knew this.

When LE says it was a targeted crime, I think that means they believe the perpetrator chose a person to attack, watched them, stalked them (probably unnoticed), planned the attack including how to get away.

I think they are indicating that there's not much of a risk the perpetrator will kill someone randomly - but that doesn't mean they don't have other PLANNED targets in town.

Having stalked them, I think the perpetrator knew there would be multiple people in the home and was prepared to kill any/all of them. But I think they killed ONLY those that they'd witnessed coming back to the house during those early morning hours. I imagine the killer lurked nearby in the wooded area starting sometime after dark, watched as the couple and the two friends returned home from hanging out and attacked them because they saw them/knew they were in the house.

Personally, I'm convinced that the other 2 housemates were in the house/asleep from much earlier in the night and weren't killed simply because the killer did not see them THAT night. I think the killer knew for a fact that those 4 were home because they were watching the house but didn't bother to search for additional housemates.

As creepy as this is, I think it's also possible they did this to scare the other housemates, as in they killed these 4 to send a message to one of the other 2 (who is their REAL target - psychologically).
Arterial cuts would spray - stab wounds that caught a main artery could cause blood to reach walls and ceilings, it would spray out with each heart beat
Really really sorry for typing that.

Graphic :

My neighbor's relative works as a first responder ... and you are correct as far as the blood spray.
He worked a car crash where it was spraying onto the front of the windshield and back onto the emt's.
The injured person was still alive, but passed in the ambulance.
He is a stickler about seat belts and said (not about that specific accident) that seatbelts save lives, and not enough people take it seriously !

Hoping every time I check in here or read some msm that a perp has been arrested.

This act was beyond evil.
Just so we all know, it only takes 3-4 minutes to lose 40% of your blood. and if a lung has been punctured, your body may go into shock as oxygen feeds your tissues with oxygen, most importantly your heart, brain and as your heart is pumping blood is it also, pumping blood out of your body at the same time. Dizziness, fainting and then the circulatory system shuts down. We do not know yet, but Kaylee may have been exhibiting if she were already stabbed as a normal response in her reactions, by grabbing her phone and dialing "J“ I'm not sure who it was between 2:26-2:44 am, after the fact of being stabbed and during that time she bleed out or went into shock and was no longer available to complete the emergency call(s) for help. LE will have it all narrowed down, once they complete the investigation on all telephone data, social media, brown jacket-white hoodie suspect, foot prints, inside/outside DNA samples, speak with “J“, tracking dogs tracing scents fight or flight pheromones, more cctv/nest videos, cell tower data on active phone movement during that time frame, searching golf course ponds, lastly they need to go to the furthest distances away from the crime scene and backyard areas doing a plain sight test and a binoculars test to see how visible the house is from the furthest distances possible. After that work yourself back to the crime scene and start crossing people off the list as they need to consider everyone from afar and close as suspects. I'm guessing it was a planned attack and not a crime of passion, bc the average pocket-knife does not have a 6-7+ inch blade. Additionally, they were all stabbed multiple times, if the knife was that big, it only takes one good stab to immobilize anyone if you are aware of the vital points within the human body. Accidentally leaving the back sliding glass door open for the dog isn't too uncommon, it happens all time, we tell ourselves don't forget to close it when you see the dog return back to your room. The Perp may have given the dog a treat and followed one of the girls up to their rooms and started right there and was working themselves down from the 3rd floor to the 2nd and then to the 1st floor. However, they said Xana put up a fight and this could have injured the Perp and during Xana's battle he was afraid of anyone left in the house putting a stop to his overall goal of taking the entire house out or they could have called the police by the suspicious noise, and he wanted to save himself before he got caught. Xana may have saved the other two girls lives by putting up a fight. It is 100% speculation, and still troubling to imagine something of this magnitude taking place to 4 young and amazing individuals. Peace be with their family and friends. My heart goes out to you all
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